fin-ack · 3 years
Kenzie laughed at his assessment of where her eyes had gone, though she honestly had other things on her mind. “I was considering what book character you might be able to play, an old game I play with most people. But since you were eating, I did start to think about other things your mouth does well,” the brunette smirked, tapping her pen against her plump bottom lip. She rose from her own chair, coming to his and trailing her finger lightly along his arm, up his shoulder and just stopping at his neck. “I think you’d make an exception for me. You’d enjoy seeing my mouth at work,” she said suggestively.
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Fin studied the other’s expression, eyebrow raising slightly as he considered whether or not she was telling the truth about where her mind had been. “Really?” he began, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smug smirk. “And what dashing, heroic character did you settle on?” Her next words led his smug expression to grow, the blood pumping around his body a little faster as her finger traced his skin. “I’m glad you remember my skills so fondly” he retorted cheekily. “Unfortunately, I don’t make exceptions when it comes to meatball subs however.. if your mouth happens to be currently unemployed, I’m sure we could easily find another job for it”
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fin-ack · 3 years
     “Thanks, it definitely wasn’t something I picked up right away” he nodded. Atlas hadn’t originally held any interest in surfing, actually, but in an effort to bond with his father over summer breaks he had given it his best shot and he’d ended up loving it. The adrenaline rush was unmatched. “That’s still cool, though. You don’t have to be a pro at something to enjoy it”
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With a breathy sigh, Fin shrugged. “That’s the thing about me - if I’m not a pro at it, I stop doing it. I like to be the best and if I’m not, I’m not interested”. It likely sounded a ridiculous way of living life but that was truly how Fin felt. He had a very short attention span and didn’t enjoy being mediocre in any field of life. “How about you? Would you consider yourself a pro?” he queried.
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fin-ack · 3 years
Feigning offence, Fin let out a gasp of air and placed a hand on his chest. “Is being lost in the woods with me really such a bad thing? A lot of girls would kill for this opportunity I’ll have you know” he grinned, offering the girl beside him a cheeky wink. “It’s exciting when you think about it, it’s not often in life we find ourselves in places we’ve never visited without those little devices being able to give us every fact we could ever want to know about the place” he gestured to the phone in her hand. “Means you have to explore and figure it out for yourself” he began, walking off into a clearing and gesturing for her to follow. “I don’t, by the way. Know where we are, that is. But we’ll figure it out”.
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open: @luxorstarters​ location: anywhere bc nova is lost & doesn’t know where she is  when: middle of the day 
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“Well, if getting lost was on the itinerary for today, I guess we can mark that off,” Nova muttered, a dramatic sigh echoing the words as she took a look around, attempting to figure out her location. After a few seconds of that, she gave up and pulled her phone out of her pocket, irritation crossing her features when she realized she didn’t have a signal. “Of fucking course.” She groaned, before looking over at the person she’d dragged along with her. “Should we just walk around until we can get a signal? Or do you know where we are? Because if you do and just aren’t telling me, I am not above violence.” 
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fin-ack · 3 years
Fin raised an eyebrow at the girl before him, pursing his lips in an attempt to hold back his signature smug smile. “I’m not scolding you but I would suggest not leaving figuring out how something works until the last possible moment next time” his smile crept through. “But that’s just me” he continued, raising his palms. “Give it here if you want, I’m usually pretty good with these things” he held out a hand for her to place the remote, one eyebrow raised. It wasn’t usual for Fin to be so helpful but he always had a soft spot for a damsel in distress.
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     “Is this a good time to mention that I actually have no idea how this thing works?” Celeste asked, offering an embarrassed smile before she turned her attention back to the remote in her hands, brows furrowing as she pressed a few buttons experimentally. “This presentation is going to be a disaster” she huffed, sinking into the chair behind her. She had time for a small pity party before googling it. 
