figohoney2 · 1 year
Common Diapering Myths Busted
Welcome to motherhood and to diapering! Sounds daunting but is really not so bad once you get the hang of the process. The satisfaction of knowing that your baby is safe, protected and away from chemicals, rashes and the planet is saved from getting choked with disposable diapers is huge. Cloth diapering is as easy as disposable diapering and way more economical too.
The truth of the matter is-
Cloth diapers have changed exponentially since the last decade or so. They are no longer the pins and ties that were prone to poop explosions and leaks. The nightmares of having pee all over you, or resort to crackling uncomfortable plastic pants is long gone.
New age brands like Fig-o-honey cloth diapers have made life a lot easier and comfortable for new mothers. The sturdy but sleek cloth pocket style diapers come in cute prints and smart colours. The one size fits all diapers are set up to last you till potty training time is over, and maybe service your next kid too!
Cloth diapers keep the baby’s bottom moist and lead to rashes is another common myth that needs to be busted.  The new age cloth diapers keep the baby dry and the absorbent inserts are super absorbent, keeping the baby dry and comfortable. As there are no chemicals and perfumes, the skin friendly cloth diaper actually prevents the rash.
The other major myth that has been doing the rounds is that cloth diapers are leaky. The truth is that diapers need to be well fitted to avoid leaks. Both disposable diapers and cloth diapers need to be snugly fitted, not too loose nor too tight. You should be able to run a finger under the leg and waist elastics comfortably. It actually has been seen that poop explosions are better contained by cloth diapers than disposable ones!
There are many misconceptions regarding the use of cloth diapers. The world has changed and convenience and comfort rules the market today. Not only do you save on loads of money, as cloth diapers only need a one-time investment unlike a daily expense on disposable diapers, but you also work on saving the planet for the future generation. Turn to cloth for a happier baby and a greener planet.
To know more: https://figohoney.com/common-diapering-myths-busted/
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figohoney2 · 1 year
Gifting Ideas For Godh Bharai/Baby Showers/New Parents
Give it any name but every ethnicity and culture has a celebration in the fag end of pregnancy that is called Godh Bharai in India, baby shower in modern parlance. Simply put, it is an occasion when the new mother to be is pampered and celebrated. Gifts and fun ideas are the rule of the day and she is helped by other mothers and friends to prepare for her big day and impending motherhood.
The celebrations are coupled with thoughtful gifts
Most ladies who are already mothers opt for gifts that are practical and have great utility, where there are always some friends who choose to shower the new mom to be with fun and adorable gifts.
One of the most popular gifts that a tired and stressed parent to be really appreciates is a spa coupon. Tired and cranky with hormones running high, the pregnant mom gets a pampering that could easily be the last one before birth. She can relax and get happiness from the spa.
Clothes for the baby is another popular gifting idea. Cute onesies, dresses, shifts are a great choice. It is more practical if you get an assorted size that she can use for about a year into the baby’s birth. Try and match it with the weather that is expected at that time. There is no sense in gifting a woollen dress in a six month to one year size if the baby is December born after all!
Diapers, oil cloths, towels and bed linen are also a great way to prepare the mom to be for momhood. You can never have enough of these goodies. Take care to choose a brand that she will really appreciate and can use for a long time. Fig-o-honey pocket style cloth diapers are a good choice. They are good for the baby, good for the environment and will fit the baby till she is potty trained with ease. It does help that they come in really cute prints too!
Accessories for the baby are also a cute choice that will really be appreciated. Do remember to add some for both sexes as gender equality is what most new age parents strive for today. Gift hampers are sweet and practical too.
Toys, rattles, soft toys are all welcome as the mother to be is in a phase where the nesting instinct will soon take over. She will enjoy setting up a nursery or toy corner and these will be handy additions to the nook.
If you are looking for expensive gifting ideas, furniture is a good idea. Beds, rocking chairs for the mother and baby, high chairs, cribs are all a good gifting idea.
If all else fails, gold or silver bangles, rings and chains for the little one can be a good idea. Vouchers for babies from popular stores or ecommerce sites are also a smart choice. The mom can browse to her heart's content and shop for things of her choice.
To know more: https://figohoney.com/gifting-ideas-for-godh-bharai-baby-showers-new-parents/
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figohoney2 · 1 year
For How Long Can I Use A Cloth Diaper On The Baby?
Congratulations! You have decided to go green and use cloth diapers to keep your little one healthy and his environment safe. There are myriad questions in the mind of a new mother. How many times should you change a diaper? How many diapers would you need for a new born? Do diapering needs change with the age of the baby? Will a cloth diaper like Fig-o-honey hold pee and poo and prevent leakage and so on..
Using diapers with a new born
Diapering needs do change with age. A new born may need up to12 diaper changes a day, depending on whether he is breast fed or bottle fed, what the mother’s food habits are like, which formula is being used etc.
