ficmbti-blog · 10 years
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Kaworu Nagisa from Neon Genesis Evangelion
ENFJ - The Mentor (Idealist)
Kaworu is probably the most popular anime character that only lives for a single episode. His single appearance in episode 24 made him one of the most popular characters in the entire series; maybe even more popular than the main cast at times. He was so popular that he was given an appearance in End of Evangelion and they gave him much more scene time in the Rebuild movies.
Dominant Function: Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
"In other words, I love you."
Unlike INFJs, ENFJs are friendly from the beginning. Kaworu's Fe is so damn strong that Shinji falls in love with him in like a day. He has a strong ability to connect with the emotions of anybody and everybody. Hell, his Fe is so strong that he got otakus to fall in love with him despite his mere 20 minute screen time. Kaworu's intentions however are not as loving as it seems. To achieve his goals, Kaworu uses his Fe to gain the trust of everybody around him. 
Auxiliary Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
"You are not a being who should die. Your people need the future."
Kaworu was a visionary and had a love for human creativity. When he acted, he had a long term goal in mind. He was able to view things from a bigger perspective, which is why he spares the Lillim. He also has a love for speaking philosophically and his dialogue mostly consists of him talking about the nature of mankind.
Tertiary Function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)
"You must seize the future! It is what you live for!"
This may have been a result of him only being in a single episode, but Kaworu was an actor. He took action in the present moment when the opportunity presented itself. He didn't wait around to follow orders or routines like an Si user would.
Inferior Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Kaworu is very friendly and never talks out of turn like a Te user would. As a Ti user, all of Kaworu's logic is internal and it never comes out due to it being his inferior function. Kaworu used Fe and Ni to achieve his goals, not Ti.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Given Kaworu's position as the last Angel, he would fit the Neutral Good alignment. He is able to appreciate his enemy, the Lillim, and doesn't wish any harm on them. His actions are a result of a fight for survival; a fight that he later gives up because he sees the good in his enemy.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Misato Katsuragi from Neon Genesis Evangelion
ENFP - The Champion (Idealist)
Dominant Function: Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
"How do you know where to place us?"
"Woman's intuition."
Misato's approach to everyday life is quirky and spontaneous. She doesn't care for organization or routine unless she has to for work. She has a curiosity that puts her deeper and deeper into NERV's conspiracies. When developing battle tactics against the Angels, she's highly creative and original. Instead of relying entirely on the established orders and routines (Te and Si) she prefers to think outside the box and disregard probability in favor of adaptability. Misato's Ne usage is most obvious during the battle preparation scenes as her Ne goes in direct conflict with Ritsuko's and Gendo's Te. 
Auxiliary Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
"Misato's motivation for joining NERV is based on her desire for revenge against the Angels."—Nerv Archives
Misato's Fi is cleverly disguised for much of the show and we never learn her true motivation for joining NERV until quite some time. She takes on her goals personally and is motivated by causes (Fi) rather than her own personal logic (Ti). Witnessing Shinji's depression has a direct affect on her and it leads Misato to want to take care of him, yet since her feeling is introverted rather than extroverted she has difficulties making him feel comfortable sometimes.
Tertiary Function: Extroverted Thinking (Te)
"Giving up halfway is worse than never trying at all. Come on! Get up! MOVE IT!"
Despite Misato's spontaneous and creative nature she still adhere to established logical systems. This is why she excels in NERV and is able to move up the chain with ease - she excels at following and issuing commands. That being said, she's also very keen at getting the job done. During End of Evangelion she's unable to motivate Shinji as a result of her Fi and Te; these functions aren't exactly the best at giving inspiration to troubled people.
Inferior Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
Misato's repressed Si is seen as her desire to avoid talking about her past. Even though her memories took a good part in shaping who she is she would rather not talk about it. Her past is clearly a stressful issue yet it is important to her, hence her Si is her inferior function.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Misato seems lawful good but she's not afraid of going against commands and orders if she feels they aren't fair. While her motivation to fight the Angels is personal, she still does it because she feels its her duty to take care of her people; hence why she adopted Shinji. As the series progresses she gets more and more skeptical of her employers and finally by End of Evangelion she takes action against them.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion
ISFJ - The Nurturer (Guardian)
Shinji Ikari is one of the most interesting characters in all of anime. He certainly polarizes most people into loving him or hating him; his haters complaining about his "emo" tendencies, while his fans often defend the depth of his character. I mostly fall into the defender category; even though Shinji can sometimes be a little too emotional for my tastes he's incredibly well written for an anime protagonist. In my opinion overly macho male protagonists are boring and get on my nerves (I'm look at you, Gurren Lagann). Shinji's character depth brought something relatively innovative for anime protagonists. In a way, Shinji represents an actual youth reacting to the experiences around him. If you were Shinji's age and had a past as traumatic as his, you'd likely react very similarly if you were in his position.
Dominant Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
"Don't you have faith in your own father's work?"
"No of course not! How could I ever trust him again!?"
