pcrplelightning · 2 months
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𝖍𝖚𝖇𝖔𝖋𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 is an independent , private , crossover friendly blog featuring various muse across comic books , anime & video games !
please note you must be over the age of 18 to interact with this blog any minors will be blocked with zero exceptions to be made .
            About Me:
Name : Destined Age : 29 Pronouns : He / Him LGBTQIA+ Ally ? Fuck yeah Time Zone : Central Standard Time
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pcrplelightning · 2 months
Talking about blogs , or the downsizing of them .
I posted a poll a bit ago inquiring about whether I transition this hub blog into a single multimuse blog . . . the response has definitely proven to be interesting ! And I wanted to take the time to talk about my thought process and where I plan on going . . . for those that care to read this essay that's about to come:
Originally , this blog was going to be a multimuse blog , featuring . . . I think at the time I had like 25 muses in mind ? At the time I got cold feet , feeling as though that would be too many muses pulling for my attention and not enough time to give them all love . . . but then I ended up making like 30 sideblogs for this hub blog , so in reality I ended up at the same destination by just taking a different path .
I started the hub blog idea off the basis of utilizing the 10 carrds that I had , as well as giving people more freedom on which muses they wanted to be exposed to while also opting to choose if they wanted to follow the main blog for my ooc ramblings . . . and while this works to a degree , I also do think it potentially confuses a lot of people . . . especially when it comes to those that have their settings geared towards interactions only being with mutuals .
I think there are merits to both formats , and while I have trauma with trying multimuse blogs in the past . . . surely the third time around would stick the landing ? Right ?
That question has led me to decide to go ahead an slowly transition this main hub blog into a single multimuse blog . . . with some caveats .
What caveats ? Let's talk about them.
@spcrklefingers already has a well established footing , with multiple writing partners attached to it and several threads being discussed . It is for these reasons it will stick as a sideblog to the main multimuse blog . No ships , threads , mains , or exclusives will be discarded ; it'll be as though it is business as per usual .
@changedfate is the newest child to the hub , so it has yet to get a real footing . . . however given the nature of it being centered around a Disney character and Disney IPs ? I think it best to keep it distanced away from the transition . . . meaning that it will also stay as its own single muse sideblog .
So which sideblogs will be condensed into the "Sacred Multimuse Blog" ?
Great question . . .
@cunningvolt , @tealsteel , @signalsearched , and @pcrplelightning will be condensed from sideblogs into the main multi . Let's go over some reasons why.
Anby's blog was going to be condensed into the ZZZ multimuse anyway , and since it makes no since to have a multimuse blog be a sideblog to another multimuse blog ? The ZZZ multimuse blog shall be condensed into the main multi blog . . . albeit with some of the roster being lost in the process .
Which members of the roster ?
Miyabi , Koleda , Nicole , Soldier 11 , Ellen Joe and Grace will all be sealed away in the Destined Vault ™️
This means that along with Anby , Zhu Yuan , and Lucy will make the transition .
Reina's blog is interesting , as I am the only Reina in the Tekken RP space . . . so giving up that branding seems like a major L , but if I am going to throw another Tekken muse on the multi . . . Reina might as well make the jump as well . Hence her sideblog will be dusted .
Ezreal's blog is great branding , but I think it's also tarnished given several missteps and bridges burnt because of said missteps . . . so consolidating him onto the multi is the way moving forward . . . he's too special to give up entirely .
The branding of this main blog (the hubofhellfire name) will stay , the only things that will change being a new carrd and new promo post to coincide with the format change . . . everything else stays the same : all previously discussed threads , ships , memes , plots , etc . all stick around . . . just moved onto a place more easily accessible to all .
I am currently in the process of making all the new assets for this transition (promo pic/post & carrd) and hope to have at least a barebones version of the carrd ready sometime next week; until that time I will continue with things as normal on sideblogs .
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this update , please do not hesitate to reach out privately and ask ! I love and appreciate each and every person that follows this blog and wouldn't be here in this space without you !
Thanks so much for taking the time to read ! ! !
Much love & Keep moving forward ,
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pcrplelightning · 2 months
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pcrplelightning · 2 months
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pcrplelightning · 2 months
𝐘𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐀-𝐙 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭
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Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!
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A - Affection: How affectionate are they during sex? Is it different with people they're romantically involved with? Can they sleep with people they aren't?
B - Body: Are they into a specific physique? Why or why not? Are they just preferences or complete turn offs?