Diapers usage as your baby grows
The infant who has started weaning poops less often and pees less too! The changing food habit means less work for you too! The poop may be a little more in quantity and not as organic as new born poop but the baby will not poop as often. It will be easy to scrape off the poop with a hand shower and proceed to wash as usual.
The baby pees more in quantity but fewer times. It is a good idea to change a diaper every 3-4 hours or when the baby poops. You will find that by this time the baby poops at specific times as a pattern.
The toddler has now migrated to consume a variety of solid foods. The nature of diaper usage also changes. The baby is now trying to be potty trained and the challenge is new to both mother and child. The toddler now has a pattern and would be pooping ideally not more than twice a day. The habit of using a toilet can also be factored in. Most kids can be induced to use a small personalized potty or a toilet seat. Most children can be in the habit of going to the toilet and diaper usage can be as low as 4-5 a day.
The potty training phase can be stressful for both mother and child and should optimally be complete, barring a few accidents by three years of age. It is never good to force the process on the toddler and the more fun you can add to the habit forming stage can mean lesser diapers for you to wash!
To know more: https://figohoney.com/for-how-long-can-i-use-a-cloth-diaper-on-the-baby/
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figohoney2 · 1 year
Stiff Cloth Diaper Inserts-How To Deal With Them?
There is a common phenomenon that mothers using cloth diapers face- stiff diapers or inserts. There are many causes and simple remedies to deal with this phenomenon. A good brand like Fig-0-honey is less likely to go hard on you, but there are some precautions you must take and a few remedial measures should be up your sleeve.
Pre-washing those new diapers/inserts
Although a Fig-o-honey cloth diaper is not likely to carry any dirt, allergens or chemicals from the sewing stage it is advisable to wash a new diaper before use at least a couple of times. This breaks them in by removing the oils from the natural fibre and makes them more absorbent for use. Diapers that have been stored for some days can also be exposed to dust and dirt so need to be washed to make them usable.
 It is wise to wash cotton and other natural fabrics in inserts and diapers separately from synthetics when washing them the first few times. The synthetic fibres pick up oils from the detergents and retain them, creating residues. This impacts the absorbency of the diaper.
Removing stiffness from cloth diapers
Air drying or sun-bleaching your baby’s diapers may make them a little hard and stiff. It is easy to remedy, so please do not sacrifice the goodness of the sunlight on your diapers to keep them cushy and soft.
If you have hard water in your taps that makes the diaper or inserts stiff, it may be a good idea to add vinegar to your wash cycle or your tub. A ¾ cup should be enough for a medium load in the machine or half a cup should suffice for a sink full of diapers. This will balance the alkalinity of the water and keep the diapers soft.
Natural fibres tend to harden if they are not flexed. The simplest way to reduce stiffness is to shake out the diapers and flexing those fibres.  The motion will help keep the stiffness away.
Similarly, if the diapers are line dried, try hanging them out back to back. The breeze will hit them together and keep flexing those natural fibres. This will keep the diapers really cushy.
Rubbing the diapers together can also help keeping your dry diapers soft .
Most natural fibres do tend to become a little stiff once in a while. It is not something that needs to worry you. Simple precautions and a smart scrunch to release the stiffness are enough to remedy the problem. If inserts keep getting hard try making your washing loads a little smaller to allow space to agitate. Happy diapering!
To know more: https://figohoney.com/stiff-cloth-diaper-inserts-how-to-deal-with-them/
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figohoney2 · 1 year
How To Safely Hand Down Diapers To Siblings
It sounds gross that you might even want to pass on underwear or diapers from one baby to another. But hold on! It might just be one of the best ideas you have had in the parenting space. First, it is super economical and may save you thousands of rupees in just diapering costs. If your children are spaced by about three odd years the diaper sharing concept can be seamless. But even if your kids are both in the diaper wearing age, cloth diapers are not a bad idea.
When your kids are BOTH wearing cloth diapers!
If your children are both wearing diapers, it may be a little daunting to try and wash cloth diapers by hand. Diaper usage patterns change with the age of the baby, and it is much easier to deal with a second child’s diapering as you are already in practice! Your new born will probably use up to 10-12 cloth diapers and inserts in a day while the older child will probably use about 6 or less. So it should not be very difficult to manage as you would already be having that extra number from your older child’s new born days. If washing diapers every day does not seem viable you may want to add 4-6 new ones to have handy just to get peace of mind that you will never run out of clean diapers.
A good brand like Fig-o-honey pocket style cloth diapers is one of the easiest diapers to reuse for a second child. The one size fits all cloth diaper can be literally used for a new born and a two and a half year old who is going through potty training. The snap buttons are arranged in rows of three by three and can be adjusted to fit a new born and a toddler with ease. The waist elastic also folds to fit all sizes snugly. So, no creating separate stashes for two kids, you can get by with your old stock only!
Tips to keep your diapers like new
It is not difficult to maintain your cloth diapers to look and feel like new ones. A pre-loved diaper will be softer and more absorbent than a new one. Some washing tips to keep them looking like new.