I'm pretty sure Shinji's mind lives almost entirely within the past. This is heavily characteristic of Si users; they make their decisions after referring past experiences. Shinji is heavily hesitant to become an Eva pilot in the beginning because he heavily distrusts his father and also because he has no piloting experience. He doesn't care about the potential it might serve for the future like an Ni user would.
Shinji is always quick to point out things that are familiar to him and things that are not; one of the most famous/infamous quotes of his is "unfamiliar ceiling" for example. He notices the smell of the Evangelion unit being similar to the scent of his own mother. He even is able to grasp the similarities between Rei and his mother although not so much that he is able to find out the truth behind their connection until much later.
As an Si user, Shinji learns best from experience. His utter failures soon become successes and he soon becomes the most able Evangelion pilot besting even Asuka. His positive experiences begin to accumulate and now that his past is not entirely muddled with crappy experiences he begun to rebuild his self esteem. What little we see of Shinji in a happy, "normal" state of mind is one who is very obedient, structured, and neat individual. This is why he can't be an INFJ; Shinji just doesn't care too much about the bigger picture and his Si is undeniably strong where in INFJs it is their absolute weakest function.
Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
"I wanna stay with you, Asuka... and I want to help you. But, I don't know what to do."
It's no doubt that Shinji is a feeler, yet it's not obvious at first whether his feeling is introverted or extroverted. At first glance he may seem like an Fi user because he experiences heavy introspection and always digs for his own meanings.
However I believe the introspection is explained more by his Si because he hardly focuses on his feelings on the present unless forced. In addition, Shinji's extreme difficulty with defining his own principals and exploring his own emotions shows how not adept he is at Fi. It clearly does not come naturally to him as it would an ISFP or INFP. It's something he struggles to do and hates doing it.
Shinji is a very polite guy who is more concerned about the feelings of others than of his own. As an Fe user he is always self conscious about how well he is contributing to his cause and always fears that he is pulling everybody else down. He also consistently goes out of his way to express concern for Asuka and Rei.
My favorite scene that showcases his Fe usage is the scene in which he has to fight the Angel that took over the Evangelion being test-piloted by Toji. Shinji can't bear the thought of hurting another person and says that he would rather kill himself than kill another person. This resembles a somewhat negative feature of Fe in that Fe users are prone to self-sacrifice for the greater good.
Tertiary Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
"What just are the Angels? It just doesn't make any sense."
Shinji clearly doesn't care too much about the science behind the Evangelion and hardly questions it. He does question his orders however, and the purpose and logic behind some of the objectives. For examples, Shinji (Ti) asks Asuka why they are fighting the Angels and what is their purpose and origin while Asuka replies asserting that his questions are futile and that they must follow their orders because the Angels are their natural enemies.
Inferior Function: Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
"What's wrong with running away from reality if it sucks?!"
Shinji struggles dealing with the bigger questions in life. I believe the only reason his Ne appears larger than it should be is because of his severe depression. When Shinji is in his normal, happy state of mind he couldn't care less about the meaning and purposes behind everything. However when he goes down the rabbit hole he gets stuck in an Ne loop which only drains him even further. His Ne comes out even more in End of Evangelion; again, a result of his deteriorating mental state.
Alignment: True Neutral
Shinji isn't a hero because he wants to protect humanity; he's only a hero because he was in the right place at the right time. He states that his reasons for piloting is because of the recognition he receives from those he cares about. He isn't on a moral crusade to save the Earth; in fact on many occasions he says that he doesn't care at all about the war between the humans and the Angels.
On the other hand he isn't evil either. He's usually a well-intentioned guy but he sometimes does morally-questionable actions; the most infamous of all being the opening scene of End of Evangelion.
In the end, Shinji doesn't care too much about the world around him. He just wants to love and be loved.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver
ISTP - The Crafter (Artisan)
Most people agree that Travis Bickle is an ISTP, but I do see a couple people every now and then say INFJ. At first glance he could very well be INFJ; after all the ISTP and INFJ share the same functions, and Travis' Ni seems pretty strong. However the order of the cognitive functions are just as important as which cognitive functions a person has. Technically an INFP and ESTJ have the same exact functions yet in reality they are likely to be incredibly different people.
Dominant Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
"I don't know. That's the dumbest thing I ever heard."
Travis views the world primarily through his own personal logic. He wants everything to make sense, yet he lives in one of the most chaotic, crime-polluted American cities. His desired response to crime, vigilantism, is in his mind a logical response to the problem. He doesn't see people as individual human beings like an Fi user would; he sees human beings and methodically labels them according to his own personalized system. He's quick to analyze the logic behind people's words and turn it against them, such as when he's talking to his experienced colleague or when he's talking to Iris. His first response is to point out how they're being irrational. He's not as firm or no-nonsense like a Te user though, so that makes him a Ti user.
Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)
"Someone should just take this city and just... flush it down the fuckin' toilet."
For a heavily introverted person, Travis loves to go outside a lot. This introduces an interesting dynamic in ISFPs and ISTPs; both of these types are introverts, yet their Se function often drives them to explore the outside world. Travis, being one of these types, sees first-hand the horrible state that New York City is in. His insomnia and capability to go anywhere made him a perfect taxi drive, because he doesn't really care where he goes. When it comes to handling his own personal problems, he takes them on directly and impulsively.
