somewherebetweenrage · 11 months
plotted starter for whichever one of Erik's family members wants to pick up the conversation and explain that this idiot fell asleep and let his tea go cold @wcrriorhearts / @mxndwitch / @survivcrsguilt
Erik Lehnsherr does not get sick. It’s a statement of fact, an acknowledgement of the way the world is; the mutant has had injuries aplenty, but he could count on one hand the number of times he has been genuinely ill. Meaning that, when his heart starts to fail, he is quick to notice.
It’s to be expected really, at his age. Auburn hair has long since greyed, and the strands around his temples are most definitely heading for white. Muscles and joints are not what they once were, and on bad days it can be painful to work with his hands; his days of sewing are long gone. His limp is more pronounced now than it ever was, and he frequently relies on the manipulation of magnetic fields to move about the island with any kind of ease. Erik has reached an age that, to most, would be entirely unthinkable. He knows the time he has left is short.
And still, he goes on. The mutant is not afraid of dying – hasn’t been afraid of that since the age of sixteen – but dying means leaving his family, his loved ones, and he will take every moment with them that the universe will allow. He will wring as much time from this life as he can, will hold on with everything available to him, until he is forced to let go. In the meantime, he is determined that his family will have no cause to worry, or to fear. And if his heart needs a little encouragement from his mutation every so often, then what of it? Nobody needs to know.
The unexpected wetness on the back of his hand jolts Erik awake, confused gaze taking a moment to focus on the world around him. He’s at home, in his favourite armchair, and Persephone is sitting at his feet, licking his hand in a way that means she’s hoping for either food or a scratch behind the ears. The mutant blinks a couple of times. Did he fall asleep in the armchair again? How embarrassing. A quick glance towards the familiar voices he can hear in the kitchen. Hopefully they didn’t notice his little nap.
Calloused fingers receive another lick, and with a small smile Erik obliges the request, lifting his hand to rest it on top of Persephone’s head, gently scratching his thumb behind one of her ears. His other hand reaches out to retrieve his cup of black tea from the nearby table, but instead grasps only air – it takes a couple of attempts before he realises the mug is no longer there. Forehead furrows. “Did someone take my tea?”
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manbehindtheshield · 2 years
When he returned, Wanda had just decided that she needed to get up and use the bathroom. The pain was so bad she was sweating and sitting it was making her antsy. Aside from that, she still tried to give Steve a small smile to comfort him. “It’s gonna be okay. You’re doing great”, she said a little breathless, not even interested in the snacks anymore, because she instead felt like throwing up. “I need…bathroom”, she muttered and got up, before realizing they had hooked her up to a drip a while ago for fluids. Because she had absolutely no patience with it, she just ripped it out of her hand so that she could move freely. It seemed like she had passed the point of rational thinking and was getting slightly erratic.
She made it to the bathroom, but once there realized that maybe the pressure she felt was indicator for something entirely different than expected. Bracing against the sink, she winced. “Fuck…Steve? Can you get the nurse? I think…I think the baby is coming NOW”, she called out for her husband, knowing it would cause him to freak out most likely, but she was very sure that she needed to push, which was not something she should do without someone present. The only issue was, that she could not move and sincerely regretted having escaped into the bathroom on her own. Even though she was trying her best to keep her body from pushing, it didn’t work at all and so she dug her fingers into the porcelain and groaned in pain. Now that she had sent Steve out, she couldn’t even ask him anymore to help her back into the room, which was also a problem. “Take it easy, little girl”, she muttered under her breath, because this was moving a little too fast. “STEVE!” @mxndwitch
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Steve was about to help Wanda up and to the bathroom, but she was so quick to do it herself.  His eyes widened when she ripped the IV from her and he took a step forward.  “Honey--”  He loved his headstrong, sweet wife but he was afraid she might be overdoing it a little.  She needed to slow down before she hurt herself.
Once she went into the bathroom, Steve stationed himself outside of the door, waiting just in case she needed him.  His leg shook nervously and he checked his watch several times. He was both tired and wide awake -- it was such a strange feeling.  “Wand--” He started to say but was cut short when he heard her curse.  Usually he considered her dirty language pretty cute, but this time she sounded in pain and upset.  
Oh shit.
Their baby was coming!  “Okay, sweetie! I’ll call for the nurse!” he was saying, trying to keep his cool as he raced out into the hallway, looking in both directions so he could flag someone down.  He found one, said something to her on the lines of ‘Wife. Baby!’ And then went racing back into Wanda’s room and into the bathroom.
