feroxsilvester · 1 year
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@modestmuses said: Has Jack ever quit a job? If so, why?
//i have like so many of these asks sitting in all my inboxes but i'm answering this one right now immediately.
anyway. first, the joke answer: you know he hasn't. this boy's had one job his whole life and he's gonna have it till he dies (and after).
more serious answer: he hasn't! even in this au, the only job jack has ever worked on an official basis is as a clerk at the gas station. he's never quit and has no plans to, because he doesn't really have an idea of what else he *would* do.
whiiich i'm gonna use to segue into another topic, which is why he still hangs around the gas station in this au! mans got murdered and still came to work the next day. i have a lot of thoughts for why that would be, but yeah i'll be honest that i'm not sure how to word them right now. the simplest answer, though, is that jack in this au feels permanently tethered to the gas station, in a way that even death (temporary or not) can't change.
the gas station is pretty much his territory. and the owners of the gas station aren't gonna look a gift horse in the mouth on this one--their favorite employee is back from the dead and more than happy to keep working, so like. they're gonna just let him do that.
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feroxsilvester · 1 year
*rising up from loosely packed grave soil* who the fuck buried me. This is atrocious. Do a better job next time
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
//swear to god 'm gonna answer asks soon i'm just uhhhhhh [runs away instead of finishing my sentence]
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
ASK PROMPTS ABOUT THE PAST & REGRET *  requested by tatsunotsurugi
yesterday is gone.
you have to let go.
i never look back. it distracts from the now.
i just don't see why the past has to matter.
it's pointless to dwell on it, you know.
i don't know who you used to be.
memories are dangerous things.
the past is never where you think you left it.
i wish i could go back.
we all do things we desperately wish we could undo.
my past does not define me.
we can never go back again.
we were so intimate once upon a time i can't believe it now.
if we had met years ago, would you still have liked me?
scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.
the past beats inside me like a second heart.
looking back you do not find what you left behind.
no one saves us but ourselves.
no trouble ever got fixed late at night. midnight is for regrets.
i wish i knew you back then.
what's past is prologue.
i want everything back the way it was.
put your energy into today.
my scars remind me that i did, indeed, survive my deepest wounds.
that was... the dumbest thing i've ever done.
no one is rich enough to buy back his past.
are you still thinking about what happened?
there has to be something we can do to change it.
it's being here now that's important.
there's so much i wish i could change about what happened.
i'm a product of my past, but i don't have to be a prisoner of it.
my past is everything i failed to be.
i regret knowing you.
what's done is done.
it might have been.
you are the only person i'd like to say goodbye to when i die.
it made you stronger. i hope you know that.
i am worthy of a future.
me and you, we got more yesterday than anybody.
memory is a mirror that scandalously lies.
take it from me. if you hear the past speaking to you, feel it tugging up your back and running its fingers up your spine... the best thing to do, the only thing... is run.
if only. those must be the two saddest words in the world.
the past can't hurt you anymore, not unless you let it.
my yesterdays walk with me.
i loved you so much once.
i like who you are now.
i wish you'd just let go.
there's no future for me.
what do you regret most?
do you ever miss it?
there are so many things that i want so badly to tell you, but i just can't.
the past no longer holds you captive.
maybe in another life.
i hope you never have to think about anything as much as i think about you.
i never should have done that.
i'm trying to forget you. it's not easy.
you're just another story i can't tell anymore.
how many regrets do you have?
those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
you can learn from it... but you can't change it.
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
“They deserve each other, and that’s not a compliment” is an underrated ship dynamic tbh
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
The mention of Silco smoking weed catches Jack's attention, and he grins viciously in sheer, unadulterated delight. It's not all that surprising based on what he knows about the older man's younger ears, now that he thinks about it. Still, though, it's an exciting new tidbit. He leans a hip against Silco's desk, toothy smirk firmly in place.
"Oh, I've smoked," he says casually. "Not much, though. Jerry and I used to light up sometimes, but it wasn't really my thing." Even before his death, Jack wasn't fond of the sensation of breathing in smoke, and he didn't even have a particularly satisfying high. He's never been unsatisfied sucking cock, though.