C - Chatter: Do they like to talk during the act? If so what do they like to talk about? Is it just dirty talk or something different?
D - Dominance: Are they into those types of power dynamics? Or do they like to stick to whose topping and bottoming? If they are into it why? If they aren't why not?
E - Erotica: Do they read or watch it? Does it get them in the mood? Do they create it themselves?
F - Food: Do they believe certain foods can be aphrodisiacs? If so what foods are like that for them? Do they like using food in the bedroom or is it too messy?
G - Group sex: Have they ever tried it? Would they ever want to try it if they haven't? If they don't enjoy it why not?
H - Humiliation: Are they into it? Why or why not? How far will they go? Do they enjoy being de-humanized or is it more being made fun of?
I - Intensity: Do they like intense scenes? Or are they more a slow and take their time kind of person?
J - Jousting: Do they like having more than one object or person inside of them? If so do they prefer toys or just multiple partners? Are they curious about it?
K - Kiss and Tell: Do they talk about their sex life to others? If they do do they go into detail or are they more casual about it? Do they share photos with other people or are those private?
L - Licking: Do they enjoy using their tongue on their partners or is it too gross? If so what are their favorite places to use their tongue?
M - Masturbation: Is it a part of sex for your muse? Or is it something completely different? Do they enjoy watching their partner or being watched?
N - Nope: Do they enjoy orgasm denial or do they want to see how many times they can make their partner cum? Somewhere in-between?
O - Open: Do they enjoy having things in their mouth? If so what are their favorite oral fixations? (fingers, toys, giving oral, etc.)
P - Preference: Does size really matter to your muse? Whether it be for others or toys in general. Do they have a favorite type of toy they like to use? If so is it the same to use on other people?
Q - Quiet: Do they enjoy trying to see how long their partner can last without making a sound? Do they enjoy loud or quiet partners?
R - Risk: Are they into some risky kinks? (breath play, exhibitionism, blood play, etc.) If so what are their favorites? Do they practice them safely?
S - Suspension: Are they into being suspended like on a swing or during rope play? Or if not, what's the highest place they've ever had sex?
T - TMI: Your opportunity to talk about any dirty thing you want to talk about with your muse. Could be kinks they like or just facts.
U - Underwear: Do they enjoy lingerie or dressing up for their partner? Or is it too much of a hassle? Favorite garments to wear? Do they ever go without underwear?
V - Violation: Are there any kinks your muse flat out won't do or even people they know? Are bringing them up enough to turn your muse away from a potential partner for good? Any pet names get them like that?
W - Water: Do they enjoy shower sex or anywhere else that's wet like a pool or hot tub? Is it too awkward?
X - X Ray: What's going on under your muse's clothes? Do they have any special scars or places they like to be touched or avoided? Describe their physique and anything else you'd like to expand on.
Y - Yes: Do they have any specific turn ons? Things that will automatically make your muse say yes to sleeping with someone else. If not what are some other things that get them in a more romantic mood? Lighting? Dinner?
Z - Zones: Favorite places they like to be touched? Are some less obvious than others? Any places they absolutely hate being touched?
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pcrplelightning · 2 months
what do we think the over/under is going to be for new out of wedlock kids conceived now that Heihachi is back?
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pcrplelightning · 2 months
@lightflown said:
"You truly don't know? ….check what's trending on twitter."
❝ 私の父は死から蘇っていない。これは残酷な冗談で、あなたの喉仏に私のブーツを素早く、そして断固とした歯ぎしりで答えるだろう。
My dad is not back from the dead , this is a cruel joke that will be answered with a swift and decisive crunch of my boot against your larynx .
What comes next is I conquer the world and eliminate this A.I foolishness .
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pcrplelightning · 2 months
❝ なんでみんな突然父の話をするんだ ?
Why the hell is everyone suddenly talking about my father ?
Keep his name out of your mouths , pitiful nobodies .
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pcrplelightning · 2 months
As someone who (rarely) writes Reina , I can see why people are upset and thinking her story is completely washed now that Heihachi is back .
But who's to say (and this is my prediction) Reina will be giddy af that her daddy is back , but Heihachi gonna Heihachi and betray/try to kill her .
This is a pretty good step forward for her character development , and I hope that's what happens .
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pcrplelightning · 2 months
I’d like to thank Harada-San for resurrecting Heihachi in the ultimate troll maneuver.
