fergusonresponse · 7 years
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#AWITChallenge - Nationwide
Black girls are a storm. Roaring tempests from the moment they come into being. Thunderous and bold. Full of dancing, whirling winds and remarkable energy. Sometimes, they are too much for the world and it will ask them to shrink, to quiet their spirits, and put out their light, but Black girls shine anyway. They amaze me. Join Sisters in the Storm, for the "A Wrinkle In Time" Challenge - a fundraiser to purchase full theaters in eight U.S. cities so that we can fill the seats with Black girls and non-boys to experience this important film together.   All proceeds will go directly to purchasing full theaters in the following cities: • Austin, TX • Charlotte, NC • Chicago, IL • Greensboro, NC • Houston, TX • Philadelphia, PA • Plainfield, NJ • Washington, DC In late January, a Black girl named Stormiyah Denson-Jackson passed away in an apparent suicide at the public boarding school she attended. She was twelve years old and already madly in love with math and science — a #RealMeg. But this love she had made her the target of bullying and verbal abuse from her classmates. Devastated by their taunts, she chose to end her life rather than live with the shame they tried to make her feel for being a “nerd” who enjoyed engaging with sciences and mathematics. Seeing ourselves represented as heroes has undeniable power, and feeling our absence in these roles also influences the way that we see ourselves and our Blackness. We want Black girls to see their Blackness as something to be admired, celebrated, and valued, and we want Black girls interested in STEM not to feel that their Blackness is a barrier to their dreams. We want them to know that they should never have to quiet their storm for the comfort of others. They are not too much for the world and the light they carry has the power to lead many out of darkness. For Stormiyah and every #RealMeg in our anti-Black world, we want to give the gift of A Wrinkle in Time to as many Black children as we can, and we will center Black girls and other non-boys in this work. Please join us in the A Wrinkle In Time Challenge as we raise funds to purchase full theaters in eight U.S. cities so that we can fill the seats with Black girls and non-boys to experience this important film together. #AWITChallenge READ THE FULL #AWITChallenge Statement HERE
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
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TODAY - Wed Aug 23 - 5:30 PM EST
African Burial Ground Monument  290 Broadway, New York, NY
Vigil and Rally for Kiwi Herring
According to news and social media reports, a transgender woman by the name of Kiwi Herring was murdered by two police officers in St. Louis, MO on the morning of August 22, 2017. The transgender woman had a dispute with her neighbor that resulted in the police being called to the location. Subsequently, two police officers fired their weapons and killed the transgender woman. Violence against transgender people has been all too common in the United States. Such violence has been perpetrated by President Trump and has now trickled down to trigger happy street police. When the intersectionality of being a transgender woman and a woman of color mix, many transgender women have no choice but to be fearful of their very existence as a human in the US. Through the unjust actions of the St. Louis police, we now have no reason to believe that our lives matter to the very people that have been sworn under oath to protect us as humans. We are demanding that the violence against transgender people and especially transgender women of color come to an immediate end. Our demands extend to holding President Trump accountable to acknowledging and apologizing for fueling the violence against transgender people. Finally, we demand apologies from the St. Louis Police Department and the police officers that murdered Kiwi Herring. We invite our sisters and brothers in the transgender community as well as our allies, politicians, and members of the press to join us for a rally at 5:30 PM today. We will meet outside on the North East corner of 290 Broadway and at 6:00 PM we will walk a half block to the African Burial Ground National Monument where we will hold a short vigil and rally.
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
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Letter writing night for Josh Williams
THU AUG 10 - 4:00 PM to 11:00 PM
MoKaBe’s Coffeehouse 3606 Arsenal St, St. Louis, MO
via John Costello:
I got a letter from Josh today. Here's what he asked me to post: "They got me in the hole so I can't call nobody till I get out but I want to see like 100 pieces of mail come to my door. Just pick a day to all come together and write like crazy and drop them all in the mailbox at once. If anybody got any pics of me please send them I want to see."
