ferrarienergy · 4 years
CEO of Ferrari Energy Adam Ferrari Discusses the Strategic Approach to Oil and Gas Exploration
Originally published on www.digitaljournal.com
Adam Ferrari of Ferrari Energy describes the strategic approach to oil and gas exploration to help businesses optimize their likelihood of success.
The oil and gas industry has experienced a systemic shift over the last several years as companies have faced considerable periods of volatility and sharp price declines. To survive, companies need to learn how to develop a strategic plan to respond to the environment’s ever-changing conditions.
Adam Ferrari of Ferrari Energy
- an expert in mineral acquisition - believes that the future of oil and gas exploration will be determined by the strategic approaches companies take during these pivotal times.
One of the first steps before creating a strategy is identifying what stage of the life cycle the respective company is in. Is the business at the beginning of the process in selecting basins to access or playtesting in exploration? Depending on which stage a company is in will determine what steps are necessary to implement a strategy for existing business conditions.
Many forces impact the industry ranging from technical advances, the economy, and current/upcoming political policies. Events such as an economic recession, presidential election, or shortage/surplus of oil can dramatically impact a company from production to sales.
As part of a strategic approach, companies must consider all of these factors and take note of business opportunities such as identifying new basin or drilling opportunities and conducting play assessments. All of these factors should be evaluated together and ranked based on different risk categories. From a comprehensive ranking and analysis, companies can better determine and plan for succession based upon existing risk factors in the current environment and how to best adapt.
Recent studies have shown four common themes for exploration paths an oil and gas company can take when planning for exploration strategies. The first of these themes is high-impact deepwater exploration. This strategy has typically resulted in large discoveries and higher success; however, the associated costs are exponential. The next theme is high-impact onshore and shelf exploration. This approach allows companies to yield low exploration costs and development costs. Another method is near-field conventional exploration. Lastly, there is also an unconventional exploration.
Ultimately, each of these exploration strategies will come down to what resources a company has, the current economic climate, and the initial capital outlay a company wishes to undertake. Some strategies offer high-risk high-reward, while other methods are more of a lower cost, conservative approach. Each of these strategies may also be deployed at different points in the business life cycle. Whether a company is in early exploitation, main exploitation, or maturity stages, the type of exploration activities required will also play an essential factor.
About Adam Ferrari
Adam Ferrari is the founder of the mineral acquisitions company Ferrari Energy. He is a chemical engineer by degree and is an accomplished petroleum engineer by profession. He also has experience in the financial sector through his work at an investment banking firm. Under his leadership, his company supported organizations including: St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Freedom Service Dogs, Denver Rescue Mission, Coats for Colorado, and Next Steps of Chicago.
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ferrarienergy · 4 years
Adam Ferrari, CEO of Ferrari Energy, Discusses Creating Valuable and Mutually Trusting Partnerships in Business
Originally published on entrepreneursbreak.com
One of the most effective strategies for growing any business is creating strategically valuable and advantageous partnerships. These relationships can be the lifeblood in propelling your business’s growth and provide countless opportunities to expand your enterprise. A long-lasting collaboration must create continuous value and advantages for all parties. How do you create a partnership of this nature? Here, Adam Ferrari – a founder and CEO of Ferrari Energy, provides tips and solutions to apply as you connect with other professionals.
A Win-Win Paradigm
Successful business people are, by their very nature, competitive. A competitive spirit is a crucial element of success. So, creating partnerships with other companies can seem counterintuitive for many executives.
The challenge is to recognize that a win-win arrangement is not the same as compromising your competitive edge, at least not if it’s done correctly. Instead, a well-constructed partnership is a tool designed to improve your position against your competitors.
Both parties in a business partnership must be willing to look out for the other’s best interest. This can be difficult at times and requires the discipline to keep the “long-term game” in mind. Grasping for short-term benefits at the expense of your partner will damage and weaken the relationship just as if you perceive them doing the same, your confidence will be shaken.