Tertiary Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
"Now I see this cleary. My whole life is pointed in one direction. There never has been a choice for me."
Travis' Ni develops probably shortly before the film begins. His Ti+Se brought him to look at the world from a logical perspective, and he used these observations to build up his view of the world. Travis is a strong visionary and despises crime, yet he doesn't really practice what he preaches. He has a strong vision for an ideal future, but isn't really practical in deciding how to get there.
Inferior Function: Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
"Loneliness has followed me everywhere my whole life (...) I'm God's lonely man."
Travis wasn't exactly a people person. He pretty much viewed 99% of the city as trash anyway. Travis' heavy Ti and Ni usage pretty much led him to judge everybody in the city. That being said, he was incredibly socially awkward, as shown when he brings his date to a porn theater. He doesn't understand at all why his date is upset. As the film goes on his Fe develops as shown with his desire to protect Iris, yet he doesn't really understand that killing her employers would only scar her.
I don't believe that Travis is an INFJ because Travis is heavily anti social. By anti social, I mean the dictionary definition which is basically having a hateful attitude toward society and people in general. INFJs are unlikely to be anti social because with Fe as their auxiliary function, their values originate from the society they're in. Fe users are concerned with groups and want to maintain social harmony. All of Travis' actions served to only cause chaos. While it's true that ISTPs have Fe, it is also their inferior functions and inferior functions are usually not well developed until far into life. Even then, it would only be an inferior function and not a heavy influence on his line of thinking, whereas an INFJ would be heavily influenced by their Fe since it is their second-strongest function.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
I debated between chaotic good and chaotic neutral and in the end went with chaotic neutral for Travis. Chaotic goods are far more tolerant than chaotic neutrals, and Travis seems to make a judgement on every living person inside the entire city. As a chaotic neutral, he is primarily concerned with self-direction and stimulation. He has his own self-driven view of the universe and highly values his personal freedom and thoughts. He also thrives a bit on stimulation, as shown by his impulsive nature.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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T.E. Lawrence from Lawrence of Arabia
INFJ - The Counselor (Idealist)
This assessment of Lawrence is based mostly off his movie appearance, not the real historical figure. I admittedly don't know too much of the real T.E. Lawrence to contrast with his fictional portrayal, so again, this is going purely off Peter O'Toole's portrayal in the classic movie.
Dominant Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
"Sherif Ali, so as long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous, and cruel, as you are."
"Nothing is written!"
The first quote illustrates Ni+Fe perfectly. Lawrence doesn't want the Arabs to cling to their traditions of fighting against each other to survive, he wants them to unite and discard the meaningless conflicts of the past. When he receives order from his superiors, he may be a little insubordinate, but the result he gets from it is much greater than his military superiors ever dreamed of.
Lawrence also had a drive to do the impossible. He didn't care if the Si traditions said there was no way he could save the man who fell of his camel in the middle of the desert; to Lawrence all of his efforts would have been pointless if he couldn't save one man. Again, his efforts here show perfect usage of Ni and Fe, as an INTJ would have a tougher time to go through so much effort to save a single man because such an action would be dangerous and inefficient.
Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
"This is the way the Bedu have always fought. You're famed throughout the world for fighting in this way and this is the way you should fight right now!"
Lawrence was highly charismatic and achieved what nobody else had in a while; he united the various Arab tribed under a single cause. That being said, his Fe was directed at maintaining that unity. Lawrence's feelings weren't driven from inside; he was concerned about groups, tribes, societies, and nations. He didn't care so much about the individual, as was shown when he was okay with the Arabs killing the man in order to get revenge — it was all done in order to maintain the fragile peace he had created.
Tertiary Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
"A thousand Arabs means a thousand knives, delivered anywhere, day or night. It means a thousand camels. That means a thousand packs of high explosives and a thousand crack rifles. We can cross the whole of Arabia while Johnny Turk is still turning round."
Lawrence had unconventional approach to military strategy. He was a proponent of guerrilla warfare and attacked the Ottomans from many different angles. This logical and multi-layered approach is not what a Te user would do; in fact a Te/Si user would probably be more inclined to stick with his/her original orders and not go above and beyond like Lawrence did.
Inferior Function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)
"There is no time to waste, then, is there?"
As much as a visionary that Lawrence was, he was unable to take in the sensory horrors of war. The war clearly eroded his innocence that was so evidently present in the beginning of the film. He took direct action and was sometimes even on the front lines, yet he never seemed to enjoy actually experiencing the direct results of his own influence.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Lawrence's neutrality is hard to dispute as he is caught between pretty much every faction in the war. He want to unite all of the Arabs, fight against the Ottomans, and at the same time prevent the Allies from taking land in the Middle East. He also has good intentions; something else that is hard to dispute. His innocence his shaken a bit by the realities of war, but his good intentions remain.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Reinhard von Lohengramm from Legend of the Galactic Heroes
ENTJ - The Field Marshal (Rational)
Reinhard is the central protagonist of Legend of the Galactic Heroes. As much as I prefer Yang Wenli, the story arguably is centered around Reinhard and his ambitions. What I find most interesting about his character is the many ways viewers can interpret his morality. He's the most morally-grey character in the show — he despises corrupt and repressive rulers yet desire absolute power; he despises careless commanders yet also wants total victory. Whatever you think of him, he was an interesting guy to say the least.
