feuboosters-blog · 12 years
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feuboosters-blog · 12 years
How we began.
       The FEU Boosters history can be traced back as early as the ''1960s''. It was then the decade when FEU is suffering from a series of slump games where three men including Mr. Roland Yu and Ernesto Burac, started to watch all FEU games and cheered for the Tamaraws.
       Having the idea for an organized cheering movement, the three honorable men with permission from the university recruited boy scouts from the FEU high school department (now moved to FEU-FERN in Fairview) to create the first ever cheering team of FEU. It was not long that almost all students in the boys’ high school wanted to participate in cheering for the team. It was difficult for these men to organize such a group with much less experience in organized cheering. But they were successful nonetheless in their creation of the FEU Cheerers which will later give birth to the FEU boosters and the FEU Cheering Squad.
   1997 " Beginning" -    After years of organized cheering, finally came the year '''1997''', it was the turning point, The FEU Boosters started with 10 active members under the tutelage of Mrs.Mariano, at this time, these boosters didn't implemented the "main core gallery style", Their job is to lead the FEU crowd to cheer. The evolution of the FEU Cheerers and the formal creation (note that an FEU Cheering Team already existed) of the FEU cheering Squad with its 3 category division: 
The Cheer Drummers (later to be known as the FEU Green Bisons), The Cheer Dancers (the actual pep squad), and the cheerers (FEU boosters). 
   2002  "The Main Core Gallery"  -  is the year when a major revamp happened, triggered by FEU’s desire to win in the recently formed UAAP cheerdance competition as the FEU Cheering Squad had a new coach, trainers and adviser. The FEU Cheerers once an all male group started accepting females. From Cheerers their title was changed to Pep Squad to make it more 
modern. The Pep Squad President was then Jerome Daza. It was then that the FEU Pep Squad was recognized by the University and was made the "official" Pep Squad of the FEU Tamaraws together with the FEU Cheer Drummers (now Green Bisons) and Cheer Dancers under the banner FEU Cheering Squad. It was this time that the Pep Squad formally 
introduced the Main Core Gallery Style of cheering which it was doing so for years. Then the Pep Squad introduced to the UAAP community hand movements to compliment the cheers and the yelling in the Core Gallery. Uniquely to the FEU boosters, it was this year that the very foundations of which the MAIN CORE GALLERY style was constructed.
  the Founder and the First Captain
       Mr. Jerome Daza is now the adviser and trainer of the FEU boosters. To most, he is the father of the FEU Boosters. He’s never ending support to the squad made him a legacy.
  2003 " The Golden Age" - Still under Jerome Daza and Abigael Nunez leadership, the FEU Boosters continues to uplift the spirirt of the tamaraw community during UAAP events . This the year  the Boosters Performed their first halftime, and the first appointment of the Pepleaders (now Cheerleaders). Another remarkable thing that happened here, the famous "GO FIGHT" Cheer was made together with the all time favorite "DANGER"Which was first use at the FEU- Ateneo Basketball game. It was indeed the start of the Golden Age of the Boosters
  2004 "Martial Law " - This year the FEU Boosters focused on creating new moves cheers and mainting quality of the skills of every member.  Mr. Jerome Daza make sure that every member should perform at it's best, training during this year lasted for 4 hours.
   2005 "Pepsquad no more" -   Then, in '''2005''' under the leadership of Marlon Sanchez as the booster President with Mark Enriquez as the Vice President,focusing deeply on the squad, it underwent to its very first major overhaul. A surgery to fix the loopholes that in the later years would produce the finest set of boosters. The squad's name was again changed to FEU Boosters, to give the group the identity they needed (PEP SQUAD members back then were mistaken for the Cheer Dancers). The squad also returned to their all-male tradition, recruiting first year and second year male college students of FEU. It was then that the boosters for the very first time had organization and was organized completely, every single thing was organized. The FEU booster’s started the tradition of having batch shirts every semester with the campaign theme printed on the shirt to identity to which batch semester-year the booster or the shirt belongs to. FEU cheers, chants and yells were re-composed. New cheers were composed as well (Rage Full, FEU's hip hop cheer, new Defense and Offense cheer were also created). The booster’s action and movements also went to a major overhaul and the routines were changed from simple to more complex to be at par with the UAAP equivalent squads. On that same year the boosters focused more on leadership and training skills and had their own form of government established. 
   2006 -    In '''2006''', with Marlon Sanchez and Mark Enriquez still handling the group for the 2nd straight year, the FEU boosters went on heavy campaigns to rebrand themselves. It was on this year that all the major plans made on 2005 were carried out. For the very first time, the boosters were recognized as the third group in the FEU Cheering Squad (FEUCS). The boosters went to on to their campaign of rebranding. Appearing on almost all UAAP sports possible to cheer for the Tamaraw players on court to which they are committed, sworn to keep the Tamaraw spirit alive. The boosters have several projects including the creation of a systemic handling team for teaching the FEU cheers (the boosters are in charge on teaching the freshmen students of the cheers of FEU for their PE1). The boosters were able to create teaching methods that will make the experience of freshmen students enjoyable as they learn and compulsory memorize the cheers, yells, chants and hymns of the university. Today, the FEU boosters is well known not just in the Tamaraw Community but in the UAAP and NCAA as well.
