fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
Hey Hubbard, Texas - I’ll gladly help you find whatever it is you’re looking for if you’ll just message me. 
Stat Counter is showing me everything you’re looking at, and I’m not really sure what you’re trying to find... 
But since I’m not on this blog anymore, whatever you’re looking probably isn’t going to be found here. 
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
A little announcement...
Rob is moving! In an effort to keep up with everything, I’m condensing down to two blogs.  Jesus will still be my main blog, but I’ll also be throwing all my other characters onto my multi muse. 
You can find my multi muse HERE.  Please give it a follow if you’d like to continue interacting with Rob. :)  All threads will be continued and asks answered from there. <3 
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
A little announcement...
Rob is moving! In an effort to keep up with everything, I’m condensing down to two blogs.  Jesus will still be my main blog, but I’ll also be throwing all my other characters onto my multi muse. 
You can find my multi muse HERE.  Please give it a follow if you’d like to continue interacting with Rob. :)  All threads will be continued and asks answered from there. <3 
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
A little announcement...
Rob is moving! In an effort to keep up with everything, I’m condensing down to two blogs.  Jesus will still be my main blog, but I’ll also be throwing all my other characters onto my multi muse. 
You can find my multi muse HERE.  Please give it a follow if you’d like to continue interacting with Rob. :)  All threads will be continued and asks answered from there. <3 
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
A little announcement...
Rob is moving! In an effort to keep up with everything, I’m condensing down to two blogs.  Jesus will still be my main blog, but I’ll also be throwing all my other characters onto my multi muse. 
You can find my multi muse HERE.  Please give it a follow if you’d like to continue interacting with Rob. :)  All threads will be continued and asks answered from there. <3 
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
A little announcement...
Rob is moving! In an effort to keep up with everything, I’m condensing down to two blogs.  Jesus will still be my main blog, but I’ll also be throwing all my other characters onto my multi muse. 
You can find my multi muse HERE.  Please give it a follow if you’d like to continue interacting with Rob. :)  All threads will be continued and asks answered from there. <3 
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
A little announcement...
Rob is moving! In an effort to keep up with everything, I’m condensing down to two blogs.  Jesus will still be my main blog, but I’ll also be throwing all my other characters onto my multi muse. 
You can find my multi muse HERE.  Please give it a follow if you’d like to continue interacting with Rob. :)  All threads will be continued and asks answered from there. <3 
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
A little announcement...
Rob is moving! In an effort to keep up with everything, I’m condensing down to two blogs.  Jesus will still be my main blog, but I’ll also be throwing all my other characters onto my multi muse. 
You can find my multi muse HERE.  Please give it a follow if you’d like to continue interacting with Rob. :)  All threads will be continued and asks answered from there. <3 
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
A little announcement...
Rob is moving! In an effort to keep up with everything, I’m condensing down to two blogs.  Jesus will still be my main blog, but I’ll also be throwing all my other characters onto my multi muse. 
You can find my multi muse HERE.  Please give it a follow if you’d like to continue interacting with Rob. :)  All threads will be continued and asks answered from there. <3 
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
Sorry for the quiet. Work is stress and I’m juggling blogs. I’ll do some Rob things tomorrow to shove into my queue. 
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
Morning folks, 
Well, today work *really* kicks off, which means I’ll either be utterly exhausted or full of energy when I get home (there’s never an in-between.) From here on out, I’ll be doing things as I can - which usually means loading them into my queue. It posts 5x a day (unless it’s nearly empty) and I try to re-load it for the upcoming week on Saturday/Sunday. 
That being said, I fully understand and support if you need to drop something because I’m slow. And likely, I’ll be dropping a few things here and there - but I do try to keep up as best as I can. 
I appreciate your understanding and your patience! <3
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
Ability Information
In all verses, Rob has a psychic ability that is activated through touch. Once activated, he can tell if someone is going to die within the day. Direct skin-to-skin contact is required in order to active the ability, and once activated one of two things happens:
1.)    He hears the echo of the person’s heartbeat as normal, meaning there is no current/immediate threat toward their life.  
2.)    He hears an echo of their heartbeat slowing to a stop/them struggling to breath and time seems to stand still around him. In this scenario, the person is marked for death – either due to illness, accident, or some form of direct intervention, like murder – and will die (without proper precautions/medical intervention) within the day.
In the scenarios where their death is predicted, the only way Rob can prevent it is to either give successful medical intervention (provided their death is due to an illness or injury that can be treated – he can’t ‘supernaturally’ heal. If his medical knowledge won’t heal them, then they’ll die anyway), or by having them alter the course of their actions and avoid dangers – and that doesn’t always work.
