     Alright, he’s listening. That’s a good sign and one that      relieves her. He didn’t really have a reason to say no       to her but she had her thoughts. She knows he’s      confused just as she is. He wants to find out answers      like she does. Her hopes lie in the theory she’s come      up with. The hope that this theory of relaxation would      prove right and they’d both have their answers. His,      why she looks so confused and hers, the truth of      whether he is Altean or not.
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     “Steady now,” Allura softly speaks as her hand tightens      just a bit, “We’ll be walking quite a bit. Don’t be afraid to      lean on me.” Kind is her offer, concern still lingering in her      words. She doesn’t hesitate in starting to walk, holding      tight on the boy’s hand to make sure he doesn’t fall. She      also wanted to make sure he goes in the right direction.
     “Maybe we’ll have our answers when we get to where      we’re going.”
      There was no use wondering, he knew that deep down. Every step taken, every footfall that reverberated through the castle became more and more distant the further his mind began to wander. It fueled him to nearly out pace the princess, if it wasn’t for the fact only she knew where they were going- he would’ve.
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There were a couple of times that he expected to go one way and was yanked in another direction.
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     Ah. That kind of answer was expected from someone      who believes they’re a human. She should’ve known      better than to ask, thinking he would know what      happened. A better approach would more suited for      this situation. But what kind of approach?
     If his body had started to show the marks when he was      unconcious… Perhaps it only shows when he’s in a laxed      state? Time to test a theory.
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     “Keith, can you stand?” A simple question as the princess      takes hold of one of the red paladin’s hands, “I’d like for      you to follow me somewhere.”
      Keith couldn’t make heads or tails of what was going on, his eyes flickered down to where Allura took his hand and then up at the princess’ face. He searched every inch, from her eyes to her expression, hoping there would be answers. But in the end, he came up with more questions.
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She acted carefully and with caution, like every word was picked for a purpose.
But there was no reason to say ‘no’. If he listened, his questions would be answered too, probably. Hopefully.
“I’ll give it a shot.” His feet shifted, allowing him to collect himself to stand. Dizziness threatened to topple him over, but his balance held. “Alright, I think I can manage. Go ahead and I’ll follow.”
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take the quiz here! post your results. 
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54% Advocate
The Advocate is the one everyone wants on their side. In the name of justice, they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others.
23% Visionary
Leave it to others to live by the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.
23% Rebel
The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across. 
0 notes
     It was one thing to have him confirm that yes, there      was no blood and that yes, he was alright. It’s another      when she still has one concern on her mind. The      concern that Keith had shown signs of being Altean.      Such a fact would make him the third one to survive      along side herself and Coran.
     But the question there is ‘Does Keith know?’. Perhaps      not.
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     “Keith, there’s something I need to ask you.” Her voice      is calm, quiet when she speaks to him. Her eyes stay      focused as she watches him sit up and rub at his head.      How should she go about asking the question? How      exactly should she word such a ridiculous thing to ask      to someone who’s supposed to be human.
     “How long have you been alive?”
      Now that kind of question made his hand freeze, it lingered against his scalp for a moment before dropping into his lap. Why would she ask something like that? It didn’t bother him any, but it seemed out of place. The sound of the ship was the only noise that filled the strange air as he mulled over his answer.
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“Nineteen years,” A pause was made before realizing that further clarity might be needed, “We don’t live that long, maybe seventy to eighty years on average. Most of us are lucky if we make it to a hundred.”
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     He was fine. He was fine and that brought a sigh of      relief to the woman. Knowing that Keith was waking      up was the most of her worries but… The markings      and his ears were definitely something concerning      her. Especially since they’d faded back like they’d      never shown. Had he always had those? If so,      how long had he been hiding them? How long had      he been hiding away and why? It was confusing and      she wanted to make head and tail of the situation but      right now, she needed to focus on Keith.
