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I’m falling in love with moon and stars
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Common mistakes when studying for exams:
1.       Not starting early enough While many students intend to begin studying for final exams a couple of weeks beforehand, that timeline often slips as exams approach. After several days of convincing yourself, it will be OK to skip this one day and get started tomorrow, suddenly what was supposed to be a week of studying turns into one or two frantic nights of cramming. Studying for exams often takes more time than you might anticipate, so make sure you get started early! 
2.       Studying in chronological rather than priority order One common approach to studying for exams is to sit down and look through all of the notes from class in chronological order. In addition to being a very passive study strategy (more on this below), it also puts you at risk of running out of time to review the material you learned most recently, which is often emphasized more heavily on the final exam. Instead of studying in chronological order, try studying in priority order, spending the majority of your time on the information that will be most important for you to know for the test. 
3.    Practicing in the wrong format (not how you’ll be tested) I often find that students will study the same way for all of their exams, regardless of the format. For example, they might study for history by making flashcards for all the key terms in their notes. This might be a great strategy for a test that is mostly multiple choice and matching questions…but it could get you into trouble if your test is the mostly short answer and essay questions that require you to answer “why” and “how” questions about the bigger-picture concepts from the class. If you want to be prepared for your exams, you need to make sure that the way you are studying for your test is similar to the way you will actually be tested on the material. 
4.    Reviewing information you already know Even when students are testing themselves and using active study strategies, they often spend the majority of their time on topics they already know. Doing problems you are familiar with and know how to solve is more comfortable, and gives you a nice boost in your self-confidence. The problem with this approach is that you often end up running out of time to work through the challenging problems that you don’t know how to solve…and those are the ones that you end up missing on the test. Don’t waste your time studying things you already know! Once you’ve confirmed that you understand and can answer questions about a certain concept, check it off your list and move on to something more challenging.
5.    Memorizing, rather than understanding I frequently see students who have been studying by trying to memorize all of the facts from a class, rather than truly understanding the underlying concepts. Memorizing can work well in some classes, especially in elementary and middle school, but it often backfires in more advanced classes. If you’ve memorized a definition but don’t really understand what it means, then as soon as the information is presented in a slightly different format, or you’re asked to apply it to a new type of problem, you will have no idea how to proceed. Rather than memorizing the information from your classes, use study strategies that encourage you to understand it. Explaining ideas out loud in your own words, or teaching them to someone else, are great examples of study strategies that promote understanding.
6.    Calculating Your Final Grade A lot of students try to figure out what effect different final exam grades will have on their final grade in the course. (For example: “I have to get at least a 90 on the final to get an A in the class.”) Indeed, almost every e-mail I get asking for exam preparation tips seems to be prefaced with some range of scores the student has to hit in order to get some desired final grade.
Don’t do this! No good can possibly come from such a superficial focus on the numbers. It will add stress. This, in turn, will make it harder for you to execute a reasonable, specific, and efficient study plan. Also, it’s just plain crass. You don’t want to be that person…Forget about your G.P.A., and focus, instead, on how you can best prepare for the specific challenge in front of you. If you screw up, you screw up.
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A good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always be in it, taking books off the shelves and staying up late reading them.
Lemony Snicket (via kristensnotebook)
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Types of Girls: flower edition
Daisy girls: naturally beautiful, childlike but wise, loves dancing, languages and pastels, top of the class, secretly wants to be a mermaid
Rose girls: falls in love easily, obsessed with glitter and sunsets, dreams of foreign cities, always rosy cheeked, sensitive, can be hard to talk to
Sunflower girls: rays of sunshine, always knows how to make you smile, secretly insecure, sad a lot, sweet tooth, procrastinates a lot, best fashion sense
Hydrangea girls: confident, good at sports, has an aesthetic bedroom, listens to 80s music, likes conspiracy theories, can be stubborn
Violet girls: likes fairy lights, daydreams too much, secretly rebellious, acts tough but is soft, wants to dye their hair, loves their friends more than anything
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Rose jam  🌸✨
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20.11.17 //  I’m getting quite sick of studying for this final, but I had a nice quiet Monday morning listening to a podcast with some tea and shortbread biscuits before jumping back into revision. 3 days til my exam and then FREEEEEEEDOM!!!! (For this year.) I can’t wait to have free time to read, and bake, and make videos, and not be stressed. 
