fire-for-you · 1 year
i fear this place
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pairing - valkyrie x sylvie
rating - teen and up (haunted houses, au- high school, little punching action)
word count - 1,497
summary - “actor at a haunted house/person who punches the actor in the face” AU
Valkyrie was never an irrational person. Wasn't a scaredy-cat. One to back down from a challenge. She grew up with Thor, Loki, and Hela. She could handle anything.
" Bruce drew out as he looked around the room. "Hmm. Valkyrie! Truth or dare?"
"Really? Okay, um. Dare. Hate truth. Whatchu got?"
Hela leaned over and whispered something in Bruce's ear. Then she pulled away, smirking. The boy lit up like a Christmas tree. "I dare you to go to a haunted house with me and the Odinsons."
"Yeah, okay. Easy enough." Valkyrie put on a smile. But, on the inside, she was freaking. Nothing scared her worse than all the horrors of Halloween stuffed into a labyrinth of rooms. The holiday was bad enough on its own, even if it included getting free candy. Despite being a tough woman, she had her share of fears.
The siblings nodded consecutively, all grinning like madmen. Since it was her turn, she tilted her head towards Carol. "Okay, Captain Marvel, truth or dare?"
Bruce glided over next to her in the lunch line. Of course, the one day she didn't pack a lunch. "I found a haunted house that fits our schedules." She had honestly hoped the junior forgot about her dare. Apparently not.
"Great. When?"
"This Friday, after school. I can text you the rest of the details. I have to go meet Thor."
"For your mid-day hook-up?" Valkyrie asked casually, looking over the menu options. Everything sounded disgusting.
Bruce blushed. "No. He needs help with English. We're not dating. I don't understand why I need to tell you guys all the time."
She side-eyed him as they moved up in line. "You two have eye-sex every time you look at one another. It's honestly annoying that you won't just bone and get it over with."
He blushed deeper, turning a dark cherry red. "I'm gonna go. I'll text you!" The raven-haired man rushed away.
"Yeah, you do that." She said sarcastically, mumbling under her breath. Looking up at the lunch lady, she took a deep breath.
"And what can I get for you today?" The older woman inquired, cheerfully.
"Do we really have to do this?" Valkyrie, Bruce, Thor, Hela, and Loki all stood in front of The House of Hauntings with a little sign underneath that said: "We Haunt."
"Unless you want to be a chicken. First one all school year." The slender one in green stated.
"Shut up, Loki. You say 'school year' because you are the only one to call chicken this year. On asking Mobius out? Do you remember that?" Hela scoffed at her sorry excuse of a brother.
The youngest curled in on himself, looking down at the ground. He mumbled something no one caught.
"Anyway," Bruce spoke into the silence, training his eyes back on the makeshift haunted house. "Let's go, shall we?"
They walked forward, towards a table selling tickets for entry.
"How many in your party?" The teen asked, obviously bored.
"Five," Thor stated like he was talking to a child, which Valkyrie supposed he was.
The young man looked up slowly like he had all the time in the world. "Twenty-five dollars."
The blonde fished out a twenty and a five, holding out the bills, which the teenager was quick to take. "Entry is at the end of that path." He pointed loosely behind his person, at a dirt pathway.
"Thank you." Bruce was pushing them along, eager to get inside.
Coming across a door and a knight, they stopped. "Do you think there's someone in there?" Loki asked.
"Maybe," Hela responded, sporting a sly grin that her sibling didn't seem to see.
"Do you wish to find out?" The person inside asked, sounding extremely annoyed.
Loki jumped, pushed the door quickly, and rushed inside.
Hela laughed hysterically, high-fiving the knight and then following the sophomore inside.
Valkyrie didn't want to admit it, but she jumped a little too.
The rest of the group trailed into the house, stumbling through curtains of fake cobwebs.
As they ventured through the rooms, they came across a vampire, a werewolf, a tarantula - like an actual tarantula - and a variety of other beasts. But the one that stood out the most was a clown, covered in blood.
The brunette was never a great person to be around when she saw a clown. Ever since Loki made her watch all three IT movies with him, she was never the same. She hated sewer drains, couldn't face the wall when sleeping, and just despised going into her mom's basement.
So when a clown lunged at her from the darkness covered almost head to toe in blood, she did what any sane person would.
Valkyrie, real name Brunhilde, drew her fist back and hit the horrid creature with as much force as possible.
Everyone turned at the sound of a crack echoing around the room. What they saw was a clown, blood flowing strongly from its very broken nose, and their friend since early childhood, standing there with a very angry expression on her face, hand still up and pulled back.
They just stood there in pure shock until the clown let out a quiet whimper and whispered, "Ow."
Two people rushed in holding a green box with a red cross on it. Kneeling, one of them opened it and grabbed gauze. "Holy shit, Sylvie. Are you okay?" The other one asked.
Thor pulled Valkyrie back, out of the way as the clown- Sylvie, answered. "I'm, fine. I think. Not the first time I've had my nose broken." The bleeding slowed gradually as other workers came and dragged the group outside.
Valkyrie was still slightly mad, but mostly just felt bad for hitting an innocent employee just doing her job. Bruce and the others stood aways away, talking to the person who ran the haunted house.
Someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up and saw a beautiful blonde woman, the top of her hair tied up in a bun. She was also sporting a splint on her nose.
"Oh, no. You're the one I hit. Sylvie, right?"
Sylvie nodded and asked, "Can I sit?" It came out all nasally.
"Yeah, sure." The blonde sat down beside her on the curb, wrapping her arms around herself.
"It's so cold out here."
"It's October. Why don't you have a jacket?"
Sylvie shrugged. Valkyrie shook her head and took off her windbreaker, handing it over. "I'm Valkyrie by the way."
"Thanks." The shorter paused, pulling on the coat. "That's a cool name. Isn't it also the name of a powerful woman warrior from Norse mythology?"
"Yeah, I think that's why my mom named me it. I guess I'd have to ask."
They sat there in a comfortable silence, listening to the sound of wind whistling through the trees and the group mumbling to the side.
"Is your nose okay?"
"Yeah, it just stings."
"I'm sorry. Clowns just freak me out a little."
"It's alright, but, only a little? That's the hardest I've ever been hit, and I get into a lot of fights. Kinda impressed actually."
Valkyrie pinkened. "Thanks. I don't hit a lot of people, just Loki when-"
Said man came up and interrupted them, "Sylvie! Are you alright? I've never seen Valkyrie punch so hard."
Valkyrie turned to him, debating between glaring or being surprised. "You know her?"
"Oh, yeah. We're in the same martial arts class. I would have come over sooner, but you guys were busy flirting. Didn't want to interrupt. Anyway, the guy wants to know if you're pressing charges."
Sylvie's brows drew together. "What? Of course not. It was her way of expressing fear. Plus, it was kinda hot, so. Wouldn't want to ruin that."
Valkyrie turned toward her, eyes wide. "What?"
The blonde smiled. "It was. Can't deny the truth
The taller just stared at her.