It is always best to use cold to warm water to wash diapers. This keeps the elastic and snaps intact and increases longevity of the diaper.
Always do try to wash diapers in small numbers. A smaller load makes for lesser stains and newer looking diapers.
A good and mild detergent minus fragrances and softeners will increase the life of your baby’s diaper, making it easy to pass on.
Air drying is the option to use when washing diapers in the washing machine. A hot dryer or the rigours of the spin cycle may harm the snap buttons and elastic.
Never use a brush on the diaper as it will ruin it! Always scrape off the poop with a hand shower will reduce the staining and make the diaper easier to wash, making it last longer.
It is advisable to not bleach or strip diapers too often as they reduce the life of the diapers.
Do remember that you have taken a decision to save the environment, your budget and your baby’s wellness by using Fig-o-honey diapers. Stick to your resolve and those few days when you feel it is too huge a task to accomplish have a cheat day and use a rare disposable.
To know more: https://figohoney.com/how-to-safely-hand-down-diapers-to-siblings/
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figohoney2 · 1 year
Cloth Diapering On A Budget
Cloth diapering is a lot cheaper than disposable diapers in the long run. Babies go through nearly 6-7 diaper changes a day and maybe more in the first few months. And they need diapers for nearly 3 years, so the numbers can be mind boggling. Cloth diapering can be managed at a fraction of that cost. It may seem daunting at the very beginning as you need to build a stash to keep you replete with washed diapers even on stress days when your baby seems to poop or pee much more than usual.
Ways to cut costs, not corners while cloth diapering
There are myriad small steps a new mother can take to pursue cloth diapering within a very tight budget. The planning should start during the pregnancy time only.
It is wise to choose a brand like Fig-o-honey which is very likely to suit you. The diapers are sleek, with cute prints, and the cloth pocket diapers are very economical as they fit all sizes from new born to 3 year olds. The cloth diapers come with snap buttons to adjust waist and leg size. So they last you through the entire diapering period. This makes it easy to create a small stash that last you forever.
Sometimes it is possible to find pre-loved diapers online at a fraction of the cost that new cloth diapers cost. There are many mothers who buy too many and then want to resell their stash. This will really help to cut costs. Also Fig-o-honey diapers are good to go for more than a single baby.
Getting creative with inserts is also a great way to diaper when on a tight budget. DIY inserts made of old sarees, towels or other absorbent fabric work quite well. This is especially true while your baby is still small, the volume of pee will be lesser.
It is also a good idea to wash your diapers daily so you need far less numbers than if you wash your diapers more infrequently.
Although a washing machine is a convenient option, it might be more economical to wash by hand. Or at least leave the drying to good old air and sunshine. Air drying not only makes your diapers smell fresh, but sunshine is a deodorizer, stain remover and also a natural germ reducer. Avoiding the dryer also ensures you of a longer diaper life as the elastic and snap buttons last longer when not exposed to heat.
It may sound a little funny, but you can make your own detergent at home and save tons of money on store bought expensive detergents. They are also gentler on the diaper and the baby’s skin too.
The last but not the least, you can resell your used diapers to recover some of your investment once your diapering days are over! Cloth diapering is an economical option and a better choice when you are on a budget, and these tips can actually help you make the diapering even more pocket friendly.
To know more: https://figohoney.com/cloth-diapering-on-a-budget/
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figohoney2 · 1 year
Preventing A Diaper Rash
Diaper rash is perhaps one of the most common irritants that plague mothers and children both. It is form of inflammation and rash around the diaper area and is characterized by red tender skin. The baby can be irritable and cries as when changed. Diaper rash can look and feel alarming but generally clears up with home remedies and rarely needs medical intervention. But as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.
Ensuring that your baby is diaper rash free
Prevent the bane of diapering with a few simple steps. It is very possible to prevent diaper rash and keep the baby happy and dry.
Use cloth diapers from a reputed brand like Fig-o-honey. This will make sure that the diapers are made of cotton and hypo allergic material. The absence of perfume, chemicals and synthetic fibre can go a long way in keeping your baby rash free.
Use super absorbent natural fibre inserts that keep your baby dry for longer. The dry feel diaper will prevent the moisture build up in the folds of the skin and keep the baby dry. This is the first step in keeping the baby rash free.
It is very important to change wet and dirty diapers immediately. If you have to entrust your baby to child care set up a routine that ensures regular changes.
The next step is to ensure that your baby is rinsed thoroughly with warm water every time a diaper is changed. If that is not feasible every time do use a moist wash cloth or baby wipe to clean well. A mild fragrance free soap can be used, but say a big NO to wipes with fragrance or alcohol. Use a petroleum jelly or good old coconut oil to keep skin soft and lubricated.
