fhabsista · 5 months
Embracing Your Divine Purpose: Lessons from Joseph’s Journey
In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, finding a deeper understanding of one's divine purpose can bring profound clarity and peace. The biblical story of Joseph, a figure marked by both hardship and divine favor, offers invaluable insights into how we can navigate life's challenges with faith and resilience. This blog post explores the spiritual principles embedded in Joseph's story, emphasizing the belief that God has a purpose and plan for each of us, regardless of our current circumstances.
The Spirit that Gives Life
The Bible teaches us that "the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life" (2 Corinthians 3:6). This profound statement highlights the distinction between merely adhering to the letter of the law and embracing the spirit that energizes faith. It's not just about knowing God's standards; it's about letting the spirit within us activate and apply these truths to our lives.
The Sovereignty of God in Our Struggles
God's character as The Great I Am, El Shaddai, reveals His omnipotence and presence in our lives, even in the midst of trials. As the "God that is with us," He reminds us that we are never alone in our struggles. Joseph's story is particularly poignant here. Despite being wrongfully imprisoned and enduring hardship, the Bible recounts how Joseph's presence brought blessings to Potiphar's household because of his faith and integrity. Joseph's life exemplifies this, as despite being physically enslaved, he remained spiritually free and blessed. His ability to prosper in adverse conditions wasn’t just a testament to his character but a clear indication of divine presence and purpose in his life.
The Power of Divine Association
"Two are better than one" (Ecclesiastes 4:9) reflects the power of partnerships and alliances under God’s covenant. Joseph’s story teaches us about the 'friends with benefits' in a spiritual context—those whose divine purpose aligns with ours can amplify our own spiritual and personal growth. Associating with the right people, those who embody the greatness we aspire towards, can have transformative effects on our lives.
Lessons from Joseph: Finding Blessings in Adversity
Joseph’s journey teaches us that our circumstances do not define our destiny. His faith and understanding of God's sovereignty allowed him to see beyond his immediate suffering. The scripture tells us that "Joseph was blessed in the house" despite his enslavement. This narrative invites us to consider how, even in what appears to be restrictive or painful situations, our lives can still be conduits of blessings.
Embracing Our God Nature
We carry within us the God spirit—the essence of the Great I Am, El Shaddai. This realization should empower us to face life's uncertainties with confidence and peace. Knowing that we embody the spirit of God means recognizing that we are more than our circumstances. As Paul suggests, the troubles we endure are insignificant compared to the eternal power at work within us.
The Blessing of "Your" Presence
Despite his hardships, Joseph was a blessing to those around him—his presence brought prosperity even to Potiphar’s house. This teaches us an important lesson: recognizing and nurturing the divine essence within us can turn our environments, no matter how restrictive, into places of blessing and opportunity. Wherever we are placed, our spiritual capacity can influence and elevate our surroundings.
Staying Focused on God
The challenges we face can sometimes overshadow our spiritual identity and purpose. However, the Bible encourages us to "lift up our eyes to the hills from which cometh our help" (Psalm 121:1). This verse is a call to shift our focus from our problems to the providence and power of God. Understanding that "all our help comes from the Lord" can reframe our perspective, making our trials seem smaller in the light of God's sovereignty and care. Like Joseph, our focus shouldn’t waver from the sovereign power of God within us—the same power that navigates us through life’s trials.
The Challenge: Who Do You Say That I Am?
Finally, just as Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" this question beckons us to reaffirm our understanding of God in our lives. Our response to this question can redefine our spiritual stance and influence how we navigate challenges. By placing God spiritually back in His rightful place, we guard against letting earthly troubles take over our lives.
Conclusion: Living Out Our God Nature
Joseph’s journey is not just a historical recount but a living narrative that encourages us to discover and fulfill the divine potential placed within us by God. We carry within us the spirit of "El Shaddai," the Almighty, who empowers and guides us through every situation. By aligning ourselves with God’s will, shaking off the dust of our past circumstances, and embracing our God identity, we position ourselves for the manifestation of God’s plan in our lives. He is involved in the smallest parts of our lives. Remember, no matter the trials, you are carrying within you the legacy and power of the Great I Am.
