finssyblog · 2 months
It's been months since I last posted on Tumblr lmao (finss_illu is my twitter @)
Anyway, here is my Vampire King Dick Grayson!
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finssyblog · 2 months
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But B! Wonder Woman doesn’t have to wear pants! Why do I have to?
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finssyblog · 5 months
Black Canary: Kids, I hate to break it to you, but that’s called a traumatic event.
Black Canary, to Kid Flash: Not a ‘bruh moment’
Black Canary, to Artemis: Not a ‘major L’
Black Canary, to Miss Martian: Not a ‘spicy slay’
Black Canary, to Super Boy: Not an ‘oof lmao’
Black Canary, to Aqualad: Not a ‘yikes situation’
Black Canary, to Robin: And definitely not an ‘average tuesday’
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finssyblog · 6 months
for april fools we’re deleting this entire site sayonara you weeaboo shits
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finssyblog · 6 months
So here's a famous French joke, I'm doing my best to not have anything lost in translation but feel free to ask me to reformulate myself if you don't get it.
So it goes like this:
It's the story of three dwarves going into the mine. They all grab their equipment to go down and extract some ore: the first one gets a shovel, the second one gets a pickaxe, what does the third one get ?
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finssyblog · 7 months
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hes just a silly muffin:3
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finssyblog · 8 months
codebreakers is so cute actually I’m so sad I never paid much attention to etoiles before
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finssyblog · 8 months
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This is a fan-run event that celebrates Etoiles and all he does. Prompts for this are centered around the QSMP though creations are not limited to QSMP.
Tracking: #etoilesweek
I will be tracking the tag up to two weeks after the event is finished, so don't be pressured to post on the correct dates. Open to questions if you have any.
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finssyblog · 8 months
I think with Codebreakers, both think of their dynamic as Etoiles being the knight that protects.
But in Etoiles' mind, he is the loyal knight to his Lord Philza, always ready to fight and maybe die for him.
Whilst in Philza's mind, he is the princess and Etoiles is the noble knight that comes along to free him from the monsters.
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finssyblog · 9 months
I don't know what Forever enjoyer need more
Like the screens are true and you can still find the answers on twitter, he admitted deleting them, he literally liked a thread comparing pedophilia to ADHD and saying that it was okay because "women grow up more quickly", his friends are dropping him...
I can understand when people want to be more neutral and take every informations to take decisions. But here you literally have Forever's pov. For him it is okay so unless you agree with it I just don't understand why playing that much the devil advocate. Being upset and sad is one thing. It's another to agree with someone who think that it's okay to be with a 14yo girl because they "grow up more quickly".
Just admit that you don't care, it will be less problematic than trying to find excuse. Like everything we have is from FOREVER POV do not forget that. It's all from his own mouth, own account, own past and now his present pov on this. It's not about false accusation since the man literally liked a thread saying it's okay so ???????
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finssyblog · 9 months
Heyy tumblr accounts, can yall stop acting like forever is being removed for "problematic old tweets"
He is being removed because he did sexual jokes and flirted with a minors (young as 13) and even HANG OUT with one of them IN REAL LIFE
Like 99% of brazilian fandom defended him when non-brazilians ware trying to "cancel" him for problemátic old tweet and i don’t ADMIT yall rewriting history for a white men
Also the doc was made by REAL people and they censured the victim’s because forever fans ware trying to take the victim’s accounts down
Also FUCK YOU accounts that are dream haters because of his grooming and are now defending forever
You are disgusting to me, we should not pick and choose whose groomer to hate fuck nugget
(Here the drive for the doc because some of his stans ware trying to take it down)
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finssyblog · 9 months
"the doc has a lot of inconsistencies"
no it fucking doesn't, you just don't fucking want to look at whats right in front of your nose.
if the problem is with fact checking and seeing the age of the girls: you can check for yourself, the majority of the tweets in that doc are saved on wayback machine.
coming here and saying "oh it's mistranslated" "oh we don't know for sure because the doc doesn't provide all informations" "the names are censored how can we know" is fucking disgusting
if you had the fucking time to come here write a post about mistranslation you also has the time to go after those tweets and seeing for yourself.
if you were complaining because you want the doc to have more information, I would understand, but you guys are trying to invalidate everything in that doc because of the "mistranslation" (which are not exactly mistranslation, in some phrases the context wasn't taken in consideration but none of it changes the fact that he was flirting and having sexual conversation with minors from 13-17).
if you still try to defend him after knowing that he "jokingly" suggested a threesome with two minors, called them hotties, kittens, and even asked for nudes from another minor, then fuck you.
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finssyblog · 9 months
Etoiles: He's the sand guardian!
Mythos: Guardian of the sand!
Soaring & Ethan: Poseidon quivers before him
Kenny: FUCK OFF!
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finssyblog · 9 months
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Codebreakers doodle
I do adore them much
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finssyblog · 9 months
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faut que je partage ça quand même parce que rayou qui fait volontairement du rp c’est du 5 injured 3 dead j’ai trooooop hâte
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finssyblog · 9 months
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RIP Green Gay Pandas. They came. They were wildly homoerotic and complimented each other's cocks constantly. They served cunt. And then they died. In loving memory I've put all of them in custom Maid uniforms since Barca and Ethan were already wearing ones. Go team!
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finssyblog · 9 months
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hes calling their dad
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