Air dry your baby’s butt whenever possible or pat dry with a soft and clean towel. Scrubbing the area may cause rashes and irritation. Cloth diapers can be a good option as they are made of natural fabric and are breathable and keeps air circulation going even as the snug fit keeps the baby leak free.
Do keep the baby diaper free whenever possible. Letting the area be exposed to air lets the skin breathe and is gentle on the baby’s skin. If you are apprehensive about an accident, lay the baby on a large towel while letting her be diaper free.
Cloth diapers like Fig-o-honey area good option to avoid diaper rash break outs. These adjustable diapers are the best way to ensure a snug fit around the baby’s legs and waist. Diapers that are too tight may cause chafing and ones that are too loose may cause irritation as they rub against the soft skin of the belly and thigh. Only a size that is perfect can prevent diaper rash.
It is very important that cloth diapers are washed carefully. Diapers need to be washed thoroughly to eliminate yeast infections and other irritants. Some detergents and fabric softeners can also cause irritation to the baby’s skin. A mild detergent, maybe homemade even is a better option.
Diapering is an important part of motherhood. A little bit of care goes a long way in ensuring that your baby is safe from rashes, infections and other avoidable issues. Infancy is a time that can lay the foundation to good health for a lifetime.
To know more: https://figohoney.com/preventing-a-diaper-rash/
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figohoney2 · 1 year
Preventing A Diaper Rash
Diaper rash is perhaps one of the most common irritants that plague mothers and children both. It is form of inflammation and rash around the diaper area and is characterized by red tender skin. The baby can be irritable and cries as when changed. Diaper rash can look and feel alarming but generally clears up with home remedies and rarely needs medical intervention. But as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.
Ensuring that your baby is diaper rash free
Prevent the bane of diapering with a few simple steps. It is very possible to prevent diaper rash and keep the baby happy and dry.
Use cloth diapers from a reputed brand like Fig-o-honey. This will make sure that the diapers are made of cotton and hypo allergic material. The absence of perfume, chemicals and synthetic fibre can go a long way in keeping your baby rash free.
Use super absorbent natural fibre inserts that keep your baby dry for longer. The dry feel diaper will prevent the moisture build up in the folds of the skin and keep the baby dry. This is the first step in keeping the baby rash free.
It is very important to change wet and dirty diapers immediately. If you have to entrust your baby to child care set up a routine that ensures regular changes.
The next step is to ensure that your baby is rinsed thoroughly with warm water every time a diaper is changed. If that is not feasible every time do use a moist wash cloth or baby wipe to clean well. A mild fragrance free soap can be used, but say a big NO to wipes with fragrance or alcohol. Use a petroleum jelly or good old coconut oil to keep skin soft and lubricated.
Air dry your baby’s butt whenever possible or pat dry with a soft and clean towel. Scrubbing the area may cause rashes and irritation. Cloth diapers can be a good option as they are made of natural fabric and are breathable and keeps air circulation going even as the snug fit keeps the baby leak free.
Do keep the baby diaper free whenever possible. Letting the area be exposed to air lets the skin breathe and is gentle on the baby’s skin. If you are apprehensive about an accident, lay the baby on a large towel while letting her be diaper free.
Cloth diapers like Fig-o-honey area good option to avoid diaper rash break outs. These adjustable diapers are the best way to ensure a snug fit around the baby’s legs and waist. Diapers that are too tight may cause chafing and ones that are too loose may cause irritation as they rub against the soft skin of the belly and thigh. Only a size that is perfect can prevent diaper rash.
It is very important that cloth diapers are washed carefully. Diapers need to be washed thoroughly to eliminate yeast infections and other irritants. Some detergents and fabric softeners can also cause irritation to the baby’s skin. A mild detergent, maybe homemade even is a better option.
Diapering is an important part of motherhood. A little bit of care goes a long way in ensuring that your baby is safe from rashes, infections and other avoidable issues. Infancy is a time that can lay the foundation to good health for a lifetime.
To know more: https://figohoney.com/preventing-a-diaper-rash/
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figohoney2 · 1 year
Common Diapering Myths Busted
Welcome to motherhood and to diapering! Sounds daunting but is really not so bad once you get the hang of the process. The satisfaction of knowing that your baby is safe, protected and away from chemicals, rashes and the planet is saved from getting choked with disposable diapers is huge. Cloth diapering is as easy as disposable diapering and way more economical too.
The truth of the matter is-
Cloth diapers have changed exponentially since the last decade or so. They are no longer the pins and ties that were prone to poop explosions and leaks. The nightmares of having pee all over you, or resort to crackling uncomfortable plastic pants is long gone.
New age brands like Fig-o-honey cloth diapers have made life a lot easier and comfortable for new mothers. The sturdy but sleek cloth pocket style diapers come in cute prints and smart colours. The one size fits all diapers are set up to last you till potty training time is over, and maybe service your next kid too!
