fiercemade-blog · 5 years
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
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The Protector Initiative
                                                        The Avenger Initiative
MCU Multi-Muse Feat. Tony Stark, Pietro Maximoff, Groot, Nebula, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner, Betty Ross, Natasha Romanoff, Thor Odinson, Odin Borson, Nick Fury, Brunnhilde, Thanos, Wanda Maximoff, Eddie Brock, Sam Wilson, Rhodey, Morgan Stark
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
ship with me you cowards
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
Not everything has a cost of wealth but rather of heart.
         She knows him well enough that even before he begins speaking attention is fully on him, certain this will be a lesson he wishes her to learn (it is in his stance, in how he positions himself; no demonstration of power, but attempt at dialogue). Gamora looks up, listens, tiny besides his immense figure. Stands her ground as always, in spite of size and age and strength, in spite of how even his presence speaks of his power. 
         There is more than enough reason for her to fear him, having seen his army lay waste to her planet, known faces in lifeless bodies throughout the path he led them towards, holding her hand. Neither fear nor rebellion are what he wishes to meet, but she is better at letting go of the first than the later. It takes tremendous effort for the girl to remain quiet until she can find the right words (most akin to what he wants to hear, or what she thinks he wants). Impulse is to say she doesn’t care; she doesn’t care for anything he has to say, anything he wants to teach — he is not her father, her father is dead. Gone forever in attempt to save their planet from him.
         It will harm more than help, though, so she bites her tongue, swallows her anger as always. Survive. Say what he wants to hear, listen to what he wants to say, and maybe he won’t hurt you. Gamora blinks, looks at him again, seemingly focused, perhaps even curious. “———- And how do you pay for those?”
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
in this house we appreciate swords. again, not optional.
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
“ you can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change it’s nature. “ ( from Rich's MCU verse !! )
the song of achilles meme // accepting.
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         “No. It will always be a weapon.” Like me. It is a short reply, practical in its agreement, regardless of other implications he may have intended his words to wield. There is the glimpse of a memory, a child being forged into a blade; for a second she almost feels the taste of blood upon own tongue, bruises received from battling her siblings. Ending with upper hand most of the time might have made her a favorite, but being the favorite of the monster who forged her into what she now was had never been true victory. 
         Had it shaped her nature, that seemingly endless torture, despair to prove herself better in order to survive? It was difficult to remember a time when she had not been an assassin, only a girl (and if there was so little memory of it, what certainty there was it hadn’t been only a wishful dream?). Gamora wondered if that was what he meant, though — that nothing would never change what she was made into, that she would never change. No anger nor hurt was made manifest in her expression, not even a hint of where thoughts trailed to. This, too, she had had to learn; conceal it all, keep it beneath the skin. No good ever came of being easy to read.
         Eyes that look towards him do not betray any emotion; nevertheless, she avoids meeting his gaze, turning to the path they walk instead. The Nova Corps were respectable, one of few authorities Gamora held some regard for. Not without reason, they had always come first to her mind whenever other forces ought to be brought into action. Richard Rider seemed in his element amongst them, well in place as an upholder of law. Difference between the two of them is a stark contrast, she thinks, plain enough for any to see. He was more soldier than he was weapon, and she wouldn’t blame him for fearing that which could be wielded to harm carelessly. 
         Gamora believed in change, though. She herself had changed, more than once. Adaptability often equaled survival, and change was crucial part of adapting; of life, even, as her choices led her to become someone else as well. Who she had been when first betraying Thanos and who she was now, having experienced a life so contrasting to what she had before, were not at all the same — and it had been only a couple of years. In a lifetime, there would be none who had never experienced growth, who had never suffered something (anything) that made them look to the universe with different eyes. 
         And yet, regardless of transformations suffered there were parts of her that had always been there, that even Thanos could not break, that leaving his side hadn’t unmade either. Things that remained, in spite of all she lived through, and made her what she was, more than anything she had been taught. Nature, as Richard had named it. And in this he had the right; much could be changed, yes, but one’s nature always remained. 
         If her nature was to be fierce, if she had been shaped for deadliness, there was goodness in her also. And if she couldn’t avoid sharpness that was so inherent to her, Gamora could choose how to wield it best.
         Only then gaze meets his, as honest as are her words. “——– But weapons can be wielded to guard as much as they can be used to hurt.” 