In that spirit, I'll be hosting a letter writing night at MoKaBe's a week from today from 4-11pm. I'll provide paper, pens, envelopes, and postage. But I need you ALL to come write. (If you can't make it that night, just write a letter and drop it at MoKaBe's any time so it can be included in the package. Or just send him one anyway- address below).
Josh Williams #1292002 ERDCC, 2727 Highway K Bonne Terre MO 63628
Sending Josh Money: https://www.accesscorrections.com/ (create an account and then use the information above to make sure the money you deposit gets to Josh- choose MO DOC on the scroll-down menu).
Even if you’re not in St. Louis, write Josh a letter or donate online!
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
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Sun Jul 23 - 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Place
#MLKSitIn is An annual national gathering of everyday people in an occupational protest on every single street, highway, park & space named for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in America in July. The date is Sunday July 23, 2017 2pm-6pm with a unified national action at 4pm on MLK street in Louisville, KY. #MLKSitIn is the chance to: • Commit to resisting persecution fueled by White Supremacy • Draw international attention to the systematic execution of Americans and the terrorism inflicted upon us by racist institutions • Celebrate the joy, love, and hope of our future in defiant acts of community and peace • Call everyone around the country to commit themselves in the fight to eradicate racism, sexism, queer/transphobia, xenophobia poverty, injustice, and all violations of civil and human rights and liberties. We hope to see you there.
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
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Sun Jul 23 -1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
125th Street & Lenox Avenue
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
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Sun Jul 23 - 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Sam Houston Park
I call upon all Houstonians to join us in nonviolent confrontation & public witness of a vile emblem of antiblack white supremacy in the heart of Houston's downtown. Sam Houston Park (across from the Central Library downtown) hosts Houston's Heritage Society. It is also the home of a monument "to the Spirit of the Confederacy," a celebration of waging bloody war in the name of white supremacy & greed. The statue's inscription repeats the cruel myth that 'states rights' were the Confederates’ motivation for war, whitewashing that the "right" was to enforce brutal enslavement. These racist lies cannot stand unchallenged, especially on public land. Join us Sunday afternoon for a joyful, defiant statement of the just Houston that can be! #MLKSitInHTX This is a child-friendly event at an accessible location with little existing seating. Everyone who attends should share our goals of: Drawing international attention to the systematic execution of Black Americans and the terrorism inflicted upon them by racist institutions Celebrating the joy, love, and hope of our future in defiant acts of community and peace Commit ourselves in the fight to eradicate racism, sexism, queer/transphobia, xenophobia, poverty, injustice, and all violations of civil and human rights and liberties. #MLKSitIn is a nationwide grassroots event honouring Rev. Dr. King's radical message while tying it to our present struggle for collective liberation and equity. http://www.mlksitin.com/
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
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Sun Jul 23 - 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
3880 Newport Street
Details and information about the National MLK Sit In being held on Martin Luther King Jr Blvd/Drive/Street all over the country on July 23rd.MLKSitIn.com The #MLKSitIn is A national gathering of everyday people in an occupational protest on every single street named for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in America #MLKSitIn is the chance to: Draw international attention to the systematic execution of Black Americans and the terrorism inflicted upon us by racist institutions Celebrate the joy, love, and hope of our future in defiant acts of community and peace Call everyone around the country to commit themselves in the fight to eradicate racism, sexism, queer/transphobia, xenophobia poverty, injustice, and all violations of civil and human rights and liberties. We are a group of DEDICATED organizers taking part in a national act of peaceful resistance, an act of defiant JOY, a sit in on the every street named after the man who gave his life to move us closer to freedom and liberation. We need people from all over the country to join us in making this a momentous occasion.
