fi-aaa-na · 1 day
The fun thing is, there are a lot of azhdarchids that look exactly like this: the main difference is that some species are small and cute and two in particular (quetzalcoatlus and hatzegopteryx) are the size of giraffes with a head 2 meters long
So… banana for scale?
p.s.: they hunted on the ground
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That one pterosaur
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fi-aaa-na · 4 days
How trans coded can one character possibly be
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All these secrets. All these things I can’t say. I’ll never be able to say. He’ll never know…”I-I’m sorry Peter…”
Spider-Gwen | Latour/Rodriguez
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fi-aaa-na · 5 days
if anybody is writing a historical fiction novel or trying to come up with names for their medieval-y tabletop RPG, there is a completely free online database of every single recorded inhabitant of england from the sixth through eleventh centuries. you can filter by occupation, among other things. it's very cool
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fi-aaa-na · 6 days
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fi-aaa-na · 6 days
Im currently obsessing over Space Pirate Mito, a middling 90's scifi comedy anime where the boring self-insert male protag Aoi inexplicably changes gender at the end of season 1 and her transition is played entirely straight for the rest of the show
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It's almost never brought up, they just throw her in a girl's uniform and she goes on dates with her cute supportive alien gf. The rest of the show is them reconciling their relationship and fighting gods for each other. How have I not heard of this til now
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This show is living proof that I'll love even the worst show if you put enough Genderfuckery in it
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It's def got its misses but it's from 1999, who cares. I don't, I'm too busy looking at Them
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fi-aaa-na · 6 days
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With Kamala/Walz going up DAILY, I've seen more people talking about voting third party/Jill Stein (EW) and I believe the above screencaps from @three--rings can explain WHY Third Party votes NEVER work NOR is this the election to screw around in.
Everyone....like she says above.....PLEASE LEARN FROM HISTORY!!!
(Because if Trump gets in, he's NEVER LEAVING).
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fi-aaa-na · 7 days
Hot damn it would be cool to see my home state turn blue. Lots of rly cool people have been working on it for a long time and it’s incredible how close we are, given how bad it’s been. Any of yall in TX please help make this happen.
Not to mention just how fucking many EC delegates both states have. Without TX(38) and FL(29) as reliable strongholds to counterbalance CA(55), the right is going to have a real hard time getting a president elected.
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We will shock the world!!!
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fi-aaa-na · 7 days
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fi-aaa-na · 8 days
All of those examples gave me an aneurysm. One each. I have 3 aneurysms now. Thanks for that.
really if you have a story that has guns in it, you should take the time to gain a working knowledge of how guns work. Even if you don't go out of your way to include details, you're bound to get stuff wrong.
ie: no, that handgun is not going to send someone flying backwards. And no, hiding behind any old wall in an apartment isn't going to protect you from a machine gun. And your MC who took a bullet to the leg is in serious danger unless she gets medical care NOW.
And if you make those kinds of mistakes, anyone who knows anything about guns will know and enjoy your writing the less for it.
I think when people use gun terminology wrong it bothers me particularly for a reason. You don’t have to use the jargon, you don’t have to reference gun oil, you don’t have to even clarify the caliber. But by doing so you’re saying “I know what this, check out how cool my knowledge is!” People who don’t know will think you know. People who do know (me) will want to strangle you because you will call a standard magazine fed rifle configuration a bullpup, you will say that the gun slipped out of his hand because the gun oil was too slick, you will say the alien levelled its 2.7mm caliber conventional firearm at her head.
You will look like a moron in the eyes of a select few, and it’s easy to avoid. You can stick to standard gun knowledge or you can learn the details. Alternatively you can die by my blade.
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fi-aaa-na · 8 days
why is privacy so eroded. I get treated like a nutcase if I say no, I don't want strange companies taking pictures of my home and putting them online for maps or whatever. I don't want to be in the background of your tiktok, and I think it's weirder for you to assume I'm okay with it than it is for me to politely ask you to refilm it so my face isn't in the frame. I don't enjoy handing my employer a list of every online account I have and feeling under surveillance when I'm just shit posting or sharing pictures of my cats or garden harvest. I don't want to hear your private calls on speaker on the bus, esp when the person on the line doesn't know you're broadcasting their words to strangers. I don't want an algorithm guessing what will piss me off the most so I spend more time online, engaging with shit I don't want to see or hear out of outrage. I don't want any of this. it's total ass.
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fi-aaa-na · 8 days
That last one rly hits you like a slap in the face huh
I physically recoiled
The book
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The movie
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The sequel
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The prequel
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The spin-offs
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The reboot
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The gritty reimagining
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fi-aaa-na · 9 days
what gets me about the Minecraft Movie trailer is that THEY COULD HAVE JUST RIPPED OF THE LEGO MOVIE WITH WAYYYY BETTER RESULTS.
Think about it:
11 year old boy wakes up in Minecraft. Sees the innate beauty of the world. Creates buildings. Is worshipped as a God by villagers. Protects said villagers from mobs. Lives in village. 11 year old boy ages up to 15 and 'beats the game'. With a frame narrative of it being on the computer and how his love of Minecraft translates to a love of the real world. Coming of age, soft environmentalism, community co-operation as themes. idk
Like 'steve' as the master builder type beat.
Instead of ripping off Jumanji but 10 times worse why don't they just rip off the Lego Movie? It's right there.
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fi-aaa-na · 9 days
Every Chronova Engineering video is like
“Springs of this size aren’t made for purchase anywhere on earth so I got the finest piano wire I could find and hand wound it on my watchmaker’s lathe.”
“To burnish the axle I used my sapphire burnishing tool which hardens the surface of the steel making it ideal for its intended use.”
“Tool stress scales exponentially as the size decreases, so I’ll need to use the strongest drill bits I can find to drill these holes”
“This machine is actually meant for engraving but it has some wonderful functionality that makes it ideal for our uses.”
And every time I’m sitting there with rapt attention like this is going to be on the final.
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fi-aaa-na · 9 days
minecraft movie but it’s a ghibli-esque animated film about surviving in the wilderness with a healthy balance of legitimately tense monster sequences and relaxing building, farming, and mining. under no circumstances will it be longer than 90 minutes. steve will not be white
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fi-aaa-na · 9 days
Line of Action
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Pose Archives
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Bodies in Motion
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fi-aaa-na · 9 days
Extremely rare and valuable Achewood post wtf
Genuinely did not know other ppl were into this
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fi-aaa-na · 10 days
This photo filled me with wild and overwhelming fear for about half a second
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