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
Reblog if you don’t mind random inbox starters that aren’t memes
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
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credit .
‘ did it really happen if i can’t remember it ? ’ ‘ but you kept trying , didn’t you ? ’ ‘ how can someone be too young to be in love ? ’ ‘ i will never forgive you ’ ‘ you have been the star of each and every one of my nightmares ’ ‘ i’m sorry if i wasn’t the child you had in mind ’ ‘ i only ever wanted to make you proud ’ ‘ silence has always been my loudest scream ’ ‘ i used to think i was broken ’ ‘ i’ve always felt like a stranger in my skin ’ ‘ i still wonder who i would have been ’ ‘ i didn’t realize i could be my own knight ’ ‘ i’m not scared of the monsters hidden underneath my bed ’ ‘ some names will always be cursed ’ ‘ i have so much love to give , but no one ever wants it ’ ‘ in all my dreams i could find myself picking my teeth out of the carpet ’ ‘ i’m sick to death of everyone telling me how strong i am ’ ‘ death is one of the senses ’ ‘ children are not meant to die before their parents ’ ‘ fate is a fucking lie ’ ‘ everyone i love leaves ’ ‘ i’m terrified down to my very roots that there are parts of myself that can never be filled ’ ‘ fuck the idea that there is such a thing as destiny ’ ‘ the pain did not make me a better person ’ ‘ i burned the bridges to all the things i could not repair ’ ‘ i would thank you , but we both know you don’t deserve it ’ ‘ i bet you regret making an enemy out of me ’ ‘ you can hate me forever if that’s what you really want ’ ‘ hurting others is a choice ’ ‘ you can have my forgiveness but you can’t have me ’ ‘ please believe me when i say revenge was never my intention ’ ‘ i am strong enough for anything ’ ‘ i am so glad we were born during the same lifetime ’ ‘ i may not believe in fate , but i believe in you ’ ‘ i am allowed to live my life ’ ‘ do not waste a minute mourning me ’ ‘ maybe you should start treating people better for a change ’ ‘ it is a fucking tragedy when the world does not stop for you when you give it every last drop of your blood ’ ‘ your failures are just what happened — they don’t have to be who you are ’ ‘ you have to keep moving forward ’ ‘ don’t allow the world to take your kindness ’ ‘ you owe no one your forgiveness ’ ‘ love is never a weakness ’
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
First part of a small collection of rp sentence starters based on various quotes found on Pinterest. Feel free to adapt them as needed!
“I loved you at your darkest.”
“We fall. We break. We fail. But then – We rise. We heal. We overcome.”
“Be the woman/man/person you needed as a girl/boy/child.”
“You’re a survivor. It’s written all over your body.”
“Sacrifice. That’s what we do for the people we love.”
“You can’t protect everyone…”
“The world of darkness isn’t scary.”
“I was quiet, but I was not blind.”
“All my life, my heart has sought a thing I cannot name.”
“I feel as if I’m made to understand, not to be understood.”
“A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.”
“She/He/They was brave, and strong, and broken all at once.”
“Broken girls/boys blossom into warriors.”
“You save everyone, but who saves you?”
“Where you go, I go.”
“But if I choose the darkness instead?”
“Tell me: would you kill to save a life?”
“You can forgive yourself now.”
“Say you want me too.”
“The only thing that defines us is what’s inside our hearts.”
“Rebellion is the only thing that keeps you alive.”
“I am no bird and no net ensnares me.”
“I screamed so loud but no one heard a thing.”
“They told me I couldn’t. So I did.”
“I’ll be your soldier.”
“We’ll never be those kids again.”
“You’re a weapon; and weapons don’t weep.”
“Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?”
“Bravery hides in amazing places.”
“No one made me. I made me.”
“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.”
“I’ll choose her/his/their happiness over mine every time.”
“Anger was better than tears, better than grief, better than guilt.”
“If you hurt my brother/sister I’ll kill you. I swear, I’ll kill you all.”
“They’re dead. Because of you.”
“It takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations.”
“You want battle? I’ll give you war.”
“And the only solution was to stand and fight.”
“I aim to be lionhearted, but my hands still shake and my voice isn’t quite loud enough.”
“I wonder which will get you killed faster – your loyalty or your stubbornness?”