Jack turns, resting his hands on the desk as he leans forward. "But, well, I don't think I've heard you complaining about me being a distraction." His smirk turns sharper, then. "Guess that means you're right, though--I haven't exactly been subtle." He isn't subtle about anything nowadays, least of all when it comes to Silco.
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〝 @feroxsilvester ⟶ ❛ "i’d rather suck cock than smoke weed, and i’ve done both." //it's peak mental illness hours, so <3 throwing the undead twink at Silco ❜
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“Mm, so have I,” Silco replies. Not very many people know that about him, that when he was younger, he was prone to lighting up. It has been some years since he last indulged, but the point is that he has still done it, quite a lot of it, despite what people might expect, looking at him now. He doesn’t even think that Jack knows, simply because it hasn’t come up in conversation. But now that it has, Silco doesn’t see any reason to hide it from him and even follows it up with a subtle smile.
“I’d have to say that I don’t find one to be too terribly worse than the other, but if you made me choose, I would agree with you and go with the former.” He has certainly had a cock in his mouth more recently than his last joint, Singed’s in particular, seeing as the two of them fooled around pretty regularly before he met Jack.
“I already knew that about you, though.” His smile widens, showing teeth now. “After all, I don’t think I’ve seen you partake, whereas I can’t seem to keep you out from under my desk. You are quite the distraction.”
〔 gta v 〕 〢 accepting .
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
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SCREAM 1996 | dir. Wes Craven
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
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@triggerbigger said: What is Jack's least favorite weather?
//oh this is an interesting question!
so in a headcanon post a while ago, i think i talked about how jack generally prefers clear, warm, sunny days over rainy ones. and i think that definitely still stands in the feral 'verse! most of the time, he prefers warmer weather.
in terms of weather he doesn't like, i think he REALLY hates snow. for a wide variety of reasons, the biggest one being that feral jack's chronic pain is significantly worse than regular jack's and cold weather tends to make the pain worse. he probably feels similarly about rain, but snow is a much bigger offender on that front.
thankfully, snow is a rare occurrence where jack lives, but in general he dislikes any colder weather.
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
nothing more homoerotic than two unstable gays trying to kill each other, it’s called love sorry you’ve never felt it
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
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@modestmuses said: Viktor: ❝ don’t put any more evidence in your mouth. you got it? ❞
(Detroit: Become Human starters - open!)
“Why not?” Jack asks, tilting his head as he shoots Viktor a wide, toothy grin. "Isn't that part of the whole science thing? Testing your hypothesis? I was testing them. With my mouth." He can tell the other is exasperated with his poking around, but in Jack's defense, he's bored.
And when he's bored, he becomes significantly more annoying than usual.
Clasping his hands behind his back, Jack peers at the materials in front of Viktor, curiosity plain on his face. He's tempted to put something else in his mouth, but he ultimately refrains, even though he's sure it'd be funny. Instead, he glances at Viktor.
"What is all of this anyway?" he says, gesturing vaguely to Viktor's workspace. "It looks complicated." None of it looks familiar to him in the slightest, but it does look interesting. That's half the reason Jack had started putting random shit in his mouth in the first place--he was interested and wanted to see what would happen.
Well, that and he knew it would get a reaction out of Viktor.
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
Everyone knows cute girls tear meat apart with their teeth
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
Any blood-thristy monster:
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
god you're so fucked up lets make out
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
most popular girls in school taken from the tv show.
i said where, not when, you idiot.
what, did you suddenly adopt the vocabulary of bob the builder?
i’m sorry, doc, but i don’t live in a goddamn mentos commercial.
do you guys ever talk about anything other than, like, revenge?
we should probably go eat an entire meal and reorganize.
i’m coping. i’m celebrating. i’m copebrating. i’m celebroting.
oh my g.
we’re kind of in the middle of something right now, so if you could, you know, not.
god, i want to fucking murder you.
oh, you are a calm breeze in my fuckstorm of a life that i’m living.
are you gonna try to nickname yourself again?
note to self: corn dogs and mountain dew do not mix.
you look like a tampon that was dipped in skittles and vomit.
psst. psst. psst.
i want to poop here. whenever i want for as long as i want.
welcome to the new reality.
stop trying to force your full house references on us.
but the “me” i want to be likes to curse.
i don’t really think that this is the kind of thing that anybody should be laughing at.
you were supposed to be watching the door.
someone threw a rock at me today.
why do you say “how do you say” before words you clearly know how to say?
om, nom, nom, nom. i’m hungry for lunch.
