ok so I've been away from tumblr a long time and not even because of the porn ban but because up until recently I was using an outdated-ass computer with outdated-ass browsers so this site really only functioned on my phone but now that problem is over - meanwhile I've become more & more hyperfixated on an age gap ship I've shipped for 20+ years already but it doesn't have a big fanbase & I need somewhere to just gush & meme about it & this seems like the right place but I don't know how big the anti problem here is now compared to Twitter (where I dare not try). How at risk am I at starting the blog here?
Quite a bit, honestly. But that's a given for pretty much any fandom corner on most mainstream social media sites. You can start by looking for the ship name and checking the blogs talking about it, if they're shippers or antis. Careful, though: not having antis now doesn't mean you'll never have them in the future. Plenty of semi-obscure ships found antis after a while.
What's more important, I'd say, is how comfortable you are with the risk of having antis targeting you, or even just not having anyone resonating with your gushing about your ship. If neither are big concerns for you, then you can try making a blog and then seeing how it goes from there. Otherwise, you could start by interacting with shipping blogs that are currently active (if there are any about your ship), so you can test the waters.
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Could you make a pin with a link to your DW?
I cannot trust tumblr not to consider it a link to a "harmful" site or whatever, hence I'll avoid linking to it directly. It's still just my username (without the "3") and then dreamwidth(.)org though.
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"Do you still think" anon: I don't know if you missed the last time I replied to this very same question on DW (your ask is suspiciously identical, almost word for word), but I'll redirect you there again. It's currently the second post starting from the top, you can't miss it.
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OMG YOU'RE BACK! I'm crying, I was so worried about you!!!!!
Welcome back! <3
My bad! Busy period, and I was taking advantage of the fact that my inbox was momentarily emptier than usual lol
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I can't seem to find your dreamwidth anywhere... Even when I check my history of a post of yours there, it just redirects me to the home page. What's up?
It is absolutely still there! Check that the link is correct, or the URL is correct, or in general check that you can reach my dw by going to its homepage, then try to view different posts.
Do tell me if you still have problems!
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I would like to offer a thought I had to the confused anon. I am someone that has to deal with anxiety on a daily basis and I have had to train my brain to think of things in a different way in order to deal with these thoughts and emotions. My brain can be in fight or flight mode and I have to pause and think... okay, logically I know that it's not the end of the world but emotionally it feels like it is...
I guess what I am saying is the moral compass is an emotion that you're experiencing. Emotions aren't always logical, but emotion and logic can exist separately from one another and both are valid... but you have to learn to separate the two. You can have an emotional response to something, and not like it, and that would be completely fair! You don't have to like it. But logically you can also acknowledge certain points too. You don't have to sacrifice your moral compass to acknowledge something from a logical lens and know that they can co-exist!
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Hi! Confused anon here, thank you so much for answering and I hope I didn't upset you. I actually took a deep deep dive into your DW and I have, to say the least, very complicated feelings at the moment. I think I'm overwhelmed mostly, and what you have written -- it makes sense, but I think that's what confusing my moral compass here. I don't know what to think now because all you have written in numerous posts makes sense on a logical level but at the same time my reaction is that of "hngh". Am I being dumb here??? Am I being incredibly reactionary??
You didn't upset me nonnie, your ask was polite and you even took the time to read further down my blog. You're fine.
And your reaction is absolutely normal. Many of the topics I talk about on DW are pretty controversial, if not downright taboo. I've lived with my ideas for years, and got used to navigating them left and right; if this is the first time you encounter those takes up close, then yeah, your reaction is absolutely normal.
What I can tell you, from the narrated experience of those who started reading me like "wtf?!" and then went "okay several points were made" is that giving yourself the time to walk past your instinctive gut feeling might allow you to consider those logical points better. If your "hngh" comes from rationally acknowledging a certain point but still being hit with a moral wall: what is that moral point saying, really? Who is it serving, and who is it helping? What and who is it protecting?
As a general point, and this is a core concept in cultural anthropology: we tend to forget that we're not objective, neutral observers. We don't judge others with an unbiased eye, we bring a whole lot of conscious and unconscious baggage when we look at someone and think things about them. So when you encounter topics or people that push you into a sort of shock, before looking at why they are "causing" that, study what your position is as their Observer. Play the game "I think they're X because I'm Y" and see what you can find.
Feel free to keep on scrolling my DW at your pace (you can also go by topic through the tags), and to ask me questions if you need clarification on anything.
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@ incredibly confused anon, go to my DW, second post (Sep. 22nd)
You can sum it up with: I don't care what people (who have the legally recognized agency to give informed consent) consensually do to each other.
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hey finr! great to see you back from the depths of deletion. i was wondering if you knew of a way to have multiple sims 4 installs easily? i'm sure i can wrangle it a hard way, but i'd quite like the option to update as well as keep my current version hard set where it is, a bit like when you play minecraft modpacks on 1.7.10 as well as 1.16.5, you know? anyway felt you were the one to ask and if you dont know maybe some of your followers might :) thanks
So long as you have enough space for multiple main sims4 folders, you can have as many as you like.
