filledelaville · 5 years
1 Although
2 I could save some pain
1 By cushioning the blow
1 On my overworked toes
3 I’ll always choose
2 En Pointe in ballet
3 To never pad my shoes
3 It’s what I do
4 Just simply endure
2 Even with callouses today
4 I'm still completely sure
4 I’d much rather feel the floor
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filledelaville · 5 years
Planet Earth
Is simply
A scribble on the
Big Black Board
That is the Universe.
Planet Earth is Home to
And Life and
All that It brings.
In the grand scheme
Of Things.
The Big Bang was
Another delivery
Room hosting the Birth
of a Baby
That would grow up to be
The whole world
For Some.
For me.
Planet Earth has revolved Around The Sun.
With so many others
In the Milky Way.
Another just seemingly
Not unique.
But I believe
Planet Earth deserves
To see
Way more
Than 365 days
Some hot head
So fuckin’ far away.
Planet Earth could affect
The Whole Universe
With its Gravity.
And not.
I believed in Planet Earth.
One day, it
Will get it All.
And All will be
Better off
With Planet Earth
Being the One
Planet Earth.
Except for
The Moon.
Planet Earth’s Moon.
The only body in Orbit
While Planet Earth was just
A Speck.
— Compromsing Orbits
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filledelaville · 5 years
Ode To My Lover Who Doesn’t Hurt Me
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Well, they do
But we work through
There’s no abuse
Or mistruths
Only love
And the mistakes of two
People who are still new
To this concept of growing
On our own
While also
Forcing the other to bloom
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filledelaville · 8 years
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Your voice is honey Drizzled in my camomile tea Your lips are the only sweet Treat I’ll ever need Your tongue is the strongest Aphrodisiac I’ve known Your teeth, my tattoo artist Your smile is my home
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filledelaville · 8 years
I was mostly afraid of the similarities
When you hurt, I won’t take away the pain. I am no medicine. My words will never drip like morphine. From my lip, That won’t kiss away your scars. This is no experimental trial, To suppress your demons like cancer cells. My heart is no xanax bar. I won’t calm your anxious mind. I won’t focus you, Like Ritalin. You won’t be addicted to my security. You won’t overdose on my comfort. There will be no detox for my memory, Or rehab for my touch. Though I won’t be your cure, I will love you. I won’t promise to fix you Because you’re not broken. I won’t say I complete you Because on your own you are whole. You are human, We are both only human. This is different.
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filledelaville · 8 years
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Hey. I’ve tried writing about you in 738292 different ways and I’ve all but given up hope so now what you get is my messy leftover 2 am ramblings I’ll probably never show you this because you deserve much better You deserve way better Than this than me And I guess that’s what I’m scared of I’m scared of a lot when it comes to you Scared you’ll leave scared you’ll lie scared you’ll get bored scared you’ll die This isn’t much of a love poem huh? But I guess the beauty behind that is that what I’m scared of most is losing you In any sense of the word I think the reason I find it so hard to get my feelings for you on paper Is because you invoke so much inside me I’m in love and terrified and enticed and ticked off and hesitant yet rushed with a great big dollop of overwhelmed on top I don’t understand my feelings for you and that’s not necessarily bad Bad for my artwork maybe For us ? Nope You just keep me guessing but also make me feel more sure than I’ve ever been in anything It’s such a paradox, my love for you I just can’t put it in words I want to say so much it’s like word vomit Completely Uncalculated I can neither formulate an understanding nor a comparison to describe you Us This But what I sure as hell can do is feel it And I hope that’s enough for you I hope you feel it too I hope you never leave, never change You frustrate me The side of me that insists on having all the answers of defining everything of understanding and concluding and therefore-ing Look at me all science method-y You’re already rubbing off on me I don’t want to figure you out Us out This out I just wanna feel you Feel it I love you Do you feel it too?
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filledelaville · 8 years
There’s this feeling inside of me, a strong pain that knows only to grow. But now I think I’ve outgrown it. The tears just don’t make sense anymore and the isolation feels so strange. The laughter seems to be drawing me into a beautiful world that I had so dearly missed. I think I’m finally ready to shed my old skin and step into the newer one, the cleaner one. Those days that felt cold and rusty on my bare skin weren’t the end, and I can’t thank the lucky stars enough.
dreamcatcher-777, I can do it and so can you (via wnq-writers)
But it's nice today. Oh, the wait was so worth it.
