fetchargbts · 11 months
imagine getting blocked for saying what koko did to fetch
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fetchargbts · 1 year
Ok last dreamon hunter post but Jester's friend Heather (from the flashback viscount looked in on) is actually a VERY hidden reference to one of my creepypasta ocs :P Heather is Kassidy's dreamon and their shared last nane is Kramer, my oc's name is Heather Kramer >:P (not the the same character at all it was just a sillie reference)
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fetchargbts · 1 year
Also code names for fetch and his Gang
Fetch- Jacob (random and generic enough fir hin to blend in)
Koko- Connor (sorta sounds like koko and also generic enough)
Corpse- Gavin/Gav (got Gav from cadaver, which is a word for dead body and corpse is... well)
Kassidy- Trinity (random n generic)
Maitake- Maya (m name :D)
Smiler- Beau (he picked it himself bc it sounded cool to him. Also yall never got to meet smiler im so upset /dr)
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fetchargbts · 1 year
Happy one year deathday to fetch!!!! How do you think things would've gone if we voted to let fetch live?
Oh man this is quite a few days late LMFAO. in my defense i do not get nottifs for this blog. Also youve just unleashed a beast by asking this hope youre ready <3
So, first fun fact! We actually had an entire divergent setup for if fetch lived, and an alterbate confrontation with baroness if he died before that.
First up, if fetch died before being able to confront baroness (we didnt know when wed have that confrontation just yet ao we wanted to cover all our bases) it would have been Maitake threatening Baroness with the gasoline as well as her mustard gas (as a mooshroom hybrid she produces Toxins and Spores she can weaponize).
If fetch lived, he would have been in the mansion when it went up in flames. Instead of Mona and King leaving on their own, they would have run into Fetch, and they would have had an altercation that ended in fetch finding out that mona is a shifter (friendly reminder that he didnt know that the entire time theyve been friends, which went back to early high school :])
Instead of jumping out the window, he decides its safer to climb the roof so the other hunters can find him easier and get him down. Knights room was on the second floor, and he was already pushing it with his (gestures at him) condition. and he didnt want to break his legs or something
There was this whole speech i had planned where he stares at the commotion of doomsday on the roof and have a Big Badass Monologue but alas 😔
He also would have been there for crown's exorcism, he was the one to tackle crown and hold him down while they got ready rather than corpse. Also this bit that canonized his polyamory with corpse and koko :3
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(Full disclosure: fetch got with koko 2 weeks after coming to HQ because koko found him super interesting and endearing, and corpse later got attatched to him since he was the main one taking care of him in the med ward and they bonded heavily over Chronic Pain And Illnesses)
Fetch would have gone on to be a top operator in the Lotus branch, with plenty of good company to keep him happy. He had a dog, 2 boyfriends, and a myriad of friends at HQ, and the hunters provided him with the safety and stability he'd been looking for the entire time. Despite his nightmares and trauma and bad memories, if he lived he would have been happy
Corpse and Koko still mourn him together. Maitake still keeps bacon bits in the cupboard. Kassidy (who yall never got to see whcih is aCRIME because i love her and she was also one of fetch's besties) still paints some of her nails black because it was his favorite look on her. He may have not been there for a long time, but his absence is very very felt at HQ.
Anyway that for sad heres koko informing tge mcdonalds employee that fetch corpse and kassidy ask for no pickle
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(Not real height difference bc it was a meme andni didnt care, fetch is the shortest but corose actually is that tall lmfao)
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fetchargbts · 1 year
Tell us about knight? 👉👈
He was literally so underappreciated by everyone in that fucking mansion and that was the POINT and im SO SORRY for treating him like that but i think its worth talking about how he was just as much of a tragic character as fetch was
all he wanted was a best friend, and all he wanted was to get along with fetch in the beginning. He thought that crown and the family would make him happy which is why he went, and it wasnt until fetch started lashing out that he started lashing back. And then an insult turned into a push, which turned into a shove, which turned into a punch, and then a claw, and... you get it. you saw what happened in the bathroom
fetch and knight are both stubborn and dont want to admit theyre wrong. they were stuck in a constant revenge loop and neither of them wanted to back down. both of them were acting out of fear and rage. which is really upsetting, because knight started out as such a happy kid. he liked horses and scooby doo and doodling himself. i dont think it ever got shown and idk if i can find it now, but there was a drawing i did in-character of him and fetch holding hands with the caption "best friends" that he drew before everything went to shit. he just wanted to be there for fetch, but fetch was too scared of knight controlling him.
knight was a victim of circumstance as much as fetch was. he never got to see his dreamon form, he never got to see his horse grow up, he never got to take pictures of anything outside the mansion. the last book he read was a book he was intentionally reading to torture himself under the guise of coping. he never told anyone how he was feeling because he felt so discarded and abandoned he figured nobody would care. Nobody even saw the paint on his walls warping from the amount of stormclouds he started.