He sees this ability as a curse, but there are a lot of reasons why someone would think differently. He can predict death, which in the wrong hands can be very dangerous. If you were a bad guy with your own fortuneteller at your beck and call, your fate would be completely different. Rob says you’re going to die (and let’s be real, in the movie he was NEVER able to hide the reaction on his face), then you would just alter your actions for the day and stay one step ahead.
I’m still working on the ramification of that…what would happen if someone cheated death enough using his help. Death doesn’t like to be cheated out of a victory.
 Updated ability: Supernatural (tvd/to/spn/mythology etc) and Untamed Verses
In his supernatural (tvd/to/spn etc) and Untamed (closed to @alloycoded) verses, Rob has an additional extension to his ability.  In addition to the death prediction, he can see beyond the Veil between the living and the dead. This manifests as him having the ability to recognize spirits and demons in various forms – possession, reincarnated souls, and ghosts. Vampires and demons would register as something that does not belong on the living side of the Veil.
With enough concentration, he can see and contact those on the other side (and thus can see/communicate with those on this side that have not yet crossed over).
This ability is unstable and poorly controlled. He doesn’t know how to shut things out when they become overwhelming. Too many entities at once and he won’t be able to handle the sensory overload – so areas of high spiritual activity will make it difficult (if not impossible) for him to function.
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
Of course he came back. He had given his word that he wouldn’t abandon him here, keep walking and forget that he had a bit of a newfound responsibility. Most were hesitant and to be quite honest, a bit brute at times with a perfect stranger. Some believed his presence to be demonic, that they were being sent to learn about them. Their strengths, their weaknesses, but Xiao knew better. He has seen and has felt dark energy. Whoever this man truly was, he had no doubt that he was here to learn and share. 
It had taken some thought, as to where to take him first. A journey that would not be so long, a place where Xiao Xingchen was confident he would not be harmed. “I’ll come back.” Spoken as a silent promise, but followed with stern instructions not to wander. To stay with his teachers, learn all that he can without pushing boundaries. 
Which he may, or may not have been a bit concerned about on his time away. Knowing how difficult it is to control oneself, always wanting to take things a bit further, push oneself physically and mentally. Xiao Xingchen had taught him all he could teach him, in how to speak and carry himself and the things that should not be done. So many were already angry that he was even there, and Xiao Xingchen didn’t want some to be given more reason. Based on his tone alone, he assumes that all has been going very well. 
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“Did you think I forget?” Not that he blamed him, if he did. He was gone for quite some time, much longer than even he had expected. Still, it doesn’t deter the grin that’s slowly beginning to pull across his face. Clearly, becoming excited to share the good news that he had been hoping to come back with. “You are almost done.” He had already spoken to one of the doctors ahead of time, wondering if he had come back too soon. Luckily, such was not the case. Another two or three days, and he would be able to move on.  
Gives him a break to rest, since they’ll be travelling once more. Further out, a journey that was well worth it. Rob would enjoy the Lotus Cove, he thinks. 
“Have you eaten?” He could go for something to eat. Make a trip, get some vegetables for some soup. It’ll give them time to talk, for him to be updated on what he has learned. And hopefully, he’ll speak of the place he came from, from the other places he has seen. “Come.” He turns, and only proceeds when he knows he’s being followed. “Have you heard of Lotus?” He doesn’t know if they might have been mentioned. Most likely not, since they’re not quite theirs. They practice different solutions that the Lotus offers when they’re unable to buy or trade it.  “A doctor already waits for you to finish here, to teach you.” Which had been what he wanted to start off with, content that he had managed to find someone else that was willing to teach and be taught as well. Agreements, that had to be made ahead of time.  
↪ │( 🇲🇮🇸🇨 ) 🇸🇪🇳🇹🇪🇳🇨🇪 🇲🇪🇲🇪 🇽 🇦🇨🇨🇪🇵🇹🇮🇳🇬 ! ⌈ @fidelismedicus ⌋
     If truth were told, Rob had begun to suspect that Xiao Xingchen wasn’t going to return. It was a promise made in a long list of promises broken in his life, and he wouldn’t have held it against him in the slightest. This new world he found himself in could be as treacherous as it was beautiful, accepting of outsiders one moment and hostile toward them in another. Rob was grateful for all the things that Xiao taught him - rules and customs, what medical knowledge he had, ways to survive – however, it wasn’t his responsibility to tend to a stranger.
Hence his excitement at seeing the other man once more.
“Forgot? No.” British accent was still crisp and clear, despite all his years away from home. “I simply thought business had kept you away.” The relief was heavy in his tone, in the way he reached out and touched his friend’s upper arm. “I learned a few things while you were away.”