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     “Keith, are you alright?” The obvious question to leave      her lips when he speaks her name, shaking off the      bewildered look on her face. When she gets her answer      from him, she’ll ask her questions. For now, focus on his      state of being was the utmost important thing here.
     “You aren’t too badly hurt, are you? The Gladiator didn’t      do too much damage, did it?” Perhaps, there was one too      many questions she wanted to ask about his state of being.
      How hard had his head been whacked?
Keith stared dumbly up at the princess, still dazed. Maybe the bot had hit too hard if she was this concerned. It’s not that Allura was uncaring. She just knew as well as the rest of the paladins that Zarkon won’t have any mercy.
His rigorous (and sometimes risky, when the levels are bumped too high) training was to prepare for that, and to keep him sharp.
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“I think...? Yeah, I’m alright,” Keith pressed a hand flat against the floor to brace himself to sit up. The aches and pains promised a sore morning to come. The worst of the pains, the back of his head, had his free hand reach back and rub at. His face contorted with a hiss at the sharp stinging felt.
“There’s no blood or anything.”
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     Seeing such a scene jostles the princess, her body      leaning forward to press hands against the glass of      the observation deck’s window. Blue eyes are wide      at the scene, watching as the Gladiator finds itself      shut off and Keith’s body winds up flush against the      floor.
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     There was no time to be wasted here.
     Her steps are fast, quick as she takes herself from      the observation deck and down. Practically running,      she’s hurriedly trying to make it to the training deck      as fast as possible. Clicks and whirs are made from      the doors to the deck sliding open and she’s quick to      slide in. Knees bow and allow her to crumple next to      Keith’s body and her arms slip underneath to haul him      up against her lap.
     “Keith!” There’s hope he can possibly hear her, dread      that he can’t, “Keith, wake up!” A shake to his shoulders      is made for a moment before something catches the      princess’ eyes. A shade of blue against the human’s      cheeks. What was that? The markings that showed      themselves were reminiscent of her own, as well as      Coran’s. What was the meaning of that?
     “What-?” Next to be noticed is the way his ears slowly      start to come to a point. Blue eyes widen once again,      focused on the one in her lap. What was this? The      showings of an Altean, the signs pointing at the marks      and Keith’s ears… It’s confusing. Tan finger tips touch      against the boy’s cheeks, watching as they fade in      against his skin.
      Someone... was calling for him.
It was difficult to distinguish who, the voice itself sounded muffled and seemed to travel through a lengthy tunnel before he could begin to hear it. The second time it rung through though, it was much more clear. 
The very first thing that hit him when his consciousness was reigned in was the head splitting pain that throbbed from the back of his head. Keith didn’t bother fighting back a groan as he cracked an eye open.
The markings, the ears themselves too, both slowly reverted. The blue hues fading against his skin, as if they hadn’t shown in the first place. His ears halted their transformation, and slowly shortened again to rounded human ears.
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“...A...ll..ura?” He croaked, while he expected to see her face wrought with distress, her baffled expression made him knit his brow together. Why was she staring so intensely?
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@fightinginstincts | Another Surviving Altean? 
     How long had she been watching over the training      session? She’s been there long enough to keep an      eye fully trained on the human. She’s focused, keen      on watching his every movement when he spars with      the Gladiator. The level difficulty he was on has been      lost to her mind as blue eyes scan the training deck,      keeping her sights fixed on the red paladin and his      opponent.
     The way he fights is one she’s never really seen before.      Despite the combat she’s witnessed, it’s a change from      Altean fighting forms but humans were a change from      her alien race, weren’t they? Of course. The time she      took to focus on her thoughts, she’s missed out on what’s      happening in the room beneath where she stood.
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     “He’s quite good,” She breathes to herself, admiring his      form and actions, “But can he truly handle this difficulty?”      A question she ponders, watching as the training      continued on.
     Until the robotic Gladiator makes a swing with its arm and      hits the poor human roughly against the back of his head.
