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colored version i made of  some tinkerso fanart (not mine, the artist wishes to be anonymous)
the red on the heart is to symbolize that they are blood related :)
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oh yeah, one last thing...
the pinned post on my blog will remain until i release all the info
It is now past 6 PM (EST) and I am preparing to edit the tags on all discourse relating to @th06. My alarm actually went off in the middle of dealing with more responses and I apologize for the delay. I’ve been dealing with this nonstop for over a week now, I had to stretch the original deadline two days more due to some physical health problems so February 25th was changed to February 27th. This has been going on since the 18th so it’s now been 9 days. I’m ecstatic to say that I’m no longer responding to any asks or reblogs relating to this after 9 days of writing, editing, listening and info gatherings.
I still have tons of info I haven’t uploaded yet, so you may see new posts or edits relating to this—but I will no longer be responding or answering asks.
As an aspiring content creator or to any aspiring content creator reading this, we need to realize that cancel culture and harassment are just going to be a prominent part our lives unfortunately due to the world we live in, so we’re just going to have to accept it and make sure not to let it take up any unnecessary amounts of time off our lives (I personally recommend 1 week).
I’ve given this fiasco a 9 day run and am more than happy to be semi-signing off!
See y’all! ~ ★
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It is now past 6 PM (EST) and I am preparing to edit the tags on all discourse relating to @th06. My alarm actually went off in the middle of dealing with more responses and I apologize for the delay. I’ve been dealing with this nonstop for over a week now, I had to stretch the original deadline two days more due to some physical health problems so February 25th was changed to February 27th. This has been going on since the 18th so it’s now been 9 days. I’m ecstatic to say that I’m no longer responding to any asks or reblogs relating to this after 9 days of writing, editing, listening and info gatherings.
I still have tons of info I haven’t uploaded yet, so you may see new posts or edits relating to this—but I will no longer be responding or answering asks.
As an aspiring content creator or to any aspiring content creator reading this, we need to realize that cancel culture and harassment are just going to be a prominent part our lives unfortunately due to the world we live in, so we’re just going to have to accept it and make sure not to let it take up any unnecessary amounts of time off our lives (I personally recommend 1 week).
I’ve given this fiasco a 9 day run and am more than happy to be semi-signing off!
See y’all! ~ ★
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I could just as easily say the call of duty franchise glorifies war, the grand theft auto series glorifies crime and that goretober glorifies murder and torture. And once again how does “Dr tinker was kicked from art school” = hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people?
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And cmon, are we not going to talk about the Hiroshima bombing joke (Yknow, the bombing from the same world war) revolving around a Japanese character dying in it was allowed the following month and is still up to this day?
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Proshipping and profiction is what I support, when it switches to reality is when i walk out. We are not responsible nor is any proshipper for those who can’t distinguish art and reality and commit crimes, it is on them and them only for committing the act. The “proshipping encourages irl abuse” argument makes as much sense to me as “violent video games cause school shootings”. Violent video games can and may inspire someone, but it is not on the fault of the developers of those games as that was not their intent and do not support those things in real life, it is on the criminal themselves for doing such a thing—not artists looking to create what they want.
What you find tasteful and distasteful in fiction is up to you, there’s nothing wrong with that and I’m not here to change it. I do not however tolerate the bashing and harassment of others for having a different view on things.
It is not her actual name but it is still relevant to who exactly I am talking about, I wanted to use the clear unabridged header for proper visibility by @th06 herself, her associates and anyone else part of this corrupt server. Another reason I didn’t use “that meanie scarlet dvil who called me gross :(((“ is because I prefer to use the least amount of insults and swears when dealing with situations like these in order to be the bigger person—unlike someone.
It’s important because it specifies who exactly I’m talking about, i would’ve done the same if her header was anything else.
Also if you hate reading bold text, you’ll stop reading these and let me go so I can finally edit these tags as I said I was going to
hey dipshit can you stop fucking posting in the scarlet devil tags no one wants to see your pathetic excuses for pro shipping when looking up touhou characters; also you're fucking 17 act your age, take the L and stop spam tagging people for a singular callout post are you actually fucking fetal?
Ok first of all I wanna thank you for not hiding behind an anon like certain others, congratulations on being the first genuine blog to insult me directly! But based on the familiar term “are you actually fucking fetal?” I may have to disqualify you :(
Anyways, I’m posting in the scarlet devil tags as the user who made the “callout post” also goes by “scarlet devil”. I’ve had a plans to change the tags later since the beginning—only it’s been dragged out longer than a week due to physical health problems which caused me to subtract two days from the original February 25th deadline. The deadline is now back to the 27th—today—they’ll be changed using the mass post editor come 6 PM (EST), I’ve got an alarm set already.
As for “acting my age” I think I’m acting more appropriate than these grown adults (18-21) calling me and my 16yo gf out for some fictional character art they didn’t like…not to mention the actions they’ve displayed in the server before and after my ban.
There is nothing wrong with calling out harmful behavior, but making a callout post over two users who aren’t hurting nor aim to do anything and had our material tagged accordingly? IMO that’s harassment, we weren’t doing anything to anyone. @th06 should’ve just followed her own logic of “block and move on”. Not to mention the possible dangerous implications (intentional or not!) that we support incest, are child groomers and antisemitic—those are things that warrant a visible response.