For example, my installation folder for the sims4 is in Downloads. That's where I paste all the update patches etc. and that's where I take the shortcut to desktop to run the sims.
If I had, at the same time, another installation folder, either in Downloads or anywhere else, I could still take the TS4 exe for that specific folder/patch, and run it.
You just have to be careful because your Sims 4 folder in Documents will keep on overwriting unless you manually create different versions that you rename each time. To be more specific, whatever kind of TS4 exe you use, the game will still always look for and read 1 (one) The Sims 4 folder in Documents/Electronic Arts. It will autogenerate if you don't have it, and if you're using that folder for another patch, so long as it's the only one named that way, it will be used for any other TS4 exe you use, be it through Origins or whatever else.
What I do is create different The Sims 4 folders in Documents/Electronic Arts, and before I get into the game I choose which one I need at that moment. I have, for example: "The sims 4"; "The sims 4 - DD" (devious desires); "The sims 4 - origins" Whenever I want DD or Origins to run, I rename the first folder "The Sims 4 - main game" and change one of the other two to "The sims 4" so that it's the one pulled up in the game.
If you were to have more than one game based on patches, I would differentiate those The Sims 4 folders based on patch numbers.
I don't know if I've managed to explain myself properly. If you still have doubts, feel free to hmu in chat.
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You are amazing!
I try!
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I’ve seen “tunr” a couple of times in finrcest asks and I just wanted to check whether it was a recurring spelling mistake (a reasonable one given the QWERTY keyboard), or if I’m missing a piece of the developing lore?
tunr is tumblr!finr
Then we have:
dreamwidth!finr = dwinr
twitter!finr = twinr
villain!finr (fiction is reality) = fir
baraag!finr = banr
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sims 4 anons, I replied to you on my finrsims dreamwidth!
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anon asking about FL, I replied to you on my DW!
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how do you think ao3 would/should handle if people started using fanworks to spread irl misinfo? like, "pearl tells steven why vaccines cause autism" - technically a fanfiction so can't be taken down for being not a fic, but a vehicle for misinfo nonetheless
I don't think the argument is that much different from "pearl and steven are in a toxic relationship but it's completely romanticized and never challenged in the story"
If I hold the opinion (as I do) that readers are not mindless victims of fiction being brainwashed from one story to the next, and that they're the ones responsible for blindly using a piece of fiction for educational purposes without reading critically, then I don't have a lot of wiggle room for double standards.
If I think about what could force the staff's hand into intervening, there would need to be something crossing the legal threshold for unprotected speech*, and it's quite difficult to do that through the fiction medium based on AO3's stance.
*For example, an emergency situation where it was causally clear that said speech was directly causing immediate real life harm. With fiction being the tool, and with the reach that a fanfiction has, I don't think we can easily get into that. It's far more likely for an Ao3 story to get into trouble for obscenity because it's too s.exy.
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What if tunr 2 and 3 are reincarnated versions of tunr and not their siblings? Have you seen the trope where a character kills their sibling but it’s a regular thing because their sibling will come back from the dead? (Like cain and abel in the sandman). I always like to imagine the angst that would come when they do it one day but their sibling stays dead.
So. Perhaps fir could be the one that keeps murdering tunr. The first time was a rash, impulsive decision they regretted immediately after. It was a relief when tunr came back as tunr2. Once they got over the shock, it became a habit. They keep looking at “problematic” things they’re secretly into (they justify it to themself by saying they’re just doing it so they can warn innocent minors), then killing tunr to relieve the feelings of guilt and shame. Until one day, they do the exact same thing as always, except days and days go by and tunr doesn’t come back. Fir is left feeling empty and regretful, but they can’t turn to anyone for comfort because they’re supposed to be happy. The other finr’s have probably gotten suspicious at how tunr sometimes disappears for days, but would they know it’s because of fir? Dwinr probably does, though.
And because I don’t actually like bad endings, plot twist: tunr has just been busy reading dark fics and consuming all types of problematic fiction that they didn’t notice they died XD
The fact that I'm not reading this in fic form is criminal
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how do you manage to play the sims with the fun mods installed. i get super distracted and end up doing nothing but watching and forgetting all the stories i had planned lmao
My strategy is: I don't really plan my stories, not really. With gen challenges, for example, I know I have certain milestones to hit, but beyond that, most of the time I am just sitting and watching the fun mods do their thing. The fun part is turning the chaos the mods are giving me in gameplay into something that somehow creates a coherent story that fits with the rules I'm supposed to follow.
This creates very amusing moments where I think the game is going in a certain direction, and then something completely wild happens and I have to make it make sense with the bigger storyline that was created up to that point.
I might like a certain plot point (planned by the rules or randomly generated by the game) enough to micromanage it further, but most of the time I'm surfing, not rowing.
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So, um... with the upcoming free-to-play release of Sims 4, could you kindly point me in the direction of your marauders on boats expansion pack help?
I realistically spent more than €1,000 on Sims 1-3 and their DLCs and all over the years... I think I deserve getting shit on ships with black flags now.
I love all the euphemisms so much lmao
DM me on finrsims.dreamwidth for the treasure map
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