TMI but thanks.
whoa, i think i’m going to pass out.
well, well, well, sounds like there’s discord on cheer mountain.
i’m recording it on the DVR so that i can fast forward through commercials.
i didn’t believe that for a goddamn second.
you have the worst timing ever. we’re kind of dealing with a situation here.
jesus christ, is that a fucking gremlin?
i’m not saying anything. i’m just saying.
the answer to a question i never asked.
now where the hell is my nonfat skinny caramel hazelnut jamocha cappuccino?
the ghost of christmas past wouldn’t sell me anything.
it means whatever the fuck you want it to mean.
by a nap, do you mean ambien and a box of wine?
you cursed me out in the bathroom earlier today.
i think i know how to mix ex-lax into a fucking drink, okay?
well, i don’t want to be rude, but that story was very long and much more involved than i originally thought it would be, and i’ve had to poop through most of it.
just give me one second. annnd it’s on twitter.
i’m sorry, but why the fuck is everybody yelling over here?
no, write-in, like with a pen.
don’t erase my DVR.
so much technical jargon, jesus louisus!
that’s a nightmare. a nightmare i call my life.
and it can’t be me because i’m halfway through shark week.
what the fuck is wrong with you?! throwing hacky-sacks all around willy-nilly like this was the goddamned x-games.
don’t worry. i’ve got this.
oh, jesus christ, you’re a fucking trainwreck.
my ears will never be clean.
i’m trying to keep my stress levels down. i’ll explain later, but just know that i agree with pretty much everything you said.
i guess the only part of your plan that didn’t work was the whole goddamn thing!
don’t ever fucking cut me off again, do you understand me?
but if you put too much, then it won’t mix with the liquid and it’ll just sit on top like semen on root beer.
and that’s why i always say, “trust a decepticon and you’ll get burned”.
you think you can maintain consciousness for the next five minutes?
“not the best idea”? it’s a fucking ridiculous piece of shit of an idea!
i know you got your own issues, but we’ve literally spent the last three weeks talking exclusively about that.
hit the bricks, bitch.
we’ll make you an admin on our facebook page, include you on the google docs and start cc’ing you on all emails.
oh my god, i feel like it’s staring right at me. it’s like the eye of sauron.
never mind. posted, tagged, your life is ruined.
i wanted to play angry birds, not read wuthering fucking heights.
oh my, somebody’s gonna be walking very funny tomorrow morning.
is chiffon a material or a person? or both?
i’m in the matrix.
oh, well that sounds like a perfectly rational decision.
son of a – son of a gun, son of a freaking gun.
i’m glad this is gonna be a fair fight. like rocky and apollo creed.
i think you meant to say fudging poop-show.
do you think anyone will notice i’m bald?
you’re right. because a fly is an innocent creature that never knowingly did anything to anybody. you, however, i would maim.
how about i come back there and kick your ass?
if i didn’t have splash mountain coming out of my ass, i swear i’d rip your fucking head off.
you look up “bitch” in the dictionary and you’re gonna see my fucking face!
i just threw up in my mouth. please stop talking to me, and walk away.
you want me to say no, right?
because i’ve seen every single robocop, and i know how to take you out.
the only true happiness comes in death.
but in exchange for that, you have to watch a whole episode of glee with me.
it was barely a joke. it was just an insult with no laugh line.
i’m here to tell you two things. you’re famous and you’re welcome.
wait, why did you just answer a question that you just asked?
i ate the last bag of gushers while you were taking your afternoon bath, you dirt ball.
ew, it has a bloodstain on it.
that just made me think of something to put on my vision board! i’ll be right back.
this is pizza street, not a toddler’s kitchen.
i’m sorry, but someone like you wouldn’t really understand what i’m going through right now.
what the fuck is the wi-fi password?
i had to leave. i had to reinvent myself.
you have my full and complete attention.
wait, so is hipster a technical term for people who get dressed in the dark?
less talk, talk. more make, make.
what the fuck do i have to be stressed about? 