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what does any of this have to do with embodiment of scarlet devil
Thank you for being polite! Scarlet devil just happens to be a name @th06 goes by, it has nothing to do with the touhou fandom. I added the tag to bring more visibility to the situation and the deadline to change them is today, unfortunately I’m currently dealing with much ruder asks and reblogs that are preventing me from doing it faster, and just make me have to add more of these tags to make sure those are visible. I wonder how long it’ll take them to stop.
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I advise that you reblog the pinned version of this as there is misinterpreted info in this one (LUCIA DID NOT ADVERTISE NSFW COMISSIONS), it’s clear in the image itself that Lucia did not advertise nsfw but with the misguided captions this could do more harm than good, allegations like these are serious.
Yes, I am a proshipper! I don’t believe in the censorship of art (all forms, not just drawing!) that has no ill intent or is hurting anyone, it’s not everyone’s preference but it’s mine.
I never defended hitler, can you show me where exactly I did?
I did not make the meme with the r slur, it was made by a user named “Silver”.
Yes, it is dogpiling to be ganged up on and insulted over a rule that was not made clear and over the “harm” of fictional characters. It was 3 people, and technically 4 if you count gargfowl75 at the end of the argument or 5 if you count JustinCase, who continues the “goonposting” 2 days later after we were told not to bring it up again.
We only made a cropped nsfw joke because there was a spoilered but uncropped joke farther up in general—not even any of the meme channels, let alone cursed ones! We would never post full out nsfw in a pg13 server. We made a cropped meme and posted it based off of what was already allowed in the server, because if the confusion I guessed they meant no “nsfw” as in explicit nsfw…pg13 and pg/g are two separate ratings.
Again, Lucia did not advertise nsfw comissions! But to answer your questions, yes I do know how commissions work. Mentioning that you create nsfw art in an environment that aims to be to be as family friendly as this one is almost a guarantee for disaster, you’re more likely to get those who are faking their age here vs your personal twitter, tumblr or insta account. It’s asking for trouble imo, regardless of your intentions.
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An image of doge captioned “chop of your body parts” sounds pretty intimidating and/or threatening, especially in the context it was sent—threatening a real person over fictional characters. Also me trying to have a civil conversation while candy gore sends “sorry can’t hear you we’re goonposting” sounds like mocking and lots of others would agree if you asked the general public.
Also where are you guys getting this “you are literally fetal” phrase from. Can’t tell if it’s a meme/copypasta or some inside joke, my broken sense of humor is laughing at how often this is repeated.
I would have adjusted the tags by now but I had to deal with some responses including yours, that’s actually my first priority after I finish this. I’ve been planning to change them later from the first response onwards. My original plan was to leave them so this would be visible for a week, but then I had some physical health problems and I had to subtract two days that were affected by the sickness. But now that everything seems back to normal that’s my next step after submitting this reblog (I’m going to have to give this the same tags for visibility while I hop on pc to use the mass post editor though).
I don’t see how noncon angst is any more immoral than the socially acceptable gore angst, they’re both horrible crimes irl that can warrant lifelong consequences for both parties. But that’s just me, feel free to believe as you please!
Response to @th06 over warning to block me and @magicalcardinal
If you are made uncomfortable by proship content, feel free to add the #proship tag to your blocklist and avoid those who make content you find distasteful.
Making a public announcement and writing a google document on two users, I repeat users—not the content—is not a good example of your end note of “just block and move on”. It’s totally valid to make a callout post on things that hurt or are intended to hurt others, but we have no intentions of harming anyone and have our posts tagged accordingly to what they contain. The only way you could’ve found this was by actively looking for proship content or not having it on your blacklist. We have no idea of who you even are and we’re simply posting art to our own blogs, nor do either of us support irl incest. not only is it morally wrong, but dangerous if the two decide to have kids as they’ll be inbred.
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Before we begin to showcase these images, to address questions on the validity of these discord screenshots, they were taken long before this callout post was made and the subtle hitler joke screenshot was taken (check the top left corner for the dates: Thursday, December 6th to Friday, January 7th). Another detail is that these images were taken from an iOS mobile device using the app. There is no way inspect element could’ve been used to edit these.
As for the joke referencing hitler, I personally don’t see how it can even be labeled as antisemitic as it has no mention or implication of the Jewish…the more appropriate term would be dark humor or just simply a “hitler joke”. The context and implication was that Dr Tinker is basically the hitler of terrapinia, as he’s committed things such as what equivalents to human experimentation and enforcing segregation laws. My intent had nothing to do with encouraging negativity towards anyone under the semitic umbrella.
I also had no idea this joke would be a problem, as once again before posting risky things i check what is already in the space im in. the reason i thought this joke would be actually less than risky was because i saw a post containing the term “retards” in the meme, this word is sometimes used as a slur towards the neurodivergent (a group i myself am a part of) and people in general.