Non-competing Goals
The two most critical characteristics to consider when contemplating a potential business partner relationship are complementary goals and trustworthiness.
Whether you are considering a person or a company for a business partner relationship, your priority is to understand their goals. You are looking for a relationship that will complement your goals but are not identical. A company or person with plans too closely related to your own will, at some point, pose a threat and is not the right candidate for a long-term partnership.
As an example, if your goal is to build the best civil engineering surveyor business in your geographical location, you’ll not likely find a valuable partner in other companies with that same goal. However, you will find opportunities with companies that sell surveying equipment or provide excavation services but not surveying. You might also find a valuable partner in a company similar to yours but located across the country.
Look for companies that don’t do what you do precisely but are dependent on companies like yours, such as vendors, suppliers, or downstream services.
For any partnership to work, both parties must develop a trusting relationship with each other. You will have to consider what is best for your partners, and you need to know that they are protecting your interests similarly.
A reliable trust usually occurs after the relationship has matured to some extent. To increase the likelihood that trust will develop, be sure to spend time getting to know any potential partners thoroughly. Look into their history, their credit, and debt position. They will understand and will want to do the same for you.
About Adam Ferrari
Adam Ferrari is an accomplished petroleum engineer and is the founder of a private oil and gas company, Ferrari Energy. Throughout various roles in the oil and gas industry, Adam was inspired to learn more about property rights and the inner workings of petroleum exploration and extraction. After gaining expertise in the energy sector, Adam obtained knowledge of the financial industry through his time at an investment banking firm. He then pivoted to bootstrapping his own business from the ground up as he blended his energy and finance knowledge.
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ferrarienergy · 4 years
Adam Ferrari, CEO of Ferrari Energy, Discusses Managing a Team in a Remote Workplace and Responding to Issues Effectively
Originally published on infotechinc.net
The coronavirus outbreak has forced businesses to embrace the digital age through remote work. Unfortunately for managers and superiors, less contact can be a challenge, and adjusting to new proactive managing tactics can require more energy than they would like to expend.
Adam Ferrari, a petroleum engineer and entrepreneur, earned his degree as a chemical engineer, graduating magna cum laude. After working in both the engineering and finance sectors, he decided to establish his own mineral acquisition company, Ferrari Energy, in Denver, Colorado. To manage effectively in a remote workplace, CEO Adam Ferrari says that business leaders should anticipate their manager’s needs and implement a strategy for a well-organized response. He goes into further detail on tips to help:
Review Common Remote Work Challenges
To gauge what supervisors need when it comes to figuring out the most effective guidelines for managing remote workers, the first move for any business owner should be to research and review common challenges of working remotely. The coronavirus has forced all businesses to revert to working from home, so you can likely learn from other’s mistakes.
Identify Expectations and State Them Clearly
Every business has its own set of processes that allow the company to flow and function. With each process comes a list of expectations, and every company (especially those transitioning to remote working) should identify their expectations and clearly state them.
Set Communication Strategy
When managers are working remotely and no longer have easy access to their team, it is crucial to implement alternate communication strategies such as Slack or Zoom. Have managers engage with the employees they supervise as often as possible while avoiding unhealthy micromanaging habits.
Practice Full Transparency
Clear communication comes with full transparency from all levels of a company. Just as employees’ expectations should be clearly stated, all business exchanges should be subject to the same expectation. Commit to embracing an open door policy. This means encouraging questions, providing supportive answers, and being open about issues or bumps in the road. This will lead to sustainable and effective team productivity.
Continue to Build Employee Relationships Remotely
While it might be a more straightforward task to develop a relationship face-to-face, managers should continue to build solid relationships no matter where the employee is working. A remote worker’s relationship with management has a similar feel to that of a long-distance relationship and will require the use of technology to stay connected and engaged. It might require more commitment and time, but it will pay off in the long run if both parties are committed to making it work.
