findingmayra ¡ 4 years
A Different Sexy
Sexy is being consistent and diligent.
Sexy is lifting others up, not bringing others down.
Sexy is being openminded and reflective.
Sexy is admitting when you’re wrong without getting defensive or angry.
Sexy is embracing your flaws.
Sexy is changing to be a better you.
Sexy is taking care of yourself.
Sexy is getting sleep and waking up REFRESHED.
Sexy is feeling that all you need is YOU.
Sexy is being confident in yourself.
Sexy is having someone in your life only because you want them, not because you NEED them.
Sexy is me.
I am positively sexy.
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findingmayra ¡ 10 years
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findingmayra ¡ 10 years
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Biology | studying ♡ | Pinterest on We Heart It.
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findingmayra ¡ 10 years
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findingmayra ¡ 10 years
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findingmayra ¡ 10 years
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findingmayra ¡ 10 years
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We have officially entered in Hell Week. Lets face it, studying for exams is extremely painful. We have AP tests, the SATs, the ACTs, and final exams. These monstrous tests are standing in the way between you and your summer break, but you can’t slack now. I just want to share studying tips I’ve accumulated through out high school. This can work for the following tests I mentioned above or/and to stay focused on school work.
Listen to uplifting music: This isn’t for everyone. But you don’t have to listen to music with words. I’m a type of person who listens to instrumental covers. Music will help you feel pumped and in a positive mindset. There are many study playlists on 8tracks.
Take breaks: Take a five-minute break every hour to let your body produce more fuel for your studying. Take a walk, have a healthy snack, and stretch. Taking breaks will actually improve your studying.
Drink Caffeine: This will help you stay a wake. Not a caffeine person? Eat an apple to stay awake. It has been proven that an apple will keep you more awake than a cup of coffee.
Create a vision board: or have something to write out lists. This will keep you organized and prioritize what matters the most. List out what you have to do, study for, and finish.
Eat healthy snacks: Eat things such as berries, Greek yogurt, bananas, dark chocolate, celery, nuts, and ect. These have proven to help you study better and they don’t burn as fast as junk food.
Have self control: We are easily distracted by our phones, laptops, computers, and tablets watching silly cat videos or playing apps. You can download a free application called SelfControl. It lets you block your own access to distracting websites, your mail servers, or anything else on the Internet. Just set a period of time to block for, add sites to your blacklist, and click “Start.” Until that timer expires, you will be unable to access those sites—even if you restart your computer or delete the application. This is for Macs only. Sorry.
Use other sources: You can’t seem to understand a topic? Even though Youtube maybe a distraction, it can be a useful tool. My go to channel is Crash Course. Our very own John and Hank Green hosts in-depth lectures on Literature, Psychology, Chemistry, US History, World History, Ecology, and Biology. They are highly entertaining and are especially helpful for AP tests. 
Get a good night’s sleep: It may be tempting to stay up late studying, but remember: you’re going to need energy and focus while you’re taking your exam.
Practice, Practice, Practice: This is a no-brainer for people taking the SATs and ACTs. This will help you familiarize and understand how the questions are formated.
Avoid cramming: This will only  get you more nervous and you’ll regret not studying earlier. Just lightly skim through the material. Like what my old AP world teacher would say, “You either know it or not”.
I hope this helps you kick butt on your exams.
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findingmayra ¡ 10 years
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findingmayra ¡ 10 years
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Organize Correctly
by Reese
Everyone always says that structure equals success and I completely agree.  Clean and organized work spaces are more conducive to getting work done (unless you’re the create type and chaos fuels your creativity). Because of this, whether you’re a student or a working professional, being organized is your best bet to staying on track. Cleaning your apartment and office are a pain but not impossible if you put in the time and effort. But being organized in your life is a much harder feat. Here are some tips to being organized and staying on top of your deadlines.
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findingmayra ¡ 10 years
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8 Ways to Study Better:
1.) You can prevent yourself from forgetting up to 80% of the material by reviewing a lecture or study content within 24 hours.
2.) Instead of re-reading information again and again, close your eyes and recite as much as possible from memory. This can cement long-term memorization.
3.) If available, take practice tests. One study showed that students retained 50% more of the material if they testing themselves after learning something.
4.) Become more efficient when studying with flashcards by using the Leitner System. Repeat flashcards that you have difficulty with more often than those you’ve memorized.
5.) Listening to classical music while studying may activate the parts of your brain that can help you pay attention and make predictions. It can also improve your mood.
6.) Consider exercising before your next study session. It may help make your mind more alert, and give you the endurance you need to study for several hours.
7.) Instead of trying to memorize information, make connections between the material’s ideas. This may help you remember more material in less time.
8.) When you study, focus on only studying. Multitasking can handicap learning as your attention is split between each task.
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findingmayra ¡ 10 years
toasty atmosphere
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findingmayra ¡ 10 years
Organization, peace of mind, prepared to be productive.
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