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the post you see above didnt even have an warning for the slur at the time, it was just spoilered with no context other than “oh no oh no oh no”. the video details the minigame “waggs’ words”–a game in which you are given a timer and an assortment of letters to create words from before it runs out. of course not all words will register due to the game’s rating, but for some reason this got through. i don’t know if this was possible in the original game as this is filmed from the rewrite–no idea.
after i got bashed for the hitler joke–yes bashed. i wasnt alerted in dms or publicly why my post was deleted, i had to pry the answer out of legion and boney as they were just replying with emojis–aka harassment and unprofessionalism on legion’s part–until they finally told me why. i found this behavior disgusting.
my joke doesnt even mention hitler by name. i went to point out the hypocrisy at a post containing an actual slur–swearing is allowed so thats not the problem, the problem was that a slur was used when i am almost guaranteed this server had an explicit rule against. “no slurs” is a basic public discord rule, especially for one 13+. 
it didnt go well…i don’t have any images from that argument unfortunately but afterwards silver (who posted the meme with an actual slur) got a reassuring pat on the back and was told “it was properly spoilered though a warning would have be good”–the only reason why it now has a warning on the image above. no one called this out.
here’s the aftermath of the argument below. makes me sick.
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With the reasoning out the way, it wasn’t even explicit and just a simple…
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With a joke as vague as this it would’ve been better to just personally ask what I had meant, I’d have had no problem explaining…and a lot easier. I am sorry for anyone i offended with this joke, i thought it would be no problem due to what was previously allowed. I will however not stop pointing out hypocrisy.
Onto the next exhibit—which is something i feel is something that should never be posted without full context, topics regarding these subjects are serious and can actually land both parties—yes both—in hot water. This is something I will not tolerate at any cost, especially when worded in the way of this…
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Anecdotal evidence posting is an almost guarantee for disaster, and in this case—gives the dangerous implications (even if you didn’t intend them, this is still an issue) that me and stormy are child predators…we are both minors, I am 17 and they are 16. I fortunately have the full unabridged story on both sides which included misinformation on what was allowed in the server due to undeleted messages, us apologizing for breaking the rules and removing the post, getting dog piled for the fact that it was noncon and noncon alone (seriously from what I read back it seems more people were concerned about the noncon than nsfw), death threats to two real minors from a 20 year old and insults that neither of us started. After this unravels, we proceed to get spammed with emojis which involved a moderator for this server.
Before even making a joke this risky, I wanted to make sure it would be appropriate for the server. I’m not sure what the rules said at the time so I’m not going to go there as I want to go with what I do know: there was a message in general containing a completely uncensored piece of r34 that contained a sol and a flurry. Uncensored. Rule 34. The image wasn’t heavily explicit but contained barely censored female breasts (definitely in the sexual way), bare buttocks and a glimpse of somewhat visible genitalia. In this same “everyone 13+” discord. This could be argued to be noncon as well if you squint hard enough (the sol doesn’t look too happy), I doubt it is looking at the picture but it can also be interpreted that way. (There’s nothing wrong with drawing fictional non con imo, art is expression and as long as you’re not hurting anyone, intend to or supporting inappropriate behavior irl then you’re fine).
Below is the spoilered image of what I’m referring to. (I’ve realized that these particular images have no visible date so I’ll show the iCloud album dates below the originals)
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Another user here even points out how questionable it is to call this “semi nsfw”
Date of image being taken below.
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This image is the only reason why we decided to go through with the cropped nsfw joke. We figured it would be less offensive as ours was completely cropped—therefore showing nothing obscene. Legion (who once again is a moderator) even ignored the fact that this was a post that still existed and continued on with the dogpiling.
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date taken below
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Me and @magicalcardinal would never post something of this degree to a 13+ discord without looking at what would be acceptable.
now onto the main event–the horrific dogpiling (including legion( involving death threats to minors from an adult, bullying from adults on minors and insults neither of us started. things only got resolved when lucia (the co owner) had to be dragged in to settle things maturely. here’s how the events unfolded.
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I find it hypocritical to believe that gore and angst and more morally correct than noncon. sexual abuse is a horrible thing but so are other kinds of abuse, and the other kinds featured in gore and angst are physical/violent and psychological abuse. i am in no way saying that sexual abuse isnt valid, but so are other forms of abuse. i personally have been through events that would make quite good angst prompts–and im not just talking emotional, i mean physically violent as well. i could go on a full tangent on what horrors ive endured at the hands of those i thought i could trust but this is not about my trauma, i only bring this up as the idea that physical and mental abuse are more morally okay to write about than sexual abuse is not only hypocritical, but can also be harmful.
no one had a problem with the idea of psychological and to be honest physical torment alone and even as a fan of angst and gore myself this sudden fixation on marshall suffering out of nowhere admittedly creeped/weirded me out a bit. but of course i still stick to the “dont hurt people or support it” idealogy with this as well. again, art is expression and i strive to preserve that.
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above candy gore’s “NO NO NO NO” is where the offending image would be–only we deleted it once we realized it was confusingly not appropriate. looking back even as a proshipper i should’ve taken the noncon element into consideration while judging if the image was ok to post, i only took the nsfw element into consideration and that was on me. im not sure if i saw anything that made me think it was okay to have a joke that dark, but since im not sure im taking responsibility and apologize for upsetting, triggering or making anyone uncomfortable. so my “it’s just art dw” was ignorant.
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these images were saved and posted to a gc to show the unfair behavior in this server, the red line in this next one serves as a pointer to how its apparently more okay to write about any other kind of abuse. i also dont appreciate being called “disgusting” over fictional characters or any instance regardless of the severity.
