ffxivizarblack · 1 year
Actually, I think he would introduce himself rather mildly, almost lazuly. Introductions weren't really a formal thing in his opinion so no need to be flashy. Being humble would be lost to him in the moment and being proud wasn't something he would like doing as an introduction to someone he didn't know, lest they find his being proud as arrogance.
Your WoL has to introduce themselves to someone from another world, or under a rock, etc. Do they sound proud or humble?
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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Black and Red, is Izar's usual color scheme as his favorite colors but occasionally he'll wear green or blue too.
On rare occasions he wears white or orange colors as well. But he loves red and black.
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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I think outwardly Izar would be shocked or maybe indifferent about it but on the inside he would be dancing and giddy with excitement since he would pair it with G'raha 😅
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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Izar thinks he is persuasive but... He can't even persuade his chocobo to not try and bite at his tail let alone persuade people to do anything or listen to him. He's not really a smooth talker...
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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Izar didn't see what his mother was doing, was combat training. He thought it was skills to survive and skills to hunt so he could help out if he wanted to. Training with Nunoux he thought had been a defensive class sort of thing his mother had asked of Nunoux. After her passing he found out just how much his mother was doing for his sake once she was gone. Then training became an escape for him for a while as he grew up along side the Elezen Nunoux as his adopted son.
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
Izar is one to usually be tidy. Not overly so that it seems like he's OCD about it... Tho he is that way about some things. But sometimes his moods shift and what once was tidy becomes controlled chaos.
Living spaces. Is your WoL tidy and organized, or are they the type to casually create mess and chaos around them?
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
Izar always arrives ten to thirty minutes early. Nunoux Black (Elezen & adoptive father) had drilled him with the, "On time is late." Quote since he was a child back before his mother was murdered and before he took Izar in. So he never shows up to anything late. He won't let himself be late unless forced to be otherwise.
Is your WoL punctual? Do they have a good sense of time? Do they need a clock/chronometer?
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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Why not both? Lol, I can see Izar as a Nephalem. I don't purely see him as an angel or a demon but a mix of the two.
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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This was an attempt to make an Al Bhed version of Izar. For those who don't know Al Bhed were in Final Fantasy X and were considered sinners and outcasts of Spira, who used Machina even tho it went against the teachings of Yevon.
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
Izar is definitely the outdoors type. He prefers lush and beautiful sceneries. Flowing rivers, rushing and bubbling brooks, thunderous waterfalls, fields of flowers or rolling hills of green, looming mountains, cavernous trenches, and secret filled forests. He loves them all, while big cities just make him feel on edge and to overly stimulated.
Does your WoL love nature? Do they thrive in wilderness, countryside, or cities?
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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Doing this with people he doesn't love or trust let alone out in public is a big 'No' for Izar. However, in a private setting with loved ones is a different story due to his impish side.
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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Izar secretly does, he isn't adverse to receiving them but if it is sudden and out of nowhere he'll blush like mad and probably will try to hide his face.
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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Izar will often aimlessly wander or sometimes seek out his friends to spend some time with them. Occasionally he will go see his mother's grave and talk to her even if she can't hear him. He feels better sometimes thinking she would love hearing about his adventures. He also would do the same at Haurchefant's grave as well. As well as remembering all their times spent together.
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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Izar felt the sudden crushing weight of loneliness. Something he hadn't felt since his mother died. He had collapsed to his knees in tears, stunned into silent sobs that wracked his body. For a time he was unable to get himself to move, to try and keep going. His memories with them, is what finally got him up and going. Tho, it was the hardest thing he's done in a long time. Because at the time... He truly thought his Scion family was gone...
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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Izar doesn't usually get sick, even while others around him get sick he still never catches it... However, on rare occasions when he does he gets super weak and is unable to even muster the energy to even twitch a finger, let alone roll out of bed. If it happens while standing he will possibly pass out but not without effort in trying not too do so.
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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His tail... His tail is a dead give away. It's not his ears, eyes, or other body gestures. He has pretty much the capability to flip an emotional switch but his tail always gives him away if he attempts to lie which isn't often.
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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Between showing his love or sorrow would be Izar's. He tends to shy away from either when he's not completely alone. He finds it hard to show his love in affectionate ways unless others initiate it first even then he hesitates. His sorrow however, he's always alone and if he's caught crying alone he tries to hide it even more. He doesn't like sorrow or grief. It makes him feel weak, even if others tell him it's okay... He just can't help what he feels.
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