Hela, Thor, and Bruce came over. "Alright, well. There wasn't any damage to property, so we're free to go." The oldest announced. She glanced down at the scene. "Or to just stare for hours. That works too.
Sylvie smiled wider. Getting up, she offered her hand to the woman still on the ground. Valkyrie took it, pulling herself up.
"I have to go but, can I have your number?"
The brunette swallowed but pulled out her phone. She gestured for Sylvie to hand over hers, which she did.
Valkyrie called her to make sure she had the right number, before handing it back.
Sylvie started to walk away, but she called back, "I'll call you!"
"Please do that!" She shouted back. Then, turning back to her friends and seeing their expressions, she said to them, "If any of you say a word, I will slit your throat."
They all nodded, knowing she would definitely would follow through on that promise.
As the group walked back to the car, Valkyrie smiled down at her phone.
It wasn't the worst Halloween experience she's ever had.
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you can also read this story here
masterlist & other such things
MCU masterlist
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fire-for-you · 1 year
well, look, that changed everything
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pairing - j. halpert x d. schrute
rating - gen. audiences (concussions, pre-relationship, bisexual jim, au - canon divergence, episode: s02e12 - the injury, fluff)
word count - 1,350
summary - "the injury" alt ending
a/n - wrote this in like 2 hours after watching the injury and seeing that couch moment. please enjoy! also I chose a daffodil for the symbol for this story becuase it symbols new beginnings
“Finally, feel the... blood coursing through my foot veins,” Michael announced, twirling his wrapped foot. 
Dwight slumped over, groaning. 
Jim stood up quickly, walking over to the downed man. “Oh! Okay, I think we need to take him to the hospital, because... I’m pretty sure he has a concussion.” The salesman hoisted Dwight up, Angela at his shoulders. 
“Oh, now you feel some compassion for him,” Michael said snarkily. 
“He needs to go right now, and you’re his emergency contact. I think that you should go with him.” Angela retorted, steadying Dwight. The older man had his head in his hands, trying to keep it upright. 
“Why don’t you go with him?” 
“I, barely know him
“I want Michael to take me,” Dwight finally spoke, sounding out of it.
“I can’t take you, I don’t have my car.”
“Please?” Dwight interrupted.
“-And yours is all vomity.” Michael finished.
Meredith stepped up, offering, “You can take my van!”
“Oh, okay, that’s great. No, I can’t drive. Jim, why don’t you drive.” 
“We’ll go. I’m still recovering. So let’s just, Ryan, could you get my coat, please?” 
Jim grabbed Dwight from his office chair, putting his arm over the taller’s shoulders. They walked toward the office door, Jim almost tripping them up. “Slowly, slowly. Let’s just get to the elevator.”
Dwight started making noise, what sounded like a helicopter. 
“What are you doing? What, stop, stop.” Jim said as they started falling on the couch. 
“Vietnam sounds.” 
A single “stop” was all Jim got out before his lips met Dwight’s. The force of the Schrute sagging onto the couch pulled the younger in, and now their mouths were connected. Not long after, Dwight pulled away, closing his eyes, oblivious to what just happened. Jim blushed; his face turned a violent shade of red. 
It was the best kiss Jim ever had, but he had to worry about other things at the moment, tucking away the firm press of Dwight’s lips away for later.
“Just take a rake-” 
Jim found the spray bottle, squirting the man. 
“Wake up!” 
“Ahh!” Dwight jolted, sitting up. 
Pam came over, helping him stand. “Wait, here, let me help you, Dwight. Get up, get up.” 
“Okay, Pam, thanks. You’re the best.” 
“Keep him awake.” Jim reminded her. 
“It smells like chicken soup.”
“I know.” They traveled out the door and to the elevator.
“I have to go to the hospital.”
“I know.”
“Where are we going?” 
“I just want to say goodbye, okay?” Pam said, looking at the taller. 
“I’ll be back, I mean
“Yes, I know, but it’s gonna be different.”
“It’s just... hard to explain,” Pam answered, shaking her head.
“Aw, Pam, you’re adorable.” He taps her nose, and she smiles. 
“Oh, my goodness!” She backs up a little; Dwight is swaying. 
He giggles as she pulls him in for a hug. “Come here.”
“Oh, huggy hugs.”
Michael pushes open the door, calling out, “Shotgun!”
Jim, face still pink but wearing off, asks, “You don’t think you should sit in the back with Dwight?” 
Michael tsks. 
To the doc crew...
“The rules of shotgun are very simple and very clear. The first person to shout “shotgun” when you’re within the sight of the car gets the front seat. That’s how the game’s played. There are no exceptions for someone with a concussion.” 
On their way to the car, Michael says, sounding disgusted, “Oh, God, a mini-van. What is Meredith’s problem?”
“Well, I think she has a kid,” Jim responds, Dwight still leaning on him. 
“Yeah, she has one kid, no husband. She’s not gonna find one driving this thing around.” 
“Where are we going?” Dwight asks as Jim opens the side door. 
“Come on, get inside.” 
“Where are we going?” Dwight asks again, gazing off in the distance. 
“We’re going to Chuck E. Cheese.”
“Chuck E. Cheese?” The camera swings to Michael. “Oh, God, I’m so sick of Chuck E. Cheese.”
“We’re going to the hospital, Michael,” Jim says as Dwight climbs into the van. 
“I know, just sayin’.”
Michael turns around to Dwight, seeing a bottle in his hand. “Dwight, what are you drinking?” 
“I found it under the seat.” 
Jim looks into the overhead mirror, Dwight smelling the bottle in the reflection.
“Oh my God, Dwight, put that down.” 
“I’m thirsty.” 
Jim leans behind the seat, spraying Dwight in the face. “Give the bottle to Michael.”
Dwight protests, slinking away from the water. 
“Give the bottle to Michael!” He sprays him again.
“I’m thirsty!” 
“Give it to me,” Michael demands. 
“Dwight...” Michael faces Jim. “Just keep your eyes on the road. “Turning back to Dwight, he says, “Give me the bottle or you’re fired.”
 “You can’t fire me, I don’t work in this van!”  
“Give it to me, Dwight.” He reaches back for it as Dwight takes a drink. 
“Give me the bottle!” Michael yells, still grasping for it.
Jim looks at the passenger seat. “Will you stop?”
“Gimme the bottle, Dwight!” 
“Michael, stop.”
Dwight takes another sip, groaning.
“Just give it!”
Jim retakes the spray bottle, spraying Michaell first and then Dwight, both recoiling. 
“Stop, stop it! Stop spraying!” 
Dwight is whining in the backseat as Michael finally grasps the bottle. 
“My eyes! My eyes!” 
“Dwight, what is your middle name.” 
“Danger.” The salesman responded, completely unfocused. 
Michael sighs, thinking. “Something with a ‘K.’” 
Jim answers for him, “It’s Kurt. Wow, I am so sad that I know that.”
“What do I write under ‘reason for visit’?” 
“Concussion.” He rolled his eyes as Michael scribbled something out. “What did you write?”
Michael clears his throat. “Nothing. I wrote ‘bringing someone to the hospital.”