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i was pretty new to the server and had no idea that legion was a mod at the time, for some reason i thought he had a different role. so instead i pinged willington. “also what’s funny is relative, but you don’t have to put someone down for a joke you don”t like” is again not devaluing uncomfortability around noncon but is me growing angry that physical and mental torment is socially acceptable and the hypocrisy of that idealism. i find candy gore’s angst or just anyone’s angst in general to be to the same degree as again, marshall and dali are fictional characters.
the entire time we were trying to be peaceful, stormy even had a mental breakdown and i was trying to stay calm and collected instead of resorting to insults.
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here we’re being dogpiled by 3 other users–legion and bone both being adults–the latter of the two sending an image that could actually land her in some legal trouble for threatening minors if not just people in general. while candy gore types “grab the bats bois”. i apologize for sounding like a karen, i thought legion just lived with the co owner and that was it…had no idea he was a mod. (but honestly with this behavior i dont think i can be blamed as once again this user is an adult while me and @magicalcardinal had our ages in our bios).
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yup. this is the image sent by a grown adult. “chop off your body parts…” in a ub funkeys discord server. to two minors. i’ve said it here and i’m going to say it again. Ah yes drawing fictional characters is no joke but threatening real people is.
It may not have been a legit threat but i honestly cannot tell. and even if it wasnt this still can land you in legal trouble due to the fact you are 20 years old.
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as you can see im all for dark humor until it threatens a real person. i dont care if its me or someone else. i do not tolerate threats or anything of this level at all. on a normal day id find this image hilarious, but after this incident doge has been ruined for me somewhat.
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“if you want a legit threat i can do that”
im not sure how true that sentence is but you are treading on some thin ice. and i am not afraid to break it if things escalate to a “no doubt this is a legitimate death threat” point i will alert people in position to do things about it. i am tired of seeing people get responses of this level over fiction and i will act on reporting threats if needed to.
Again, i still should have taken into account that regardless of nsfw levels, a noncon joke is pretty extreme. my “It’s fanart it’s not a legit crime” couldve been worded a lot better and once again i am sorry for any pain it may have caused, but i will not stand for hypocrisy.
the moment lucia told us to keep nsfw jokes out of the server, i responded with a simple 
“Oh oki”
but the rest of the issue still carried on. i began to ignore or just focused on what lucia was saying instead of bone’s (again 20 yo here) “you are literally so insufferable”. i continued on the confusion with “We weren’t sure as I saw a post that was basically uncensored” and purposed to mention the exact post. @magicalcardinal is apologizing for the 2nd time.
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this right here is more disgusting than any fanart that could be made.
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“play stupid games win stupid prizes” another unnecessary insult when we threw none their way.
And yes i did just compare torture/gore to noncon. and i am not going to apologize for that. you are still tormenting a fictional character and in some cases gore involves killing said character for the “aesthetic”. what makes it any different? The argument of emotional trauma is also just as valid, violent events can cause long lasting to lifelong ptsd. in fact, ptsd was once thought to be restricted to soldiers returning from war. i have suffered through violent events and they affect every action in my life…once again i am not devaluing the victims of sexual abuse but instead trying to stress that this ideology in fiction can devalue the victims of violent abuse.
i would not have even been in this debate if it weren’t for the hypocrisy of the gore/torture/angst good and noncon bad fanwork argument. we see works like cupcakes hd, smile hd and many other works take the concept of murder and spin it into comedy and we dont say a word.
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and here we have more insults from bone which we never returned.
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“if you keep up this “fiction isn’t reality” bullhonkery i will run you over with my car” you, my friend are making this fictional art debate into a real life death threat.
here we are with several threats and still not throwing any insults.
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bone, if you keep up with comments like this towards us or anyone, i am not afraid to alert those of authority.
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i was also pretty new to ub funkeys in general and got flurry confused with dot.
one lucia asked for everyone to calm down i immediately responded with
and bone you have paddle back on what youve said now but these are serious things that you as an adult should know better not to say to anyone let alone minors in a dead flash game’s discord server.
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in this age cyberbullying is taken more seriously than ever. we have lost so many innocent people to it. i am willing to bet there are about 100 people who woud find issue with these comments.
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Here we have things clearing up, and bone, legion and candy gore going back to being immature.
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“Sorry can’t hear you we’re goonposting”
this is also the 4th time @magicalcardinal has apologized.
the actions in this community disgust me and i had actually decided to just snoop for updates long ago, i only return due to being suddenly banned from the discord for an incident that was assured to be cleared in dms back in october. i’ve now connected the dots after being alerted to this post on tumblr.
apparently non harmful art on your own accounts warrants a permaban from this “community discord”. i am disgusted as i thought this community would be mature considering the game’s age.
and bone, i have no idea who you are but i am bothered by any slightly serious threat to me or anyone irl.
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why is it in any way okay to blow off threats to a real person but to pull the plug over fictional characters who have technically died over 10 years ago with their game? this is not in any way acceptable, we need to prioritize the wellbeing of fellow humans over fiction.
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we are not allowed to bring up this issue but they are allowed to continue this mocking…
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when the member i did ping (willington) responded, i even tried to lighten to mood. and the “goonposting” was attempting to restart 2 days later.
