fiendix-wcr · 12 days
Ruler: Dominoan Royal Family (King Oritel, Queen Consort Marion, Crown Princess Daphne, Princess Bloom) Capital: Ign-Animae (or colloquially, "Dragon's Rest") Territories: Callisto, Pyros Seal: Dragon
Domino's flora originally consisted of wide swathes of grassy plains, rolling hills, and jagged, jade-green mountain ranges. Dormant volcanos, and mineralized cave systems. Dense coniferous forests as well, though not as common. Now, in its frozen and preserved state, the realm's land contains an abundance of super rare fossils.
Its fauna consisted of many legendary beasts, like unicorns and kelpies, elementals, and a plethora of dragons. These have since been replaced by snow-dwelling monsters, such as goldums.
Dominoans were considered a very ancient and prosperous people, who'd not only gained the Great Dragon's protection, but also his blessings; they were deemed excellent shepherds, "dragon whisperers" by both the fond and superstitious. Imposing, given Domino's then central role in the MD's political affairs. But above all, a very durable people, impervious to any impending havoc and misfortune.
King Oritel was admired for his charisma, a great factor in the COL's formation, whereas Queen Marion was admired for her selflessness. Princess Daphne, the youngest fairy to ever achieve Nymph status, was set to become a prominent figure across the realms. As a result of Domino's downfall, however, Princess Bloom's birth was never disclosed to the Dominoan public.
Vatican City Celtic/Gaelic Folklore Medieval Bestiaries Italian Renaissance Art Chess
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fiendix-wcr · 19 days
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Bloom's Civilian Outfits (S1, S2, S3)
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fiendix-wcr · 2 months
I've come up with a working definition describing the "lesser territories" as just autonomously run places with a combination of one or more attributes:
1) located on a realm that it's not affiliated with 2) functions as a "proxy realm" i.e. moon 3) functions as a secluded coastal and/or island region 4) has an abnormal placement (airborne, deep underground, etc.)
Nemos, Cosmos, Lunaria
Nemos is an Eraklyon-claimed territory that sits on Solaria's northernmost coastline. Flat cliffsides, dry weather. Salty breezes. People here are more withdrawn than the average Solarian, but remain community-oriented, and are much friendlier compared to their stoic mainland counterparts.
Cosmos is an airborne settlement occupying Solaria's middle cloudbank. It's ancient, likely as old as the realm itself, and is often used as a resort for thrill-seeking tourists (fitted with breathing gear, if necessary). Big astronomy culture. Permanent residents rarely, if ever, descend towards the ground.
Lunaria is a small province located in the realm's "underside" gorge, where sunlight from Solaria's suns barely reaches. Dawn, dusk are experienced, but never sunrise. Has a thriving, witch-friendly night culture.
Espero, Cumulus
Espero is Melody's moon; it has a non-magic majority population, with a slow-moving, traditionalist culture in comparison to Melody's. Still, it remains a popular tourist destination, especially for wealthy retirees, or for those originating from colder realms, like Dyamond.
Cumulus is a high-elevation territory claimed by Linphea. Subtropical and heavily forested, it contains a nature reserve with an associated settlement of Linphean researchers, conservationists, and their families. With its similar climate, endangered species of Linphean plants are able to be replicated here.
Karunda, Ohm
Karunda is another Eraklyon-claimed territory, sitting along Linphea's western coast. It's rainy, and contains different species of rare fruit, some of which favored by and exported back to Eraklyon (the "stoneberry jam" craze is still ongoing) whenever possible.
Ohm, a Melody-claimed territory, sits on Linphea's mountainous northern coastline. BIG meditation culture. There's many interconnecting waterfalls there, and at their apex, an open-air temple is concealed from outsiders.
Tenesa, Dolona, Oppositus
Tenesa is claimed by Solaria, and is a large peninsula on Andros's eastern coast. Surprisingly temperate. A few disgruntled Lunarian nobles settled there in secret, and naturally, several Solarian nobles followed. The rest is history.
Dolona serves as Andros's moon. Tropical, prone to monsoons. Rumored to be where the "blue-haired" gene originates, though that's unlikely.