Most mothers get grossed out that cloth diapers mean washing poop by hand and that their work load is going to increase dramatically. This is one of the biggest myths that marketing agencies for disposable diapers have propagated. Most disposable diapers have a caveat on the pack that solid waste should be scraped or washed off before disposal. Same goes for modern cloth diapers. Just spray or shake the solids off in the toilet, rinse the dirty diaper, and proceed to wash in the washing machine. You can air dry or dry in the dryer. The baby clean-up process is the same and it is just a few extra minutes that can save about 6000 diapers hitting the landfill per baby.
Cloth diapers keep the baby’s bottom moist and lead to rashes is another common myth that needs to be busted.  The new age cloth diapers keep the baby dry and the absorbent inserts are super absorbent, keeping the baby dry and comfortable. As there are no chemicals and perfumes, the skin friendly cloth diaper actually prevents the rash.
The other major myth that has been doing the rounds is that cloth diapers are leaky. The truth is that diapers need to be well fitted to avoid leaks. Both disposable diapers and cloth diapers need to be snugly fitted, not too loose nor too tight. You should be able to run a finger under the leg and waist elastics comfortably. It actually has been seen that poop explosions are better contained by cloth diapers than disposable ones!
There are many misconceptions regarding the use of cloth diapers. The world has changed and convenience and comfort rules the market today. Not only do you save on loads of money, as cloth diapers only need a one-time investment unlike a daily expense on disposable diapers, but you also work on saving the planet for the future generation. Turn to cloth for a happier baby and a greener planet.
To know more: https://figohoney.com/common-diapering-myths-busted/
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figohoney2 · 1 year
Hand Washing Cloth Diapers
First you need to be congratulated on your choice to use cloth diapers for your little one. Cloth diapers are friendly for the environment and also for your baby’s health. It seems like a big chore if you want to hand wash your diapers, but that is what our mothers and grandmothers always did before the advent of washing machines in such numbers. The process seems cumbersome when you think about it, but if you get down to do it, it becomes a part of your daily routine very quickly.
How to make hand washing diapers easy
 The first step is to determine how long you want to go between washing your pail full. It is always easier to do small loads every day. This is easy to manage in a bucket or even the sink. If there are just a few diapers each day, the work seems much easier and you do not have to set aside a time separately to wash diapers. It becomes a part of your daily routine.
It definitely is a good idea to scrape away the solid poop using a hand shower before dropping the poop free diaper into a wet bag or diaper pail. This will ensure that there is minimal staining and smell when you do try to wash the load. The stains are much easier to get out as you can pay more attention to the really soiled areas.
If you are using a bucket or tub, fill it with cold water. The quantity will depend on the number of diapers you are washing. If the number is big, you can consider using the bath tub. It is ideal to soak the diapers for a few minutes, swish them around and change the water.
It is then advisable to add warm water to the bucket and add a little mild detergent. Do not add very warm or hot water as it might take a toll on the elastic and snap buttons on your Fig-o-honey diaper. The detergent should be oil free and should be mild so as to not irritate the tender skin of your baby. Perfumed detergents are also not a great option.
Once the detergent is mixed in well, agitate the diapers well with a back and forth motion. A plunger can also do the trick. It is not advisable to use a brush as it can weaken the elastic and dislodge the snaps.
Then it is time to drain the tub, add water to rinse the diapers thoroughly. This is a crucial step, as any residual detergent can be an irritant on our little one’s gentle skin. Just use a detergent without any fabric softeners, as they might affect the absorbency of your diaper or inserts.
Squeeze the diapers out gently and air dry in the sun. The sunlight also acts as a disinfectant and stain remover and you will have clean fresh smelling diapers.
Hand washing is gentler on the diaper as the diaper is not put through the rigours of the washing machine. Do your laundry every day and watch the loads melt away!
To know more: https://figohoney.com/hand-washing-cloth-diapers/
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figohoney2 · 2 years
10 Reasons You Will Love Cloth Diapering
Cloth diapering sounds daunting but it actually is not. It is something that our grandmothers have always done. In our quest for convenience we have disregarded the problems of using a disposable diaper. There is a huge cost to the environment and your pocket whenever a disposable diaper is used. There are many reasons that make you love cloth diapering.
It is super economical. Cloth diapers last you the entire diapering age of a child, maybe even for the second child. They are a one time investment while disposables need a daily recurring expense.
Cloth diapers like Fig-o-honey come in a one size fits all format. The sizes are adjusted with snap buttons and flaps. Disposable diapers are on the other hand size based and you may need several sizes across the years. This means that if you buy in bulk you may just not be able to stash them before your little one outgrows them.
Every disposable diaper that you use is destined for the landfill. They take thousands of years to decompose. The harmful chemicals leached from them are a potential health hazard. Cloth diapers are environment friendly and the small amount of water that is taken to wash them is a far more environment friendly choice than dumping them in a landfill.
The disposable diaper needs a lot of water and petroleum by-products in its manufacture. This puts an additional strain on the environment at large.