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filledelaville · 8 years
It’s okay if I’m not the girl of your dreams Or the one you marry. I just want to be the girl you think about 20 years from now, while you’re staring at your morning coffee, wishing that you hadn’t poured so much milk in because now it’s too creamy to resemble my dark brown eyes.
(via flowerssinside)
Now that I can see, I realize those chocolatey saucers I laid in awe of for many a morning; they had specks of green in them all along. No, they never matched mine, did they? You may equate the memory of my warmth with that of your cup, But I’ll only taste a semblance of you once mine has spoiled.
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filledelaville · 8 years
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filledelaville · 8 years
"Just give yourself some closure. What would you say to him if he was standing right here in front of you for the last time?”
“There’s never going to be enough closure,” she replies. “I’d tell him I love him. I’d tell him I miss him because I do, but I’m not sure. How could I miss something that I still to this day can’t understand? I’d tell him I convince myself I could hate him for everything he did wrong and every wrong thing I was too blinded to see. I’d want tell him that he can never repay me for everything he took from me but as soon as I’d open my mouth to speak every argument I could possibly make seems irrational and I’m embarrassed. I’d feel ridiculous for even thinking bad of him. I’d apologize for all of it and plead with him to fix me. I’d tell him how he made my heart flutter and how no one could ever make me feel the same. Then I’d tell him I love him.
I’d tell him how much I thank him for always being there because for a long time, he was the only reason I woke up in the morning. I’d tell him how amazing he was and how I know that because I made him that way just like how he made me, me. I’d tell him that he made me strong and showed me that I’m beautiful. I’d tell him that I’m okay now and that it’s all because of him. It’s all because of him. I’d tell him painstakingly that he still carries my heart with him. I’d tell him no matter what he says I know what he thinks of me and I wish I could change that but that’s not my issue anymore, that’s not my power to have anymore. I’d tell him how scary this is, how I’m so so scared baby. Then I’d tell him I love him.
I’d tell him to remember the little things I said and not to be afraid to love again. I’d tell him I hope he’s not falling into old habits I’d beg him to take care of himself, be happy. I’d tell him everything I could think of. I’d tell him everything because I know he always cared. I’d want to tell him that it would all be okay and I’d always be there but I couldn’t. Up would come that ridiculous feeling, the pride. But who cares, that’s not what this is. I’d tell him that he is the best thing to have ever happened to me and that I don’t believe in regret. And how, at the same time, I do and I don’t hope I soon forget this. I’d tell him that things would be hard and that I’m so sorry even though it’s no ones fault. I could never say enough so I’d break one last time. Then I’d tell him I loved him.”
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filledelaville · 8 years
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Twisted Hymn I sing of praise to a crooked faith Leave me crazed, each breath intakes The will to – yes, love me better a mess I wept I breed new concept, yet bleed old testaments My heart bestowed and hung from rosaries Beseeched with blasphemy by every soul close to me Indoctrinated with wayward Sunday school teaching Manipulated while radically believing Blindly now, I hail my deity steadfast Hatefully drown in the purity of dead past Draped in sin, I fear only abandonment I, loyalest follower, doubts the very commandments So help me, my God, silence thine twisted hymn I’m atheistic to love and it’s all because of him ..
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filledelaville · 8 years
I couldn’t let you go tonight…I know I’d be miserable without you…without you, there wouldn’t be. You’ve made me into the person I am.
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filledelaville · 8 years
Maybe stepping out into the daylight isn’t so bad, after all… Let the storm pour, I love you better a mess, anyway Hymns say - ‘This too shall pass’
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filledelaville · 8 years
When the sun fails rise for what must be the thousandth time, you start to find comfort in the hands of the moonlight.
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filledelaville · 8 years
I am being torn apart by feelings I don’t have names for and thoughts that make me sick. I am drowning in my own head and the only thing I can do is wake up every day hoping that sleep killed the monster that’s killing me.
saintly-sinner (via wnq-writers)
I wake with it still looming over me; All hope effectively and unceremoniously ripped out of me..
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filledelaville · 8 years
Look on and you see Disarray, negligence, and grime Look through and you find Home
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filledelaville · 8 years
Aren’t we all waiting to be read by someone, praying that they’ll tell us that we make sense?
Rudy Franciso (via thelovejournals)
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