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fin-ack · 3 years
Fin lifted his gaze to the other for a brief moment, turned his attention back to the sandwich in his grasp for a final bite before deciding to speak. “Listen.. I’m not saying this isn’t the best sub in the world because it’s pretty fuckin’ good, the perfect balance of meat, sauce and bread but I’m not sure its worth the attention you’re giving it” he chuckled, commenting on the fact that the other’s gaze had been fixated on the item in his hands for the past few minutes. “If you want a bite, you’ve got the wrong guy. I don’t share food”
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fin-ack · 3 years
Taking a small step back, Fin held his hands up in mock defence. “I’m not surprised, more impressed than anything. It’s not an easy skill, that’s all” he raised an eyebrow as the other grinned. “It’s been a while since I’ve surfed and I’m not saying I’m a professional by any means, but I can definitely ride a few basic waves”
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     “Yeah, I know how to surf - Why is everybody always so surprised by that?” Atlas chuckled in disbelief at the look on the other’s face. Atlas moved further onto the sand, water droplets sprinkling from his wet curls as he shook his head. “It doesn’t involve hand eye coordination, so, you know” he grinned. “Do you surf?”
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fin-ack · 3 years
Shifting slightly in his seat as the other suddenly appeared, Fin’s brow furrowed at their request. “Firstly, I very much doubt anyone's going to come up and discuss your whereabouts with me but if they did... what do I get out of covering for you?” he queried, the corner of his mouth lifting into a smirk. “I can’t be your fall guy without knowing what I’m an accessory to, don’t want to be getting myself in any trouble" he teased.
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who: @luxorstarters​ where: cafeteria when: around dinner time one school night
Rob appeared out of seemingly nowhere next to the table, leaning their hands against the edge with a bit of heavy breathing. “Hey,” they greeted, a heavy exhale following the greeting as they glanced over their shoulder, looking somewhat paranoid. A smile was playing against their lips, doing their best to hide it, but the amusement in their eyes wasn’t helping any. “If anybody
asks, can you tell them I’ve been with you for the past thirty minutes or so? And I just left?” 
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fin-ack · 3 years
Fin chuckled slightly as he followed her lead and swigged from his own nearly empty bottle. “I would never joke about such serious subject matter as alcohol... I just don’t understand the appeal of gin. It takes like shit and don’t even get me started on tonic” he scoffed, exaggerating his distaste for comedic effect. “I swear most people only drink it to get one of those fancy glasses that they can take a picture of and post on their social media” he continued, rolling his eyes dramatically. 
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~ @luxorstarters​
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Tiva choked slightly on the sip of beer she had just taken, hand going to wipe across her lips before she spoke. “You can’t be serious,” she said with a slight laugh. “Like, please tell me you’re joking.” 
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fin-ack · 3 years
Is that FINLEY ‘FIN’ ACKER? Wow, they do look a lot like CHARLES MELTON. I hear HE is a TWENTY year old SOPHOMORE who are studying PRE-LAW at Luxor University. Word is they are a REGULAR student who is FOR The Unhinged. You should watch out because they can be SELFISH and RECKLESS, but on the bright side they can also be CHARISMATIC and HONEST. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
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*will add a full bio ASAP this is just some info for now*
Full Name: Finley Charles Acker
Nickname(s): Fin, Acker
Preferred Name: Fin
Age: 20
Birthday: April 18th 2002
Star Sign: Aries
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronoun(s): He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Born: Incheon, South Korea
Grew up: Surrey, England
Major: Pre-law
Extra Curricular: Lacrosse - Goalkeeper
Promiscuous, brutally honest, ambitious, charismatic, witty, selfish, stubborn, emotionally unavailable.
Mother: Ae-Cha Acker (nĂ©e Bu) Fin’s mother sadly passed away when he was 5 years old - he doesn’t remember much about her but has a handful of pictures of the two of them that he keeps in his wallet at all times
Father: Richard Acker The relationship between Finley and his father is strained at best. The pair don’t have much communication other than occasionally checking in to discuss grades and spending time together at the holidays. His father owns a worldwide hotel chain called The Cordelia (named after his second wife)  Since the death of his first wife, Richard has re-married 4 times (his current wife being only five years Finley’s senior). 
Siblings: None
Step Siblings: One (Open Connection possibility!) A step-sister from his fathers second marriage
Half Siblings: Two younger twin brothers from his fathers third marriage aged 5 that live with their mother.
If you would like to plot, pls feel free to message me and we can discuss!!
Fin is a fairly new transfer student so his connections will be more recent however he has travelled a lot with his father and lived in many places prior to joining luxor academy so there is definitely opportunity for plotting past connections!
ROMANTIC - fin has never been in a relationship but definitely open to hook-ups, one night stands, fwb plots etc
TEAMMATES - lacrosse team 
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