       It was not long that other universities not just in the UAAP but also in the NCAA had their own version of cheerers similar to that of the FEU boosters. Their main core gallery style patterned after that of the boosters. 
  the Vice Captains
       2007 "Dark Age" - marked the year that the boosters integrated females again to the group. With membership of 80 male boosters, the squad considered to reduce it to 70 male members and added additional 10 female members. This move to return to the female tradition of the squad was done by then 2007 Booster President Joseph Plantilla with John Adelbert Encarguez as the vice president and is planned to be carried on to the coming years. 
       At the same year, Mark Enriquez and Marlon Sanchez, started the Far Eastern University Booster Alumni Association or simply FEUbAA. Initial Members were five, they were: Mark Enriquez, Marlon Sanchez, Jerome Daza, Abigail Nuñez and Aivelyn Li
       By '''2008''', the graduating boosters joined the association. Membership of the Alumni Association is now at 12. On the same year (2008), the Booster Constitution (the booster by laws) was conceptualized, with the help of the FEUbAA. The booster constitution will serve as the governing law of the FEU boosters. And the Booster website will be launched sometime in February 2009 by the Booster Alumni (*due to some limitations the website is still pending complete, however feeling the need to launch the website the alumni decided to create an multiply account to temporarily supplement the need of a booster web site). The website will contain the detailed history of the FEU Boosters and willhave the copy of all FEU cheers and Hymns (documented cheers only) and music file in MP3 format of the Cheers and Drum beats of the FEU Tamaraws. The website will also contain some photos and profiles of the past and current presidents and officers of the boosters and some gallery for public viewing. The Alumni aims that with the launch of the website, the students and the alumni as well as the fans of FEU will now have the access to FEU cheer by which the FEU handbook and FEU website lacks. 
      2008 - "Rebuilding Stage", the FEU boosters have 22 female members, up from 10 last year. Due to some considerations which need to be taken, on 2008 for the very first time, the boosters will not have a president and a vice president for the UAAP season, but rather having two Senior Master Boosters; Emmanuel Fernandez and Adelbert Encarguez. They are backed by booster adviser and trainer Jerome Daza and by the recently founded FEU boosters Alumni Association.
       Also, in 2008, UAAP and NCAA saw an emergence of cheerers similar to those of the FEU boosters with some branding themselves as the first. In this special case, the boosters together with its newly formed alumni decided to banner out the boosters as, “The First and Only True Booster Squad in the Philippines”. 
       By the end of 2008, Emmanuel Fernandez, and Adelbert Encarguez handed their seniority control to the newly appointed temporary president of the FEU boosters John Michael Manalo, 3rd President of the FEU boosters since the rebranding of the group in 2005. *note that there was no president and vice president in 2008 with Marlon Sanchez and Mark Enriquez serving two consecutive terms as booster president and vice president respectively, 2005-2006; 2006-2007.The 3rd president will took the seat for 1 semester this Academic Year 2008-2009 until a new president will be appointed to steer the group when FEU hosts UAAP season 72.
  the Former Captains
    2009 "Rebirth" -   With the 72nd season of the UAAP fast approaching the fourth president of the FEU boosters was named to Mr. Liano Ferdin Malit with the help of Vice-Captain Mr. Hamilton Cha.  Focusing on the quality that was lost during the 71st season the 4th president emphasized on rebuilding the boosters. Bringing the glory days it had back.
   2009 also saw the return of the three most important alumni of the boosters; Jerome Daza, Marlon Sanchez and Mark Enriquez. The Pioneers of the modern FEU boosters.Together with the newly appointed president , the booster alumni will ensure that the boosters will again be in their top form as they were in 2006.
  2010 "Stronger, Better". - Team captain  Liano Malit together with Vice Captain Bryan Samonte still continued the legacy of the FEU Boosters.
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feuboosters-blog · 12 years
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feuboosters-blog · 12 years
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feuboosters-blog · 12 years
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Check out our new logo!
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feuboosters-blog · 13 years
National Cheerleading Championship FINALS Cheer for FEU and wear GOLD or YELLOW t-shirt March 18, 2012, Sunday, 1:00 pm at Philsports Arena (Ultra), Pasig City Buy your tickets NOW!
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feuboosters-blog · 13 years
Join us and be part of the FEU Legacy!
Good Day my fellow Tamaraws! The FEU Boosters will be having auditions this Friday and Saturday (Dec. 2 and 3 2011) to be held at the FEU Grandstand 5pm-7pm Open for all Male Students of FEU Join us and be part of the FEU Legacy! Cheer with PASSION PRIDE and DETERMINATION! Proud to be Tamaraw!
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feuboosters-blog · 13 years
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feuboosters-blog · 13 years
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feuboosters-blog · 13 years
Volleyball season for the lady tamaraws tips off today!
FEU vs. UE 2 pm at the Filoil flying V Arena in San Juan! Cheer loud and proud!
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feuboosters-blog · 13 years
Last semester's  video primer!
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feuboosters-blog · 13 years
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If you got what it takes. Then we're looking for you! 
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