“We were children, thrust into war. And once it ends what will we become?”
“I can do this. And even if I can’t, I have to.”
“You don’t need a reason to save people.”
“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.”
“And here you are, living despite it all.”
“Life is tough, but so are you.”
“You have a heart that keeps others strong.”
“You couldn’t kill me if you tried for a hundred years.”
“I am the villain of this story.”
“I’m not used to people sticking around when things go bad.”
“You are not your father.”
“I like her/him/them more every minute I spend with her/him/them.”
“I’m standing in the ashes of who I used to be.”
“Death is the only god who comes when you call.“
“When someone knows your story, they know you. And they can hurt you.”
“I like you. More than I planned.”
“True evil is, above all things, seductive.”
“It is both a blessing and a curse, to feel everything so very deeply.”
“I’ll never be that me again.”
“Let it hurt until it can’t hurt anymore.”
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
I’ll drop this lowkey starter call here while I check stuff and rb some memes ♡
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
“ i could kill you still. “
the song of achilles meme // accepting.
      “You could try.” Unflinching, defiant gaze that meets Proxima’s; and if the other is taller, Gamora stands just as proud. Clash between Thanos’ so called children can’t quite be named unusual, sisterhood never nurtured between the two of them. Even while supposedly on the same side, Proxima had been too loyal to him. There had always been distance, firm barrier Gamora had built herself — isolating her from all others, in varying degree. In spite of it Nebula had become a sister to her, regardless of conflict weaved throughout most of their relationship in the past. Proxima had not. She followed Thanos too willingly for Gamora to give her any chance, too dedicated for doubt about her true allegiance to exist.
      Long time since she had last seen any of the Black Order. Missions often diverged greatly, at times galaxies apart. If they met between those, it was only because of how often the titan would have his favored daughter by his side. Before escaping, Gamora had been sent to aid Ronan, Proxima and Corvus working on one of the other infinity stones somewhere else; before that, she didn’t quite bother with remembering. It had been years now, and not once had she looked back. New life was immeasurably better than even her highest hopes had been.
      Gamora had met the woman in front of her as a child, Thanos had called both of them daughters, and yet she saw only a stranger; one she didn’t know well before, but knew much less now. Proxima was supposed to be family, in a way. Nevertheless, family had been found elsewhere, mismatched and imperfect yet all hers (small blessing that she was found alone instead of with any other of the Guardians, safe elsewhere; and she would return to them, Gamora promised herself — she wouldn’t be defeated here).
      How could she ever regret choosing a path that lead her to them? Why would she ever look back when this path gave her freedom?
      Mind races through a thousand possibilities for Proxima to be here. Chance seemed unlikely. The galaxy was vast enough one could live life entirely without ever stumbling on another. No, she had to be here on purpose; and then the question turned to why. Had he learned somehow? Was she here because they knew Gamora had found the path to the soul stone and lied about it?
      If so, his plan was in motion. Then there was no choice but to try and stop him.
      Sword extends in a single agile movement, as if part of own arm; Gamora has wielded Godslayer for too long to feel anything less. Readied for clash in a second, she still doesn’t make the first move (a mistake, likely, and she knows, yet she allows the other the benefit of doubt all the same). “But you know I have won before and I will again, sister.”
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      “Turn around and lets pretend we never met. I have no intention to fight you unless you make me — but if you do, I won’t hold back.”
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
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Nebula --- I was a child like you. I was concerned with staying alive until the next day, everyday. And I never considered what Thanos was doing to you. I’m trying to make it right. There are little girls like you across the universe who are in danger. You can stay with us and help them.
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
the song of achilles meme
       i recently finished this book and it was just…so…beautiful, so i wanted to make a lil meme thing cause their were a lot of really great quotes & actions tbh. i thought it’d be nice to share ‘em and write ‘em out. change the pronouns to your liking ~
p.s. i kinda went over board so i put my favs above the read more and the rest ( more generic types of sent. memes ) under the read more. enjoy !