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
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Sun Jul 23 - 12:00 PM - 4:30 PM
MLK Blvd Near Ella T. Grasso Blvd
What: MLK Sit-In at MLK, Jr. Blvd. in New Haven Where: In grassy area across from the Sherman/Tyler Parking lot near Ella T. Grasso Blvd. in New Haven (signs will be present) When: Sunday, July 23, 12pm-4:30pm Why: The MLK Sit-in is a nationwide event observed on the streets named after Martin Luther King, Jr. to honor this brave civil rights activist and continue the fight against local, national, and international violence, hatred, and oppression against vulnerable communities, especially people of color, gender and sexual minorities, immigrants, and other persecuted groups. Our community recognizes that despite the huge wave of civil rights progress in our nation, we need to reinforce and celebrate our values of love, empathy, and solidarity in spite of our differences. New Haven has recently seen an unfortunate wave of hate-related incidents, and we're here to say that New Haven is an inclusive, creative, and welcoming place to live, work, and thrive. How: The event organizers, local artist Tiffany Johnson and community social worker Alberto Cifuentes, Jr., will be providing a large canvas where attendees can write and/or draw their vision of racial and social justice. Participants will be given the opportunity to make posters and peacefully display them in the area. There will also be racial and social justice organizations tabling, face-painting and artistic activities for children, speakers, performers, and a community reading of an excerpt from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at 4pm nationwide. Schedule: • 12-2pm: Poster-making, art activities, tabling • 2-4pm: Speakers, performers • 4pm: Community Reading of excerpt from “I Have a Dream” speech • 4:15pm: Wrap-up and Call for Action Note: Because this is a free and family-friendly/all ages event, security/police will be present. Any use of violence, profanity, drugs, and/or alcohol will be strictly prohibited. Questions: Please go to our event’s Facebook page, “MLK Sit-in at MLK, Jr Blvd in New Haven,” for periodic updates. You can also contact event organizers Tiffany Johnson at [email protected] and Alberto Cifuentes, Jr., at [email protected] This community celebration of peace, justice, and solidarity will be both a sit-in and celebration of MLK, Jr.'s visionary message and legacy. This is an all ages, family friendly event that will feature speakers and community organizations. This event will be in the grassy area across from the Sherman/Tyler Parking lot near Grasso (signs will be present). More details will be released very soon! This event is part of the National #MLKSitIn Day of Action, a national gathering of everyday people in an occupational protest on every single street named for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in America on Sunday, July 23rd, 2017. Visit this page for updates and more information. For more information about the nationwide movement, please go tohttp://www.mlksitin.com/. #MLKSitIn New Haven is the chance to: • Draw international attention to the systematic execution of Black Americans and the terrorism inflicted upon us by racist institutions. • Celebrate the joy, love, and hope of our future in defiant acts of community and peace. • Call everyone around the country to commit themselves in the fight to eradicate racism, sexism, queer/transphobia, xenophobia poverty, injustice, and all violations of civil and human rights and liberties. We are a group of dedicated organizers taking part in a national act of peaceful RESISTANCE, an act of defiant JOY. This sit-in is on a street named after the man who gave his life to move us closer to freedom and liberation. Join us on MLK, Jr. Blvd. in New Haven on July 23rd for this historic nationwide day of solidarity!
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
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Sun Jul 23 - 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Philadelphia Museum of Art
The 2nd annual MLK Sit In is taking place around the country and we invite you to participate in the event in solidarity. Please check out MLKSitIn.com to see how the event came to be and why we choose to honor Dr. King's radical legacy and the efforts of freedom fighters past and present. Details for this year: Meeting Time: 11am Meeting Location: Art Museum "Rocky" steps (meeting) then progress to MLK Drive (adjacent to the museum) Attire: We ask attendees to wear white for peace What to bring: This is a "family" gathering, so we ask everyone to bring one of the following--water, juice, fruit, pastries, small food items to share, candy for kids, chips, cups, ice, yogurt etc. Please bring enough for 5-10people. We also ask, if you feel so inclined, to bring flowers to toss into river to honor ancestors or, if you're a person of faith, something emblematic of your faith and spirituality. We will have a limited amount on hand. Our purpose: Gather in a space of joy to honor Dr King's radical legacy and honor Freedom Fighters from Philadelphia. We ask that you be on time and respect other people's commitment to this space. Order of Events: Begin silent march at 11:15 (we will walk a few hundred feet along Dr. King Blvd in silene to honor the lives of people lost to state violence and those currently incarcerated as political prisoners) Pour libations into river at 11:30. Call names of ancestors and freedom fighters. Recite Dr Kings speech in unison at 11:45 Remarks: 11:55--If you have any words to share, any poetry, a musical dedication, anything to recite, we welcome you to participate at this time. Move to park space across from art museum by statues to eat and drink and celebrate 12:15-12:30pm or so Children are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Friends and family in the city are also welcomed.
