Health Bar
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Make sure your current health float is set to 100.
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The branch here is attached to a sequence that is connected to the event tick so make sure to connect the branch to a sequence if your event tick is already taken.
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Macke sure you put in how much damage you want the AI to take away.
Here is a video of my health bar working.
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Week 5 Blog posts (01/02/21)
Get Feedback on Project [from a friend] :
 a friend of mine said that he really like all the pixel art in my game like the background, the platforms and all the characters and their animations. The reason for him liking all these were that they were all very vibrant and aesthetically pleasing which is great to hear as that was what I wanted for my game.
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My friend said that the negatives of the game were that every now and again one of my AI’s will spawn out of reach for the character and they wont attack the player or move to the player making the game very buggy and for the most part it could make it unplayable. However in my last couple of day’s I will plan to get that fixed.
One other negative is that I don’t have any way to kill the AI’s however I have a tutorial all set up allowing my to spawn in a projectile which I will use to kill the AI’s. [I plan to do this in my last couple of days of the project as well as fixing the AI’s.]
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Here is a pic of my AI working fine ^^^^^
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In this pic the AI will turn properly and run at my with the proper animations when he see’s me but in this position he is sideways making the AI look weird and very out of place.
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Here is an example of an AI spawning outside of the map. This doesn’t happen too much but it definitely needs to be fixed.
Final Evaluation:
What has gone well in this project?
In this project I successfully managed to create my own simple pixelate game at home only using the resources I have at home. My game has some cool features like music playing in the game, AI that charge and kill the player and the playable character can shoot the AI. So I think I do an overall good job since this is the first actual pixelated game I have tried to make.
What could have gone better?
In this project I was stuck on a lot of the coding side of things and had to try a lot of coding things by myself due to videos being out of date etc. Some other things I think could of done better is making the overall gameplay a lot more smoother and a bit more entertainer, however this was hard to accomplish as this was my first time going all out to make a game so I wont make an amazing master piece on my first try but I will for sure try to get better in future projects.
What are you planning to do in the future?
If it comes to school continuing being closed for a long period then I will be more than happy to work at home as I have a good pc that is able to run unreal engine, I have access to asperite which is a great software for pixel art and I have access to photoshop so I have all the need resource to work. The only thing that affects me is my own personal knowledge that can sometimes make things really hard to do and work at because at school I always have teachers to help where as at home you can't always find the tutorial you need to help you.
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My Pixelated Characters
Idle Animation:
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Running Animations:
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Idle Animation:
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Jump Animation:
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Running Animations:
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Shooting Animation:
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Making A Timer
First Make a Widget called time
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Then open up the side scroller game mode.
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Make two intergers called TimeMin and TimeSec then follow along the code in the screen shots.
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Now we need to go into the time widget and create a bind by clicking the button next to the text block.
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Week 4 Blog posts (25/01/21)
Playlist [What media have you taken in this week?]
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Music: This week I have really only been listening to lo-fi beats which are smooth musical jazz beats that are normally quite calm and peaceful to listen to. This type of music is great to listen to when I play games or do homework as it doesn't have a bunch of lyrics of that to distract you as it just has pure beats.
Here are some examples: 
This style of music is another great choice for my game because It’s a got a peaceful setting to hear, it’s easy on the ear and typically most people enjoy lofi because in the genre there is all types of songs that vary for different people. These beats normally have a really addictive sound to them that make them so catchy to listen to and typically the beats sound so unique compared to other songs out there. So with all these factors this type of music is good for my target audience that is around 12 or younger due to the catchy beats and peaceful sound.
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I have also been keeping up with the weekly Attack on titan episodes that air on Sunday’s. The animations are always clean, the fight scenes are smooth are extremely intense to watch. All the colour choice and lighting in the anime are amazing to watch as its all incredibly pleasing to look at.
Polish [To polish something is to refine it and make it better in some way.]
This week I did a lot of small updates to my game to make them better so I will break them down one by one.
The first thing I made better was how my AI system was going to run because currently my enemy AI can’t jump up on platforms It can only charge at the player on the same ground level it is and I have no clue how to fix that but I have made a solution to change the system and turn it to something else and what it is now is I have an AI spawner that every second that passes spawns and enemy in a completely random location so that no matter what platform my player is there will be enemies spawning there.
Solved Problem:
I was having an issue where my characters couldn't properly walk on the pixel art properly and my AI’s couldn't walk on the pixel art at all so I asked my teacher for some solutions and an option I took was to keep all the pixel where it is, turn off all collision on the pixel art then I add a box/platform where all the platforms an ground is then turn it invisible.