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
Jack is right in assuming that Silco will not be satisfied with that explanation.  In fact, he doesn’t seem to be pleased to see the man at all, stern expression set hard on his face, in stark contrast to Jack’s gleeful, carefree one.  Despite being a killer himself when the situation calls for it, he cannot say that he is thrilled about the approach that Jack has taken to violence in more recent times.  Silco had told him that he needs to stand up for himself and make sure that he is able to kill people before they end up killing him, but his reactions lately have seemed… disproportionate, and it is something that Silco cannot get behind.
While Silco is a killer, yes, and has no qualms with murdering those who stand in his way, he also tries to be a diplomat most of the time.  His default is more towards manipulation to get his way, and then he will act violently when the manipulation doesn’t work, or when something grievous happens, like a betrayal of some kind.  To kill someone just because they seem like a ‘creep’ and are ‘stalking’ around some area you would rather them not be… he isn’t sure how he feels about it.  He is glad that Jack was able to stand up for himself once things escalated, but…
“You seem awfully pleased with yourself,” Silco sneers, with no intention of pretending like he approves of Jack picking random fights.  He really doesn’t need the protection, and if violently killing people who posed no threat to him in the first place is the other man’s idea of protecting him, then Silco wishes that he wouldn’t bother at all.
His expression only softens for the briefest of moments when Jack doubles over in pain before it goes right back to how it was, and he pushes the door open a little wider, stepping away from it so that Jack can follow him inside.  “You can borrow some clothes, yes,” he says, clipped, “after we get you bandaged up.”  Despite the severity of his tone, he does care about Jack and doesn’t want to see him in pain.  The wounds might heal well enough on their own, but there should be no problem with helping them along.
He turns and leads Jack down the hall to the nearest bathroom where a first aid kit and gauze are waiting for them.  “After we get your bleeding taken care of, I want Singed to have a look at you, too.”  He knows that Jack will protest to that, so Silco turns a savage glare on him, one eye burning, the other ice cold.  “And you better not dare argue with me about it.”
Jack’s toothy grin falters in the face of Silco’s obvious disapproval, and for one brief moment, he looks and feels as unsure of himself as he often had in the past, before... well, before he became whatever he is now. Really, he’s not that surprised that Silco isn’t pleased, as he knows the older man isn’t senselessly violent, that more often than not he tries to find diplomatic solutions to the conflicts he face. Of the two, Jack is the one who defaults to violence as of late, something he’d forgotten in the excitement of the brutality he’d just dealt out.
Still, it doesn’t feel good that the man he loves is upset with him, and for that brief moment, he breaks eye contact and looks down. The moment passes quickly, though, and while Jack’s smile doesn’t quite return, a stubborn frown crosses his face instead as he looks up to meet Silco’s eyes again.
“I am,” he says obstinately. “If I hadn’t tried to get him to leave, who knows what the fuck he would’ve done? He’s the one who attacked me instead of fucking off like I told him to.” It’s not much better, and a small part of him knows that very well. He doesn’t want to fight with Silco, but he also doesn’t want to just take this disapproval lying down, like he might have once upon a time.
Lately, Jack isn’t good at manipulation and diplomacy like Silco is, so his attempts to get his way usually come down to threats, which he has no problem following through on if he feels the situation calls for it. Which is what happened tonight--he’d tried to threaten the guy into leaving, and a fight broke out. And Jack can’t deny that he didn’t enjoy that turn of events, so he supposes that Silco does have a point.
Part of Jack considers just turning and leaving, stubbornly deciding that if Silco doesn’t want to see him, then fine, he’ll just fucking go. But that wouldn’t make anything better, and in fact would probably make things much, much worse. If Silco is already unhappy with him, then he doesn’t want to make everything worse. Besides, Jack loves Silco and wants to see him, even if Silco isn’t particularly happy with him right now.
He misses the way Silco’s expression softens for the briefest moment, but he does visibly relax, ever so slightly, when Silco at least agrees to let him borrow some clothes. His tone is still harsh, still displeased, but at least he isn’t so mad that he’d just throw Jack out. Not that Jack thinks Silco would do such a thing, but it’s a relief nonetheless. Silco saying that he’s going to bandage Jack up is even more of a reassurance, though he’s sure it wouldn’t be a good idea to say as much right now.