Set Aside Time for One-on-One Evaluation
A great way to develop remote employee-manager relationships is to set aside time for both parties to engage in one-on-one evaluations. This allows management to evaluate employees’ work habits, efforts, strengths, and weaknesses and provides employees the opportunity to communicate what works best for them. One-on-one evaluations can be done quarterly, monthly, or even weekly.
About Adam Ferrari
Adam Ferrari is an accomplished petroleum engineer and founder of Denver-based mineral acquisitions company, Ferrari Energy. After working in both oil and gas as well as finance, CEO and entrepreneur, Adam Ferrari decided to bootstrap his own business. Since the inception of Ferrari Energy, Adam Ferrari has established himself as an expert in mineral rights and acquisition and has used his success to give back to his community. Aside from his work as a CEO, Adam is a philanthropist who routinely donates to a multitude of non-profit organizations such as Freedom Service Dogs, the Denver Rescue Mission, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Coats for Colorado, and Next Steps of Chicago.
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ferrarienergy · 4 years
Adam Ferrari, CEO of Ferrari Energy, Shares 4 Ways Brands Can Succeed in a Crisis
Originally published on goodnewsnetwork.com
The year 2020 started as a year filled with innovative business goals but turned sour for many companies as the coronavirus hit society and its markets hard. Unpredictable crises can quickly crush a company and its brand. During these times, a business leader has to think critically and creatively for the survival of his or her career and organization's reputation. Adam Ferrari founded his own company, Ferrari Energy, to educate landowners on how to manage their acreage best. As a chemical engineer by degree and a petroleum engineer by profession, Ferrari had to learn how to build a brand as a newfound entrepreneur. He continued to develop his business leadership skills by keeping a successful brand while facing COVID-19. From his experience, Ferrari shares four questions business leaders should ask themselves during a crisis to help save their brand.
Question #1: When the market is down, and no one is buying, is profit or brand reputation more critical-:
When stocks are in decline, and a crisis is prevalent in society, consumers are more likely to be on the market for free help rather than in search of purchasing products or services. With that in mind, during difficult times, brand reputation should be a priority over company profit. Customers will return to the businesses with whom they felt physical or emotional aid and support from during times of need.
Question #2: What are my current customer's needs that I can serve at this time-:
You can build your brand's reputation by identifying your target audience's newfound needs. For example, a significant consumer need that blossomed from the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak was face masks. Clothing companies such as Citizens of Humanity and Off-White pivoted their focus from spring and summer fashion to providing face masks and meeting the high demand.
Question #3: What are my company's central values-:
The values that started and formed your company are what you want to base your actions from when engaging your brand with consumers. Reviewing the initial mission your company follows will help in deciding where to serve your customers best during uncertain times. Due to the stay-at-home order issued during the virus' spread, many fitness companies served clients by providing a series of free at-home workouts when going to the gym was temporarily no longer an option.
Question #4: What innovative opportunities can I find-:
Lack of innovation at any point in an organization's timeline can lead a brand to extinction. That is why seeking new ideas is a must for business owners, whether a crisis is at large or not. Optimism is a leadership quality that company leaders should practice to assist in finding the positive from the negative, or treasure from trash. Though the pandemic is a devastating time for many, some companies have been able to continually thrive by integrating into markets with a call to answer.
About Adam Ferrari-:
Adam Ferrari was educated as a chemical engineer, graduating magna cum laude. He worked in several companies, where he gained experience in both energy and finance before he eventually decided to establish his own mineral acquisition company, Ferrari Energy, in Denver, CO. In efforts to give back to the community, he supports organizations including St. Jude Children's Hospital, Freedom Service Dogs, Denver Rescue Mission, Coats for Colorado, and Next Steps of Chicago.