There are carcinogenic and asthma producing chemicals in the disposable diaper can be enough to deter any mom from using them. The cloth diaper on the other hand is made of natural fabrics and is soft and tender on your baby’s skin. The health benefits are the most resonant reason to just love cloth diapers.
Cloth diapers are often more absorbent than a disposable diaper. In fact studies have shown that poop explosions can be averted by using a cloth diaper. A cloth diaper can be used with natural fibre inserts and be super absorbent too.
Cloth diapers are no longer the bulky old time version fitted with pins and ties. The modern Fig-o-honey version comes in cute prints, bright colours and has a lovely snug fit. The smart elastic keeps the waist snug by folding at the right size and the leg elastics can be adjusted snugly by the snap buttons. The perfect fit can keep the baby comfortable and avoid leaks and explosions.
Let us not forget that washing and cleaning the baby after encountering a dirty diaper is the same whether we are using a cloth diaper or a disposable one. The only extra washing is a knocking off of solid poop with a hand shower and running an extra load in the washer. A little bit of effort can help us help the baby and the environment too.
Cloth diapers can eliminate the use of diaper creams and rashes. The inserts are very absorbent and wick the moisture away from the baby, keeping the little one dry and free from rash.
The most important habit that a cloth diaper creates is an easier potty training process. The mom tends to change the diaper more often and the potty training process starts very young. It becomes a natural progression that the baby is encouraged to use the toilet more often.
The cloth diaper has many reasons to fall in love with. Try the experience and you will never regret it. You may take the decision to wait a few weeks after child birth to make the process easier, and the decision still keeps thousands of kilos of non-biodegradable waste out of the ecological system and keeps your baby and her future safe.
To know more:
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figohoney2 · 2 years
Are Cloth Diapers Really That Expensive? Let’s Do The Math!
With less than 15 rupees per diaper, the disposable diapers seem like the most viable choice. The many advertisements of these so-called disposable wonders claim that the diapers are hassle-free, super absorbent and can continue to soak for a solid 12 hours. Changing them isn’t a tedious job either. All you have to do is switch the dirty one with a new one and throw out the garbage at a particular time of the day. Things seem to work fine until the rashes come along and the pediatrician’s visits begin. Soon the unknowing parents realize that they have spent way over their budget. This is when you need to sit down and look at the bigger picture.
Let’s Do The Math
During the first 3 years of your child, diapers constitute a major portion of your expenses. The 12-hour soaking guarantee is not valid when it comes to pooping and your little one will poop a lot at this age (ask me, every time I’ll sit down for a meal the poop cry is heard in the background and mommy is back on poop patrol). If you keep a count, you will see that at least 5 new diapers are required daily and assuming you are using the best quality of Rs. 15 each, the daily expense comes to around Rs. 75.
Now you may argue that even the best of brands gives discounts, especially when you buy in bulk. Taking this into account, let us slash the cost of one diaper to Rs. 10. This brings your daily expense to a minimum of Rs. 50. Which means that you spend almost Rs. 1,500 for diapers in a month and by the time your child grows out of them, your net expenditure will stand at a whopping Rs. 54,000.
And that’s just for the diapers. You should also consider the amount you have to spend for garbage bags, fuel expenses every time you have to run to the store, skin rash medications, doctor visits and all the side-effects disposable diapers bring. To break the bubble, you will find yourself a well Rs. 65,000 short just behind one baby. Do disposable diapers still seem cheap?
The Story Of Cloth Diapers
We think it’s expensive because of the initial cost. A Fig-o-honey cloth diaper will cost you around Rs. 500 for just one piece and it can come as a shock when compared against the Rs. 10 disposable one. But you can reuse a cloth diaper and a simple wash and rinse make it as good as new. At the end of 3 years, 10 to 12 cloth diapers will be all you need and the net cost at that rate comes to Rs. 6,000.
Plus, you eliminate the excess nuisances as well. Cloth diapers do not come with added chemicals and are airier than their disposable counterparts. Chances of skin rashes are reduced by almost 90% and your baby’s skin stays healthy. You do not run out of diapers in the middle of the night which leads to fuel savings as well. You will have to wash the diapers and even if you take the laundry charges into account, the cost is still less by almost 10 times than what we calculated for disposable diapers.
Look Beyond Your Daily Cost
Cloth diapers have a long life. If you look at the bigger picture, it really helps you to stay well within your budget. Break the expensive stigma that’s associated with cloth diapers and move on to this modern and environment-friendly option. Happy parenting everyone!
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figohoney2 · 2 years
Cloth Diapering On A Budget
Cloth diapering is a lot cheaper than disposable diapers in the long run. Babies go through nearly 6-7 diaper changes a day and maybe more in the first few months. And they need diapers for nearly 3 years, so the numbers can be mind boggling. Cloth diapering can be managed at a fraction of that cost. It may seem daunting at the very beginning as you need to build a stash to keep you replete with washed diapers even on stress days when your baby seems to poop or pee much more than usual.