“Thank you,” he says instead, bony shoulders hunching as he shoves his hands into his pockets and follows Silco inside. Though the blood staining his skin and clothes has mostly dried by this point, he still makes an effort to avoid leaving traces of it on the floor. He doesn’t think Silco would hold that against him necessarily, but he’s feeling a little anxious in a way he hasn’t in a long time and he’s trying to regain control of himself.
As Silco expects, when he mentions Singed, Jack frowns and immediately goes to protest. However, before he can get the words out, Silco shoots him a sharp glare and the words die in his throat. For a few seconds, Jack stares at Silco, then he nods hesitantly. He doesn’t think it’s necessary at all, knowing that the wounds will be nearly gone by tomorrow morning, but he knows better than to push this further.
By the time the two reach the bathroom, Jack feels a nervous fluttering in his still heart that has him fidgeting uneasily. Sure, Jack knows Silco wouldn’t hurt him, but the tension is getting with him, and he doesn’t want Silco to be upset with him. He doesn’t know what to do here, other than listen to his lover.
After a long beat of silence, Jack tries to speak up, glancing back over at Silco as he does. “I...” He trails off, feeling unsure of himself and hating everything about it. A little sigh escapes him, more a sharp exhale than anything. Part of him wants to apologize, but he’s not sorry for doing what he thought he had to do to protect the gas station. And he knows that a false apology would only make things worse.
So, instead, Jack just shrugs off his tattered, bloody jacket, leaving him in just the stained remains of his work shirt, so Silco can at least have easier access to his injuries.
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feroxsilvester · 2 years
detroit: become human starters! trigger warnings: death, blood, trauma, gun violence
❝ i don’t know what to do anymore. ❞
❝ no matter what i decide, i know there will be blood. ❞
❝ i’m trying to find answers, but everything around me just keeps falling apart. ❞
❝ humans hate us. ❞
❝ what do you really want? ❞
❝ you’re just a fucking machine! ❞
❝ why did you have to wake up when all you had to do was obey? ❞
❝ what do you mean, you want? ❞
❝ what i want is not important. ❞
❝ i want you to leave her alone. ❞
❝ don’t you dare fucking move. ❞
❝ obey! that’s an order. ❞
❝ i can’t do that. ❞
❝ do yourself a favor and stay out of my way. ❞
❝ sometimes i think you have more humanity than most humans. ❞
❝ no, please, i don’t wanna leave you. i can’t. please, i don’t wanna leave you. ❞
❝ you look human. you sound human. but what are you, really? ❞
❝ you don’t feel emotions. you fake them. ❞
❝ i told you not to move! why do you never do what i say?! ❞
❝ i know what i am, and what i am not. ❞
❝ moment of truth. what’re you gonna do? ❞
❝ are you hurt? ❞
❝ i’m okay. ❞
❝ i need her. and she needs me. ❞
❝ why couldn’t we just be happy? ❞
❝ are you afraid to die? ❞
❝ i was scared. ❞
❝ why didn’t you shoot? ❞
❝ i would’ve shot them if i could. ❞
❝ i was just a machine. taking orders. ❞
❝ why are you so determined to kill yourself? ❞
❝ i thought you were dead. ❞
❝ you can’t kill me. i’m not alive. ❞
❝ i wanted to live. ❞
❝ who i was doesn’t really matter anymore. ❞
❝ one day i realized it wasn’t fair. ❞
❝ i’m faster than you and i don’t feel pain. you stand no chance against me. ❞
❝ i’ve learned a lot since i met you. ❞
❝ you said you used to come here a lot before… before what? ❞
❝ i know what i should’ve done, i told you i couldn’t! ❞
❝ maybe you did the right thing. ❞
**light-hearted section!**
❝ hey. bring me a coffee, dipshit. ❞
❝ this is not gonna look good on my expense account… ❞
❝ don’t put any more evidence in your mouth. you got it? ❞
❝ sounds like a good day to stay in bed. ❞
❝ your meal contains 1.4 times the recommended daily intake of calories, and twice the cholesterol level. you shouldn’t eat that. ❞
❝ —sorry about the window. ❞
❝ my humblest apologies, i promise i’ll never shoot you again. ❞
❝ i’m certainly going to miss our bromance. ❞
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