Dominant Function: Extroverted Thinking (Te)
"What I need is power. If i should want to get my sister back, then I must first, first of all, possess power that would make these idiots bow to my command."
Reinhard's first and pretty much only solution to everything was obtaining power. He wanted to be in control of everything. Not only did he want power, but he also wanted to be a public figure. This contrasts with Ti users, who are much less confrontational with their desires and goals. When Reinhard formulates battle strategies they are carefully constructed and implemented and have many elements to them. If even one thing goes wrong he becomes utterly frustrated. His battle with Yang Wenli at the climax of season two showed the weaknesses of Te; Reinhard was too direct and unable to think of any counters to Yang Wenli's cunning Ti usage. Reinhard was so damn serious and tense about everything that it begins to affect his body as the series progresses.
Auxiliary Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
"I want victory — but not because the enemy is weak."
In addition to his lust for power Reinhard was known for his desire to reach for the stars. He didn't care for the past and traditions like an Si user was, instead he was only thinking of the future. Reinhard wanted meaning in things; he desired power but only if it was obtained with a good fight.
Tertiary Function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)
"There is great satisfaction in fighting for the sake of gaining power, but it is joyless to fight for the sake of maintaining it."
When Reinhard was stressed he became impulsive. In addition he couldn't stand being on the sidelines or watching things from afar; he wanted to be a part of the action with his colleagues. He consistently made it a big deal for him to be on the front lines, which was against the advice of pretty much everybody.
Inferior Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
"But even if my sister hates me, I can't turn back."
All of Reinhard's ambitions originated from his frustration during youth when his sister was sold to the country's aristocracy. His motivations originate from personal causes, not other people's causes. He clearly has problems expressing his emotions and tries to decide things on a rational basis if possible. 
Alignment: Neutral Evil/True Neutral
Reinhard is an odd case of Neutral Evil. Normally I'd agree that Neutral Evil is the most "evil" of the alignment types, yet Reinhard was far from the most evil character in the series. Neutral Evil types are characterized by their desire for power and achievement through any means necessary.
However, I can also see some measure of Security and Benevolence within him. Given his mix of values and his character development, he may be True Neutral. The only thing undeniable is his lust for achievement and power, which would make him Neutral Evil-leaning.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Yang Wenli from Legend of the Galactic Heroes
INTP - The Architect (Rational)
Yang Wenli has to be one of my favorite fictional characters of all time; he made the series complete for me. Despite the show being more focused on Reinhard, Yang is arguably the fan favorite character. Yang's cool, but in an unconventional way. He doesn't have to be slick like Spike Spiegel or as tough as Motoko Kusanagi; all of his power resides in his head. When he's not busy napping or drinking tea he'll command his way out of any situation.
Now that I'm done fanboying over Yang Wenli, let's begin.
Dominant Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
"People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations."
"If the defense of our homeland and self-sacrifice are as necessary as you say, before you tell other people 'do this and do that,' how about if you actually do it yourselves?"
Yang Wenli's logic was highly unorthodox. He rejected the established plans and strategies being used by his superiors and brainstormed his own. His introverted thinking allowed him to see things from all perspectives. Whenever approaching a situation, he didn't care so much about arriving at a clear result like a Te user would do, he just wanted to issue the most logical command.
Yang Wenli was well known for his trickery, and many of his secrets came from his introverted thinking. Unlike every other commander in the show who loved to charge to their deaths, Yang took a calm, non-confrontational approach to strategy. Not only did this save men's lives, but he was able to formulate stronger strategies and tactics.
Many of Yang Wenli's political views also stem from his introverted thinking. He refutes the notion that people need nations to control them (Te), yet he doesn't throw out the necessity of societies (Fe). He constantly thinks about both factions in the conflict and tinkers with many possibilities for the future.
Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands."
Yang Wenli didn't really have social ingenuity, but when his extroverted intuition worked with his introverted thinking, he was able to perform miracles. While his Ti was used to create his own personal methods and strategies, he used his Ne to perform unheard tactics which worked well against his enemies. Remember the episode in which he got the enemy fleet to charge into a black hole? Or when he took Iserlohn by taking the commander hotsage? These aren't exactly conventional tactics, but they worked.
Whenever Yang is inside his own head, his Ti and Ne work to navigate many ideas and possibilities. His Ne is so strong that he is able to predict most of the show's events before they happen.
Tertiary Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
"Humans were drinking alcohol five-thousand years ago, and we're still drinking it now. Alcohol is humanity's friend. Can I abandon a friend?"