Ways to cut costs, not corners while cloth diapering
There are myriad small steps a new mother can take to pursue cloth diapering within a very tight budget. The planning should start during the pregnancy time only.
It is wise to choose a brand like Fig-o-honey which is very likely to suit you. The diapers are sleek, with cute prints, and the cloth pocket diapers are very economical as they fit all sizes from new born to 3 year olds. The cloth diapers come with snap buttons to adjust waist and leg size. So they last you through the entire diapering period. This makes it easy to create a small stash that last you forever.
Sometimes it is possible to find pre-loved diapers online at a fraction of the cost that new cloth diapers cost. There are many mothers who buy too many and then want to resell their stash. This will really help to cut costs. Also Fig-o-honey diapers are good to go for more than a single baby.
Getting creative with inserts is also a great way to diaper when on a tight budget. DIY inserts made of old sarees, towels or other absorbent fabric work quite well. This is especially true while your baby is still small, the volume of pee will be lesser.
It is also a good idea to wash your diapers daily so you need far less numbers than if you wash your diapers more infrequently.
Although a washing machine is a convenient option, it might be more economical to wash by hand. Or at least leave the drying to good old air and sunshine. Air drying not only makes your diapers smell fresh, but sunshine is a deodorizer, stain remover and also a natural germ reducer. Avoiding the dryer also ensures you of a longer diaper life as the elastic and snap buttons last longer when not exposed to heat.
It may sound a little funny, but you can make your own detergent at home and save tons of money on store bought expensive detergents. They are also gentler on the diaper and the baby’s skin too.
The last but not the least, you can resell your used diapers to recover some of your investment once your diapering days are over! Cloth diapering is an economical option and a better choice when you are on a budget, and these tips can actually help you make the diapering even more pocket friendly.
To know more: https://figohoney.com/cloth-diapering-on-a-budget/
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figohoney2 · 2 years
How to fit a one-size cloth diaper
Here's a quick guide on fitting a Fig-o-honey one-size pocket style cloth diaper to your growing baby! To know more: https://figohoney.com/
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figohoney2 · 2 years
10 Reasons You Will Love Cloth Diapering
Cloth diapering sounds daunting but it actually is not. It is something that our grandmothers have always done. In our quest for convenience we have disregarded the problems of using a disposable diaper. There is a huge cost to the environment and your pocket whenever a disposable diaper is used. There are many reasons that make you love cloth diapering.
It is super economical. Cloth diapers last you the entire diapering age of a child, maybe even for the second child. They are a one time investment while disposables need a daily recurring expense.
Cloth diapers like Fig-o-honey come in a one size fits all format. The sizes are adjusted with snap buttons and flaps. Disposable diapers are on the other hand size based and you may need several sizes across the years. This means that if you buy in bulk you may just not be able to stash them before your little one outgrows them.
Every disposable diaper that you use is destined for the landfill. They take thousands of years to decompose. The harmful chemicals leached from them are a potential health hazard. Cloth diapers are environment friendly and the small amount of water that is taken to wash them is a far more environment friendly choice than dumping them in a landfill.
The disposable diaper needs a lot of water and petroleum by-products in its manufacture. This puts an additional strain on the environment at large.
There are carcinogenic and asthma producing chemicals in the disposable diaper can be enough to deter any mom from using them. The cloth diaper on the other hand is made of natural fabrics and is soft and tender on your baby’s skin. The health benefits are the most resonant reason to just love cloth diapers.
Cloth diapers are often more absorbent than a disposable diaper. In fact studies have shown that poop explosions can be averted by using a cloth diaper. A cloth diaper can be used with natural fibre inserts and be super absorbent too.
Cloth diapers are no longer the bulky old time version fitted with pins and ties. The modern Fig-o-honey version comes in cute prints, bright colours and has a lovely snug fit. The smart elastic keeps the waist snug by folding at the right size and the leg elastics can be adjusted snugly by the snap buttons. The perfect fit can keep the baby comfortable and avoid leaks and explosions.
Let us not forget that washing and cleaning the baby after encountering a dirty diaper is the same whether we are using a cloth diaper or a disposable one. The only extra washing is a knocking off of solid poop with a hand shower and running an extra load in the washer. A little bit of effort can help us help the baby and the environment too.
Cloth diapers can eliminate the use of diaper creams and rashes. The inserts are very absorbent and wick the moisture away from the baby, keeping the little one dry and free from rash.
The most important habit that a cloth diaper creates is an easier potty training process. The mom tends to change the diaper more often and the potty training process starts very young. It becomes a natural progression that the baby is encouraged to use the toilet more often.
The cloth diaper has many reasons to fall in love with. Try the experience and you will never regret it. You may take the decision to wait a few weeks after child birth to make the process easier, and the decision still keeps thousands of kilos of non-biodegradable waste out of the ecological system and keeps your baby and her future safe.