You have now breathed new life into this blog and for the roster of Tekken characters the revelation of her father being alive still will certainly only improve her evilness.
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pcrplelightning · 2 months
 ❝ バイデンの卑怯な撤退により、私はここにアメリカ合衆国の支配者であることを宣言する。❞
 With the cowardly withdrawal of Biden , I hereby declare myself ruler of The United States of America .
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pcrplelightning · 3 months
What is something about my portrayal[s] that sticks out?
Example being; my muses ticks they have, the way they talk, etcetera.
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pcrplelightning · 4 months
       Even Reina could not help but find some small semblance of admiration for the manner in which Nina carried herself . . . it was most certainly a prevailing factor that made her so alluring to recruit in the first place ,
       ❝ あなたのような現実的で現実的な女性でさえ、三島の名前にとって死は単なる無関心であることを十分承知しているはずだ。 ❞
Even a practical and pragmatic woman such as yourself should be more than aware that death is but a mere inconvenience to the Mishima name . . .
       As the second menu arrived , she paid note to the look of disrespect on the staff's face . . . the very prospect of dirtied boots burrowing deep into the linings of the leather booth seat was appalling . . . but the bearer of The Demon could honestly return any sort of care in regards to their feelings .
       ❝ 父もまた、傑出した人物ではあったが、自らの傲慢さの犠牲者であった。私の愚かな兄は、あなたの潜在能力を最大限に活かすには、あまりにも視野が狭すぎたことを証明している。 ❞
My father was also an outstanding man, but a victim of his own arrogance. My foolish brother has proven to be too narrow minded to utilize your full potential.
       Purple Lightning would reach for the bottle of wine that sat at the far edge of the table , placing its rim up to her lips to consume the fluids within . . . after a moment or two ? There was an exhale of satisfaction , before returning the beverage to its resting place ,
       ❝ 私は愛玩犬にも実験用ラットにも興味はない。
私が望むのは、私が切り開く新世界で私とともに働いてくれる、ふさわしい将軍である。 ❞
I don't care for a lap dog, nor a lab rat.
My desire lies in a suitable general to serve alongside me in the new world I will carve out.
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Succinct and to the point... How refreshing. The mercenary might even be impressed, if not for the absurd notion embedded between the lines.
Seeping through an already inauspicious conversation. Creating cracks in plain sight to anyone save the blind.
❝The Zaibatsu is dead in the ground where it belongs.❞
Weighted words from the conglomerates once de-facto leader. Laced with a poison à la derision, shots not dulled in the slightest by off dry remnant rosé, and aimed at the prospective next in line. ; Fired directly at what she could only assume was an ego unbothered by a piling stack of unfinished homework.
Glass soon left aside however, in favor of tech. A quick text to her client.... and a timer reluctantly set with the arrival of a second menu. ❝But... You have one hour.❞
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Nina leaned back against the upholstery. Arms crossed. – Any speck of intrigue struggling against suffocation within cold azure pools.
Locked and lying in wait for a raven haired fool to either trust the low tide, or by some stroke of luck manage to navigate the opening in time to find a buoy.
❝Care to convince me otherwise?❞
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pcrplelightning · 4 months
Reblog if your muse is Bisexual
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Other pride-flag bubbles for your muses: [LGTBQA+] [Ace] [Aro] [Panromantic/-sexual] [Grey-Asexual] [Demi-Asexual] [Gay] [Lesbian] [Transgender] [Intersex] [Agender] [Genderfluid] [Nonbinary]
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pcrplelightning · 4 months
       If there was any truth to Reina , it was that she hated walking among the lavishly rich . . . their judging glances as she pushed through the entrance doors of the restaurant with little care as to who they were or what they thought ; the desire to lay them all out right there on the spot was tempting . . . but there were important business matters that needed to be settled first and foremost .
       It did not take long for black orbs to lock onto the head of blonde hair they were looking for , in a booth tucked closer to the outskirts of the floor plan . . . Reina would eagerly make her approach toward the woman in question .
       ❝ おそらく、彼らは目を痛める以上のことを望んでいるのだろう。 ❞
       Perhaps they want more than a sore eye .
       The beauty of dealing with someone as capable and deadly as Nina Williams ? There was no need for any innocent facade , no games , not deception . . . even if the Mishima daughter desired to ? The other woman was far too familiar with the way her family operated , once a large contributor to its never-ending expansion efforts .