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@th06, if you went through the trouble of not only diving through proship content, but to hunt down our social media accounts outside of discord, track our activity and straight up write a google document on an incident you only heard second handedly while also carelessly giving off the implications that me and @magicalcardinal​–a 17 and 16 year old–are child predators, why didnt you, yourself just block and move on?
getting involved in something that doesnt concern you, especially two people who arent doing anything to harm you is going to get people arguing and asking you things. if you couldnt handle the consequences of making a post like this, why did you go through with it?
to any content creators fearing criticism like this, please remember that what you write in fiction does not equal who you are or what you support in real life. as long as you arent hurting real people, intending to hurt real people or supporting anything immoral in real life, you be you. there will be people who will call you out for things like this, but please remember that not everyone is like this and that there are people who can separate fiction from reality.
oh and another thing…lucia, the co owner of the server and 18 (legal adult), advertised she was open to nsfw commissions in the art channel. in a 13+ discord. not only is this risking minors requesting nsfw art, even if it wasnt your intent–it is once again more hypocrisy over what is and isnt appropriate for this discord.
Sexual crime allegations like this are serious, and i am in no way implying or accusing that lucia is a predator. that is not a route i want to go down and even through the amount of mistreatment ive endured in this server, i am not stooping to that level. i only bring this incident up as this is an actual dangerous thing to do–it endangers real life minors and will land you in legal trouble no matter your intentions. this post would’ve been completely fine in a more approriate space like your personal twitter, instagram or tumblr account.
not in a server for those as young as 13. and especially with your stances on this type of content being allowed in it.
just to repeat, lucia is NOT a predator. she has shown no predatory actions. I do not mean to imply or accuse her of being one.
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hey dipshit can you stop fucking posting in the scarlet devil tags no one wants to see your pathetic excuses for pro shipping when looking up touhou characters; also you're fucking 17 act your age, take the L and stop spam tagging people for a singular callout post are you actually fucking fetal?
Ok first of all I wanna thank you for not hiding behind an anon like certain others, congratulations on being the first genuine blog to insult me directly! But based on the familiar term “are you actually fucking fetal?” I may have to disqualify you :(
Anyways, I’m posting in the scarlet devil tags as the user who made the “callout post” also goes by “scarlet devil”. I’ve had a plans to change the tags later since the beginning—only it’s been dragged out longer than a week due to physical health problems which caused me to subtract two days from the original February 25th deadline. The deadline is now back to the 27th—today—they’ll be changed using the mass post editor come 6 PM (EST), I’ve got an alarm set already.
As for “acting my age” I think I’m acting more appropriate than these grown adults (18-21) calling me and my 16yo gf out for some fictional character art they didn’t like…not to mention the actions they’ve displayed in the server before and after my ban.
There is nothing wrong with calling out harmful behavior, but making a callout post over two users who aren’t hurting nor aim to do anything and had our material tagged accordingly? IMO that’s harassment, we weren’t doing anything to anyone. @th06 should’ve just followed her own logic of “block and move on”. Not to mention the possible dangerous implications (intentional or not!) that we support incest, are child groomers and antisemitic—those are things that warrant a visible response.
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"i dont support incest i just produce and support content showing it in a positive light!" legit what u sound like 💀💀💀 im just tryin 2 look at funkey guys not ur dumb ass scrambling for any excuse to go "ADMIN ABUSE!!!1!!111!" bozo
I do not support incest, I support the idea of content creators having freedom to create what they want as long as it doesn’t or intend to hurt others. I view it in the same light as glorifying gore through “aesthetic” art and especially through aesthetics such as neon gore, pastel and candy gore. Also I’m more than sure their behavior counts as admin abuse.
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Another response to @th06, part 5
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4 and finally part 5 (here! You’ve reached the end!)
Validity test footage of waggs words r slur joke
And before I finally end this point, I want to repost the hypocritical Hiroshima bombing joke that was made later—a month later.
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I cannot change what you post on your blog, I can only try to allow more insight to the situation, others who have seen it and respond myself. The posts that followed your warning were not made to order a takedown—but more to defend and answer. We cannot control others or what they post, it is not up to others to create your safespace—safespaces are created by blocking and blacklisting.
Once again I will say the blocking of harmless users should not be made a public announcement, it’s straight up uncalled for harassment and violates your own policy of “block and move on”. I suggest you simply block me and @magicalcardinal if you do not want to see our content, proship or not. Another thing I want to say is that regardless of fan works of ub funkeys you find on tumblr.com, this platform is 13+ and will always have content that is not suitable for all audiences—no matter how g-pg you want to keep your dashboard there will always be content above that rating as tumblr was made for teens and up. There will be things that unsettle you in any fandom period.
This is exactly why we have blocking and blacklisting features—to create a space safe for ourselves.
Have a good day (/gen), and please put more thought into callout posts before making them in the future if dealing with the outcome takes too much out of your time.
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4 and finally part 5 (here! You’ve reached the end!)
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Another response to @th06, part 4
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, part 4 (here!) AND FINALLY PART 5
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Decided to add my own pic with the comment: “Close enough”
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“What” and “????” Are responses to another raiders coming back in to spam the n word or f slur—I forgot what it was…still just a huge facepalm to allowing the r word to stay while going frantic over this. I have no idea what the intent of the raiders were—but it just seemed more like trolling than a hate crime (they did @ bone but I’m not sure if it was bone and bone alone iirc)—so more slur joke hypocrisy. They weren’t aiming it at anyone specifically and just spammed it out of the blue—more of a “funny because I can lol” type joke—the same if not almost the same as entering the r word into waggs words of all things.