Oppositus is actually miles beneath Andros, upside-down, and located in a deep sea cave system. Residents there are unusual and coy, and rarely, rarely ever get visitors. The one truly autonomous lesser territory, in my opinion. The MD's equivalent of Atlantis.
Hoggar, Bezel, Romulea
Hoggar lies on Eraklyon, but is separated from the mainland by both a northern-bound gorge and Eraklyon's enveloping North Sea. Jagged, bone-dry cliffsides, but it sits upon a gold mine (I guess) of metal ores, namely iron and copper.
Bezel is Eraklyon's southern province, and the realm's main supplier of gold, gemstones, and fine jewelry.
Romulea is a province bordering Bezel, claimed by Andros. Like Bezel, the territory is known for its precious gems, though theirs slightly differ from Bezel's variety. Also, textiles.
Callisto, Pyros
Callisto is Domino's closest, largest moon. It's older than it looks, and is seemingly average, aside from its warm, sparkly beaches. Tourists love those. Following Domino's destruction, an unofficial royal line was established there, that will only be dismissed upon Domino's eventual restoration.
Pyros is Domino's smallest, farthest moon. Younger than it looks. Following Domino's destruction, it became the designated breeding ground for hundreds of the other realms' dragons, monitored by the small and ageing population that volunteered to reside there.
Polaris, Vector
Polaris sits near Zenith's Arctic Sea, at the northernmost point of the realm, and belongs to Dyamond. Much of the Dyamondan diaspora lives here, and have found comradery and peace among the helpful Zenithian locals.
Vector is Zenith's moon. For some reason I haven't quite thought of yet, the residents here have blue skin, and look more alien-like.
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fiendix-wcr · 2 months
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re-doing it ONE FINAL TIME, for my own peace + [old] [older]
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fiendix-wcr · 2 months
Title: Crown Princess Stellara of Solaria, or Stella, for short Class: Fairy Age: 17-20  Birthday: August 18th Astrological Sign: Mermaid
She's brilliantly tanned, and has long golden blonde hair with loose bangs. Her eyes are amber, and she rarely stands below 5'10" (177.80cm), if she can help it. She regularly wears makeup, notably a shade of copper lip gloss, and has well-manicured nails at all times.
➕ "it girl" status, dazzling presence, authentic, bold fashion sense, quirky & playful demeanor, sociable, effortlessly funny, talented, persevering
➖ vain and self-centered, histrionic, brash, prone to recklessness, notable disregard of all rules, unnerved by serious interpersonal conflicts
Stella's the only daughter of King Radius and former Queen Consort Luna, and some of her closest friends include Bloom, Brandon💖, Timmy, and Nova. Her bonded pixie is Amore, the Pixie of Love.
Aside from being Solaria's heir apparent, she's also a first-year student at the Alfea College for Fairies (again, of course), and will later become a Guardian Fairy of Solaria.
Born in Solaria's capital as the daughter of Solaria's King and Lunaria's Viceregal Princess, Stella's birth symbolized the start of the realm's easing internal tensions, and upon entering adolescence and gaining her dual powers of the Sun and Moon, an era of increased recognition of Lunaria, a province notoriously excluded from Solarian affairs. Despite this benefit, the couple's union remained strained; "mutual disregard" became the subject of their arguments, in how they individually cared for Stella (servants and maids often stepped in to attend to her) and how they handled the ongoing tensions, which had only worsened throughout the duration of their marriage. More irreconcilable differences came to light, and in a few years' time, the two began multiple (albeit failed) attempts at separating. Stella, of course, deeply hated this period, and made her frustrations known by either yelling, locking herself away, or by beaming off, much to the castle guard's annoyance.
To prevent any further fracturing of their relationship, Stella's parents took to showering her with gifts, lavish paid vacations, which later became an overabundance of freedom, and a more lax approach towards discipline and punishment--Stella's misbehavior, no matter how egregious, could easily be overlooked, or if necessary, paid off. This spoiling doubled after her mother's unprompted return to Lunaria, and later, the couple's first successful file for divorce. A divorce undisclosed to Stella, as to not upset her, or add any more pressure to her already stressful (second) first year at Alfea.