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
Hopscotch Design Festival
A two-day event exploring the future of creativity, design, and leadership. Join designers, storytellers, makers, and doers who are leading what's next right now.
For more information visit http://hopscotchdesignfest.com/lineup/
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
BlogHer 2017 Voice of the Year for Impact
One of our favorite days of the year is here and we couldn't be more excited! We are thrilled to unveil the #BlogHer17 Voices of the Year honorees.  For ten years, Voices of the Year (or #VOTY as we lovingly refer to it) has been the heart and soul of the #BlogHer conference.  The brilliant work created by you - our community - overwhelms us with its beauty, laughter, and impact on the world outside the internet.  You shared your stories, pictures, and videos about life in this rapidly changing world we live in, and we heard you.  Loud and clear.
Every one of the pieces submitted was reviewed by at least two judges and up to six. Judges were recruited from former Voices of the Year recipients and SheKnows Media staff. We thank all our judges for their hard work!
We are so excited to honor these outstanding creators who have pushed us to think more, feel more, share more, laugh more, and do more at the #BlogHer17 Community Keynote on Friday, June 23rd, at 4:30 p.m. ET with Janet Mock as our fabulous emcee. 
Get ready to click your heart out, and join us in congratulating this year’s Voices of the Year!
To register visit: http://www.blogher.com/blogher17
In addition, the following honorees will present their honored work from the stage as part of the #BlogHer17 Voices of the Year community keynote:
Leslie Mac & Marissa Jenae Johnson
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
TC Sessions: Justice
Mobilizing White People in the Fight for Racial Justice
TechCrunch Sessions: Justice is a single-day event that brings together engineers, investors, educators, and activists with the mission to engage the startup community around the responsibilities to promote justice and equality in today’s business world and society at large.
All participants will have the opportunity to explore:
Tech’s role in civic and social activism
The criminal justice system
STEM education
Diversity and inclusion, and more
Visit https://techcrunch.com/event-info/sessions-justice/ for more information.
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
LadyFest GR 2017
Join us next Saturday, May 20 for a day of learning and building for women. This event will be a part of a "two-part" LadyFest 2017 event series that seeks to educate, empower and mobilize women and girls to take action around the various issues affecting our communities. 
This event features Safety Pin Box creator Leslie Mac and the sessions below: • On the Margins of Allyship: Race, Gender and Justice • Navigating Politics, Policy and Activism in the Trump Era • Facing the Intersection: On Women and Creating a Movement that honors the identities that define us • Women, Healthcare and the Demanding Justice for Our Bodies
Proceeds raised from LadyFest 2017 will support Girls Rock Camp. FREE TO ATTEND
For more information visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/770653729756701/
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
So You Want To Be An Ally - A Safety Pin Box Workshop
Join Safety Pin Box Co-Founder Leslie Mac for a workshop digging into what defines allyship in this unique time of Resistance. This session will feature personal reflections from Leslie’s work around the country, critical best practices for creating authentic accountability with marginalized communities, hands on breakout group work and a 4-week Safety Pin Box task to take home. Lunch is included. Tickets are $45 - purchase http://prfc-gr.org/event/so-you-want-to-be-an-ally-a-safety-pin-box-workshop/
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
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Beyond the Moment: April 4th Day of Political Education & Action
Find events near you at beyondthemoment.org/april-4
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fergusonresponse · 7 years
Whose Faith Is It Anyway: Confronting White Supremacy in Faith Communities
RSVP: http://bit.ly/RSVPBLUUWhoseFaith
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