This reflection not only brings us closer to understanding our divine purpose but also challenges us to live a life that transcends the ordinary, anchored by faith and propelled by divine promise. Let us then move forward, carrying the spirit of the Great I Am, and manifest the blessings intended for us and those around us.
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fhabsista · 5 months
SoulFood: Does the Hurt Go Away?
Have you ever been in "that place" of hurt and wondered how you were ever going to make it passed that point? When your mind can't even conceive anything other than how you feel. When you look to God in agony and ask why. That's the million dollar question that everyone has asked at one time in their life, even if you didn't vocalize. God knows what we think.
I remember growing up and deciding that I would never let anyone hurt me again. That day I made a choice to close my heart and protect myself from the world. Wow, it was great! No more pain. For years, I walked around not caring about anything. My heart was turning into stone and I didn't even know it. I was always the kind of person that had a different answer than the popular crowd which caused me alot of conflict in life and much hurt as a result. But now I thought I was free. People said bad things or did bad things to me and I didn't even flinch, no worries because I didn't care. God still loved me with my hardened heart and He still spoke to me about my future even though He knew I was messed up inside.
There came a season when God required more of me and I knew I had to let go of the shell that had protected me for so many years. I told God that I would let go as I cried my eyes out while driving. It felt like I was ripping my heart out because I was giving up my control and I truly thought to myself that my way was better than God's way because I didn't cry at night anymore. Years later, I have taken the shell back quite a few times because being vulnerable is not fun and God wasn't understanding how I was feeling, so I went back to the only thing I knew. The Lord showed me that not only was I keeping people out of my life, but I wasn't living life either. I was so stale and hard and black & white about everything and I would never be able to experience abundant life that way.
I knew God was tugging at me again to get me to release the past. He said, don't let your past determine your future. He shared with me that I had to love with no expectation of receiving anything from the people I love. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That philosophy is not cool at all. What is love about then? I couldn't believe that my philosophy of love didn't match God's and I felt like I have given God so much, surely He doesn't require anything else of me, yet He required my heart fully.
He said I didn't have a right to build a case against people that have hurt me even if it was justified because He had a case against me and He forgave me, so I had to forgive AGAIN. There was still some resentment in me that was eating at my character. I just didn't understand. I'm always the one having to change, it's not fair. I love God so much that I had to trust Him even when it made no sense to me.
I asked God why does He allow these things to happen when I am trusting in Him to protect me. I have pulled my heart towards him so many times and it seemed as if it didn't matter because God allowed me to be sideswiped again. Then the spirit of God reveals himself in a way that cannot be explained, but He allowed me to see the end (the promise), he allowed me to see the strength I have gained, the greater love for Him that I have, the greater sensitivity I have for my family and for my friends, the need for others that may be experiencing the same things that I have gone through. He told me it would be a testimony for many. Now that sounds all good, but my first thought was........Huh? I'm hurting and you are telling me about a testimony one day.
He speaks to those that want to hear Him. It makes no logical sense, but God will heal and He will restore that which the kankerworm has stolen. That is a promise!
If you remember nothing else, trust this. If you really want to be free from hurt, tell God the truth about how you feel. I've learned to just talk to God....no scriptures......just me and as I pour out my heart to Him and release the venom inside, the scriptures begin to pour of out me because God is present to allow me to see the truth instead of my feelings.
That is why I said before, feelings don't matter when it comes to your deliverance. Base your love and expectation on God alone and He will restore your relationships with people, but you can't do it yourself. People will never act the way you want them to. Pull your heart towards God and know He hears you even when you're not talking and He wants you to share with him your innermost thoughts.......even if they are about Him because sometimes we are disappointed in God for things not understood. Reach out to Him and see Him as a father. Hold on, even when you don't feel like it because you know He will come through for you and when He does, oh man, abundant living goes to another level!!!!!!!!!
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