“So you thought they meant your reason for coming to the hospital.”
 you know what, Jim, this isn’t about me anymore. I made a miraculous recovery, which is more than I can say for him.” Michael said, motioning to Dwight, who was falling over onto Jim, eyes closed. 
Jim sprayed as Dwight got too close to his shoulder. Dwight sat up immediately, saying, “Hi Michael!” 
“Hi, Dwight.” 
The phone rang, and Pam picked it up, saying her signature line, “Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam.” 
Jim responded, “Dunder Mifflin, this is Jim.” 
“Oh my God, what is going on, is Dwight okay?” 
“Uh-hmm, he should be fine, but, uh, they brought him in for a CAT scan.” 
“I can’t believe he’s getting a CAT scan.”
“Michael went in there with him too. It’s pretty sweet.” 
“Really? Michael went in with him?”
“Wow. Uh, hey, since you’re alone, I saw you kiss Dwight.” 
Jim flushed as it was brought up again. “Um. Yeah, it was an accident; I don’t think it meant anything.” 
“But it meant something to you, right? I mean, Jim, I’ve seen how you look at him. And you always try to get his attention with the pranks. You really gonna tell me there isn’t something there?”
“Damn, you are too good, Beesly.” 
“He’s not gonna remember.” 
“I don’t know about that. You should ask him when he gets better.” 
“Yeah, I’ll think about it. Talk later, Pam.” 
The next day, Dwight was back at work, there before Jim was, even though he lived farther away. Jim spent all night thinking about the kiss and how he could approach the other about it. 
It was Dwight who said something first, when they were both alone in the break room. 
“Um, Jim.” 
The taller looked away from his sandwich and into Dwight’s eyes. 
“I-I know I accidentally kissed you yesterday, and I just want to say I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make you feel weird-” 
“I liked it.” Jim blurted, immediately covering his mouth in horror. 
“Yeah? Well, I did too. Can I take you out for dinner then? Tonight? At seven?”
Jim’s eyes were almost popping out of the sockets. “Yes. Yes! A million times yes.” 
Dwight grinned, getting up to kiss him on the cheek. “I guess I will see you later then.” 
The brunette beamed at him as he walked away. 
He’d never been more excited. 
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you can also read this story here
masterlist & other such things
The Office (U.S.) masterlist
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fire-for-you · 1 year
The Office (U.S.) masterlist
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- well, look, that changed everything ✅đŸ’Č
- sarang đŸš«đŸ’Č
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fire-for-you · 1 year
this is where the rest of our life begins - PART SIX
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pairing - l. fitz x g. ward
rating - teen and up (for part six: mpreg, boys in love, alpha grant ward, omega leo fitz, a/b/o dynamics, aos season 1, established relationship, fluff, domestic fluff, implied sexual content, possessive grant?, a little angsty)
word count - 4,067
summary - fitzward and a little vaycay!! whooo! plus a surprise...maybe two surprises??
how far along is fitz - 20 weeks
The next day...
Grant rapped his knuckles against Coulson's office door, Leo shuffling up behind him. "Come in!" The Omega inside called. Ward slid through the doorway, holding the door open for his boyfriend. They both sat in front of his desk, Grant crossing his legs. "Yes?" Coulson asked, slowly dragging his eyes up from his paperwork. 
The Alpha's eyebrows twitched down for a moment. "Leo and I were wondering if we could get some time off to go on a trip. Like, three days?" He started. 
Coulson leaned forward on his desk, crossing his arms. "Why?"
"I think Leo needs a change of scenery. He's couped up in the Bus all day and has developed an-" Grant paused, glancing at his Omega. "An aversion to blood."
Leo nods, looking at their superior. "Well, I never really liked it in the first place, but now that I'm pregnant, seeing blood just makes me sick."
Coulson didn't say anything for a beat. "Where were you thinking?" Grant spoke excitedly about a destination as Coulson grabbed a sheet of paper from a drawer. He filled out the form before sliding it over to Leo and Grant. They both initialed the bottom before Leo excused himself and rushed to the bathroom. 
"He alright?" The Omega asked, taking the handed-back form. 
"Just fine. Random urges to pee. At least I know he's drinking water." Grant stood, ironing out the wrinkles in his dark jeans.
The older man nodded. "When are you leaving?" 
"As soon as possible, I suppose. A rented car should be here in a few hours."
"Alright, well, have fun. Keep Leo safe and stay out of trouble." Coulson warned, his inner Omega still worried for Leo's safety with this older Alpha. 
Grant nodded, "Yes, sir." He pushed in his chair slightly and walked out of the room. 
A day and a half later...
Grant opened the cabin door, heaving heavily. He went straight to the fridge, grasping a cold water bottle and chugging it. His heartbeat slowed, and the brunette wiped his mouth with a sweaty hand. A bump from the bedroom made him pause, calling out, "Leo?"
The hairs on his neck stood straight in the cold silence before a weak "Help" was the reply. 
"Oh my god," Ward said, forcefully setting down the bottle before rushing down the hall. He found Leo sitting on the bedroom floor, his t-shirt riding up and tears falling down his pale cheeks. 
The Omega sniffed and put his hands in the air. "I slipped off the bed." This claim was confirmed by the bed scarf half on the carpet. "My back hurts." Fitz rubbed his eyes, lip trembling. "And now I can't get up!" He wailed. 
"Oh, baby." Grant cooed, grabbing some tissues from the nightstand and crouching before his boyfriend. The Alpha wiped at his tears, whispering sweet nothings to calm the scientist down. Leo sniffled again as he looked into Ward's deep brown eyes. The other smiled, tilting up the shorter's chin and kissing him. Grant licked his lips when he pulled away. "Mmm. Flavor?" 
"Cherry." The younger held up a tube of red chapstick pulled from his pocket. 
The Alpha hummed. "Makes you even more delicious." He got up, reaching down his hands for Leo's and pulling. 
They both worked Leo to his feet, Grant pulling Leo in for a hug. "Ah, Grant, you're too sweet. And sweaty." Leo wrinkled his nose, pushing Grant away. "God, take a shower." 
Ward dropped his mouth open in mock offense. "Hey, you used to like me like this. I saw you before we started dating. All the staring." Ward gripped the hem of his shirt, pulling it off. 
"Just...couldn't...help...myself." Leo swooned as his boyfriend stripped down to his boxers, looking at all of him. "How do you think I got this way?" He asked, gesturing to the growing bump of his belly. 
"Am I just that," Grant paused, striking a pose. "Irresistible?" 
Leo sat gingerly on the bed, giggling to himself, "I'm just here for the muscles; sorry, babe." He grabbed a book from the side table, shifting more into the center of the mattress. 
The brunette made an offended sound from the connected bathroom as the shower started. "Tell that to the 'I love you' you said earlier." 
"That was just because you made me a sandwich!" Fitz shouted over the running water. Eventually, the handle turned, and the pitter-patter ceased. Grant walked out, a towel around his middle and one in his hand, drying his hair, droplets of moisture dripping between his abs. 
Leo groaned when he looked up, "Okay, can you stop being sexy for, like, six months, please? Seriously the next time we have sex, I will get pregnant again, just because you're so damn attractive."