“ i will never leave ____. it will be this , always, for as long as _____ will let me. “
“ i would like to know how you are going to stop the losers from declaring war on you ? “
“ will you help me put the rest of my armor on ? “
“ we are finished here. “
“ do not leave. “
“ did you ever think of having children ? “
“ ___ is half my soul, as the poets say. “
“ I could recognize ____ by touch alone, by smell; I would know ____ blind, by the way ____ breaths came and ___ feet struck the earth. I would know ____ in death “
“ coward. “
“ ____ is a weapon. a killer. do not forget it. “
“ you can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change it’s nature. “
“ i do not plan to live after ____ is gone. “
“ philtatos. “ ( means ‘most beloved’ ) 
“ i could kill you still. “
“ i am sorry for your loss. “
“ name one hero who was happy. “
“ they never let you be famous and happy. “
“ let me bring you food and drink. “
“ i cannot bear to see you grieving. “
“ there are no bargains between lions and men. i will kill you and eat you raw. “
“ is it worth your life ? “
“ i hope that ____ kills you. “
“ get out. get out ! “
“ _____ is dead. “
“ i am buried here. “
“ we die so easily. “
“ you will not speak another word or you will be sorry. “
“ i wish he had left you to all die. “
“ if you have to go, i will go with you. “
“ i am made of memories. “
“ listen to me. “
“ i will not live much longer. “
“ you are a better man than i. “
“ i do not need to prove myself to you. “
“ are you calling me a liar ? “
“ i do not care. i will be dead soon. “
Continuar lendo
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
Endgame spoilers below!
But also I really liked how parallel and at the same time absolutely different Gamora’s and Nat’s deaths were. 
In Infinity War, when told of the conditions to get the soul stone, Gamora is certain Thanos won’t get it because he loves nothing (and I personally side with her in believing it wasn’t love but anyways that’s not the point). She thinks he’ll finally get what he deserves for being awful in general, only to be thrown off a cliff and leave Thanos rewarded with what he sought.
“Whatever nightmares the future holds are dreams compared to what’s behind me” and “I was concerned with surviving another day, every day” are both small examples of how she felt about her past. It was literally so bad she thought nothing could be worse. But when she finally leaves, things not only don’t turn to worse, they actually become better, so much better than she would have hoped, truly. 
When IW happens, Gamora has been with the Guardians for roughly 5 years. She’s left Thanos and a life she hated in Vol. 1, she begun building a better relationship with Nebula in Vol. 2. She’s found a purpose, a path to use her skills for what she believes is right. She’s found a family, because that is what the Guardians are. She’s surrounded by people she loves, doing what she wants to do. 
By the end of Vol. 1, Gamora says “I’ve lived most of my life surrounded by my enemies. I’ll be glad to die among friends”. But when IW happens and the Guardians learn that Thanos got two infinity stones already, she knows this isn’t going to happen (and she knows she’ll die, too). She’s well aware what she asks of Peter is a lot, but it is necessary to avoid Thanos becoming too powerful to stop, and it is a better fate than the one she gets, at least in her eyes. Even taking her own life would have been better, regardless of how meaningless it would render all she did in the name of survival. 
Gamora’s relationship to Thanos is more complicated than only hate, but she does hate him. She resents and opposes him many times, and stopping his plan has been one important goal to her for many years. Dying by his hand, alone, an unwilling sacrifice that takes him one step further to getting what he wants is literally the worst possible ending for her, in her own eyes. It is everything she didn’t want, everything she fought against, the opposite of the death she would be glad to get.
And sad as Nat’s death is, thematically, I feel like it mirrors Gamora’s in a nice way because it is the same scene but completely different. Clint and Nat love each other. They both want to sacrifice themselves, to do what has to be done and save the world but also because they care for each other. Here we see actual love and willing sacrifice in opposition to Thanos and Gamora. 
Both of them were made into assassins, and both of them left the life others imposed on them behind. They found new purpose, and they found a family in the Avengers and the Guardians. But Nat died willingly for what she believed and for those she loved, while Gamora was robbed of it, killed by one she hated and unwillingly sacrificed to complete a goal she was trying to stop.
The point of this long rant was just to say that I love the parallels but also how, in spite of having the same death, their deaths are completely different.
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
                    psa — if we’re mutuals, this gives you unsaid permission to attack my inbox whenever you want, as much as you want, with whatever you want.  want to spam me with memes?  break your ask limit.  want to send me random messages?  break your ask limit.  want to leave me love?  break your ask limit.  anything.  everything.  it doesn’t matter what time of day or night, even if i’m not around, you are always welcome.  you always have permission.  i mean it.
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fiercemade-blog · 5 years
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