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Here is a pic of all the boxes I placed over the pixel art pieces where you can jump on/run on. 
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And here is a pic of all the boxes being invisible. Now there are no issues and works perfectly.
A Theoretical Problem
If I were to carry on this project I would have learn how to export the file properly so that I can send people the game. And learning how to get my games on steam as I have no clue how I would have to go about getting on steam. I currently know that it’s roughly £80 to upload a game to steam but I wouldn't know the initial steps to upload the game to steam so I would definitely have to search up on game dev forums how to upload my game or even search up on YouTube how to upload my game to steam.
Plan Recording Feedback
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Getting feedback will be relatively easy for me as I am always on my pc making AMV’s [Animated Music Videos] to YouTube so I would easily be able to make a trailer for my game or just record some cool game footage and edit it all up in my editing software then upload it to YouTube.
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I also talk on discord [An online video calling app] to my friend who also is on a games design course so he would understand what he needs to critique me on and what are the pro’s and cons of my game. [I'm also sure my family would be more than happy to provide me with some thoughts about the game and what was good and was bad.]
Weekly Reflection:
This week was pretty successful as I managed to make a working timer for my game so people can track their time, I polished up some AI work making it so the AI’s spawn randomly across the map every couple of seconds and I manged to sort out my platform issue where none of my AI’s could would on the pixel art so I made hidden platforms that everyone stands on and turned of collision for the pixel art so it looks like your standing on pixel art but you’re actually on an invisible platform. I attempted to make a health bar that when an AI hits you, you will take damage but its not one 100% complete so that will be in the works for week 6. My game is slowly coming along I just need to do some key extra things then I will have my game working. Just a list of things I want to get done on my final week is make the animations for my characters, make sure my characters die when hit [both for player and AI] and if I have time I want to make a menu screen, start screen and death screen. And It’s not incredibly important but for some extra detail to the game I could finish my health bars.
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Week 3 Blog posts (18/01/21)
Playlist  [What media have you taken in this week?]
Attack on titan: this week I have been watching the latest episodes of an anime called attack on titan. There were some major stand out’s like the intensity of the scene, the music choices for scenes and the amazing animation for the fight scenes. 
The game I'm making is pixelated and attack on titan is an anime but I can still take some good ideas from attack on titan and implement some things that they do, for example when people transform in titans.
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In these two gifs we some some really cool animation from the electricity emitting from Eren [the character with long hair] and this colour choice and how explosive it looks makes it it seem so powerful and amazing to look at. What I may be able to do is have a weapon in my game that when you shoot creates this type of electric scene to make it feel like a powerful weapon.
Geometry Dash: 
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This week I have been thinking what type of music I could possibly implement into my game and it reminded me of a game that has the exact type of music I’m looking for.
If you listen to the first couple of minuets from the video above ^^^ you can get a clear understanding on how all the music would sound like in this game and that is a very ecstatic electric sounding song with no lyrics just pure beats. Each song is light hearted and funky with a very catchy sound that sticks in your head. These features are very important for a game like mine because these songs are so catchy and hype that it makes you want to carry on in the game as it keeps you in the mode and focused.
Audience Needs [ In 5 bullets points explain something your audience expects from the genre you are working in.]
A very colourful background and setting that’s appealing to look at and is all very peaceful. I need some good colour combo’s that will attract children to come and play the game.
An easy and extremely repetitive concept for my game, it needs to be easy to understand so that anyone could just come onto the game, play it and immediately have fun and be hooked.
A very catchy song that play’s in the background. This song will preferably be an elect song with no lyrics and its going to be as hyped possible with beats and very catchy so players want to keep playing and the hyped up beats are needed to make a more intense scene.
A cool fighting mechanics that are addictive. I’m going to need a a really addictive and fun fighting mechanic that’s going to keep players wanting to play more and more. It also need’s to be engaging with the players so a lot needs to be going on the screen so a lot of explosions coming from the guns, and the death animations need to be nice and explosive to feel really interactive.
The main menu screen needs to be a burst of colour that will make you want to click play and that anyone who see’s this menu screen will want to start playing because the screen is so explosive in your face and catches your eye.
Planning presenting your final outcome [which website will you be showing your work on if it’s a digital game (unreal/twine)? Itch,io? GameJolt? Youtube?]
For my game I will uploading a trailer for it or just some general gameplay of the game to YouTube because I have quite a lot of editing experience and uploading things to YouTube. And I may try and upload it to a website to play for free but I will research how to upload things to sites and what ones are good.