The Alpha laughed, "While I appreciate the compliments, babe, I'm sure the only reason you got pregnant this time is because the condom broke." 
Leo's face screwed up into one of confusion. "What? No, we didn't even have a condom. I also told you I hadn't gotten another birth control prescription yet. But you said it was fine." He stopped looking at Grant, rambling. "Yeah, we definitely had too much wine that night. Wow, you really 'knocked me up,' huh? How have we not had this conversation earlier?" 
Grant shrugged. "I guess we were talking about different encounters." 
Leo shook his head, sipping on a cup of decaf tea. 
Ward finished drying his hair and hung up the small towel on a hook. "Hey, um, I need to talk to you about something." 
"Alright, but you need to put on some clothes first." 
Grant rolled his eyes as he pulled on a shirt and basketball shorts, sitting beside his boyfriend on the bed. "I-" He stopped, taking a breath. "I really don't know how to say this." 
The Omega frowned, setting his tea and book down. "Are you breaking up with me?" 
"What, no. No! I'm not. It's worse than that. Just- don't interrupt, please?" Grant took a deep breath. "Do you know what Hydra is?" 
Leo's eyes narrowed, and ever the educated student, responded, "A terrorist organization from Nazi Garmany. Found the Tesseract and fought Captain America, yeah. Why?" 
"Well, Captain America destroyed it, right? During the end of World War Two?" 
The younger was growing uncomfortable. "Yes? Grant, what is going on? You're scaring me." 
Grant just blurted it out all at once. "S.H.I.E.L.D. is a lie. It's really Hydra, and I became Hydra when my old mentor, John Garrett, recruited me. I'm part of Hydra, Leo."
The cabin was silent for a good seven seconds. "What. What!" Leo picked up his book again and started hitting Ward over the head with it. The hardcover impacted with the other's skull loudly. "Why would you tell me that!" 
"I wanted to tell you before I told Coulson and the rest of the team!" He managed between hits. "Ow. Ow! Stop, Leo! I want to get rid of them!" 
Leo's eyes widened dangerously, and he increased the force of his beratement. "You want to get rid of the team?!"
"No, no. Baby, please listen!" Grant grabbed Leo's wrists, roughly pinning them above his head with great Alpha strength. He tossed the book to the side and knelt over his Omega. "I went to juvie for trying to burn my parent's house down. They abused me and my brothers. Christian-"
Ward's face turned to one of rage, releasing his boyfriend's hands and sliding off the bed. He faced the window, leaning against the wood-paneled wall. "My older brother would make me beat up my younger brother Thomas and- and- They sent me to a military academy. I was so mad I stole a car and drove home. I lit the place up, not knowing Christian was inside, and he almost burned to death. It's what he deserved. I got arrested, and he wanted me tried as an adult for the maximum sentence." Grant turned back to Leo, his eyes watery. "John came to the prison and talked to me, eventually breaking me out, to teach me 'how to be a man.'
"He took me out to the woods and then just left me there. For two months to survive on my own. He didn't come back for six." The Alpha glanced down at his wringing hands. 
"Oh, Grant." Leo pressed a hand over his rapidly beating heart, the conflicting feelings of anger and sorrow confusing the Omega. 
"Anyway, he came back and then taught me to be a cold-hearted killer. And I became loyal to him, and still am, I guess. But not Hydra. You softened me up, Leopold." Grant returned to the bed, cupping Leo's face and kissing him gently. "I'm loyal to you, my Omega, and now I'm loyal to our pup. And that outweighs everything. I love you, and I want to take down Hydra with you." 
The brunette's tears fell against Fitz's cheeks as Leo pulled him in again, gripping Ward's wrists to press their mouths back together. 
"God, sure, sure, baby." 
Leo wetted his lips as Grant set the pizza box on the table. He sat opposite the dirty blonde. "Hey, how about the zoo tomorrow?" 
"The zoo?" Leo asked, the box already open and a large slice in his mouth. 
The Alpha chuckled quietly, pulling a piece of pizza onto his plate. "Yeah, I never got to go as a kid, and I've always wanted to see a polar bear." He twirled some of the stringy cheese on his finger. Leo looked at him disgustedly as his partner picked up a fork and knife, cutting into a slice. 
"What?" Grant said around a bite. 
"Why are you eating it so..." The Omega struggled to find a word. "Properly?" 
"What are you talking about?" The brunette's eyebrows pulled together. 
"You are one of the least-mannered people I know, and you're eating your pizza with a fork and knife." Leo crossed his arms as he sat back in his chair, a smile playing on his lips.
Grant set down his silverware. "Am I not allowed to have some class occasionally?" 
Leo snorted. "Class? For one, not one minute ago, you were talking with a full mouth. And, two, we're not in a fancy restaurant. There is no reason to do that if we're the only ones here." 
"I don't like the grease, okay?" He sounded embarrassed. Leo snickered across the table when Grant's eyes narrowed, and he tapped a napkin across the surface of the pizza. He started full-out laughing when Ward picked a piece of pepperoni off it. "Stop laughing!" Grant tried around a hard-to-fight smile. 
Later, after Leo had laughed at Grant while he ate half the pizza, after they got into a pepperoni fight, and after the dirty blonde curled up to his partner in the queen-sized bed, Leo brought up the zoo. "So, the zoo?"
Grant was tracing figure-eights into his Omega's skin. "Yeah, I know there's one around here somewhere. Could be fun." He replied quietly. 
Leo closed his eyes after a long day. "Okay. I want to look in the gift shop for one of those giant giraffes for her. I always wanted one when I went with my mom." His voice became more gruff as sleep seeped into it. 
The Alpha stopped listening after he heard, "Her?" 
Leo's eyes snapped open as he realized what he had said. "Oh- yeah. I looked at the letter." His face flooded with guilt. "I couldn't wait. I'm so sorry, Grant." He shifted to sit against the headboard, turning on the lamp before laying a hand on his bump.
Ward broke a smile, pushing the covers back and kneeling on the bed. "Sorry?" He said in bewilderment. "A girl? We're having a baby girl?" He whispered, pressing his palms against his Omega's womb. 
"Yeah," Leo nodded, his eyes welling up with tears. Ward sat up to hug him, kissing the side of his neck. "I can't wait." 
They held the embrace for a while, with Leo stroking his partner's back in comfort. "I guess we should get some sleep." Grant groaned, pulling away slowly. 
"Well, here." The dirty blonde reached to shut off the light and laid back flat on the bed, pulling Grant with him to lay on his chest. From this angle, the Alpha could hear his heartbeat, and in the deep quiet, he faintly heard their pup's as well. He shut his eyes and hummed in contentment.
"I guess it's kinda weird for just two adults to go to the zoo," Grant said to Leo as he smiled at the attendant and walked on. 
Leo scoffed. "Nah, zoos aren't just for kids. Some of them have those ski-lift thingys." 
"'Thingys?' Did Doctor Leopold Fitz just use the word 'thingys?'" 