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“I’m like 99% sure that’s his alt”
I’m mostly sure Ryan is again talking about the raiders, but they do not have pronoun roles (mine were in my bio, but they may not have been looked at) so i can’t be completely sure—still iffy (for good reason) about who this was directed at due to this server’s seeming targeting of me.
“i’m going to ask that everyone try and refrain from posting in this channel for at least an hour while us staff try and get everything cleaned up on our end, we’re sorry about the mess, and none of us are perfect, so please give us time while everything is sorted. stay safe, and remember to be kind to each other! if you have moderation inquiries, please message staff directly to avoid creating a problem with other users.”
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Lucia, i wouldn’t have had to argue with the staff in chat if the staff weren’t already harassing me there in the first place...
and at the bottom you can see the snippets shown in the original response, silver only getting told to add a warning for the slur while i suffered a 1 week ban for a subtle joke and retaliating against the staff harassing me in the first place.
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“You’re okay silver 👍 I appreciate you at least spoiled it in the first place” “well, a spoiler doesn’t really do all that much if you don’t know what you’re clicking on beforehand” “tysm for spoilering! and ya like legion said ur good”
Also before anyone lectures me on the n word and f slur being worse than the r word--they are all targeted towards people who have things they may have (sexuality can be fluid) been born with, cannot change and must live with for the rest of their lives--how is it any different?
New footage of the r word joke that confused me on what humor was and wasn’t allowed in the server below.
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Validity test video of the vague hitler joke argument
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, part 4 (here!) AND FINALLY PART 5
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another response to @th06, part 3
continuation of PART 2
PART 1, PART 2, part 3 (here!), PART 4 AND FINALLY PART 5
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If my joke needed to be spoilered with or without a warning i would’ve been completely fine, but apparently mine is so horrendous it must be purged from existence...meanwhile you can apparently say “retard, retards and retarded” all you want, all day long.
“a hitler joke isn’t acceptable even if it’s spoilered. it’s not “dark humor” and not just a “dark subject” it’s poor god damn taste and downright disrespectful.”
Legion, there are tons of people who would condemn the joke you are defending, especially with the audience this server is for. Even servers that don’t focus on 8+ media would find that problematic, like i’ve said before: “no slurs” is one of the must basic and common server rules.
The waggs words joke is just as, if not more disrespectful imo than “Dr tinker was kicked from art school”, you act as if i declared that hitler was right or supported him in some form. “retard” is so commonly used, and is sometimes directed at people born with developmental and/or mental issues they can not change. imagine just hopping on the memes channel after being bullied and that’s the first thing you see? what i said was a vague reference to a war that ended 1945 that mentioned no one or any groups by name...
and as for bone, there will still be people who will find it incredibly distasteful, if you guys are going to enforce rules against distasteful jokes, they should be enforced for all controversies--it can be harmful to say that one controversial joke is more moral than another, as it can invalidate those who are suffering on the other side--therefore causing more conflict in this “safespace”.
Also from Ryan, one of the admins…
“This is no longer up for debate. Just refrain from making controversial comments from here on out please.”
I do not see a problem with the waggs joke either, but if you guys are going to cherrypick what is and isnt controversial in a public server of over 1,000 members, you better make sure you do it fairly.
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uncensored version below...
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I typed “(Posted because was still typing)” as this incident happened on mobile (ios ipad, horizontal view) and sometimes i cannot see what is being sent as my keyboard blocks it. Either that or i was truly just still typing (which i had a reason to be...)--i have no idea, this was back in december—I shouldn’t have to be digging this back up.
“just a reminder to everyone that “cursed” and “ethically questionable” are not the same thing! please try to keep civil and direct all moderation inquiries to staff in dms if possible”
“i’m seconding what ryan said. keep from making any other poor taste “jokes” in the future especially if it makes light of a tragedy like the holocaust.”
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If only Lucia and bone stuck to their own principles as we see in the later Hiroshima bombing joke…
My “Wait so I’m confused” was the confusion of once again how mine had to be purged while the slur joke got to stay.
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“Why is it ok to make jokes in possibly poor taste to one group of people over the other?”
“okay you know what i think you might just be stupid”
“Dude no one insulted anyone”
Once again, no one insulted anyone but given bone’s past behavior, of course she’s say something like this unprovoked…
Heart (the owner) did step in and break things up, and I have no idea if they were actually bothered by her comment or just fed up—due to past history I once again can’t help but feel targeted.
“the r word joke was also in poor taste and I apologize for not getting on it earlier. however, this doesn’t mean that other jokes that are similarly in poor taste are excusable. ‘cursed’ doesnt hurtful and i want everyone to feel comfortable in this servee”
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I actually stood with this comment as I thought it meant silver’s joke was going to be removed along with any other controversial humor ones…turns out I was wrong…
The “What” I type below Lucia’s message was a response to this/these mysterious user(s) that were raiding the channel at the time and spamming the n word…I have no idea what goes on in here and I’m glad to no longer be a part of it…
This post and those related aren’t necessarily made for the people showcased in this incident, it is made for the people outside this cult of a fandom who will and will crack down on the warped ideas these people have and the actions they’ve committed, I could care less if @th06 skims through this response and doesn’t bother to reply—this is for the people who will read and will stand with me against this. You guys can hide behind anons, fake tumblr accounts dedicated to “shrimp and lobter” and talk about me on your blogs all you want…but I’m not stepping down, I never will. Bullying has taken up an unhealthy chunk of my life and I’m not willing to stand through more, these posts aren’t going away after the 27th, only the tags will change—those such as “#ub funkeys, #funkeys, #toys to life and finally #u.b. Funkeys community discord—are going to stay as they are still relevant to the content of this post. I cant get you, @th06 to delete the post or get the staff to unban me but that’s not what this chain fully aims to do.
