ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
Why wouldn't I be fantastic?
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I can tell.
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
I'm fantastic!
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Everything okay, Anastasia?
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
"Oh, please, I'm use to much more than that. After all, I was the top of the pyramid once. As well as the head cheerleader. Of course, that was before I came here. And like I said, I'll sped my A game up. I can ruin you."
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"And do you really think he’d believe anything bad about his precious and perfect daughter? I don’t think so. And even if he did, you’d still be at the bottom of the pyramid. But I keep you there for a reason, A. It takes a lot of skill to stay on your knees for that long and I figured since you’re so used to it, well, it was a perfect match. You’re welcome."
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
Well, you're growing on my nice side, so I suppose it is.
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Pleasure to meet you, I suppose, right?
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
I bet he doesn't know half the things that his darling daughter gets up to. Gossip travels like wild fire, babe. I could easily let him know. Or maybe get someone else to do it. It would be a pleasure watching you crash and burn.
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Peyton couldn’t help but laugh, running a hand through her hair as she shook her head. “You poor, poor thing. Don’t you realize that that’ll never happen? My dad would fire the principal and make sure I stay right where I belong. See? I always win. Now, those bows aren’t going to rhinestone themselves.”
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
Great. My room? Ten?
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Dude, I already forgot the rest of your name. You’re Ana now. Ah, tequila. The only liquor that makes me regret absolutely everything in the morning. I’m down.
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
Anastasia. Anastasia Martìnez.
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The name is Damien Braxton. You are?
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
Only my close friends call me Ana. But since you're growing on me, I guess it could work. Yes, tequila. I have a whole stash.
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It’s one of my many useful talents. That’s so fuckin’ long. You should go by… Ana. Or something. That’s just such a long word. Teq—seriously?
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
"If anyone should be at the bottom, it's you. When you you start doing cheer leading? Actually, don't even bother answering that, because I honestly don't care. Personally, I think I should be the head cheerleader. I can step up my A game and bring you down. In fact, that's what I intend on doing."
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"That’s a really profound statement for someone who’s on the bottom of the cheer pyramid and in the back of the line up, huh? Now, I really hope you and the other bottom row girls finished putting rhinestones on the new bows, we need them for the next game."
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
I'm sure you are. Anastasia. Well, if you walk away now, there's a high chance I won't share my tequila.
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Billie. I can walk away dramatically if you want. ‘m super good at that.
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
Great to know. Now, are you going to tell me your name or leave?
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I mean it wasn’t my intention to be really fucking annoyed tonight, so it looks like you can’t help me in any way. Shucks.
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
And you are?
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Well, that’s an introduction that I’m sure will get a lot of positive comebacks…
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
How sweet. She thinks she can boss me around. Nice try, princess.
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"Well, you’e standing in my way so, how do I say this nicely? Move.”
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
Is there something I can help you with?
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Yawn. Anyways.
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
Move to the side, bitches. The queen has arrived.
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ffsanastasia-blog · 10 years
Alaska gigged and bit her bottom lip. "You're not to bad yourself, Noah." She said, pecking his lips.
oops | alaska & noah
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