Grant laughed as his Omega lightly hit him on the chest. "What would you rather I say? Apparatus? Mechanism? Phenomenon?" 
"Alright, alright." The brunette's hand slid into Leo's as they walked toward the first exhibit. "Let's go see the elephants." 
The pair looked at all sorts of exotic animals - flamingos from the Middle East, giraffes from South Africa, lemurs from Madagascar - and took pictures with all of them. Leo was struggling to keep his lunch down from the smell, so they cut the visit short and headed to the gift shop. 
"Hey, I'm gonna go find the bathroom. Are you alright?" Grant checked in with his boyfriend, some of the color returning to Leo's face after coming inside. 
The dirty blonde took a few careful sips of water, nodding. "Yeah, yeah, go ahead." His Alpha gently kissed his temple before walking away. Leo slowly explored the shop, searching for the one thing he had come for. Although the shop was small, it was packed with souvenirs. Leo passed T-shirts, small metal tokens, a half-broken set of matching coffee mugs, and finally, the stuffed animals. He crouches to look at the bottom shelf where the stuffed giraffes sit motionless. In the row of various sizes, he chooses the largest one. The seated giraffe is about two feet tall and soft as fur. The Omega snuggles it immediately and returns to standing. 
Leo hears muffled talking on the other side of the shop, recognizing his boyfriend's voice. He travels toward it and finds Grant and an older woman holding hands with a young pup. The pup is turned away from his grandma and is sucking on a lollipop. "Hey, babe," Leo says as he reaches the small group. 
Grant lights up when he sees his Omega and turns to the woman to introduce them. "Marge, this is my Omega. Leo, meet Marge-" Marge and Leo shake hands, exchanging knowing Omega smiles. "And Marge's grandson, Jason." The pup swivels his head at the sound of his name. The Alpha continues to talk to the woman as Leo squats down to Jason's level. 
"Hi, Jason, I'm Leo." The Omega puts on his best friendly smile, watching Jason fidget where he stands. 
Jason shyly smiles back, taking the stuffed monkey off his shoulder to play with it. "Leo." He says. 
"Yeah. How old are you, Jason?" The pup thinks for a moment before holding up six fingers. Leo gasps loudly. "Six?! I thought you were five!" Jason giggles, his bright blue eyes shining. 
Soon enough, Jason and Marge leave, the older woman wishing them luck and handing Grant a gift. In the car, Leo grabs the gift bag. "What did she give you?" He asks. 
Grant hits the turn signal, slowing down for a stop sign. "It's called 'Letters to My Baby.' It's full of prompts to write to your pup. I thought we could try it out. It sounds fun." 
"Okay." Leo flips through the horizontal book. He stops at the sixth prompt. "'Your first home was like this...' Oh, Grant. This is amazing."
The Alpha throws a smile at the passenger seat and laces their fingers together on the center console. "You're amazing." 
"Leo, honey!" Grant called, adjusting his dress collar in the hallway mirror. "We're going to be late!" He can hear shuffling from the bedroom and then a whispered swear. Leo steps into the living room, his hair slightly ruffled and hands on his hips. The dirty blonde's button-up is half done, and he looks mildly disheveled. 
"Damn. Grant, have you seen my sweater? I swear I left it on a chair in the bedroom." Leo continues talking, moving around the small cabin and pulling up couch cushions. The Alpha has long stopped listening, only paying attention to the window of Leo's skin on display and how the tight fabric hugs his boyfriend's body: Leo's thin waist and starting-to-swell belly. The brunette's mouth has dropped open, and saliva floods it quickly. "Grant!" Leo shouts across the room, confused and worried about his Alpha's rigid stance. 
Grant very suddenly strides towards the other, sliding a strong hand into Leo's hair and pulling him in for a bruising kiss. Leo, startled, slowly reciprocates, grasping onto Grant's suit jacket. The Alpha backs them up, pushing his Omega's back against the wall. "What has gotten into you?" Leo whispers breathlessly when Grant breaks away. 
"Fuck, fuck," Is all Grant manages, desperately breathing in Leo's scent as he kisses down the Omega's pale neck. "Baby," He tries. "Baby, you look so hot. My pup in you- growing by the day." Grant sticks his leg between the shorter's thighs, rutting against Leo's warm figure. "So fucking... hot-"
Leo's jaw slacks, and his eyes roll back in his head. "G- Grant. Alpha-" 
The brunette growls, biting the skin by Leo's clavicle. "Say it again." 
Leo whimpers, his Omega's submissive side roaring up. "Alpha, Alpha, Alpha!" He chants. Grant grins, his canine teeth shining in the low light. 
A few minutes later, both pairs of men's pants had been changed, and Leo ran a hand through his hair, only adding to the mess of his curls. Despite their effort, the dirty blond's lips are still ruby red and kiss-bitten, a few hickeys now decorating his throat. Grant shows no evidence that anything happened besides a wrinkled shirt and a smirk.
When they approach the hostess's stand, her eyebrows raise, and her eyes widen. Grant laces his fingers with Leo's, smiling wider. "Reservation for Ward?" 
"U-um. Yes, sirs, please follow me." 
"Ah, the lovebirds return!" Jemma exclaims when Grant and Leo enter the Bus. Leo sighs, having missed his best friend. Grant leaves them with a kiss to Leo's temple and a wave to Jemma, making his way upstairs. "So," she starts, throwing an arm over her friend's shoulders and leaning in. "Did you get laid?" 
"Jemma! Oh my god!" 
She grins, holding up her hands in mock surrender. "Hey, I'm just asking!" 
"You are so gross!" Leo continues. He sighs again, not able to keep from telling the Alpha everything. "Actually, yeah, I kinda did." 
Jemma squeals, pulling Leo into a chair and whispering, "Tell me everything." 
Meanwhile, Ward is upstairs trying to find Coulson. Looking up from her spot on the couch, Skye says, "Hey, how was your vacation?" 
Grant smiles, blushing slightly. "It was perfect. I-um. I think Leo and I really grew closer." 
"That's great, Grant; I'm so glad you're happy." 
"I am. Do you know where Coulson is?" Ward asks. 
"His office, why?" 
"Just need to talk to him. Thanks." 
Grant walks toward the Alpha's office, wringing his hands nervously. He sees Coulson as a father figure, just as anyone else, and he knows news like this could break Phil's trust. The door is ajar when Ward steps into the hall. He is just about to knock on the door frame when a voice calls into the silence. "Come in, Agent Ward." The brunette does, entering the office and standing awkwardly. 
"Sit, son." 
Grant slides into the nearest chair. "How did you know it was me, sir?" 
"Old man wisdom." Grant narrows his eyes and opens his mouth to disprove that theory. "I'm just kidding. May told me you two were back. How was your vacation? How is Leo?" 
The young Alpha breathes a sigh of relief, some tension sliding from his shoulders. "It was good. Leo is great. We went to dinner and the zoo. It was really nice." 
"That's good. I'm glad. Is there any reason you came up here, Agent Ward?" 
Ah, the inevitable. Grant shifts in his seat. "Yeah, to tell you we're back- and- S.H.I.E.L.D. is Hydra!" He exclaims. 