Test Making Something Part 2:
This week I learned the basics of how to make AI’s. For now I have made a simple AI who targets the player and charges at them them spawning in an explosion animation then despawning itself. I have also made an AI spawner where every 3 seconds in a certain location an AI spawns there.
Step one on how to make an AI: 
Go to volumes then add a nav mesh bounds volume then set it to 50 by 50 by 50 on the scale.
Duplicate the sidescroller character by right clicking on it in the content browser and then call it AI
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Step 2: 
Open up the AI blueprints then in the view port go on add component and add “PawnSensing”.
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Step 3: [all the coding]
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For the spawn emitter at location you can just use the basic explosion for testing and for play sound at location you can just use a basic one given to you as well.
Making the AI spawner:
Step 1: 
 Then Make a blueprint class and make it an actor
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Step 2:
go to add component and add a scene then add a collision box. On the details panel go to collision and turn off generate overlap events and on collision presets turn it to no collision.
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Step 3: [all the coding]
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Discuss Your Win and Lose States:
For my game there will be no wining or completing the game as the aim of the game will be to survive as long as possible so there will only be high scores. However I could add tags to your name when you reach a certain time like beginner, casual, pro, expert,  legend, god. These milestones will make you feel accomplished that your progressing buy obtaining one of these tags and then you work your way from there trying to improve your score.
Show Implementation of your Win and Lose States:
I haven't implementing my win and lose states yet but the game will run that when you do you have to start from the beginning again and try and beat your score. And there will be no win state its just when you get a a certain time/score you may achieved a tag like beginner pro, legend etc. And from the tag you get you just need to keep going and going to beat your score.
Weekly Reflection:
I feel like working at him is a disadvantage because it comes down to me working when i want to work and there are so many distractions. Because when your at home on your pc you can easily get distracted from one YouTube video that leads to not doing work for hours. However recently I have overcome this by doing a a least an hours work a day and by accomplishing task in my game its motivated me to optionally make my game its just getting myself starting to help me get motivated to work
This week I have successfully made the basic building blocks for my game like making a background [that I'm 100% re doing its just a basic blue sky] and I have made the inner and outer walls for my game. I also made some platforms that I chucked around randomly to get a feel of how the game will look.
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right now this is where im standing. What I'm going to be working on are some small features that will all build up to a more aesthetic appeal. Some things I want to do is make some animated clouds, get grass on the sides for the game, a nice detailed sky with good shading, and some torches or windows in the building to add some more features to look cool.
I feel this week I could of gotten all the player animations done for the characters because that is going to be a big challenging as character design is probably my weakest part in game design. But I have been watching tutorials on YouTube to help me out with he basics and what to focus on when designing a character.
Next week I plan to get all the AI making done and what I plan to do with them is set working spawn points set on the maps where once they spawn they straight away they target the player. One of my characters is going to be a charging character that will explode into a fire ball because they are a chili girl and the other might shoot cactus needles at you. However I haven’t made all the decisions yet on what AI will be doing what but i certainly have ideas for them.
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Here is one of the three spawn locations where AI’s will be dropping down from onto platforms. I do plan to touch up the area by adding some fancy torches and making some detailed floor boards instead of the checker blue ones. 
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Week 2 Blog posts (11/01/21)
Playlist (11/01-17/01) [disusing what type of media I have taken in this week]
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This week I have played a lot of this video game called rust and watched a lot of gameplay about it on YouTube. Essentially the game is a survival game where you build a base, gather loot from locations and raid people.
This game has really stood out to me and a lot of other people too recently. I think this game has really blew up because of some cool concept’s it beings like you being able to run around and talk to people. This brings a bunch of cool possibilities because you can run up to people and ask if they want to squad up with, you can talk to people to try and negotiate for trading and for each other to be peaceful, and what A LOT of people do is use the voice chat for trash talking which occurs too often to count. A feature that has really brought me into the game is the graphics because the scenery in this game is so aesthetically amazing to look at, There are amazing sunny beaches with he sun glazing over you, very colourful forest’s filled with tree’s and bushes and a lot more scenery like snow biomes. This game makes people really get an intense feeling all the time because when ever your outside of your base you’re always on the look out for enemy players and especially when your trying to clear out a place like air field or the super market you are going to be in constant gun fight’s so I think people have enjoyed the constant action and the rush this game brings.