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Yeah, the following comments are all in response to raiders spamming the n word (of course they’re deleted). I have no idea who these people were or why this was happening as nothing strange seemed to be going on before.
“There is zero tolerance in regards to what anyone just saw. There will be no further comments at this time and this subject is going to be dropped.”
I’m nearly sure he’s referring to the spammers (man, I thought slurs were allowed in this server as long as they’re spoilered! Why didn’t they just tell the raiders to censor it? It’d fit right in with their “policies”), but with the “There will be no further comments at this time and this subject is going to be dropped.” Seems to be related to the “what is and isn’t controversial” debate. I can’t tell if this is referring to both or one or the other, regardless I find it ironic they’re stressed about purging the server of slur spamming raiders while defending a joke that contained one and the bashing of someone who called it out.
So after
“look at this pic of my cat”
You can see that the subject was dropped and the new one was pet pics.
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Just—we’re not going to be talking about the hypocrisy…🤷🏽‍♀️
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PART 1, PART 2, part 3 (here!), PART 4 AND FINALLY PART 5
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Another response to @th06, part 2
Continuation of PART 1, part 2 (here), PART 3, PART 4 AND FINALLY PART 5
And under the video proof I’ve provided mobile screenshots with dates for more validation proof.
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This is what is deemed appropriate for the server, while a subtle “dr tinker was kicked from art school” is inappropriate.
The only reason I know of this post’s existence is because I saw it before the permaban. And I was absolutely disgusted. Not because of the humor they used, as humor is subjective and this was clearly just an edgy joke, but because of how they had treated me for a far more harmless one. I got a 1 week ban for that joke and afterwards I decided to just stay for updates, questions and the occasional shitpost. Me and @magicalcardinal were playing another game and they were scrolling the server and found it.
After sneaking in to grab the footage showed above, I found the argument that started the ban where I was being bashed for what I thought was appropriate due to their hypocritical policies and now I can post the full story.
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Above bone’s “Funny” is where my joke would’ve been, but legion had deleted it im guessing. I was confused as to why it was deleted but ofc had the suspicion that it was due to the content—or targeting from the incident in October (which Lucia assured us both was over and had banned mentions of it again), but again wasn’t sure as the far edgier slur joke.
Instead of acting like a proper moderator, legion only responds with “funny” and engages in unnecessary emoji spam with bone and gargfowl75 rather than answering my questions.
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We also have more of bone’s disgusting habits of cyberbullying—“didn’t make sense. maybe needs an explanation why it’s cursed”
When I finally get a response from legion it’s still dripping with unprofessionalism and childish behavior.
“because it was a joke in poor taste. you know why i can imagine”
Why couldn’t you have said that in the first place instead of dragging them out longer than they needed to be?
So here we have more harassment/cyber bullying by 2 adults, one of them being a staff member.
I only say “It’s just a joke with no further context?” Because of again, what was allowed and more severe…
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Spoilered version to show what was censored during this convo.
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Regardless of the context, how is letting slurs fly in a 13+ server more correct? IMO I find the slurs more inappropriate as they’re more likely to offend someone and more likely to be heavily relevant to someone’s life than a subtle joke referring to a war that ended in 1945? This word isn’t even restricted to the neurodivergent, people will call you a “retard” for almost anything it seems. Given the fact that the following month, a Hiroshima bombing joke about a Japanese character dying was allowed—an incident that took place in the same world war—I can fully believe that this was targeted along with the fact that bone and legion were heavily involved in October’s incident…as well as gargfowl75.
Even though we weren’t allowed to bring up what had happened back then, I hinted to it as it was becoming another dog piling incident by 3 of the same people…
And honestly, I find that making a video on if waggs words will accept the term “retards” as it is a mini game inside of one that was targeted at ages 8+ is worse. My joke was subtle, to make this video you would have to come up with the concept of entering a controversial word directly into this g rated mini game. My joke was based on the actions of an established character, the above was more “out of the blue”. Once again—I don’t personally have a problem with the joke as it didn’t seem to have ill intent but I do have a problem with double standards.
I don’t remember talking much to fundwhat—I understand the use of an unprovoked “what the fuck” at possible accusations of someone saying a slur they didn’t—but I just can’t help but believe their treatment and tone is relating to October once again…this server is a corrupt mess…
I also have no idea what they meant by
“I was tired of having that name”
No idea the context but just the repeating of “funny” after bone started it just gives me the theory that this is directed at past actions.
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Censored version, uncensored version will be in part 3
PART 1, part 2 (here!), PART 3, PART 4 AND FINALLY PART 5
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another response to @th06, part 1
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part 1 (here!), PART 2, PART 3, PART 4 AND FINALLY PART 5
Alright, time to break this into points!