The room is silent for a beat. 
"I-I'm sorry, what was that?" 
"S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't S.H.I.E.L.D., it's Hydra. The Nazi organization, from y'know, World War Two?" 
Coulson's expression doesn't change. "Why are you telling me this?" 
Oh, right. Ward pauses. "Well, because, I'm part of Hydra, and we're kind of planning to take over the world." 
Coulson rises from his seat and walks around the desk. "So, you're telling me that a terrorist organization from over seventy years ago is planning to take over the world, and you're somehow part of it." 
"Yes, sir, and I know-" 
The Omega's fist connects with Ward's face, and he falls to the floor, unconscious.
Hours later, Leo is getting ready for bed and realizes he hasn't seen his boyfriend for the better part of the day. "Hey, Skye," He knocks on the doorframe to her cabin. "Have you seen Grant?" She shakes her head, and Leo moves to leave. 
"Ask May or Coulson." Leo sticks his head back in the door. "They probably know." He smiles, waving at the Beta as he walks away. 
He finds May up in the cockpit, reading up on some thug they just dropped off. "Hey, May, do you know where Grant is? I haven't seen him all day." She slowly looks up from her tablet, leveling him with an emotionless stare.
"Welcome back, Fitz. Agent Grant is in the Cage with Coulson." The Alpha turns back to her tablet, clearly done with the conversation. 
The dirty blonde exits the cockpit, his eyebrows drawing together. "Okay," he whispers to himself, holding the "o" for a moment. Leo makes his way towards the back of the plane. He pulls open the large door to find Coulson sitting across from a roughed-up Grant. 
Leo's head cocks, and he lets the door slip closed, trying to connect the dots. He rushes to his partner's side, gently turning his Alpha's bruised face towards his own. "My god, what did you do to him?!"
Coulson sits back in the metal chair, crossing his arms. "He is a traitor, Agent Fitz; he does not deserve any other treatment." 
The Omega blinks at him, appalled by the team leader's behavior. Pulling out a loose tissue from his jeans, Leo dabs at Grant's sliced lip. "He told you about Hydra, didn't he." 
"Something like that." The other Omega responds, the smell of anger filling the air. 
"You better stop that 'cause I can only imagine he didn't get to tell you the full story." Leo turns back to Grant, silently asking for permission to tell Coulson. Grant nods slowly, which doesn't help the pounding in his ears. "Grant had a... rough childhood." Leo flits his fingers over the other's swollen eye with a feather-light touch. With sorrow and gentle rage in his eyes, the Omega continues, "His older brother bullied him and his younger brother. His just-as-awful parents sent him to a military academy. And in a fit of I'd say justified rage, he went AWOL and burned his family home down. As Leo kept talking, but Grant could only focus on the love and acceptance of his past in Leo's eyes. 
When Leo finishes, Coulson asks, "And you believe him?" The Omega whips his head toward the brunette, as if the idea of not believing his boyfriend had never occurred to him. 
"Agent Fitz, if he's Hydra, he could easily have just fabricated that whole story." Coulson leans in, gesturing at Grant like he's a piece of meat.
Leo is silent, turning to his Alpha. Grant sees the small question on his face and breaks eye contact. "No. No, it's the truth. I believe him." Leo presses a chaste kiss to his partner's lips. 
Coulson sighs, narrowing his eyes and shaking his head. "Alright. If you believe Ward, I believe him too." Leo's face brightens, and their team leader moves to stand. "Let's get this party started."
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fire-for-you · 1 year
this is where the rest of our life begins - PART FIVE
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing - l. fitz x g. ward
rating - teen and up (for part five: mpreg, boys in love, alpha grant ward, omega leo fitz, a/b/o dynamics, aos season 1, established relationship, fluff, domestic fluff)
word count - 1,861
summary - just some domesticity??
how far along is fitz - 20 weeks
5 weeks later...
Leo sat down on the couch with his caffeine-free tea and book. He hadn’t much to do these days, considering he knocked stuff over whenever he tried to help in the lab and was more of a menace than anything. It made him feel like he just got in the way, which wasn’t anything new. Ward would be off on missions, and Fitz stayed on the Bus, reading by himself. He did enjoy the alone time, but maybe not this much of it. Leo overthought about something going wrong with the birth, his Alpha leaving him. It was as if a little anxiety mosquito was flying through his brain, wreaking havoc. The scientist’s phone buzzed, knocking him out of his trance. He cursed at it, picking it up off the marble table and seeing it was his boyfriend. The Omega grinned beside himself, pressing accept on the video call. Fitz held the rectangle before his face, trying to get a good angle. 
“Leo! Hi!” Grant breathed out, ecstatic to see his partner. 
“Ah! Hi! I’ve missed you! How did the mission go?” Ward was undercover for two weeks, with communication limited to only the Hub. Leo missed him desperately, nearly heartbroken every time he woke up and Grant wasn’t there. He was used to falling asleep with his Alpha curled around him. 
“It went great! Well, mostly great. I was fine up until the end. Found me out.” The brunette shrugged. “Got the stuff, though.” Grant looked away from the screen momentarily before holding up a finger. “Be right back, babe. Gimme a sec.” He then put Leo on mute and put the phone face up by his side. Fitz peered up at him as his boyfriend talked to someone who looked like... Leo thought about it for a minute, wracking his brain.
Victoria Hand! That’s who it is. Leo smiled at himself, proud he could recognize faces. 
Before long, Ward was talking to him again, telling him he would be back soon. “Okay, I have to go. Get rest! Love you, bye Leo! Bye, baby!” 
Leo reciprocated, waving as he hung up. He hugged his growing bump, sighing in contentment.
“Bye, baby, huh? Does Grant Ward have a new sweetheart?” 
Ward felt a shiver go down his spine. He turned, face to face, with John Garrett, his old S.O. 
Grant plastered on a fake smirk and stood up taller. “Heh, yeah. The bitch doesn’t know what she’s getting into.” It’s bad enough now Garrett knows he is in a relationship; he doesn’t need to know ‘she’ is a male Omega, that Omega is Leo Fitz, and that ‘baby’ is the pup they are expecting together. 
The Alpha laughed, clapping him on the shoulder and rather forcefully leading the other man into a private office. They sat down, John behind his desk and Ward across from him. A wistful grin spread on Garrett’s ugly face. “So, how’s it going with Coulson’s team? They still believe you’re S.H.I.E.L.D.?” 
Grant nodded, wondering how he was going to get through this. “Yep. No one suspects a thing.”
His old mentor laughed, “Bunch of gullible sons of bitches, aren’t they? God, I can only imagine their stupid little faces when they find out their agency has been Hydra for years.” The man propped his feet up on the desk, looking at Ward to say something more. 
Grant winced internally at the insult to people he had been beginning to see as family. “Yeah, especially those puny little scientists I’m locked up with. I bet they’ll be all, ‘You betrayed me, Grant!’” The younger Alpha finished in a whiney tone, rolling his eyes. 