To know more: https://figohoney.com/10-reasons-you-will-love-cloth-diapering/
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figohoney2 · 2 years
Diapering Without Toxins
Mothers are very protective of their babies and would rarely do anything to hurt or harm them. But very few moms actually know that using disposable diapers have a major health hazard attached to it. The convenience seems big, but in reality once you get the hang of using cloth diapers, the myth evaporates.
The icing on the cake is that cloth diapering is that while cloth diapering is safer than disposables, it is safer for the planet you leave behind for your little one too. Most moms are not even aware of the chemicals that disposable diapers bring in contact with your baby’s skin and that too against the tenderest areas of the body.
Toxins that are found on disposable diapers
Some disposable diapers are called eco-friendly but in reality they still contain traces of harmful chemicals that can cause serious harm to your baby’s wellness.
Sodium Polyacrylate is a potential toxin added to the innermost layer of the disposable diaper to make it super absorbent. As such it does not come in touch with the baby’s skin, but if there is a tear or leak in the lining of the diaper you might find tiny crystals on the genitals of your baby. The substance turns into a gel when wet and can cause harm to your little one. The AGM as it is also called can cause allergy, asthma or even low sperm count in boys.
Dioxins are used to bleach the absorbent wood pulp that is the core of your disposable diaper. Dioxin is a known carcinogenic and cause cancer in the long run.   It may also lead to nerve damage and immune system compromises.
Chlorine is also sometimes present in the disposable diaper as a bleaching agent and can cause rashes and allergies.
The safer alternative is cloth diapers
Cloth diapers from safe brands like Fig-o-honey can be a much safer alternative. They are very absorbent but are very safe. They are chemical free, latex free, and also perfume free. These are all irritants for your baby’s soft skin.
The cute printed one size fits all cloth diaper makes cloth diapering a breeze. The Diapers are soft and comfortable and made of eco-friendly materials that are chemical free and ensure that it is gentle on your baby’s skin.
Cloth diapers often come with a TPU or PUL outer layer that prevents leaks but is a ‘breathable’ fabric that allows air circulation. Most disposables are made of plastic outside layers that make the baby break out in rashes due to heat.
The environment also is harmed by the chemicals present in the disposable diapers. These diapers are clogging landfills and most likely leaching harmful chemicals into our water tables. These in turn find their way into our food chain and cause innumerable harm to our children in the future. Our baby’s wellness and health is in our hands. Use cloth diapers and take a healthy step forward.
To know more: https://figohoney.com/diapering-without-toxins/
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figohoney2 · 2 years
How Long Do Fig-O-Honey Diapers Last
Love your cloth diapers? So does every mother who has seen her cherub smile in comfort while wearing a cloth diaper. Some new mothers have a concern about how long their Fig-o-honey diaper will last. But the concerns are quite baseless, as the cloth diaper will last all through your baby’s diapering days and maybe even be usable for your next baby. Some savvy moms can find a new mother who wants to try a preloved diaper before investing in cloth diapers.
The average baby needs approximately 5000 disposable diapers by the time she is potty trained. That is a huge number. Compare with the Fig-o-honey cloth diaper which fits the baby till she is old enough to not need a diaper, and the difference in numbers can be staggering. If you wash your diapers every day about a couple of dozen should be enough for the entire period.
Your cloth diapers will fit all sizes
Fig-o-honey diapers fit all sizes and all ages of children in the diapering phase. The 9 snap buttons are adjustable and can be just snapped to the right level to fit small, medium and large sizes. The waist also has snaps that fold to the right size. The diapers once adjusted to fit the leg snugly need not be adjusted again till the baby grows and needs a bigger size.
How to ensure that your diapers last
The secret to diapers that last is a careful wash and dry regime. Stripping and bleaching reduce the life of your baby’s pocket diaper. A robust wash regime can reduce the need to do so. If washed carefully the elastic, snap buttons and waist buttons can last you up to three children!
It is very simple once you know how.
The first step is to wash off the solid poop with a strong jet from the hand shower. Once the poop is washed off, the diaper should be kept in a dry diaper pail till you are ready to wash the lot.
It is advisable not to keep dirty diapers for too long. They might develop a wet diaper smell, or ammonia smells. Then you will have to bleach the diaper and that will reduce the life of the diaper.
If you are washing the diapers in the washing machine it is better to wash them in normal water and not hot water. The hot water will loosen the elastic and very quickly make the diapers unusable. If needed you can wash the inserts in warm water.
Using a gentle detergent is very important. A harsh detergent is bad for your diaper and your baby’s skin too!
It is better not to use a dryer but sun-dry your diapers. Sunlight is a natural deodorizer and germicide. The sun also does not weaken the elastic in the leg side of the diaper.
Cloth diapers are a boon to your baby’s wellness and to the environment. Keep the disposables out of the landfill and create a healthier world for your little one.
To know more: https://figohoney.com/how-long-do-fig-o-honey-diapers-last/
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