Yang has a deep affection for history and he lives within the past. He complains a lot that many modern inconveniences could have been avoided if we learned from history. Yang also applies his Si to his strategies and tactics — he creates detailed plans and stragies
Inferior Function: Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
". . .I'm Yang Wenli. Pleased to meet you all. . ."
Yang wasn't the best public speaker, but he was a polite man. He certainly developed to care more about others than himself. He abhorred meaningless deaths and corrupt politicians that manipulated their populace. He doesn't really have any personal conviction than an Fi user does — in fact it takes him a while to rebel against anything. He cares more about his friends and their well being than his own.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Yang Wenli sees the benefits and faults of both the FPA and the Empire. He recognizes that even though the FPA is flawed, he'd rather fight for them because they're democratic and promote freedoms that people in the Empire do not enjoy. Even when the Empire reforms and the Alliance becomes more corrupte, Yang decides to continue fighting for the FPA because he refuses to believe in the long-term benefits of autocracy. He openly criticizes the Alliance government yet he doesn't go against their orders like a Chaotic Good would.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Ganon from The Legend of Zelda
ENTJ - The Field Marshal (Rational)
Ganon has appeared in many Zelda games in different forms, yet his character is pretty much consistent in each game. He's pretty much the stereotypical evil ENTJ character; one filled with confidence, ambition, and a lust for power and control.
Dominant Function: Extroverted Thinking (Te)
Ganon's goal in every game usually goes along the lines of usurping the government, taking control, and then obtaining the Triforce to use it for his evil schemes. He's extremely result-driven and stops at nothing to get what he wants. In Ocarina of Time he's even willing to wait it out just to deceive everybody. He's not a Ti user because Ti users usually aren't so power-hungry. In addition Ti users also usually don't like holding positions of power. For these reasons, he must be Te-dominant.
Auxiliary Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
What is the purpose of Ganon's schemes? He's lured by the power of the Triforce. His combination of Te+Ni allows him to plan far into the future, which is why in some games he's nearly successful in destroying the world. Ganon clearly doesn't value the status quota and he inconveniently leaves out details in some of his plan. This makes it very unlikely that Ganon has Si, therefore excluding Ganon from being an ESTJ.
Tertiary Function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)
Ganon is a man of action and upon being frustrated he breaks out of his Te+Ni loop and begins acting impulsively. He is a skilled fighter, but maybe not as skilled as Link (after all he is defeated in every game).
Inferior Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Ganon only has his own interests in heart. He doesn't express much concern for others as he shows absolutely no remorse for guilt for the evil acts he commits.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Ganon clearly isn't lawful — he wants to destroy the world. I'm not sure if he's chaotic though, since he'll ally with anybody in order to obtain the power that he wants. In some games he's chaotic evil, yet in the bigger roles he has he seems more neutral evil.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda
INFJ - The Counselor (Idealist)
Zelda probably experiences the most variety among all the characters in the Zelda series. I'd argue that Tetra, or the Zelda in Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass, doesn't really fit as an INFJ. However for every other iteration she certainly does.
With the exception of the games stated above, Zelda makes a perfect INFJ.
Dominant Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Zelda is the wisest character in her universe — this is pretty much undeniable because she holds the Triforce of Wisdom. She constantly foresees the future and predicts future events; this happens most prominently in Ocarina of Time. She knows things before they happen and has a vast knowledge on the spiritual aspect of the world.
Zelda always looks at the bigger picture and wants what is best for her kingdom. In that sense, Ni is her dominant function because she perceived the world before acting, unlike an ENFJ which would sooner take action first and then look at the bigger picture later.
Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
Zelda is a very friendly and polite woman. She doesn't have any personal cause like an Fi user would, but she prefers to act in the best interests of her people. She is very diplomatic and prefers talking her way out of situations than taking direct action. When she's not using her intuition to perceive the world, she's engaged in keeping the peace in her country.
Tertiary Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
If it comes down to it, Zelda is not afraid breaking established rules and traditions if she has to get what she wants. Despite being in a high position of power, she thinks of her own personal methods to get things done. For example, she often goes to Link for help instead of relying on the establishment because she distrusts that going through with them won't yield results. In other words, she'll think of her own personal methods and logic to get around the established laws and methods used by her country.
Inferior Function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)
This function only really comes out when she is in her alter ego, Sheik. Other than that, Zelda is not one to take direct personal action, often relying on Link to do the dirty work.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Zelda wants what is best for her Kingdom, yet she will never resort to evil methods to get what she wants. She is pretty much the opposite of Ganon in this sense, since Ganon represents the chaos in the game.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Jiro Horikoshi from The Wind Rises
INTJ - The Mastermind (Rational)
I'm gonna take a break from my normal posting to post about Jiro from Miyazaki's latest film The Wind Rises. I really loved the movie for so many reasons that this post would turn into a review of the movie instead of an MBTI analysis of Jiro's character. Just to be clear this is an assessment of Jiro from the movie, not the actual real life person.