“Ah, first name basis, huh? It’s good to make it personal. Hurts more for ’em.” Garrett seemed impressed, and Ward preened under his praise. Even if he disliked the man, he did get the brunette out of jail and into “S.H. I.E.L.D.”
The older Alpha leaned forward on the desk, gesturing for the other to do the same. “Alright, Ward, you remember me telling you about Project Insight, right? ” 
Grant nodded, sipping on a small coffee he had bought from the cafeteria. “Three helicarriers, eliminate possible threats, Zola’s algorithm.”
“Well, instead of using the helicarriers for S.H.I.E.L.D.’s benefit, Hydra’s going to use them to eliminate possible future threats to us, such as the President, Nick Fury, and those annoying Avengers.”
Ward is speechless. “Wow, that’s... fucking amazing. When does it launch?” 
“You’ll know,” Garrett responds, smug. 
Skye slid into the car next to Ward; Phil and May were up front, talking amongst themselves. She pulled out her phone, browsing through her Rising Tide feed. The phone vibrated, and a notification popped up.
ward bored
Whatcha lookin’ at?
Skye Bye
rising tide
Skye glanced at Grant’s phone, seeing an ultrasound picture. The father-to-be was smiling softly at it before scrolling right, now a picture of a sleeping Leo hugging his bump. He swiped again, a selfie of Ward and Fitz eating dinner, the Omega drifting off on his shoulder. 
Skye Bye
you guys are so cute together
It took a moment before the Alpha responded, still gazing at the picture. 
ward bored
whats happening with... you know
Skye Bye
a big fat turd
she doesn’t like me back
ward bored
ya, right
you should see the way she looks at you, babes
Skye Bye
okay, but, like, I don’t wanna ask and then have her say no
ward bored
I could get Leo to ask
Skye Bye
Coulson pulled into the Bus’s cargo bay and cut off the engine. The older pair left immediately, heading upstairs. Ward and Skye stayed in the car, talking. 
“Do you actually think she would say yes if I asked her out?” The Beta asked, worrisome. 
Grant grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking some sense into her. “Yes! The only reason Leo and I got together was because I made a move. I mean, you know him.” They both looked ahead into the lab, Leo and Jemma laughing about something. 
“Come on,” Grant said, unbuckling his seatbelt and exiting the vehicle. Skye followed him as he headed straight into the open doors.  
He walked in, sneaking up on Leo to wrap his arms around the shorter man. Fitz nearly jumped out of his skin, turning around to kick the intruder in the balls. Ward doubled over, hands covering his privates, his face full of pain. 
“Oh my god, Grant! Jesus, I didn’t know it was you!” He rushed over, apologizing profusely. Skye padded over to join Jemma in laughter. 
Ten minutes later, Ward was lying on the leather couch, ice on his scrotum, and his eyes closed. Leo was staring at him, angry at himself for injuring his Alpha. 
“I can feel you looking at me, Leopold,” Grant said, removing the arm from his face and turning his head.
“I’m so sorry, Grant! I didn’t know it was you; it’s just a defense mechanism-” Fitz rushed out in one breath. 
“Leo.” The Alpha tried.
“-Kind of a shitty one if you think about it, I mean-” Leo continued. 
“Leo.” Grant sat up, wincing. 
“-How would I like it? Not a great experience, if you ask me-” 
“Leo!” The brunette almost yelled. 
“-Some of the most excruciating pain you can experience. Some people compare it to giving birth. Did you know-” 
Grant pulled his boyfriend in for a kiss, effectively silencing him. 
“That.” Leo finished. 
“Have I ever told you to shut up?” Grant smirked, hand trailing down his arm. 
“Probably,” Fitz spoke breathlessly. 
Ward leaned in again, capturing the pregnant man’s lips first and then trailing down his jawline. 
“God, Leo, you’re so beautiful.” 
“Ugh, sto-ah!” The dirty blonde’s mouth fell open as Grant found his scent gland, licking and suckling at it while, at the same time, his fingers firmly gripped the Omega’s waist. Neither of them heard the footsteps coming from the staircase as Simmons came upstairs. The couple was lost in each other when the Alpha found them. She quickly averted her eyes, not wanting to make a fellow Alpha mad as he was in the middle of scenting his partner. 
“Oh, god. Sorry, sorry!” She rushed toward her bunk as Skye came out of hers, nearly knocking the young woman over. 
The Beta rolled her eyes. “Jesus Christ, you two, get a room.” She headed into the bathroom, mumbling under her breath. “Fucking embarrassing Jemma. I’ll beat the shit out of you.” 
Grant finally pulled away from Leo’s neck, admiring the bruise forming along his throat. “Well, my love, would you like to ‘get a room?’” 
Leo, giggling, took the hand offered to him, ungracefully getting off his chair. They walked to their bunk, sliding the door closed and locking it after them. 
Grant pulled off Leo and licked his lips, swallowing as Leo reached for his belt. Ward stopped him, pushing his grabby fingers away. Leo frowned, confused. 
“But, what about you?” 
“Still tender. Don’t worry; I’m sure you will take care of it later. Now, did you have dinner?” Grant asked, moving off his partner. 
“No, I was waiting for my dutiful boyfriend to come home from war.” 
“It was not war,” Grant spoke as he got up, kissing Leo on the forehead and leading him out the door. “But, yes, I am a dutiful boyfriend.” They trailed into the kitchen, sitting at the island and looking through take-out menus on Grant’s phone. “Uh, how about chicken parm?” 
“Sure, that sounds good.” Leo yawned, sliding off the island chair to make himself some tea. 
“Okay, I’ll be right back,” Grant said, holding his phone up to his ear as he walked away. 
Soon enough, the Alpha returned to the eating area, carrying a bag with an unintelligible restaurant name on the side. The couple sat in silence for a while, chewing on their noodles. 
Eventually, Ward cleared his throat, setting down his fork. “Hey, what do you think about going on a trip?” He rested his head on an open palm. “Just for a few days? Like at one of those S.H.I.E.L.D. places? I hear they are actually really nice.” 
Leo paused and swallowed, looking at his boyfriend curiously. “Are you taking me away to kill me?” 
“What? No!” Grant exclaimed, scandalized. 
“That’s what serial killers say to people they just met.” The Omega pointed at his partner with a piece of chicken at the end of his fork. 
“Of course, I’m not going to kill you.” The older shook his head, laughing. “Dork. I love you; why would I do that?”
Leo shrugged, sassily raising his eyebrows and taking another bite of his food.
“I just figured you could use a break.”  
The dirty blonde smiled wide, eyes crinkling in the corners. “Okay. Yeah, sure, let’s do it. We’ll talk to Coulson in the morning.” The couple finished their dinner; Grant cleaned up the dishes while Leo took a shower.
Later, when they were in bed, Ward curled protectively around his boyfriend, and Leo chasing sleep in his arms, he whispered, “Sleep well, darling.” Fitz smiled, his dreams coming quickly.