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ferrarienergy · 4 years
Ferrari Energy Founder, Adam Ferrari Offers Seven Tips That Will Help Anyone Who Struggles with Perfectionism
Originally published on healthsourcemag.com
Some of the most innovative business ideas never make it past a brainstorming session due to a destructive, irrational, manipulative mindset called perfectionism. No human is perfect, but those who suffer from perfectionism find themselves striving for the impossible. Individuals who struggle to complete assignments, fall victim to anxiety, or suffer from low self-esteem often come up short due to perfectionism.
Adam Ferrari became recognized as both an engineer and an impactful leader and businessman after deciding to launch his startup company, Ferrari Energy. He accomplished his company’s market introduction and growth without any outside help, a feat he remains proud of to this day. As once a perfectionist himself, Ferrari is familiar with the mental hurdles that perfectionism can build. Below, the successful entrepreneur gives seven practical tips for breaking free from perfectionism.
Tip #1: Get to know your why
Learning how to resist perfectionism can be an exhausting mental challenge. By breaking down the reasons why you feel the need to be perfect in everything you do, you allow yourself to simplify your journey toward restoring faith in yourself and your abilities.
Tip #2: Set realistic goals
Being perfect is already an unattainable goal, but perfectionists set goals and deadlines that are difficult to reach before even getting started. Dial back the fantasy and start with baby-steps towards obtainable goals.
Tip #3: Do not be so hard on yourself
Rather than beating yourself up for your flaws, try practicing self-compassion. Being kind to yourself will fill up your long-awaited empty cup of self-confidence. Strive to accept yourself just as you are during times of imperfect feelings.
Tip #4: Connect with others
The perfect environment for a perfectionist requires solitude, peace, and silence. However, perfectionists need to connect with others and relate to parallel perfection issues to see that they are not alone in the fight.
Tip #5: See growth, not failure
Seek the beauty of learning from your mistakes to diminish the fear of making them. Mistakes are a good thing for perfectionists to experience, as errors can help them avoid losing control of emotions over unpredictable events in the future. Perfectionists who learn to accept mistakes and continue forward find more fortune when building on an innovative idea or starting a business.
Tip #6: Enjoy the journey
Anxiety can quickly spark when the outcome of a situation becomes more critical to a person than the actual process. Such a mindset can generate procrastination or overall avoidance of a task. Try adopting a present-tense psyche that keeps your mind off of the future.
Tip #7: Stop the comparison game
Social media can be detrimental to a perfectionist. Comparison of abilities, lifestyle, or even looks will dampen already low self-esteem. Do yourself a favor and take a break from your accounts.
About Adam Ferrari
Adam Ferrari is a chemical engineer and is the founder of the mineral acquisitions company, Ferrari Energy, based in Denver, Colorado. One of his company’s notable achievements was providing over 2,000 unique landowners’ divestment and lease opportunities on their respective lands. He was originally trained as a chemical engineer, a degree that he completed magna cum laude. After graduation, he entered the business sector, where he gained significant experience in both finance and investments.
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ferrarienergy · 4 years
Ferrari Energy
Ferrari Energy is an energy company based in Denver, CO that was founded by chemical engineer Adam Ferrari. Adam is a native of Chicago, IL, and was formally educated as a chemical engineer although his professional career has been that of a petroleum engineer. He completed his degree at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and graduated magna cum laude. His first industry role was as a production engineer for BP and following this assignment he also spent time on the financial side of the energy business at Macquarie Capital. Adam founded the Ferrari Energy company as he blended his experience and passion with the energy and business sectors. This is a feat that Adam remains very proud of to this day. The company and its achievements helped him become recognized both as a capable engineer and an accomplished businessman. One such achievement was providing oil and gas leases to over 850 individual residents of Broomfield, CO. Ferrari Energy paid approximately 30% more than the operator was offering. The company held multiple lease signing events over several different weekends in order to accommodate the residents of Broomfield, CO. Under Adam’s leadership, Ferrari Energy was known as an active supporter of various non-profits and other charitable organizations, both in Denver and Chicago, through annual donations. These include St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Freedom Service Dogs, Denver Rescue Mission, Coats for Colorado, and Next Steps of Chicago.
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