Dominant Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
More than anything else, Jiro is guided by his dreams. He has a very clear vision of the world and his interests only reside in aviation. His head is often up in the sky, in his own dream world in which he envisions magnificent airplanes. Jiro has a very clear vision of how he wants to build his planes; he wants them as light and nimble as possible. He wants to guide Japanese aviation into the modern age and despises how backwards the country is. His intuition is introverted and not extroverted because Jiro pretty much has only one interest while an extroverted intuitive would prefer many hobbies and interests. Jiro excludes outside information from his worldview, instead focusing on his own internal vision.
Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Thinking (Te)
Jiro is able to excel in the academic and research setting because of his extroverted thinking. He has a very clear idea of how things should be because of his Ni, and he seeks to logically optimize his ideas using his extroverted thinking. He is very keen on results and works tirelessly to see through that his ideas get implemented into reality.
Tertiary Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
While INTJs are often characterized as being cold and unfriendly, there's a soft spot that grows inside most of them. Jiro is an even bigger romantic than most INTJs though; he has a strong sense of morality as showcased by his desire to stand up for the bullied and to help total strangers during disasters. He takes his romantic relationship very seriously and has deep affection for his partner.
Inferior Function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)
When designing his planes he cared a lot about design and speed. These features were fed into his Ni to help create his world view. His Se wasn't developed much beyond that though; which is okay since it is his inferior function. Jiro was a engineering geek, not an athlete.
Alignment: True Neutral
Jiro's concerns were pretty much only on two things in life: aviation and his romantic interest. He made war planes but his drive was out of his own technical curiosity, not out of a craving for war. He criticized his government yet never really rebelled against it like a chaotic would.
In my interpretation, his alignment as true neutral was somewhat of a warning of pure neutrality. One of the movie's main messages was that you can't just forget about the real life consequences your dreams may have on the world. By the time Jiro realized the horrors of war that he helped manufacture to some extent, he was too late to undo his actions.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Link from The Legend of Zelda
ISFP - The Composer (Artisan)
I'm guessing many of you are questioning how anyone could read Link - he is a silent character after all. He also doesn't seem to have a strong or notable personality of any sort. This is all true, but MBTI isn't really a measure of personality as it is advertised on some websites. The system is used to measure cognitive functions, not your personality. Personality is made up of many things and you can't grasp someone's full personality with just the cognitive functions.
Also some may question which exact Link I'm rating here and the answer is every iteration. While Zelda changes a bit in the Wind Waker series, I'm fairly confident that Link stays the same type throughout.
With that said, let's dive in.
Dominant Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
A cheap, but effective way to showcase Link's introverted feeling is that all of his emotional development happens inside his head. He clearly reacts to things, yet not aloud as an extroverted feeler would.
Introverted feelers are highly motivated by a cause or a quest for justice. They are passionate, though it may not always be obvious. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and define their personal value system by themselves.
I believe Link fits into that description extremely well. In every game he has a strong passion for protecting his country. He has a strong sense of justice and always leaps to protect Zelda against Ganon. Once he's given a task, he will want to fight for the cause no matter the hardship.
Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)
Link's combat abilities and adventuring traits stem from his extroverted sensing. As an Se user, he has a keen sense of his external environment. He's able to jump into action at any moment and is very talented at fighting.
He differs from an INFP because although INFPs and ISFPs both share a dominant Fi function, INFPs have extroverted intuition. Whereas INFPs and ISFPs both have a cause, or a strong sense of justice, an INFP is more likely to do something creative for their cause such as writing a poem or performing on stage. An ISFP is more likely to engage their problem physically because their Se craves physical stimuli whereas an INFP's Ne craves mental stimuli. Both have their ups and downs, but for Link, he more obviously fits as an extroverted sensor.
Tertiary Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
In every Zelda game as far as I know, Link eventually gets introduced to the spiritual elements of the game embodied within the Triforce. The very concept of understanding these things relies on intuition, and while understanding the spirituality behind it may not come as naturally as it does to Zelda, Link at the very least understands it's something to protect.
What starts as a simple adventure to protect his country from evil turns into a fight to safeguard the triforce. Link recognizes the big picture and knows what will happen if Ganon gets to it. He intuitively understands many things about Hyrule that others would not immediately comprehend as well.
Inferior Function: Extroverted Thinking (Te)
Once given a task, Link will stay true to it. He doesn't lose focus and stop to think about things in depth like a Ti user would. 
Alignment: Lawful Good
Leaning more towards good than lawful. Link always valiantly saves his country from evil forces, almost entirely on his own. He's incredibly selfless and well meaning. I could see him being neutral good as well, but he's never really been put into a position in which he had to decide between society or chaos because every depiction of chaos is usually obviously evil (Ganon).
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Light Yagami from Death Note
INTJ - The Mastermind (Rational)
Light Yagami is one of the most polarizing anime characters, but his popularity is undeniable. Love him or hate him, I think that he was certainly an interesting character. That being said, Light seems to depict the stereotypical "evil mastermind" INTJ personality quite well.
Dominant Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
"I will become the God of this world."