       Reina takes a seat across , disrespectfully positioning herself so that the sole of her boot pressed deep into the leather linings of the seat . . . her tight covered knee poking out from under the table as a result ,
       ❝ 財閥には、有能で殺傷能力が高く、頼りになる女性がそばに必要なのだ……。
ニーナ・ウィリアムズ以上に、その条件を満たす女性がいるだろうか? ❞
       The Zaibatsu needs capable , deadly , and dependable women by my side . . .
       . . . who better than Nina Williams fits these requirements ?
𝑪𝑳𝑶𝑺𝑬𝑫 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 | @pcrplelightning | ✲・*:・゚
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With recovery comes healing ; The molasses-esque return of normalcy. – Buildings rebuilt, green once singed regrown, ignorance again blissful under the glitz and glam of elite high life.
For the right crowd.
To the surprise of the mundane, those comfortable in the shadows still operate under the light of crystal chandeliers. They find the same comfort amid marble floors, and columns ; evening gowns and suits dining the night away as much as any of the more naïve. — And it's cute really, how onlookers pride always bolsters their observance skills after the fact. They always claim they ''Noticed something was off.'', or they ''Had a bad feeling'' when the reality is everyone else in this hotel was more preoccupied with their own prestige and tunnel vision to pay a speck of attention to anyone else.
As far as they were concerned, the blonde seated alone comfortably in a cushioned booth, watching a miniature hurricane of rosé swirl in her glass, naturally she was just waiting for a.. very opportune date.
Lavender heels and matching gown. Silk concealing strapped steel.
Nina Williams blended right in. — The eye sore of neon violet that walked through the restaurants doors however, certainly did not.
Any semblance of gaiety carved into ice vanishing with half an ounce from her glass.
❝Well aren't we a sight unfit for sore eyes... ❞
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❝I don't appreciate uninvited guests in my line of work, Miss Mishima..❞ Yet a hand gestured for the waiter to bring over another menu nevertheless.
❝To what do I owe the pleasure?❞ | ✲・*:✲・*:・゚
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pcrplelightning · 5 months
Blog Update:
So a lot of the sideblogs attached to this hub are single muses, and while that's cool for some regards... I don't find myself enjoying it as much; so, I will be condensing most single muses into a variety of multimuse sideblogs (I will go into why later in this post)
Here are the blogs that will be condensed and into what:
@sorrowedmight 🢂 a multimuse side blog for comic book characters (url undecided)
@pcrplelightning 🢂 a multimuse side blog for miscellaneous video game characters (url undecided)
Here are completely new blogs that are going to be formed (note: some muses still to be determined):
a penta-muse sideblog for Kiriko, D.Va, Sombra, Tracer, Brigitte of Overwatch (url undecided)
a multimuse for animated (cartoons/anime) muses (url undecided)
These are the blogs that will stay completely untouched:
All threads, connections, mains, and exclusives will transfer over to the new multis... so fret not!
Now into the reason(s) as to why:
I only have so many carrd slots (10) and a bunch of single muse blogs takes it up QUICKLY.
This makes it easier for me to keep track of things, and it makes muses more easily accessible for you lovely mutuals.
It also allows ease of access into new fandoms.
I genuinely appreciate you all, your patience, and understanding! I look forward to writing with you all some more! :D
With love,
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pcrplelightning · 5 months
🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑how do they feel about having multiple partners at once? have they ever done it? 🪢do they have a kink? if so, what is it? 💸have they ever or would they ever accept money or gifts in exchange for sex? 🍆how do they feel about toys? do they have any? what’s their favorite? do they use them with partners? 🌙do they need an emotional connection or are one-night-stands an option? 🫂how do they feel about friends with benefits? 🍒how old were they when they lost their virginity? to whom? was it significant? 🏳️‍🌈what’s their sexual orientation? have they ever experimented outside of that [for more binary orientations such as heterosexual/homosexual]? 👄do they prefer oral or penetrative sex more? ↕️are they a sub, dom, or switch? top, bottom, or switch? 🛏️what’s their favorite position? 🔢what’s their body count? 🕒what’s the longest time they went without engaging in sexual activity with a partner? [masturbation doesn’t count] 👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism? 🏬would they have sex in public? if so, how public is too public? 🤪what’s the wildest place they’ve ever done something sexual? ❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone? 💋do they like to kiss while having sex? do they cuddle afterward? 💦what’s their immediate post-orgasm reaction? 🫶what does after care look like for them?
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