He found his wife leaning up against the sink, calling his name.  Immediately, he went to steady her, keeping one arm around her waist and carefully guiding her back into the room and over to the bed.  “The nurse and doctor are on their way, honey.  Everything is going to be okay!” He said in a shaky tone, smiling as best as he could as he helped her back into bed.  “Try to get comfortable.  I mean, as comfortable as you can....”
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loyaltyworn · 1 year
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@mxndwitch || this is a meme from somewhere in here || accepting!
how much longer until we can get out of here ?
Wanda's question is a direct reflection of exactly how he feels inside. Long fingers entangle with hers, brushing the backs of her knuckles against the edge of his thigh. Black dress pants provide a slick friction over her soft skin. They look so out of place. Formal get togethers? Even if they're celebrating, he could think of a dozen and a half better ways to do that than to stuff them all together in what feels like a pressure cooker of admiring wait staff, plus ones of other invited guests he doesn't know and the actual people he wants to see.
Tuxedos and polished looks? Yeah, he can do the part. But he's so damn uncomfortable that he'd rather crawl out of his skin than do the mingling thing. Wanda looks amazing. Beautiful from head to toe. The wait staff can't take their eyes off her every time one passes by. Makes him grin against the lip of his beer that he refused to let them pour into a glass. Might be six or seven star or whatever, but ruining a damn good beer for a showy presentation?
That's a sin he's not willing to watch in person.
Lashes fall as his eyelids drop to veil his gaze from view, lips pucker and an audible--pondering, "Hmmmm," comes rolling out of his throat. Deep and thoughtful. He's dragging it out because--now that he knows they're both in Purgatory? Might as well torture her a little bit it. Even if it means torturing himself in the meantime. Might be the most fun he's had all night.
"Don't know.. Think it's rude to just drink and go? Or do we make a quick circle and disappear before anyone makes us sit at a table and small talk?" Brows shove together and he looks at her with a hopeless smile. "You know I'm not good at that." Eyes roll towards the ceiling as he laughs, shaking his head and cutting himself off with another swig right after. "Fuck. I don't know why I let myself get talked into these things anyway... Do we do the small talk thing?"
"Or is that too much...? Can it be too much? I guess we can make it be too much.."
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emeraldxphoenix · 8 months
@mxndwitch said “With all due respect, which is none.”
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“Excuse me?” Head tilts, offence clearly written across the frown-lines of his forehead and downward tilt of his mouth. Loki is, unfortunately, well used to such insolence from Midgardians, which is why he is so quick to remind Wanda Maximoff of the true state of affairs. “A powerful witch you may be, but it would serve you well to remember that I am a god – and such status demands respect.” A sneer curls at Loki’s lips, the trickster incapable of resisting the familiar urge to prod at people’s bruises until they snap. “Or has your grief made you forgetful?”
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fallencomrade · 1 year
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                once you're stripped clean,                                  what's at your core ?
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                                             JAMES   BARNES                                                                                                    ( BROOKLY - BRED  -  THIS IS WAR )
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                       𝓈𝓅𝓊𝓃    𝑔𝑜𝓈𝓈𝒶𝓂𝑒𝓇
     the easiest thing to do is stay quiet when something’s up.     you’re not bothered, and you know what ?     you shouldn’t be !        it’s none of your business, even when it’s entirely your business.       it’s difficult ( read: impossible ) to tell if your cheery demeanor is a cover - up for something sadder, or if it’s simply your natural state of mind.    you see a lot of things:  people coming through town, people leaving the house and never coming back, lies and deceit of the highest degree.    what happened to you ?    will you ever be that kid again ?    your presence smells like cotton candy, and your fingertips sparkle like stars.      whatever white rabbit you’re chasing is not going to lead you to wonderland if you do not start reaching out when you are not feeling okay.
                                              BUCKY   BARNES                                                ( CURRENT VERSE )  
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                        𝗕𝗘𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗗   𝗧𝗛𝗘   𝗠𝗔𝗦𝗞.  
     you aren’t slick about whatever you think you’re hiding.  glass shatters in your midst, blood spills, children scream.              like some of your friends,  your personality of choice is entirely artificial.       the difference between you and them is that you can get away with it.       you are UNKNOWN,  perhaps even to yourself,  and your goals are complex and unknown.     anyone stupid enough to fall for you is setting themselves up to be frustrated and confused,   owing to your being ultimately unknowable.               i hope you can find an identity that makes you comfortable.
tagged :  self - tagged.  tagging :  @camerica ;  @mxndwitch ; @haerleen ; @shieldretired ; @defectivexfragmented ( muse of choice )  +  first  three  lovies  on  dash  ( at time of queue ) : @hclywtrs​ ; @executiioner​  &&  @luposcainus​  <33
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Happy New Year!