Light's intuition always led him to thinking about things from a larger scale. He wasn't concerned about criminals in his hometown, he was concerned about criminals around the entire worlds. With his thinking global, he was also quick to intuitively make judgments on things. Unlike Ne users, who are scatter-brained and a bit more open minded, Light had a very firm vision of the future and how it should be arranged. He excluded outside ideas and information from his grand vision. He refuses Ryuk's offer of being given Shinigami vision because he does not want his own life shortened. Light also used his intuition with his Te to heavily plan into the future. With his future-oriented Ni, Light is able to predict the responses and actions of all of the authority figures and is accurate almost every single time.
Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Thinking (Te)
"Exactly as planned."
Light wanted everything to have a practical use - whether it was things in his personal life or justice in the world. He is very orderly and thorough in his actions, yet he doesn't take a century to think of every single possibility like a Ti user would. His Te usage is also reflected a bit in his absolute views of criminal justice. He thinks the criminal justice institutions of the world are horribly inefficient at both preventing crime, investigating crime, and adjudicating criminals.
Tertiary Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
"Justice? I am justice!"
Light Yagami's style of justice originates from his own values, not society's. He is able to bottle up his feelings extremely well, but upon becoming stressed he lashes out intensely at people. Since he's good at not showing his emotions he's able to pull the "poker-face" effectively, leading everybody to ponder on whose side he's really on.
Inferior Function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)
"I'll solve equations with my right hand and write names with names with my left. I'll take a potato chip... and eat it!"
Light makes decent use of his inferior function and notices the details around him, but only really when its necessary for his intuition and thinking. He's never impulsive until later in the series and prefers to change the world not through direct action, but from behind the scenes.
Alignment: Lawful Evil → Neutral Evil
Light Yagami began the show with very lawful evil intentions; he was a strong believer in order, structure, and society yet wanted that society to give no remorse to any criminals. However he eventually degenerates into being neutral evil and only really cares about power. In the beginning he said he would only kill wrongdoers, but he quickly breaks that rule and easily kills anybody who gets in his way (including authority figures) and then he threatens to kill people who disagree with Kira.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Rem from Death Note
INFP - The Dreamer (Idealist)
Dominant Function: Introverted Feeling
Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Intuition
Tertiary Function: Introverted Sensing
Inferior Function: Extroverted Thinking
I would consider Rem another one of the few characters in the series with good intentions. She has incredible devotion to Misa Amane, which is where she directs her introverted feeling. She isn't at all concerned about the needs of the group like an extroverted feeler is — her primary concern is Misa and it's because of her own desire to protect her. She has a strong sense of right and wrong which is displayed by hatred for Higuchi.
She's not into taking direct action herself unless it's absolutely necessary, so it's doubtful that she would be an Se user and therefore be an ISFP. However, she has an inquisitorial personality which resembles Ne usage.
Lastly, Rem failed to understand what Light's plan are all this time and it took her until the very last second to understand. This demonstrated how weak her inferior function (Te) was.
Alignment: True Neutral
Rem doesn't really care to be loyal with anybody except Misa. She doesn't particularly take joy in witnessing human misery as her coworker Ryuk does and mostly she views it as part of the job. She has a sense of right and wrong, yet makes no huge effort to fight against evil.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Near from Death Note
INTJ - The Mastermind (Rational)
Spoilers below
Dominant: Introverted Intuition
Auxiliary: Extroverted Thinking
Tertiary: Introverted Feeling
Inferior: Extroverted Sensing
Near may seem more similar to L given that both are trying to catch Kira and that both play with connections, but I think that Near is more similar to Kira in terms of how they think.
L, an INTP, was mostly focused on past events. He was an expert at analyzing and deducing using information on stuff that Kira had done in the past using his introverted thinking and introverted sensing. In contrast, as an INTJ Near is far more adept at predicting Kira's future actions using his introverted intuition and extroverted thinking; Near was more proactive compared to L.
However L was not proactive enough to be considered an ENTJ. In comparison to ENTJs, INTJs are bigger on perceiving things before acting. Near locked himself in his command building thinking of the bigger picture and piecing together interconnections with his Ni before making an elaborate plan with his Te.
I believe this is why Near was more successful at going after Kira than L was. Near was able to understand Kira's mind more, and like Kira, he could make long-lasting plans that extended into the future.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Leaning more on the "lawful" than "good" side here. Near is obviously on the law's side in the series, and they make subtle points that Near is more honorable than L was. While L was mostly motivated by the thrill of the chase, Near seems to have an actual sense of justice that he wishes to uphold (Fi). He considers the Death Note and the user incredibly immoral. He's also less prone to condoning morally-questionable acts than L; L openly tortured a young woman which is something I struggle to see Near doing.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Mello from Death Note
ENFP - The Champion (Idealist)
Dominant: Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
Auxiliary: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Tertiary: Extroverted Thinking (Te)
Inferior: Introverted Sensing (Si)
Mello is a bit of an oddball. His character is all over the place and develops quite a lot in the second arc. Many think of him as an ESTP, ESFP, and I've even seen people claim ENTJ. Considering the functions however I believe he is almost certainly ENFP.