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Unfortunately though I don’t see anything from this game being able to help me with me arcade game because they are complete opposite game’s and run completely different. However in the future when I do some more map making I will definitely look at  rust for how they make such amazing landscapes and how they make really cool buildings. 
Cultural Sources:
Mortal Combat: for game it isn't going to be a 1v1 fighting game like mortal combat but I have an idea for plunkey to use martial arts or just basic kicks and punches becuase he is a semi buff cactus. This will mix things up because the playable character [pablo] will use guns, princess shoots out fire and plunkey can be a close up heavy damage fighter. 
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I feel like taking on side kick approach for plunkey because his character doesn't give my a agile look so I think he could on perform a side kick. 
Kirby: Kirby’s game has some excellent pixel going on because the whole scene is always filled with bright colours that catch the eye. What we have is a nice peaceful background that always has a calm look and great for younger player’s because this game is so attractive to look at so kids keep playing.
This is perfect for me because for my arcade game I want it to be made for more of the younger audience so I’m going to need to include loads of vibrant colours. So throughout my pixel art I'm going to make sure to keep looking at how Kirby make their maps to get a good idea’s of what colours work with what.
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Terraria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MehjrxLfwbM
If I get down to making some music for my game then I want something like terraria’s boss music which is intense but and has an ecstatic felling when you listen to it. My game wouldn’t feel right to have some hard core rock type music in it because the aim for the game is to be made for younger players so some electric style music like what terraria has will suit well for my game.
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Terraria also uses a lot of peaceful colour’s that make a nice open world scene. This is good because I need to have a background [most likely] for my game so having nice detailed clouds and a shaded blue sky will be good. 
Red Dead Redemption 2: Now I will start of by saying that the way my game works will be absolutely nothing like RDR2 however the whole of RDR2 resolves around cowboy’s and that is what MY main character is. The playable character that I have [Pablo] is a piñata cowboy and some thing’s i want to have is duel wilding pistols and a lot of pistol action is showing in RDR2 so I could definitely so how i should design my guns, see if recoil would look cool in game etc. 
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A cool possible idea I may have is that in may game as time goes on you may change outfit to have a cool new design so I could have my character change into a full on cowboy outfit with the hat, jacket, trousers, boots and all. There are many way’s I could go about having my character change clothes during the game because I could have pick up items spawn in that once you walk over you change into that outfit, this uses of this could be that this is a power up doing things such as allowing to have more HP, stronger weapons or if I want I could just have because it looks cool and provides the player with a cool feature.
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Code Monkey’s top down shooter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyx3EfqqfMw
A YouTube named ‘’code monkey’’ made a top down shooter and a really nice aspect I like about his game is the gun fire. The reason why i love the gun fire so much is because it’s extremely explosive when its shot as it releases a big flash of light and the bullets travel really smoothly. When I make my game I want to have princess [The chili girl] to shoot flame balls and in code monkey’s game he has a cool fire ball design that I might try and mimic. 
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When you kill someone in this game it brings you a lot of satisfaction because blood splashes everywhere making you feel accomplished because there is an end result so if I try to implement this I will have to add green blood for plunkey and some fantasy colour for princess to keep it nice and PG.
Further Audience Discussion [ Pick three games and bullet point how they hit the same audience as my target audience]
Gameplay of modern Kirby game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHntlksVFMI
Bright vibrant colours
nice colour combo’s 
the game has a lot going on in the scene and in gameplay keeping children focused
Very kid friendly as it’s not dark or have any blood, weapons etc it’s all kid friendly designed
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Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVj9N8OShAk
Electronic music makes children more focused on the game because of the intensity
Peaceful scenery that is aesthetically pleasing to look at
The music has so much going on 
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Code Monkey’s top down shooter: 
Gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyx3EfqqfMw
Big flashes of light when gun shots are fired, this makes the game interesting to look at as much more is happening in the scene when this happens
Sparks from the fire ball, this adds some nice dim flames of red to the scene to keep the scene interesting, this keeps kids focused in the game and they wont loose attention due to the sparks.
The health bar the the enemies have and the player have keep players being cautious as they will know how weak they are. Players will also be more focused on killing enemies as they know how much HP everything has so they will be focusing on how to go about things.
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What research are you implementing?
Recently I have been watching some YouTube vids on pixel art and refreshing my memory on how to do the basics like importing my pixel art, making flip books etc. I have also gone back and looked at how to set animations for certain movements like having a jumping animation for when my player jumps, having an idle animation etc.