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2023 is finally here! I hope everyone had a great start into the new year. i wish you all the best, love, happiness, success and just the peace you may be looking for. I’m looking forward to start this new year with lots of muse to write, interacting with you all. I told myself to work more on myself, the way i view things and try to focus more on what i love. 
to spread the happiness and love i feel, i’m gonna name a few names down here of people i absolutely adore. people, who stick with me for the past few years and the last one. i know it’s not been easy with me, especially with my activity but thank you all for your patience and not dropping me immediately. it’s been a hell of a year with ups and downs and while i don’t really like new year’s resolutions, I do will focus more on writing here. because that’s what i love. 
anyway, check out these people below, they are amazing and while i can get a little possessive of my partner, i do want the world to know how great they are ♥
@inkdreamt​ @faeryworlds​ @scrawnylittlenobody​ @entangledmuses​ @redemptivexheroics​ @fullofhcart​ @hcpefell​ @tormentedsoldier​ @corruptedforce​ @crowsandmurder​ @aigonakru​ @bluepuff​ @legends-and-savages​ @luposcainus​ @wxrwounds​ @talesofshadowandlight​ @multistoty​ @ruinedtendencies​ @mxndwitch​ @wcrriorhearts​ @survivcrsguilt​ @collectionofvoices​ @aeternusmuse​ @ssvperboys​ @akasupergirl​ @marvelxmuses​ @goodbyess​ @highstrxngeness​ 
there are tons of more people and i really love writing with all my partners, but these are clearly the one i adored writing so much throughout the year or who never get tired of me. Check them out, love them but don’t take them away from me xD I need them. 
I love you all.
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the-mjolnir-owner · 2 years
Petrichor: it’s the very characteristic smell of earth after it rains
They’re very calloused and scarred but surprisingly soft. He always tries to take good care of himself and lotions that smell like flowers are his favorites. 
He loves eating and he eats a lot. His favorite kind of meals are asgardian dishes, but, considering the destruction of original Asgard, most of the ingredients he loved the most are lost forever. But, he can still adapt most of the traditional dishes using midgardian ingredients and, so far, they work well and are certainly a tourism attraction in New Asgard. Honey bread, mead, roasted elk, apple pies and mashed potatoes are his favorite. 
He’s very loud (duh) and sings regardless of his voice being pleasant or not. He grew up to his Mother singing Vanir lullabies to him and Loki and he keeps those songs alive by singing them when he thinks he’s alone
He’s working to become a calm person, but that’s very challenging for him. He feels way calmer after punching someone who deserves it in the teeth
When he’s not in heavy armor in official events or in battle, he’ll opt for comfortable clothes like tunics and breeches. In Midgard, he’ll wear sweaters and sweatpants, whatever makes him feel warm and safe
Very. Thor doesn’t think he’s that good with words so he definitely shows his love by cooking for special people (either his friends, family or partners), bringing them meaningful gifts and spending quality time together
He sleeps in any position he finds comfortable, depending on the situation. Either curled on himself to protect most vulnerable bits if he happens to be in an unfamiliar environment or sprawled on his back when he happens to be in his own bed. He’ll arrange his partner on top of his chest though
Definitely. He’s not known for being sneaky and quiet, he’s loud and people can hear him from across the street
Tagged by: @shieldretired ♥ Tagging: @the-blackest-spider  @mischieftomake @stclenrelic @helreginn @stxrlxrds @gods-own-xman @mxndwitch @egyptiandeathgod @friendly-neighbor-spiderman  
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writeshorror · 1 year
what's your role in a found family dynamic? 
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the brains
people are not so much your forte. you are more at home with thoughts, ideas, hobbies, skills. as such, you probably have to learn how to work well with others--but once you do, hey, it has its moments. while you are treasured for your ability to solve problems, people also have this unique love of novelty. when you break from your schedule, when you say something no one is expecting--that's novel. you are as curious and lovable as the subjects you study. you are family. this place is not the same without your witty comments and wry observations. you definitely feel more comfortable when someone needs a straightforward answer than a shoulder to cry on, but it's not impossible to give both. know that your family loves you for more than that, though, and will (usually) remember to respect your boundaries.
tagged by: @t0nystrk <3
tagging: @maavel , @trcnsitioncl , @shieldretired , @gcroinya @therapardalis , @mxndwitch , @eisiramdeus , && anyone who wants to give it a go!
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vrake · 2 years
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why do you hurt ?