Mello's uses his Ne to spot connections between various unrelated places. He sees potential and is very creative with his plans. His Ne is fueled by a cause, or his introverted feeling. This is why he may become reckless at times because an ESTP or an ENTP are way more likely to prioritize the logic behind their actions with their Ti. Lastly Mello uses his tertiary function, Te, to get the job done. He's very thorough and to the point, unlike Ti users that like to poke around a lot.
What differentiates Mello as an ENFP versus an ESFP? It's true that both Ne and Se usually require a lot of stimuli to keep them going, but the type of stimulation differs. ENFPs, users of Ne, thrive on mental stimulation. This is usually done in form of ideas or information. ESFPs on the other hand like sensory stimulation because of their Se. Eren Yeager, a character I would consider an ESFP (I'll get to posting about that in depth later), doesn't really care about the many possibilities and ideas in life; he would prefer to make a direct visible impact on his external environment.
Alignment: Neutral Evil → Chaotic Neutral
Mello begins as a fairly Neutral Evil character - he's up to siding with whomever as long as it brings him what he wants. He also doesn't care too much about morality in his decision making and goes with whatever is the most effective. Later in the arc he's mellowed out a bit by Near into a Chaotic Neutral state. At that point he's less evil, yet at the same time a greater risk-taker.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Misa Amane from Death Note
ESFP - The Performer (Artisan)
I see many label Misa as an ENFP but I strongly disagree with that rating. ENFPs are some of the most intelligent, creative, and ingenuous types out there yet Misa lacks those traits. ENFPs are concerned about the future and the abstract whereas Misa is only concerned about the present reality.
Dominant Function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)
Misa is incredibly expressive in how she dresses. She has a love for fashion but is also not afraid of being unconventional in her own way. She doesn't have any patience for order and wants to take direct action, showing an impulsive side to her. She's not so good at brainstorming ideas like an ENFP is, and her ideas get her into more trouble.
Auxiliary Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
"I hate evil and love justice. I do not consider the police as my enemies, but my allies against evil."
Misa has intense feelings inside her, most obviously for Light. She's very expressive about them, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's an Fe user. She's very unconcerned with group values and conversation norms. She doesn't blink upon murdering other people for her own goals, as she's mostly concerned about her own feelings.
Tertiary Function: Extroverted Thinking (Te)
Eventually Misa wants to be a part of the team and wants to be useful. This happens in the second arc when Misa tries to do her own investigating outside of the group. She hates not being useful and will do anything that Light tells her to do. Unfortunately she doesn't really stop and thinking about what she's doing.
Inferior Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
"Yeah, but... to me, Light is more important than the world."
Misa wasn't exactly a forward-thinking person. She's a stereotypical ESFP pleasure-seeking character and doesn't often concern herself with the serious parts of life. This is why she throws away so much of her lifespan without a second thought. In Misa's mind the future doesn't matter nearly as much as the present, and right now all she wants is Light's affection.
She's also completely incapable of noticing patterns or making connections, such as when Light is obviously manipulating her.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Although Misa is not as openly cruel as Light, she clearly doesn't care too much about killing innocent people to achieve her goals. I know some people who feel sympathy for her (I'm part of that crowd) because of her constant mistreatment by men, but that doesn't excuse her legitimately evil acts. She would have killed thousands of more innocent people without much hesitation if Light told her to.
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ficmbti-blog · 11 years
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Ryuk from Death Note
ENTP - The Inventor
Ryuk is quite the popular character. He brings much-needed comic relief in what is otherwise quite the over-dramatic series. His appearance is frightening, yet humorous at the same time.
Dominant Function: Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
"Because I was bored, that's why."
"Humans are interesting!"
Ryuk is characterized by, above all else, his desire to see chaos. He is very easily bored and craves excitement. Ryuk doesn't really care about the world or the people in it and sees humans as toys. He loves Light's ingenuity and the whole drama is causes throughout the world. While he normally doesn't want to get personally involved in the mess, he's not above doing minor things if there's a promise of further theatrics.
Auxiliary Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
"You're using the word 'destiny' for a woman again, Light. You always use a one patterned approach for women."
Ryuk was able to understand the logic behind most of Light's actions, but was not afraid to debate with him or other shinigami. ENTPs usually love debating ideas and Ryuk is able to deconstruct others' arguments.
Tertiary Function: Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
It's hard to imagine Ryuk having any feeling function, but seeing how ENTP is arguable the type he fits most it will have to do. Ryuk never really bottles up any feelings and is quick to express how he's feeling. He's also fairly charismatic and even feels inclined to provide Light assistance sometimes (but that's mostly to fulfill his own curiosity).
Inferior Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
Lastly, Ryuk doesn't really care about structure or discipline. He doesn't follow any routine and is quickly bored. He needs to be entertained or else he won't bother to stick with you for long. 
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Ryuk is obviously evil as he enjoys watching death and human misery. His approach to it is mostly neutral however. He follows the rules of the Shinigami, yet not out of love. Consequently he's also not one to break any rules as well. Ryuk mostly just sides with whoever will bring him the most excitement and maintain his interest.
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