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Tools List:
Gimp, Pixel Studio for pixel art, unreal engine and asepirite 
Test Making Something
I have test made making some animations to get used to my new program called asepirite. With asepirite I can now make pixel art very efficiently with A LOT of helpful tools and settings. Another great feature is that I can make animations for my pixel art which is going to now allow me to start making a bunch of cool pixel art for my game.
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This is one example ^^^
Weekly Reflection:
What went well? I have been completing all my Tumblr blog work making sure everything is up to date and I have downloaded some sources like GIMP, pixel studio for pixel art and asepirite to help me out with all the characters and animations. I also successfully managed to get some pixelated animations working that will look nice for my game.
Also whilst I have been searching for pixel art programs I also decided to watch some turtourials on the basics of pixel art becuase my pixel art skill is still not as good as I want it to be so I have been watching some videos to help provide me with some useful tips.
Here is 1 video that I watched:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1t0keLufMw
What could of gone better? I think that I definitely could of done some unreal engine work but I couldn't find anything for pixel art but I have now found a something to do pixel art with so hopefully I can start cracking down. Other than that my only other issue is some time management as I don't do things when I want to and should be doing the work when its set instead of waiting a couple of day’s however, I still complete my work befre the week has ended.
What are you planning to do next week? next week I want to really crack down on making my game because before this week I couldn't find anything to do my work on. But now I have something to do pixel art on I will try to do a lot of work on my game.
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Week 1 Multi Verse Work
What is a multi verse?
A multi verse is where there is a replicated version of our world in a parallel universe. There could be other versions of ourselves living completely different lives than what we’re living in now.
The Cosmological Multiverse
The Cosmological Multiverse: The idea that the universeve expand in a super fast speed of a fraction of a second after the big bang. After this happend there were quantum fluctuations that caused sperate bubble universes to pop in existence. Each one of then started inflating itself  and creating more bubbles. These universes were no longer connected with one another so they were free to develop in different way’s.
String Theory
String theory is one way physicists have attempted to unite the universe under one set of very complicated rules. However, it requires some serious theoretical reimagining of reality to make it work and it predicts a frankly ridiculous number of universe, 10 to 500 or more, all slightly different physical parameters. The calculations make sense in theory, but it’s notoriously difficult to test these ideas in reality.
The Quantum Multiverse
Hugh evertt created this theory that quantum effects cause the universe to constantly split. it could mean that decisions we make in this universe have implications for other versions of ourselves living in parallel worlds.
The Backwards Universe
The big bang might have actually created two different universes - one made mostly matter -that’s us- and one made mostly antimatter. If this theory is correct, it predicts that there should be new type of particle called a right handed neutrino. Now two observations from an experiment in antarctica may have seen one. Alternative explanations have been put forward to account for these observations, but all of them have been ruled out. What’s left is a theory suggesting a topsy- turvy universe was created in the same big bang as our own exists in parallel with it. Mirror world. In this mirror world, positive is negative, left is right, up is down and time runs backwards. It could be the most mind-melting idea ever to have emerged from Antarctic ice-but it might just be true.
Blog posts on scientists:
Hugh Everett (Many worlds interpretation): 
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Fifty years ago Hugh Everett devised the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, in which quantum effects spawn countless branches of the universe with different events occurring in each.The theory sounds like a bizarre hypothesis, but in fact Everett inferred it from the fundamental mathematics of quantum mechanics. Nevertheless, most physicists of the time dimissed it, and he had to abridge his Ph.D. thesis on the topic to make it seem less controversial. Discouraged, Everett left physics and worked on military and industrial mathematics and computing. Personally, he was emotionally withdrawn and a heavy drinker.He died when he was just 51, not living to see the recent respect accorded his ideas by physicists.
Max Tegmark (Four Levels theory): 
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According to MIT cosmologist Max Tegmark, there are four levels of parallel universes: Level 1: An infinite universe that, by the laws of probability, must contain another copy of Earth somewhere. Level 2: Other distant regions of space with different physical parameters, but the same basic laws.
Brian Greene (Nine types theory): 
Dr. Brian Greene (born February 9, 1963, New York City, New York) is a Columbia University physicist and string theorist known to the general public for popularizing physics with his books The Elegant Universe, The Fabric of the Cosmos and Icarus at the Edge of Time, as well as related television specials.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson:
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Neil deGrasse Tyson is an American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator. Since 1996, he has been the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York City
Stephen Hawking:
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In the 1980′s Stephen created an idea that the big bang didn't just lead to one universe but to infinite universes, each different from the other. In parallel universes things like dinosaurs could still be alive, people could be living different jobs e.t.c but the difficulty with that is that if all things are possible there’s no way to predict what the laws of physics should be in out own universe. but after drawing on new mathematical tools hawking's showed that in fact there aren't infinite variety of universes. In fact they’re not as weird and wonderful as he first thought, rather the multiple universes are similar to our own and so the laws of physics are the same.
