Send a ✗ and my muse will react to being called a monster.
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Send me a sentence for my muse's reaction
"You have to tell me why were committing a felony before we do it. Not that that’s going to stop us, but at least I’ll have all the facts"
"I still can’t get ‘coming round the mountain’ out of my mind. It’s like one of those phrases, like ‘drop it like it’s hot’ that I really wish I’d never heard."
"I know. I just tend to believe the worst in people, you know?"
"You’re the only one I like around here at the moment."
"What do you mean, you’re not taking it anymore? What are you going to do?"
“It’s terrible not to be needed. You’ll see.”
"You want to know what I’m going to do? Nothing! Because I am in a relationship with you and you know very well I can’t leave."
“I mean, it’s all any of us wants - to find a nice person to hang out with ‘til we drop dead. Not a lot to ask.”
"You just flat out looked in my face right right out just lied to me."
“I don’t leave messages. If I wanted to talk to a machine, I’d talk to my VCR.”
"I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let you go."
"Sometimes the person you love is not the person you're ready ro live with forever."
"I just came to tell you that I'm truly sorry that I hurt you, and I'm going to miss you so much."
“I don’t believe in regrets. All my experiences, even the ones that didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to, I firmly believe they were all worth it."
“I can be flexible. As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I’m totally flexible.”
"Well all I can say is, I'm lucky I'm back in your life, because clearly I was lost without you. I mean it's a miracle I'm even still alive."
" I am putting my number on speed-dial, so all you have to do is press one, see, like ‘I’m number one’"
"I don't want to talk to anybody else. I don't like anybody else."
"You know we're suppose to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you, and you know it, too. I know you do."
"No, you didn't called, leave a note, smoke signaled, Morse coded, semaphore flagged or came by"
"I have successfully walked in a straight line at least once before. I can get you the cop’s name if you want to talk to him."
"Yeah, you look cute. I mean, you always look cute, but this is just a new facet of your cuteness."
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I want an evil OTP that slowly take over the world together and commit several murders and just have only each other as redeemable qualities. 
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"Burn it?" Rayce asked "Is that a tradition... Never seen it in the movies," because tat's all he really had to go on, movies and bits and pieces of what he'd heard from others. He'd never celebrated any sort of holiday and he always told himself that it didn't bug him. But then he met Frankie who accepted both halves of him and e thought maybe he could finally have a holiday.
Angsty Christmas || Rayce (Silas) & Frankie
Frankie growled as he stared at the un-decorated Christmas tree. Rayce had said something about the holidays, and Jonz had informed him a tree was a necessity… It wasn’t like he forgot how to celebrate Christmas or anything, he just chose to block it all away, and he hoped the longer he stared at the damned thing, the more it would look like a bottle of whiskey, but by that logic, he knew he had to already be drunk first. So off he went to find whatever bottle he had lying around still with something of use in it.
"Trees up!" He called from the kitchen, though there was only venom in his voice as he popped the cork off of one of Gary’s bottle’s of wine and took a hard pull from it. "I say y’ ought burn th’ damned thing, but tha’s jus’ me."
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Rayce grinned, glad they didn't have to do the whole 'feelings' talk, he'd rather avoid that forever if possible. He kissed Hali back eagerly while walking backwards towards the bedroom.
“This is a bit too dramatic for my taste, so can we skip it and have sex instead?” #fightingmydarkside. Hali#
"I thought you would never ask." Hali grinned and pushed Rayce towards his bedroom while kissing him softly.
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He smiled softly "Then I'll make it a point to tell you as often as possible."
Open To Any Gender
"As if you don’t know how gorgeous you are," Rayce said with grin, brushing some hair from Lydia’s face.
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Rayce rolled his eyes "They can go grope in the corner like idiots still," he said, unbothered.
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"I would actually. I bus at a bar not to far from here, good booze, decent prices and bands that don't make your ears bleed."
"Oh so now I’m not pretty, no need for the insults," Rayce said with a smirk. He nodded, looking around quickly before reaching up and grabbing the plant, shoving it in his pocket. "Problem solved."
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send "towel" for my muse's reaction to seeing yours in nothing but a towel
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Send me a ❖ and my muse will kiss yours
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My muse has been missing for several days. Send "Where were you?!?" For mine to suddenly show up at your muse's doorstep, in rough shape.
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Silas chuckled, sucking on Frankie's wound, moaning as the blood hit his tongue. "Think about it, the only person who ever knew him completely, both sides of him. And you stick around. You make him feel human." He bit down hard once again, drawing a whole new rush of blood. "He hasn't put a name to it but I live in the back of his mind, where he pushes all thoughts of you. Too bad I'm your favorite, he'll be crushed."