(And yes, I did post this a day late. I was too lazy to add tags yesterday, lmao.)
find me elsewhere: studyblr / instagram / youtube / twitter
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Recent cravings
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How to Cope with Worrying
1. Confront your fears: There’s often a fear of the unknown, and trying to define that fear can help you to overcome it. By facing whatever it is, you may find you know what to do about the situation. You can begin to think about how you might cope with it, what you can do, and who might help you, if necessary.
2. Talk it over: Discussing things with others can help to throw up a possible course of action or solution, which you wouldn’t have been able to formulate on your own.
3. Write a list: Try writing a list of what’s troubling you. Use statements, rather than questions. Instead of, ‘What will happen if I don’t get there on time?’ say, ‘I am worried that I won’t get there on time’. This focuses on precisely what the fear is. Another constructive way to put your fears into perspective is to try writing down the reasons why something bad might not happen. This may help you to see more realistically which situations are worthy of worry and which are not.
4. Take action: There is often something you can do about a situation you feel anxious about. Consider each preoccupying thought, one by one, and then decide whether there is something that could be done
5. Try to establish control: Confine your problems to a certain time and place. For this to work, it’s important to be strict, and not to let them intrude on your thoughts at other times. It might be helpful to visualise a box to place them in, which you may open at a later date or time. Some people set aside something like 30 minutes a day for worrying, taking the phrase ‘I’ll worry about it later’ literally.
6. Relaxation and visualisation: Relaxation exercises often focus on replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. This could involve imagining yourself in a pleasant setting, such as a beach, a nice room or a garden. You could visualise your worries as physical objects that can be discarded, such as stones or rocks you could heave into the distance.
7. Physical activity: Exercise is excellent because it can change the focus from your mind to your body. It relieves tension and uses up adrenalin.
8. Medication: If extreme worrying turns into a state of continuous anxiety, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants or minor tranquillisers. These should only be used for the briefest possible time, because they may have side effects and can be addictive. They can do nothing to change the root cause of your problem, but they can tide you over the worst of a crisis until a different form of help, such as counselling or psychotherapy, can be put in place.
Source: http://www.mind.org.uk/help/medical_and_alternative_care/how_to_stop_worrying (Abridged)
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the rug is out so it’s officially cozy and autumnal in here…now to get down to the piles of readings i have✨
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We’re already halfway the first semester, I can’t believe how fast everything is going… I really need some more time!  These pictures are from my instagram elienstudies
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November 16 2017
aLRight so tomorrow is the day!! ochem midterm 2!!! 
also i enjoy professor merlic SO MUCH that i have decided to hold off on continuing my physics series and instead take two classes of chemistry, because merlic is teaching the third and final class of organic chem :’)
it’s gonna suck being a little bit behind in physics but at least i will be through with chem! and idk i just didn’t want to miss out on another merlic class
anyways today after office hours studybuddy and i went out to westwood for dinner (bc we deserve to eat well smh studying is draining) and we had my FAVORITE udon restaurant!! the bowls are actually massive and i finished the whole thing lol that’s kind of a first for me
after that we got in n out to go (for late night meal i guess) and diddy reese cookies but the worst part is
we are the in n out and diddy reese cookies once we got back to the dorms
today would have been a 10/10 day but instead it’s a solid 8.9/10 because i have a midterm at 10am tomorrow hahlolol
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171117 | 🎧 : Peek-A-Boo - Red Velvet An incomplete spread that i kinda like (*´∇`*)
taken from my studygram
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So many roses blooming at once!!
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