What do you think about the idea of the Multiverse? Do you think it's real? Or not? Does it matter?
I personally think that given the information I have read there could quite possibly be a multiverse but I cannot not be entirely sure because I am no scientists so I don't know every detail behind this theory to make a proper decision.. But where ever or not it matter’s I don't think it’s something that matters too much because even if it was real we couldn't connect with that multiverse so our life's wouldn’t be affect too much. 
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Week 1 Blog posts (04/01/21)
Discuss your target audience: My target audience will be focused more on younger side due to all the colours presented in the game. All these colours in the game will be very attractive for the younger audience and keep them interested for ages which we see works for all the cartoon shows children watch. This game will include violence but any of the deaths wont include red blood I will just include fantasy blood to match the colour, for example plunnkey’s blood will be green to make it more kid friendly. Because my targeted audience will be so focused in all the colours they will want to keep playing the game over and over again because so much is going on they can’t get enough.
Naming my Game: 
Piñata Party
Cowboy Piñata 
Pinata survival 
Pablo The Pinata
Planning my work: The game will place you in the middle of an open room and after 5-10 seconds a timer will start counting how long you survive for. Enemies will be rushing out from the sides and the enemies [plunkey and princess] have each different abilities, princess shoots of fire/fire balls and plunkey shoots needles. after a certain amount of time or after you have shot a certain amount of enemies there will be gun drops that will provide you will weapons like RPG’s, heavy machine guns, shot guns and possibly more. as time progresses more enemies will be coming out making the game much harder.
How will COVID affect your Project?: covid wont necessary mess up my work too much because I currently have a working gaming PC with unreal engine installed so I could try to work on my project there. However for things like the pixel art i can’t do because I don't own photoshop so I cant do all the animations there. But I'm sure that there are alternative things I can use to do my pixel art. My plan is to complete all the work set to my quickly and so that I have a lot fo spare time to work on my game and think of way’s to create my game at home.
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Arcade game idea
What my characters will have to look similar to or have the same traits as them
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First Idea: a side scroller game where you are plabo who is a pinata and have a gun [maybe duel pistols to start of with] and you’re in a tall building and there and multiple platforms to jump to and that there will be plunkey and princess who will be the AI enemies that you have to constantly fight against. Since princess is made of of chilli she could have a fire power where she breathes out fire or shoots it out of her hand and plunkey since he is a cactus he could shoot needles. This will be timed based and as the game progresses the more amount of enemies will spawn in a shorter time. The reasoning for the game being timed based is so that there is no end and that the player can get addicted to the game because there is no ending but the player will want to continue and continue trying to improve their score. Also there will be weapons that spawn in like shotguns or assault rifles that are stronger, and I also want the addition of power ups or heal ups just to add some more fun stuff to the game and so the player can grab all types of things to show progression and to feel accomplished when playing. 
Second Idea:My second idea is to have a table top view game where you are playing as pablo. in the game you will be fighting plunkey how is a buff cactus who will either try to bunch you or shoot needles at you and princess who is a chili will breath fire balls at you. within this game the enemies will either be constantly spawning until you die and as the time goes on the more amount of enemies will spawn. Or there will be rounds within the game and after a certain amount of rounds more and more enemies will start spawning. This game will be time based so that the players will cary on playing and playing to beat your score.
Third Idea: My third idea is to have a side scroller game where the playable character is plunkey and you are standing on platforms that you can jump down and up to. There will be enemies [Pablo who is a piñata will shoot at you with duel pistols and princess who is a chili will shoot fire balls at you] which constantly spawn from your left and right so the aim of the game will be jump from platform to platform fighting all the enemies and trying to survive as long as possible. The game will be time based so players will constantly be trying to improve their time.
Second Idea in more detail [the chosen idea]: in the game after a certain amount of time there will be weapon drops that might vary between shotguns or machine guns. This feature will keep the game very fresh and interesting so the game doesn't get stale for the player and they stop playing. The game will all be pixelated and I want to have a nice vibrant and colourful setting to fit into the cartoon style that the cartoons are designed like. So the borders of my map will all be very colourful and have a nice appealing pattern and the rest will be easy on the eye and be interesting to look at to keep people wanting to play.
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