That train of thought faded when Xiao asked if he’d eaten, a question that promptly had Rob shaking his head no – and then realizing the error of his ways. “No. I would love to though.” His stomach had been angry with him for the past little bit, but he’d been so wrapped up in his studies to do anything about it yet. Eating with Xiao Xingchen though? It seemed the perfect way to spent part of his afternoon.
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Rob fell into step beside him, continuing where he’d left off earlier. “I’ve learned a few things, not medical things.” Obvious pride in his voice. “Now I can say yes, no, please, thank you…” All of which he demonstrated in Xiao’s language, hesitant and scratchy – but understandable. “I’m learning. There is an older woman at the inn who teaches me after dinner.” One day, if his travels didn’t take him outside of these lands, he wanted to master the art of their language; it was beautiful and lyrical…and also highly complicated.
“Lotus? You mean the flower?” No, he’d never seen one, at least not in person. The woman who had been teaching him a few words of their language had a tapestry hanging on the wall next to her dinner table, and he’d asked what it was. Lotus flower, she’d said. Sacred and beautiful, but that was all he could understand.
“I’ve only seen an image, woven in a tapestry. Nothing more. I was told it was sacred, but not why or where it is found.” Rob’s face lit up with Xiao mentioned another doctor to train under, someone else that would teach him more of their ways. Already his teachings had come in handy when a man was brought to town suffering from a broken leg and a stab wound. “Where will we be going? Will you be accompanying me?” A better question would be whether or not Xiao would be staying. After such a long time apart, Rob was looking forward to spending some time with him.
They reached the market area, and he stepped closer to the other man’s side. Eyes turned in their direction (as they always did when Rob ventured into crowded areas), but no one said anything that he could fully understand. “Soup? There are turnips for sale…Do you want to start there.”
He shook his head, letting Xiao lead the way since his nose was a better guide than Rob’s eyes were. “One of the things that I miss most about my home…my mother when I was a child used to make this bread over the fire. It was the best thing I had ever tasted. And soup – made from potatoes. It has been years, and I can still remember. Did you have a favorite food as a boy?”
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
@alloycoded | plotted starter | Xue Yang
     The city he’d been staying in was accommodating and friendly, welcoming him with only the barest hints of suspicion and fear. It was to be expected though; he didn’t look like them, sound like them, talk like them. Rob couldn’t blame them for being a bit worried, but he was treated with respect from most. Enough so, that he had been allowed to rent a private room, allowed to study with the city’s healers, and come and go as he pleased with little interference.
Occasionally, he would make trips out to one of the smaller villages – offering medicine and services where he could. Communication was hard, at times, but he had picked up enough words and phrases to get his meaning across – some of the time. Enough anyway, that most didn’t think him a threat when he tried to help.
He was on his way back to the city after assisting with a birth when his donkey hesitated at a crossroad, refusing to go any further. Not unusual, it tended to be a stubborn beast – something that hadn’t changed no matter what the location. Donkeys in London had been just as bad, just as pig-headed. This one though? It stopped cold and would not step one foot further toward home. Nervous. Sniffing the air, as if it sensed something Rob could not.
“Easy girl…we’re just going to go on home.” He’d heard enough stories to know that he didn’t want to get caught outside the city’s walls after dark. The people here had their superstitions, their myths and legends, but he had seen real magic – witnessed it with his own eyes. It was not much of a stretch that the monsters, ghosts, and demons they spoke of in hushed tones might be real as well.
It was a whimpered groan that pulled his attention away from the animal, head turning toward a ditch to the left-hand side of the road. It was partially filled with water from last night’s rains, but the man inside was hardly aware. Eyes closed, face bloodied, he was bleeding from several wounds scattered across his body and hidden under his robes. Rob closed the distance between them, able to see even before he crouched down beside him that there was significant bleeding to his side and his leg – not to mention the cut to his face.
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“Easy,” said in English, hand pressing gently against the man’s chest. “My name is Rob Cole, and I’m a doctor.” Doctor said in their language, free hand pointing at himself. “You’re very hurt. Please just lie still.” He left him there for a moment, sprinting back toward the cart and bringing back bandages and herbs that he’d been instructed would stop bleeding if taken internally. Back within the minute, Rob was kneeling next to the man once more. “Swallow this,” Herbs presented for him to see, then pressed between his lips – hopefully they were common enough that the stranger would know what they were, and that Rob had no intentions to poison him.
“Your bleeding is severe.” Broken words half in his language and half in theirs, but the point was made. He was suddenly very intimately aware of the dagger that had been pulled, the blade too close for comfort. Rob swallowed thickly, eyes shifting from his patient to the blade and back once more. “I mean you no harm.” The man’s language, but probably roughly translated. “You need help. Let me help you.”