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you swallow pain & fold around it
you have always hurt. you hold it carefully, and twisted in such a way that other people don't have to see it. you don't choke on it. you don't drown. you just have it, the way some people have freckles, this is a thing that lives in your bones. you fold instead of fighting because you know how to make yourself small, tuck away the places where they have clawed at, swallow the bruises so you seem clean. nobody needs to see it. you will live through this on your own. you know what you need, and relief isn't it. this doesn't mean you cannot reach out - it means it is not in your nature to do so. you should. hiding does not mean you won't be seen.
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tagged by: @cursedbcrn
tagging: @bloodrmbrs | @mxndwitch | @ofvalor​ (yara) | @knowseverythingaboutyou​ | & you. 
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surprise starter for @mxndwitch​ 
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   “Tell me about them?” Voice is low, words soft. There is no question who it is that Erik wants to hear about; they both know.
   The mutant is leaning forward in the upright chair, forearms resting on thighs, head down in a way that speaks of defeat. He should not be here again – grieving, that is – with his world-battered daughter across the room from him in her own period of mourning. There should be happiness at finding her, joy at the news of new life. But there is neither, only relief that Wanda is still living, even though her children are not.
   The news that she is soon to become a sister again will have to wait a little longer.
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manbehindtheshield · 2 years
[ 𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] ― sender and receiver see each other again after a period of being apart @mxndwitch
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The jet landed on top of the compound and dread started to build up inside him. She was going to kill him -- he could feel it in his bones. Steve grabbed his rucksack, swinging it over his shoulder and walked towards the ramp as the door opened. The sky was clear and blue and the air of home sweet as he sucked in a deep breath. It felt good to be back. It had been two months since Fury sent him away on a top secret mission and he wasn't able to tell anyone where he was going.
Not even her.
Memories of that night came rushing back to him. Tony had thrown a little party that evening and it had been all too much for Steve so he stepped out on the balcony to get some fresh air. Moments later Wanda joined in. The chatted as they gazed into the night sky, the more they talked, the more Steve worked up the courage to tell her how he really felt about her. What a relief when those feelings were returned to him. They shared a sweet kiss and made plans for a date that weekend. The parted for evening and Steve returned to him room with a smile on his face. But how quickly that disappeared when he found Fury lounging on his couch with a mission file in his hands. Steve left in the dead of night -- no note or any clues of where he was going were left for the team.
The mission had been tough. He did manage to complete it but had been caught and tortured in the process. The thoughts of his friends and Wanda were able to keep him going even in the darkest of times. Steve managed to escape and now he was home, but he had no idea what the others would think or say to him. Hopefully they'd be understanding.
As Steve exited the jet and started to move to the door, he saw Wanda standing there. He gave a faint smile as he approached her. He still looked pretty beat up. The swelling around his eye had gone down a bit but it was still black and blue. He had a gash on the side of his forehead that he tried to sew up himself but did a not so great job. His lip had been split. The rest of his body covered in bruises and he was pretty sure he fractured a few ribs. He stopped a few feet in front of her, looking, but not so sure what to say. "....Umm...Hey..." He took a breath. "I'm happy to see you again, Wanda."
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wcrriorhearts · 2 years
If anyone wants to write ic or oc on Discord mxndwitch ( Katie )#9537 please let me know here who you are though 💜 mutuals only please
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@mxndwitch​ said:  ❝  it has to be me.  no one else can do this.  ❞ from some meme || always accepting
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Steve shook his head, his eyes moving between Wanda and the threat that existed. “You don’t have to do this alone, Wanda. I’m here for you. I’ll help you as long as you let me.” He cared about the witch and the last thing he wanted was for her to feel like she had no one to lean on.
“Please don’t push me away because you think this is some kind of punishment you deserve. That’s not true.”
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emeraldxphoenix · 6 months
when do you gaze at your soulmate
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when they're already watching you you know. you always know when they're looking and especially when they're not. you feel their eyes on you and at first you just feel it. you pretend not to notice and you smile to yourself. it's warm. and maybe it's foolish and cliche but there are butterflies in your stomach and that's the feeling you want to hold onto. so you do. you count the appropriate amount of seconds which feel like minutes. then you lift your own eyes and meet theirs and those butterflies turn into fireworks. they see you and you see them. and there is nothing more comforting and exhilarating as that.
stolen from: @rvndrkhlme (after i tagged them on my other blog) <3
tagging: @mxndwitch , @uselessdevice (leah) , @theresastargirl , @othunderous , @lightsiided , @cffidelityy & anyone else who wants <3
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fallencomrade · 2 years
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                     YOUR MUSE AS THE SOLAR SYSTEM
RULES :  BOLD what applies - italicize sometimes - strike out never.  (BITD) - resonates from his time back in the day.  pre - hydra.  repost, don’t reblog !