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if you do not want to respond to the consequences of an unprovoked “callout” post, then you should never have made it in the first place. Calling out users who seek to cause harm or promote real life harm is perfectly fine. However, what i will not tolerate or stand for is the needless “exposing” of users who are minding their own business and using the correct tags--you would have never saw the post that offended you if you had installed a proper blocklist, there will always be content online that you do not like. I find it extremely shallow to pull something like this and not even bother to deal with the results you may receive back. On your own document you’ve written:
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“I will be deleting any asks that choose to argue with me.”
I find this very childish, if you are not willing to handle responses to starting something like this, you should’ve reconsidered making it in the first place.
There is nothing wrong with having limits on what you prefer in fiction, and to use some of your own words--the point where it becomes wrong is when you begin to target those who don’t agree with you. I would have had no problem with a rant on how you dislike proship content, what i do have a problem with is outing us publicly when we’ve done no harm or intend to--and definitely do not support these subjects in reality.
Next up!
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I do not agree with your stance on what cannot be depicted in a positive light in fiction, we depict many other immoral or straight up illegal things in glorifying ways--such as gore, murder, various crimes and overindulgence in drugs--so i do not see how any less moral the shipping of two fictional brothers is. I find your view strange to use some more of your own terms. I may not agree with you and find your views “strange”, but i am not going to out you unprovoked, with 2 blocked attempts...
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...or write a google document digging up events that were cleared back in october, which you only heard secondhandedly--imply dangerous allegations such as supporting incest, grooming children and antisemitism (intentional or not!) then just walk away, deciding that the issue is “overwith” and refusing to respond to asks regarding it--that is not who i am and i’m only retaliating because of what’s been thrown at me and @magicalcardinal​.
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Here you’ve admitted to have been lurking on our socials outside of discord and monitoring our activity, I seriously can’t comprehend why you’d go through all of this trouble, exposing yourself to more content you dislike--instead of blocking us and advising your friend to as well, and never having to see it again...
But instead you chose harassment, and that will not go ignored on my blog.
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if you and those users do not want to see either of our posts period, regardless of our accordingly tagged proship ones, it should be up to them to decide and not your job to make public announcements on a non explicit post (we legally cannot post explicit images as we are minors) that barely even constitutes as a hug and more of a slight cuddle. There’s nothing wrong with advising friends or others, it just becomes a problem when it’s done in a manner like this...
Next up!
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Humor is subjective, its in the eye of the beholder. My intent was not to mock the tragedy of the holocaust, but just to make a joke about a character in a discord server. The joke you mention doesn’t even mention hitler, jewish people, the holocaust or ww2 by name.
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“Dr tinker was kicked from art school” does not equal antisemitism.
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Explain how this = hostility to or prejudice against jewish people. Explain how this 7 word discord post focusing on ub funkeys relates to the definition of what you claim.
You are going to find jokes you believe are tasteless in your opinion, but that’s just life, everyone has a different sense of humor. Once again the only reason i thought it was appropriate to make a joke like and retaliated after criticism was because there was one containing a full out slur, if you are the owner or manager of a server and decide to crack down on distasteful humor, please delete your posts containing full blown slurs--something that is a universal no-no and a common rule in servers of all sorts. If controversial racy/humor wasn’t allowed previously (actually no, the r word joke got to stay only with a cw/tw) I would have simply not made the joke in the first place.
Another thing that I think is important to mention is that one of the same people who bashed me over a subtle hitler joke turned around and had no problem with an explicit ww2 one about wario (a japanese character!) dying in the bombing of hiroshima “while eating spicy curry” later. from. the. same. world. war. Due to the amount of toxicity and harassment stemming from this poorly run server, i’ve had no choice but to slip back in under an alt to grab screenshots (both desktop and mobile), video and message link proof of their hypocritical behavior...
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This joke is allowed: “wario dies in the bombing of hiroshima while eating spicy curry.mp3″
but “dr tinker was kicked from art school”: this is disrespect! it must be deleted immediately, unfunny and immoral!
What. Even. Is. This. Server.
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This joke wasn’t even uploaded to funkey memes, funkey memes but cursed, memes or memes but cursed! it’s in figure discussion, the channel for discussing the figurines themselves! bone and lucia, who were relentless in deeming the hitler joke disgusting, seem unaffected by this--i can’t tell if “POG” is replying to platinum, bone and haz or all three?? the thing that really takes the cake here is that again, lucia is the co-owner of this “pg13 minor friendly safespace”.
Here is the video itself
due to hitting the limit of images and videos that can be uploaded on mobile, and that this is not a youtube video but one stored on my pc--this response will be broken into parts: part 1 (here!), part 2, part 3, part 4 and finally part 5
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“After 1 week” has been changed to “later” due undetermined deadline stemming from health problems, still aiming for February 27th though.
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the pinned post and all relating to it on my blog will be tagged accordingly next week, friday, february 25th to ensure visibility to all who may have seen @th06′s post. Please do not harass anyone showcased in the incident.
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good thing you've been watching wordgirl it really helps you sound competent as you try to explain why incest is really cool. also your proship sludge is able to be found in the general UB funkey's tab on tumblr, which means that anyone of any age or background can find your weird shit.
I’m having trouble finding where I explained why incest is cool, could you show me? And as for the tags in the response they would’ve be tagged accordingly after a week, but due to health reasons its now undetermined while aiming for february 27th. The reason they’re not there is so all that may have seen @th06’s post will be notified of the true story. It’s actually one of the latest posts on my blog. The original images that started this were tagged accordingly, you can find a tutorial on how to blacklist posts here.
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