“Flesh” #fightingmydarkside. Rayce or Silas with any#
Frank knew there was trouble as soon as he saw thatlook in Rayce’s eyes… at least, he had thought it washim up until that moment when he knew it was Silas,but he was getting too old for this, and the pained gasp that left him just confirmed it has his back hit thewall, and for a moment, he just stared wide eyed at Silas, before he did the last thing Frankie would haveexpected. “Don’— Don’ do tha’” He managed, but hisbody betrayed him as his head titled to the side toexpose more skin to the demon. “didn’ know y’ ‘ada thing fer me too.” His words came near breathless.
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"Then stop talking about him," Silas said with a growl of his own. Half of it was not liking that Frankie preferred his other half but mostly taking over had been a struggle this time around, Rayce had become skilled at keeping control. Silas had been plotting ever since Frankie came back though, and chose a weak moment for his other half to burst forward. But he could be back at any moment and hearing Frankie sing his praises would only help. He let the blade stay there and went to look at his tools for what to use next. "But you're not. You're my favorite toy for a reason, you're stronger. Harder to break you, all my other play things break so easy, whether it be in mind or body. Broken toys are no fun."
"I love it when you fight. Keep doing it." #fightingmydarkside. Silas. Any.#
Frank panted, hovering over as blood dripped slowly from his lip. “Fu- y’.” Hemanaged and straightened himself back up, glaring at Silas with theoughtsthere were no words for.
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"After everything you never have to apologize to me again, think I owe you that," Rayce said looking at his hands. "I'm not. My... father always made it clear I was a lab rat, a test tube... puppet. I don't even know what I am. Some weird mix that shouldn't even exist."
"I'm sorry I let you down. But I promise I'll make it up to you." #fightingmydarkside. Frankie maybe?#
"Don’ worry ‘bout it." He muttered quietly, wonderingwhy in the hell he had even come to see Rayce at all. He’d barely made it back to the factory afterthe run in with Silas, and he had to stop Jonz fromgoing after him himself… but he wasn’t going to tellRayce any of that."I’ was bound t’ ‘appen sooner or later y’ know. ‘M just glad there’s a bit of y’ t’ ‘elp keep th’ other at bay.” He offered a weak smile and shrugged his shoulders. —Truth be told, Frankie was confused about all of it. Nothing seemed like it was, and theway Silas was acting now… it was strange. 'A- are y' alright?”
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"Because you're my favorite." Silas said with and eye roll, licking up the blood "I really don't see why that's so hard to grasp for you. As for why I'm doing this in particular a few reasons, mainly I just like taking what the Puppet wants."
“Flesh” #fightingmydarkside. Rayce or Silas with any#
Frank knew there was trouble as soon as he saw thatlook in Rayce’s eyes… at least, he had thought it washim up until that moment when he knew it was Silas,but he was getting too old for this, and the pained gasp that left him just confirmed it has his back hit thewall, and for a moment, he just stared wide eyed at Silas, before he did the last thing Frankie would haveexpected. “Don’— Don’ do tha’” He managed, but hisbody betrayed him as his head titled to the side toexpose more skin to the demon. “didn’ know y’ ‘ada thing fer me too.” His words came near breathless.
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"It's okay... it's the automatic question to ask right?" he gave a weak, completely unconvincing smile.
"Don't mind going down so long as he's with me... Not like I'm real," he said with a sigh and then frowned "Reminding me of that doesn't make me feel better in the least."
"I'm sorry I let you down. But I promise I'll make it up to you." #fightingmydarkside. Frankie maybe?#
"Don’ worry ‘bout it." He muttered quietly, wonderingwhy in the hell he had even come to see Rayce at all. He’d barely made it back to the factory afterthe run in with Silas, and he had to stop Jonz fromgoing after him himself… but he wasn’t going to tellRayce any of that."I’ was bound t’ ‘appen sooner or later y’ know. ‘M just glad there’s a bit of y’ t’ ‘elp keep th’ other at bay.” He offered a weak smile and shrugged his shoulders. —Truth be told, Frankie was confused about all of it. Nothing seemed like it was, and theway Silas was acting now… it was strange. 'A- are y' alright?”
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"I am though, stupidly, annoyingly human. I've even taken a human name," he spat as if disgusted with the thought, "I used to be great you know, powerful. Now I'm stuck in a shell, nothing more than a alternate, psychopathic personality," he said with bitter anger and twisted the knife that was still in the older mans shoulder "Careful, I might start thinking you like him better than me. Wouldn't want to make me jealous."
"I love it when you fight. Keep doing it." #fightingmydarkside. Silas. Any.#
Frank panted, hovering over as blood dripped slowly from his lip. “Fu- y’.” Hemanaged and straightened himself back up, glaring at Silas with theoughtsthere were no words for.
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[text] Nothing good will come from it. Give it back.
[text]: Haha, no. I’m not giving it back. {hali-Nowyoudxnt}
[Text] This isn’t funny. What use do you even have for my ‘fathers’ Grimore? 
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