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fiendix-wcr · 2 months
Title: Princess Bloom of Domino, or Bloom, for short Class: Fairy Age: 16-19 Birthday: December 10th Astrological Sign: Dragon
She's pale with a ruddy complexion, and has bright red hair in loose, somewhat disheveled curls, and poofy bangs that frame all sides of her face. Her eyes are light blue, and she stands at 5'4" (162.56cm).
➕ innately high-powered, intuitive, fights for a good cause, deeply caring, determined, artistic, imaginative daydreamer, intriguing, draws in attention
➖ escapist tendencies, deludes herself often, naive, stubborn, impatient, impulsivity makes her jump to conclusions, insecure (at least initially)
Bloom's the youngest daughter of King Oritel and Queen Consort Marion, and the younger sister of Daphne. She's also the adopted daughter of Mike and Vanessa. Her closest friends include Stella, Sky💖, Brandon, and Flora. Her bonded pixie is Lockette, the Pixie of Portals.
Aside from being Domino's second princess, she's also a first-year student at the Alfea College for Fairies, and will later become a Guardian Fairy of Domino.
Born in Domino's capital to the realm's King and Queen, Bloom spent her infancy--her first six months, rather--under the looming threat of Lord Darkar, the Ancestral Witches, and their many other accomplices. The last six months of Bloom's infancy were spent on Earth, in a neighborhood located in the bustling city of Gardenia. There, she grew up mundane, the adopted daughter of a firefighter and a florist, blissfully unaware of the kingdom she'd once originated from. Bloom had a normal childhood after that, ignoring her peculiarities: an early obsession with fairies and magic, intense, prophetic dreams, and a fascination with fire, or all burning things. Nothing too strange for her parents, given the nature of Bloom's discovery--she'd been found asleep and surrounded by flames, in an abandoned, crumbling warehouse a few blocks elsewhere.
Then, came that eventful Saturday during the first week of July. A 16-year-old Bloom saves an unconscious "very real fairy!", incurring the wrath of hellish creatures, roaring ogres and colorful trolls. The morning after, when the townhouse sits in ruins, and fiery orange magic plumes from Bloom's fingertips, it becomes pretty obvious to her parents what then needs to be done--Bloom's specialty requires a change, one deeming life on Earth less than adequate. A change that will send her away, past planets and across new dimensions, so that she might attend Alfea, the College for Fairies.
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fiendix-wcr · 2 months
Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon, Pisces Rising
Sad to see Cancer Sun Bloom go (I'd still love to see cancer something, ANYTHING in her chart) but canon Sag Sun Bloom makes sense. She's quite adventurous, truth-seeking, and finds herself constantly engaged in new experiences, beset by her lofty ideals; there's also that escapist approach she has to upsetting news, like the S1E17 reveal and its aftermath. As for her emotions, they're strong and sometimes volatile, sometimes too overwhelming to process. Bloom follows her gut to a fault, but is easily deceived, or manipulated into showing aggression--made into a target for bullies, at all levels. That said, I think much of this sits beneath an outward shell of soft-heartedness, and given her love of drawing, an immense creativity.
Leo Sun, Leo Moon, Sagittarius Rising
Nothing's changed, right? Fantastic. That double-whammy still means she's twice as bold, twice as dramatic, and twice, maybe three times as gorgeous. Stella has a fun presence, and a warmth to her (a literal warmth) that's inviting to most, but to some, it's just a bit overbearing. I think it's when she's not fun and not warm that people start taking issue with her; that's when her deeper emotions are center stage--the ones she really, really hates dealing with--and make her act out in some pretty obnoxious ways. Then the eclipse ends, and she quips out jokes that serve as band-aids, sometimes apologies. To others, she comes across as well-traveled and dangerously carefree.
Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, Virgo Rising
Many consider Flora to be a compassionate person; she offers you genuine advice and support, and is willing to stand in your corner, or even better, encourage you out of it. Not much of that support is directed inward, however; there's a doting selflessness there that comes at the cost of her own needs and wants, and her mental health often suffers in consequence. Overcommitment leads to anxiousness, later resentment. She becomes very attached to others, and in her desperation to befriend both people and plants alike, Flora can find herself feeling, of all things...unwanted? From an outside perspective, many would consider her timid, and quite studious as well.
Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Rising
Okay, first canon birthday I can't really see--well, kind of, but I prefer her more as a Virgo Sun. Tecna has that typical Sag bluntness though, and I do consider her a trailblazer, a curious sleuth of interesting scenes, even outside her narrow field of hobbies. Given her sacrifice in S3E13, she's undoubtably courageous. But emotionally, I think she's stuck; everything's tucked away now, filed and color-coordinated, yet rarely taken out and presented to the world. Sarcasm available upon request, but her tears are kept in a vault somewhere, so please don't ask for them. Seriously. To newcomers, she appears hypervigilant, very security-oriented.
Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon, Cancer Rising
After some research (both online and irl), it seems that introverted, non-chatty Geminis are more common than I thought. Good, because that's how I see her. Musa's a loner hesitant to socialize, at least upon first meeting; she doesn't hate to socialize, per se, but she isn't good at it--it's not her forte. And no, the attitude doesn't help. As a result, she has a great affinity for the arts, especially music; it helps her communicate her thoughts and feelings, and damn, does she have a lot of them. Tender, complex, and nearly impossible to suppress, which could explain her more negative traits, like her fickle mood and emotional dependency on others.
Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon, Capricorn Rising
Wow, is she versatile. A survivor in her own right, Layla readies herself for any and all challenges, present and future. She's brave and energetic, yet in the same vein, sheltered from life--so very awkward. Her desire for independence extends back many, many years, but now that she has it? Overwhelming. Dangerous to an extent, which doesn't seem fair. She has a habit of downplaying her emotions; stubbornly self-reliant, she'd rather die than burden her friends with her frequent problems. And yet, they still want her to--reluctantly, she does. With her isolated upbringing, she comes across as disciplined, and has an inherent grace and poise to her every move.
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fiendix-wcr · 2 months
It's basically the timeline from the Winx Fandom Wiki, I know. A few bits of new information here and there, though.
-the Great Dragon, Shadow Phoenix, and the Water Stars are created from the original void -the Great Dragon uses his flames to create the universe, most notably the Magical Dimension -original races/species begin to appear (e.g Dragons, Unicorns, etc.), and the more humanoid races possess longer ears, a more Elven appearance -near the end of this process, part of the Dragon's Flame mixes with the original darkness, creating a "dark spark" of the Dragon Fire -finished, the Great Dragon rests within a realm later named Domino; his fate is uncertain, but the Dragon Flame is entrusted to the people residing there, the Dominoans, and the Dominoan Royal Family later on -First Kingdoms: Domino, Andros (Undersea/Terrestrial), Solaria -the first magic-bearing humanoids, the Ancestral Witches (Belladonna, Liliss, Tharma) are born, and are presumably immortal -Arcadia, the first fairy, appears (she's the first born with physical wings, unlike other witches...magic-related mutation, maybe?) -more Ancestral Fairies are born, presumably immortal; they are the first to disperse outside their home realms, cross the Magical Dimension, and eventually mate with "earthlings", or Earth's humans; a portion settled there permanently (Earth Fairies), while most brought their children & families back to live in the MD -BLT find the "dark spark" of the Dragon's Flame, which over many years they shape into their creation, the infamous Valtor