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SUN  •  egotistical (BITD)  •  melted wax wings and fingers  •  stretching sunburnt skin  •  the most generous soul  (BITD)   •   BLOOD in the fruit   •   halos   •   anger on fire   •   HIGH VITALITY (BITD)   •   thunderous LAUGHTER (BITD)   •   is pride really a sin ?   •   halogenic aura
MERCURY  •  expansion of the mind  •  SILVER - TONGUED (BITD)  •  an everlasting wanderer   •   POLYGLOT   •   HIGH  DEXTERITY   •   HANDWRITTEN  LETTERS  (BITD)   •  innately critical   •   EN VOGUE   •   eyes in the trees  (BITD)   •   hidden libraries   •   there’s always room for improvement
VENUS  •  in love with strangers (BITD)  •  iridescent waters  •  LOVE POTIONS FOR YOUR MIRROR (BITD)  •  SELFLESS DEVOTION  •  shattering crystal  •  SEAFOAM UPON SAND (BITD)  •  the golden ratio  •  DROWNING IN YOUR OWN PASSION (BITD)  •  material value & HIGH PRINCIPLES (BITD) •  LURING  •  PLUSH LIPS
EARTH   •   fresh springs   •   tree hugger   •   we can start again tomorrow   •   a blazing rainforest  •  respects SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST  •  nature’s adversity  •  lazy bones  •  constantly evolving   •   flowers sprouting from wounds   •   a granite altar   •   FOSSILIZED REMAINS
MOON  •  ILLUSORY  •  SILVER SHIMMER OFF THE OCEAN (BITD)  •  SECRETS and gossip   •   CYCLES OF REINCARNATION   •   a crybaby   •   physically ethereal   •   shared glances with a stranger   •   cat eyes   •   MISTRUSTING THEIR INTUITION   •   FEAR IS A PRISON  •  ornate magic wands
MARS  •  healthy competition  •  ATTRACTION & (self) REPULSION  •  magma and rubies  •   A BLADE BEING FORGED   •   wrath wrath wrath   •   malefic   •   intense eye contact   •  CANNON FODDER & fireworks (BITD)  •  BLOOD FLOODS  •  COPPER TASTE ON YOUR TONGUE 
JUPITER   •   red robes and a suit of armor   •   beacon of stability   •   leader by birth   •  thunderbolts and LIGHTNING  •  GUILTY BUT CAN’T STOP  •  secret rich kid  •  GOLDEN TOUCH (BITD)  golden tears  •  INNATE OPTIMIST (BITD)  •  FAILURE ISN’T AN OPTION  • constantly reaching for more (BITD)  •  unfinished symphonies
SATURN  •  traditional (BITD)  •  overbearing energy (BITD)  •  a sculptor of reality  •  THIS EXISTENCE IS A KARMIC ONE  •  HAS A HEART IT’S JUST ...  WAY DOWN DEEP  •  law, order  &  justice  (BITD)     •     avoid all necessary risk     •     THE SOUND OF SHACKLES CLANGING  •  SISYPHUS’ STRUGGLE  •  GRAPPLING WITH THE REALITY OF TIME  •  self - governing
URANUS   •   psychedelic funk music   •   overflowing cups   •   a rebellion with skin   •  LOOKING GOOD IN PHOTO ID (BITD)  •  oblivious but caring (BITD)  •  middle fingers in the air (BITD)  •  double rainbows  •  icy diamond exterior  •  holographic  •  afraid of their own mediocrity  •  PEARLESCENT SMOKE
NEPTUNE  •  AN ELEGY FOR THE LOST  •  dissolving boundaries  •  white horses  •  THE BURDEN OF MYSTICAL CONDITIONS  •  deceptive  •  ESCAPISM IS THEIR REALITY  •  A POLARIZING ENTITY  •  artists soul  •  PARANOIA  •  searching for the unseen  •  a siren’s swan song
PLUTO   •   angel statues over graves     •     power     •     THE CYCLE OF NECROSIS   •  transformative      •      UNFATHOMABLE   DEPTHS      •      an ivory tower toppling over    •  SCREAMING AT THE SKY   •   violets and irises   •   ECLIPSED DARKNESS   •   SPEAKS WITH THEIR SHADOW   •   sex, DEATH, REBIRTH
tagged by :  self - tagged tagging : @cxpt​​ ; @mxndwitch​​ ; @camerica​​ + first three lovelies on my dash (at time of queue):  @youxmove​​ ; @captxinrambeau​​ && @ceoofvariants​​ !! 
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inmutantarchived · 2 years
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Edit of Luna and Wanda
@mxndwitch @ofcrimsonenchantresses​
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