koijikido · 6 months
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Koiji has a very melodic sweet laugh. His voice is soft and warm and at the same time bright and clear. When he laughs, his ears usually tilt a little back or to the side.💙
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sundered-souls · 5 months
We are in the bad timeline and desperate people have formed a cult to the Warrior of Light. One day, they manage to summon them 'back to life' to bring succor and salvation.
What is the primal version of your WoL like? (physically, their values, etc.)
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lilpomfriend · 11 months
WoL Question of the Day
" would your wol/oc fuck their patron deity? " (by @/pixelpinkist on twt)
Pohli and her patron goddess, Menphina
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How does your WoL pass the time on long chocobo rides?
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ffxivizarblack · 1 year
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Izar secretly does, he isn't adverse to receiving them but if it is sudden and out of nowhere he'll blush like mad and probably will try to hide his face.
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sweetassonance · 1 year
Wolqtd: Which Disney or Pixar character would your WoL be, and why?
Answer: A mix of Mirabel from Encanto and Merida from Brave ☀️ Mirabel for the way she helps others, her emotional and empathetic side, her love for her family & her spunkiness. Merida for her stubbornness, her free-spirited approach of the world & her adventurous side.
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the-unending-journey · 5 months
Posted this on Twitter, but I'm gonna post this here too
A wolqtd I've been thinking about for a while, so I'm curious - when did your WoL/OC's first break past their limits? (activated Limit Break)
Putting my answer under here
To answer this myself, it depends on the universe. In just Kiyo's regular canon, it happened during the Dragonsong War when she was caught in a pretty dire situation with her brother and a good chunk of Ishgardian knights. Watching everyone falling all around her as they struggled to just survive against a force of dragons pushed her to her breaking point. After watching her own brother nearly die, that's when it finally broke
HOWEVER in my own "Haurchefant is totally alive" AU, it was of course after the events of the Vault. Seeing Haurchefant literally at death's door made her healing go beyond what it was capable of. She managed to bring him back at the cost of being unconscious for a few days
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myrfing · 1 year
i sometimes daydream about people’s characters LMAOAOOA. in the rare times I draw them, I’m obsessive about expressing what I like about them, what I think is charming. i imagine in my head how the stories being told to me go, how the light in the setting is and how their character walks and blinks and how surely they speak, and what kinds of moments people want to convey when they tell them. i like thinking about how someone’s character would be like if i passed them on the street in the same universe; totally fucking corny but I imagine my head turning each time. and until now I legitimately couldn’t fathom everyone whose ever decided to read my 72927393 word long texts about gourd or drawn him wonderfully with consideration to everything I’ve said he was was just being a fake loser for clout or validation or whatever. a lot of people are not stuck here just by force or vice; they’re here because they choose to be, generally. people share things here pretty much BECAUSE people can pick and choose whether to be interested or not, and it’s not personal when they aren’t. impersonal and shallow maybe, sure, but you can choose whether or not to even be here at all.
i dont think people are being cringe or hypocritical for answering wolqtds with earnestness or sharing fandom shit they wouldn’t share in real life, even if they are catty or disingenuous in other contexts. very kind and down to earth and mature people wouldn’t share their fantasy rps with their coworkers or drinking friends, either. it’s just time and place. i promise you you will loathe people far less and be far less bitter if you stop trying to psychoanalyze people you never have spoken to nor have to speak to. you really dont have to guess anyone’s intentions online or be afraid of other people who are most likely not neatly in any sort of mental category or dichotomy you’ve imagined them to be in your sickness of them. i say this as the #1 makes snap judgements about people guy LMFAO i only know what is shown to me and I don’t forget that. and while it’s all a telling part of them nonetheless, my curiosity or how much weight I lend to that judgement is up to me and only matters to me yeah. i’ve found myself worrying too about what impact my opinions have on other people and at that point I just removed myself. and then remembered it doesnt matter one bit lmaooo most everyone comes to their own heart’s conclusions on their own time and believe what they want as a summation of their experiences i never was so powerful as to influence people in that way
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lady-lissette · 1 year
I realised that I can do long Liz/House Isedaire lore compilations here and actually be wordy without limit! I’d be able to explain things much better too, LOL.
I hate having to tl;dr everything on Twitter, honestly. and as much as I love answering wolqtd prompts, I always leave feeling that I could’ve answered them much better ajksdhhjsad.
I’m sure that I’ll be back to posting on Twitter once the current wave of chaos is over, but perhaps it’ll benefit me greatly to post here more often, too!
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sileniadream · 1 year
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Inspired by the wolqtd of @ivalicea
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7marichan714 · 1 year
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🌸 Come closer 🌸 🌸
 As an answer for the wolqtd of who tilts each other's chin, this time it's Esti's turn Other times is Stella, depends on their mood
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feyrytale · 2 years
I... I am so sad. Over on twitter I used to do a lot of the wolqtd prompts, ramble about my WoL Fey and do a bit of worldbuilding, talking about my ideas and HCs... It was a way to express myself, you know? I don't have anyone to speak to so it was a welcome relief to the silence, being able to actually say what I was thinking about...
The harsh reality just caught up to me now that my followers have expressed that they are quite happy I will no longer be doing that because they found it to be obnoxious.
Just got out of the shower after spending a good while sobbing and mourning the loss of a tiny bit of normalcy, of feeling like a person. Dance, monkey, right? Just create, don't talk.
I don't really blame them tho. I'd probably feel the same way if I was in their shoes but still. I wish it could have lasted a little longer. It was nice feeling like I was a part of something for once.
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celenacallaghan · 2 years
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My Warrior of Light, Maralina, as she brings tea for Aymeric and Hauri ^^ Estinien’s out, he doesn’t do anything so “fussy” as tea.
I answered a wolqtd on which flower I associated with Mara, and it was white lilies, so I had to include them. I also decided to draw the alpine tea set from in game in homage to her men <3 <3  I love everything about this drawing and I am so happy with it.
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sweetassonance · 1 year
Wolqtd: What is your wol(oc)’s Lock Screen and wallpaper on their tomestone?
Answer: Sierra's lock screen: a picture of all the Scions together, of Kiwwi (her chocobo) or of her moms! Wallpaper: a picture of her with G'raha and Zero or of Leofard if he decides to mess with her phone and leave a funny picture of him when they see each other.
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sweetassonance · 1 year
Wolqtd: If Eorzea had its own version of the Met Gala, what would your WoL/OCs wear?
Answer: It would be something like these for Sierra! 👑
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sweetassonance · 1 year
Wolqtd: Where did your OC get their characteristic scars?
Answer: Sierra has a big scar on her stomach from her fight with Zenos at Rhalgr's Reach ; some other little ones on her hands and arms from her dancer training and fights ; a big one on her left knee from a scythe during the reaper quests & finally two crossed scars on her chest from her fight against Zenos at the end of 6.0.
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