-the Ring of Solaria is forged -a group of fairies and wizards come together to capture the Water Stars and send them to a pocket dimension, the Golden Kingdom, as their powers cannot coexist with the Dragon Flame in the Magic Dimension without causing chaos; they're aided by Arcadia, who volunteers to be sealed with the Water Stars indefinitely
-on Earth, a group of dark wizards create the Black Circle to counteract the magic of the White Circle owned by the Earth Fairies, earning the name "Wizards of the Black Circle"; armed with a spell that makes them immune to fairy magic, the Wizards of the Black Circle begin the Great Fairy Hunt -the quarry-born mining kingdom of Eraklyon is founded 1000 years before Season 3 -Middle Queendoms: Linphea, Dyamond
-Later Republics: Melody, Zenith -Lesser Territories (Often Coastal): Callisto, Dolona, Espero, Hoggar, Pyros, Oppositus -Hagen, Saladin, Faragonda, Griffin, Oritel and Marion (+Griselda) are born in their respective realms -having created Valtor, BLT raise him with their knowledge of the magical realms and poise him to become the greatest wizard of all time; he later distances himself to accomplish this -several witches, led by BLT, find and join forces with the Shadow Phoenix
-Faragonda becomes the next headmistress of Alfea. -Oritel (second-born, dead sibling) and Marion get married. (Marion's from Callisto, and is a fire fairy of noble blood) -a few years later, Daphne is born (first-born, wielder of the Dragon Flame) -young and skilled, Griffin joins Valtor's highest ranks to become the greatest witch of all time -in response to higher crime, the Omega Portal is created on Andros; Omega is small, though not a pocket dimension, and was once a "proxy realm" (orbiting moon, more or less?) of Dyamond -entering her 20s, Daphne excels in fairy magic, and becomes a Nymph of Domino -Bloom is born ("bloomed in strife") but isn't called that; she will not be officially named until her first birthday -Oritel and Marion form the Company of Light to counter BLT, Griffin and Valtor; great warriors, witches, fairies and wizards join their group, the most notable ones being Hagen, Faragonda, and Saladin -Hagen forges a sword for Oritel to wield, which is later bathed in the Dragon's Flame -Lord Darkar, the Shadow Phoenix's vessel, begins his race for the Ultimate Power -Lord Darkar's search for the Dragon Flame ultimately leads to the destruction of Domino after sending BLT, Griffin and Valtor to search there; before their raid on Domino, the Ancestral Witches arrive on Eraklyon, to pressure Crown Prince Erendor, a stand-in member of the COL, into abandoning Domino for the safety of his own kingdom; a soul-shard archiving the deed is used as leverage -horrified by what's happened, Griffin betrays Valtor to join their biggest enemies: the Company of Light; he's captured -Daphne takes Bloom while the castle is overrun, riskily "bathes" her in the Dragon's Flame (the Dominoan Royal Family are wielders, not possessors, so Bloom sets a magical precedent) -BLT ambushes them, uses a strong siphoning spell on Daphne, which renders her a disembodied spirit -simultaneously, Daphne time-warps Bloom to Earth -the Company of Light defeat BLT but pay a heavy price for their victory, as their leaders, Oritel and Marion, and the entirety of Domino are lost -BLT and the siphoned Domino citizens perpetually remain in Obsidian, another pocket dimension, time during which BLT creates their second project, Mandragora, from various insects -Valtor is sentenced to eternal imprisonment on Omega -the Lord of the Templars of Lightrock Monastery runs a weakened Lord Darkar off, who unfortunately escapes and enters a deep slumber underground -Company of Light disbands
-Nabu is born (January 30th) -Stormy, Darcy, and Icy are born (on April 5th, May 5th, and June 5th, respectively)
-Stella is born (August 18th) -Brandon is born (September 23rd)
-Timmy is born (February 15th) -Flora is born (March 1st) -Sky is born (March 20th) -Musa is born (May 30th) -Layla is born (June 15th) -Helia is born (September 2nd) -Riven is born (October 15th) -Bloom is found and adopted by Mike and his wife, Vanessa (December 10th) -Tecna is born (December 16th) -Anne (Andromeda), Krystal, and Mitzi are born
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fiendix-wcr · 3 months
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A long time coming, but I've finally organized the notes of my Winx Club rewrite into this funky lil' blog. It's not an extensive rewrite, and neither is the fic (more of a straightforward fix-it, as tagged), but there's a lot of information I'll be covering here regardless. Posting in the main tags will be avoided, but hey, if you somehow find this? Hi! Hello! Fiend’s Winx Club Rewrite✨  [A03] [FFN (draft vers.)]
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