I love fetch to hell and back, but jesus christ i love knight too. Im proud of how i played both of them down to the last second :]
i know its the blorbo song everyone associates with all of their blorbos, but No Children really is the perfect song to describe their relationship. That, and Evelyn, Evelyn. Theyre so bad for each other but theres no separating them but they need to be away from each other for their own good but they'd miss each other if they were separated but if they spend one more second with each other theyll rip each others throats out. They were destined to die together
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fetchargbts · 1 year
I know i talk a lot ab fetch and jester but i really miss knight. There was so much i wanted to do with him thag never came to be :(
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fetchargbts · 1 year
So there was a thing i rlly wanted to expand on but never had any opportunutues ;_; and that was whenever someone sent an ask for fetch, but knight was in control, knight would respond with an unsuccessful call message, like the "your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message" type things. Idk it was kinda a way for knight to bite back at fetch by referencing his relatuonship with technology. I thought it was nice is all :D remembered it when i was listening to telephone by lady gaga so yknow. Telephone animatic with them
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fetchargbts · 1 year
who was the 1 person who voted koko and why are you so right
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fetchargbts · 1 year
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fetchargbts · 1 year
The bracket smiley fetch uses :] <- that one, is supposed to represent a forced/fake smile. While messing around with crown, he was always under a layer of panic and nerves but still tried to smile so others wouldn't worry and to keep up appearance with crown. Originally I was going to play his character as someone who always frowns but I decided to reuse an old mask design I had lying around (the lopsided crude smile) so the :] smiley was the next pick
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fetchargbts · 1 year
Fetch and Knight have separate limbos.
Fetch's is, predictably, the dog park. It's always the same sun, burning white at times through the thick clouds of ash and soot, and sometimes it hangs low in the sky, angry red. His final moments were spent in a blind panic and rage, and now he wanders the ashen plains with a certain ache in the back of his head. He can't speak, or make any noise other than gurgled growling-like noises. In his limbo, he's much less angry than he was in life. It's rather calm and peaceful in the park, but the taunting sounds of other people far, far away keep lingering. He gets restless easily, but there's plenty of space to run around and plenty of dirt to be dug up. He just wishes he had company. A certain blonde and a particular purple rabbit would be fine company, but it's only him and the memories of their touch.
Knight's limbo is only a little similar. It's a thick, sprawling forest with no wnd in sight. Sometimes, it's cold, leaves bare and a bright yellow moon shining low through the trees. Others, it's sweltering with a burning white sun shining through the leaves and dappling the ground. There's a distinct lack of animals, which unnerves him, as he knows birds are chirping somewhere, and there had to be foxes to dig these dens and coyotes to leave these tracks. The day/night cycle is inconsistent. At night, he always has a feeling of being watched, and he swears there's a pair of footsteps behind him. Maybe he's going a little mad from the loneliness. Maybe he wants someone else to be with him, even if it's him.
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fetchargbts · 2 years
Oh another fun detail that I don't think anyone picked up on; fetch kind of got his self esteem back when he joined dthe dreamon hunters and that tenaslated into him not referring to himself as a dog anymore. In his pre-coronation days he exclusively referred to himself as "Watchdog", and while knight was raking control he leaned heavy into his canine blood and instincts by growling and snarling and genuinely barking his words and acting more animalistic in general. When we see him as a dreamon hunter he doesn't do any of that and acts more human. I just liked throwing those things in there :]
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fetchargbts · 2 years
Fetch's character development was also originally split into 4 "phases" to play into the whole symbolism of the number 4, and at the end of the story he was planned to get his tail cut off. I kinda hinted that it might have happened with his tail getting progressively worse every time he got control back from knight (the first time his tail was stiff, the next it was sprained, and then when he fell down the stairs and broke it) but that plan was also cut due to timing unfortunately 😔
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fetchargbts · 2 years
Another fun fact, there was meant to be an arc where Knight returned to the mansion after getting control from Fetch at the Dreamon Hunter HQ, but he would have spent the entire time at the mansion in the comfort room not talking to anybody. This was originally going to be how the dreamon hunters found the mansion because they would have tracker chipped him, but due to time and scheduling issues the idea was scrapped to just having Koko and Maitake meet King and Baroness.
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fetchargbts · 2 years
I can say with certainty that had Kate been awake for Doomsday, she would not have faulted Fetch for what he did. I think part of her really wanted to be friends with him- I know she was upset about him mangling her hand, but she didn’t hold it against him, and she wanted to try and help Knight and Fetch at least come to some kind of… maybe mutual understanding? Idk. I wish we’d had gotten to have the two interact more - Kes
Honestly yeah! I rlly wanted fetch to interact with people more but yknow how life is :/ but hey thays what fanfic is for :D
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fetchargbts · 2 years
In another time, I wonder how Fetch and Knight might have been if they got along. Kinda feel like they’d have had a King/Mona-esque relationship going on there
Honestly yeah, if they weren't constantly trying to get back at each other they definitely would have had a more close-knit relationship, maybe brotherly maybe something else idk, but I do like the idea of them getting along and just mildly pissing each other off
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fetchargbts · 2 years
I got to say i'm curious about how he fault about mona, max and marcus come the end of things?
Fetch had a really rocky mental state come Doomsday. In his mind, they were all being trapped and controlled by their dreamons and forced into submission, just like Knight had been doing to him. Anything they, or anyone else, said otherwise didn't matter, he had already sunk into the belief that everyone was being forced to like their Dreamons and Crown. Which is why he always shot down asks on his blog about dreamons being okay sometimes
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