      The level of the gladiator was definitely pushing him to his limits. Every swing was calculate and precise. It was as if the android had been learning how he fought the entire time and waited for its level to be bumped up. Keith barely jump back enough to narrowly avoid the bot’s staff, the very tip threatened to snag his shirt. Without breaking limits though, he won’t get better.
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After this, just this last round, he’ll call it quits.
Keith hurriedly whipped his bayard’s blade up and caught the pole being brought down on him, his feet parted just right to catch the heavy blow. It was a short celebration though, the gladiator moved faster a leg than he could dodge. In one fluid motion, Keith had his legs knocked out from under him and he landed none too gentle on his back. He didn’t dare linger. Ever fiber screamed at him to move, and just as he roll to the side the staff cracked against the metallic floor. 
The paladin scrambled to his feet, but made the mistake of turning around to get away much more quickly, an opportunity the bot had been waiting for. By the time Keith realized it, a harsh pain exploded in full bloom in the back of his head and darkness enveloped his vision before he could feel himself crumple against the floor.
With no further combatants, the gladiator straightened after making a note of the area being cleared and fazed back to storage with jumbled lights. Which left Keith out cold on the training deck alone. Completely oblivious to the blueish markings fading in beneath the corners of his eyes, and the way his ears slowly started growing into points.
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Reblog this if you’re interested in developing and planning epic plots that intertwine our muses’ stories across many threads and further their growth as individuals.
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       Talked bout it with a friend earlier today, but I came up with a verse for Keith where he’s actually Altean, even if his little stunt of a crashland to Earth rendered more than a few memories from him.
A young one that couldn’t join the front lines, who lost his parents from an early age and in turn joined an academy that allowed him to learn how to be a pilot. 
He was quite promising, enough that he even got into the castle under an apprenticeship. But, we all know being a good pilot wasn’t all that caught Alfor’s attention.
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You can count on Lance to jump to the rescue. He's tackling down the red paladin, dragging him back by his legs around a corner of the ship they'd infiltrated and he's lucky those sentries didn't hear the loud clang of armor thunking the floor. Fingers curl around Keith's face, cover his mouth as Lance looks at him, eyes narrowed and brow furrowed. "Idiot!" He hisses in a whisper, "You can't just /go/ out there!"
Reckless does what irrationality begs for | @palazul​
       Much to Keith’s chagrin: Lance finally caught up to him.
A grunt left the paladin when a gloved hand clamped over his mouth, leaving him to pant out long, frustrated breathes through his nose. What was he doing? He could have easily taken on the few sentries around the corner! Keith jerked back from where he laid on his stomach, attempting to jab an elbow at the guy, but fell short and grew incredibly still.
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Lance wasn’t stopping him for no good reason. 
Around the corner and down a short way was where stored drones stayed. Even if he had fought off the ones in the hall, more would have kept coming. More than could be handled. He wouldn’t have been able to keep up. 
Not forever...
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‘’Tch! You wound me! I mean, I tried to stab you. Shouldn’t you feel special? I rarely stab people up close, you know?’’
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“And I would have been dead if I didn’t move in time.”
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Your muse is spying on mine and sees mine encounter a dangerous situation. Do they watch from the sidelines like they’re supposed to or do they jump to the rescue? Send me what your muse would do.
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‘’ooohhh… And yet, you just admitted that we do have a relationship. How sensitive of you, darling ~ ‘’
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“We’re enemies, what’s there to be sensitive about?”
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“You’re not gonna listen to me, are you.”
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‘’Well, when you make it sound like that… It definitely seems less fun than it actually is. You could always undo it afterwards, I don’t mind.’’
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“I think we’re losing sight on what kind of relationship we have.”
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‘’Awww, come on, just once? I could even braid it for you!’’
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”And then what? Stick flowers in it?”
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‘’Hm… Looks like the cub got some bite, after all ~  Aren’t you cute? Aw, you almost make me want to pet you…’’
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“Don’t even think about it.”
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