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
What the shit is this? 
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
SEND ME ✖ FOR A RANDOM KISS. | @alloycoded​ | Lan | 16. Multiple Kisses
     Months had passed since coming to Cloud Recesses, since offering to teach and learn, and not once had Rob ever truly entertained the thought that there were dangers that could invade. It seemed like a peaceful haven, a way of life that was sadly missing from the world that he’d seen on his travels. It was a beautiful place, one that he could see his son growing and learning in – with people that he had become to think of as important to him.
One, in particular.  
Lately though, threats had been pushing in from the outside – dangers hiding around corners and seemingly appearing out of thin air…only to disappear just as quickly. Tensions were high, even Lan Xi Chen seemed to be feeling the effects; his normally friendly and open demeanor was frayed along the edges with tension.
Rob didn’t try to pry, but he was privy to a few things here and there – some other Clan was pressing in, attempting to take things that didn’t belong to them. The other clans were meeting to decide what would happen, how the threat would be dealt with, what show of force or diplomacy would get the job done so that the violence and growing threats ceased. All he could do was stand on the sidelines, offer to heal those who needed his attention, and worry that his newfound home was in jeopardy.
It was that fear and that worry that drove him to seek out Lan Wangji when his son turned up missing from their room. He was there one minute and simply gone the next, as if he’d just faded into nothingness. Rob looked everywhere he could, but none knew the inner workings of Cloud Recesses like Lan Wangji.
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On the edge of being frantic when he finally found him, Rob let Lan know what happened and then trailed along behind him as he started to look. No one would say what they were all thinking – there was fear that someone had taken him, perhaps as some sort of act against the Lan Clan. The disrespect of a guest, a claim that the clan could not protect those within its borders, would be a serious slight against them.
Immediately, people were sent to the more dangerous areas of Cloud Recesses – just as a precaution in case the three-year-old had wandered some place he shouldn’t be. Lan and Rob searched other areas, places Rob didn’t even know existed yet…
And found him chasing butterflies in a patch of flowers.
The relief was palpable when he laid eyes on his son, when he scooped him up and held him tightly against his chest before scolding him for leaving without an adult. “Lan Wangji…” Blue eyes met and held the other man’s gaze over the shoulder of his son, everything he wanted to say – every bit of appreciation and relief he felt – was reflected in that one look.
He shouldn’t have even though about it, much less actually reached out, but it was a spur of the moment act. Rob stepped closer, and without thinking pressed a series of soft shallow kisses against Lan’s lips. When he stepped back, there was panic written plainly in his eyes – now so wide that they looked like saucers. Those same wide eyes fell, intently studying a piece of grass and wondering when the hell it had become acceptable to just reach out an kiss another man – much less one that had been so gracious with his home. “I am so sorry. I should not have…just…”
Why couldn’t he even look at him now?
His mind was racing with a thousand different scenarios now. They’d be kicked out. Lan Wangji would never speak to him again. He’d tell everyone that Rob kissed him. So many different scenarios played out in the few seconds that he was silent. “Thank you for finding him. I should…get back. I have books to look over.” Saying it and doing it were two different things though; his feet remained firmly planted where they were. “I am so, so sorry.”
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fidelismedicus-blog · 5 years
SEND ME ✖ FOR A RANDOM KISS. | @mxndwitch
11. kiss on the mouth
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     “Don’t go.” Rob knew his words were not going to be heeded, and the panic in his tone was enough to give away that he wanted her to forget chasing after her brother today. There were some things in the world that couldn’t be changed, no matter how much he wanted them to be different. Fate had a way of taking what it wanted, and today it wanted Pietro – and there was no way Rob could tell Wanda what he knew without her thinking he’d lost his mind.
It had been a routine examination, just a random check of combat-readiness. Rob accidentally brushed against the skin above Pietro’s heart while listening to its beat, but the contact was enough to steal his breath away. That stuttering and fading rhythm, the loss of breath, and the suspension of time was enough for him to know that that her brother wouldn’t be coming home.
But he couldn’t let her volunteer to go with them, couldn’t let her be there on a battlefield when Pietro took his last breath. He knew what her twin meant to her, and he knew that losing him would be a devastation that she’d never recover from – not entirely.
“I mean…” What did he mean? Stay here so that you don’t watch your brother die. What did he say? “I need to inventory the stock room and I thought you could help…It’ll keep you out of the heat.” And just as he’d suspected, it wasn’t an excuse that she bought – not in the least.
Another tactic then, another thing that might shock her into staying at his side. A hand reached out, took hold of her wrist and pulled her to him. His free hand found her cheek, kiss pressed deeply against her lips and lingering until he broke contact breathlessly. “Stay here. Please.”
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