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fire-for-you · 1 year
this is where the rest of our life begins - PART FOUR
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pairing - l. fitz x g. ward
rating - teen and up (for part four: mpreg, boys in love, alpha grant ward, omega leo fitz, a/b/o dynamics, aos season 1, established relationship, fluff, domestic fluff, cravings)
word count - 739
summary - fitz early morning cravings and ward support
how far along is fitz - 15 weeks
Three weeks later...
Grant awoke with a start, throwing off the bedsheets and sitting up. He took deep breaths attempting to calm himself down. His nightmare was still fresh in his mind, the image of Leo leaving him melting his brain. The Scot had discovered he was Hydra and took their child with him, running away full of fear. Ward was afraid of this happening any minute; he had no idea when Garrett and the entirety of Hydra would put their plan into motion, except that it was soon and had been planned for years. The man looked over at the other side of the bed, wanting to be comforted by his Omega’s sleeping form. He found nothing but a recently warm space and the cabin door ajar. Ward got up and walked out of the room, hearing humming and a light on in the kitchen. 
“Um, Leo?” He asked, seeing his boyfriend with a spoon in his mouth, a jar of pickles, a bottle of ketchup, and a small tub of ice cream sitting next to him. 
“Oh, hey, Grant!” He waved vigorously, clearly over-tired and out of it. “How’s it goin’?” 
The Alpha waved back reluctantly, very confused and worried. “I- babe. What are you doing?” 
“Oh! I got a craving for an ice cream sundae with ketchup-” Leo picked up the bottle, squirting it into a bowl an ice cream in lieu of caramel or chocolate sauce. “And pickles-” He dropped two long speared pickles into the bowl, spraying the sweet vanilla ice cream with salty pickle juice. 
“Honey? You don’t like pickles. And Jemma told us to try not to overindulge on sweets.” Grant slid closer to his Omega, who smelled of vinegar and sadness. 
Leo made a face of realization. “Oh. Right. Oops!” He set the white bowl down on the island and stared at it, unsure what to do next. 
“Um, alright. Here, Leo.” Grant dragged up a chair and helped the scientist into it.” Why don’t we sit down? I can get you an apple; do you want that instead?” He asked, trying to get Leo to look at him. The shorter nodded. Grant turned away, intent on finding an apple to cut and feed his Omega. When he returned to his boyfriend, he saw tears streaming down his face. “Woah, woah. Hey. Hey. Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” The taller set down another bowl on the island - this one full of fresh apple slices - and wiped the hot trails of salty tears off Leo’s pale face. 
Leo sniffed, glancing away from his partner. “I don’t know!” He exclaimed. “My mood swings are getting so bad! I snapped at Skye today because she asked to help me. What is wrong with me...” The dirty blonde stared at his lap, hands wringing solemnly. 
“Leo Fitz. Nothing is wrong with you.” Grant put his hands on Fitz’s knees, exasperated. “You are beautiful, you are a genius, and you are going to be a mother. You are creating life. I think you have the right to be a little moody.” Leo hugged him, squashing his face against the other’s shoulder with a watery smile. He breathed in the Alpha’s dewy pine and chocolate smell, letting it will the tears away. When they pulled away, Ward said, “I don’t know about these cravings, though. Ice cream and ketchup? We have chocolate sauce, baby.” 
The Scot shrugged, reaching for his apple slices. “A little salty with my sweet.” He mumbled. Once he was finished, the level seven agent took his bowl and put it in the sink. Taking the other, he scraped out the weird combination and put some water in it. The Omega got up, groaning. “Ugh, my back.” 
Grant hummed, putting his hand on the scientist’s lower back, guiding him to the bedroom, and helping him sit on the bed. “Do you want a heating pad?” Leo winced as he lay down, nodding, thankful for his Alpha. The older went to get it, plugging it in and offering his boyfriend a pillow. Fitz let out a sigh of relief as he leaned back onto it, closing his eyes. He drifted off almost instantly. Ward closed the door silently and returned to bed, draping an arm over Leo’s lower abdomen. He kissed the crook of his partner’s neck, nuzzling his face against his unmated scent gland before sleep caught up to him. 
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masterlist & other such things
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fire-for-you · 1 year
this is where the rest of our life begins - PART THREE
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing - l. fitz x g. ward
rating - teen and up (for part three: mpreg, boys in love, alpha grant ward, omega leo fitz, a/b/o dynamics, aos season 1, established relationship, fluff, domestic fluff)
word count - 1,148
summary - fitz's first ultrasound!
how far along is fitz - 12 weeks
Two months later...
“Come on, Leo! We have to go see Simmons! She has to check on you and the baby!” Grant said rather tiredly. He had been trying to get his partner up for the past half an hour. The man just groaned and rolled over, starfishing on his small bed.
“Just let me sleep. Don’t they say you should get as much sleep as possible before the baby comes?” Leo breathed out and then proceeded to shove his face into a pillow. 
“Well, yeah, I suppose. But you don’t do that on a day you have a wellness check.” Fitz still didn’t move. “Please?” The Alpha begged, exasperated.” If you get out of bed...I don’t know; I’ll give you a present or something.” 
“A present? What kind of present?” The pillow muffled his already small Omega voice. 
Grant started to pull at Leo’s limbs. “I don’t know, you choose. Please get out of bed, Leo.”
The Scot groaned. “Fine.” Spurred by his Alpha’s assertiveness, he hoisted himself off the mattress and rubbed his abdomen, a small bump showing there. Halfway to the cargo door, Fitz paused. “Wait, I have to go to the bathroom.” He jogged to the end of the hall and opened the restroom door, sliding inside. Ward sighed. This was becoming more common, Fitz rushing off to the bathroom. After a long research session they both participated in, he concluded it was part of the first trimester. 
Leo came walking back, some of the heat in his face drained away. Ward stuck out his hand, which the shorter took. When they finally reached the lab, Jemma had it out for them, her potent Alpha pheromones dripping in annoyance.
“Took you long enough. I have things to do too, boys. So that you know. Anyway, Leo, hop up here, please.” She pushed a step stool over to the table and folded her arms. Fitz mirrored her, narrowing his eyes. 
“I’m not that fragile.” The Omega said in defiance. 
“Thought you said you liked precautions.” She countered.
“Leo, come on,” Grant said from behind him. Leo shrugged and used the step stool, obeying his Alpha. He laid down on the table, Simmons bringing over a makeshift ultrasound machine. 
She lifted the pregnant man’s shirt, rubbing the hairless skin with an anti-bacterial wipe to remove any dirt. “Okay, this is gonna be cold.” She squeezed the ultrasound gel bottle, smearing it on Leo’s belly. He shivered, goosebumps breaking out on his pale skin. 
“Gosh, Jemma. If I knew you were going to give me hypothermia, I wouldn’t have come down.” 
She rolled her eyes at the joke as Grant laughed. She glanced at the other Alpha, a judging look on her face. He looked away guiltily. The scientist applied the transducer, and an image appeared. The image moved with the baby as it detected a heartbeat. “O-oh, my god! There it is!” Leo exclaimed, excited. He squeezed Grant’s hand as the other looked at him adoringly.
“Yep. There’s the pup’s head.” Jemma pointed at the screen, chasing the outline. “And organs
 The legs
 In fact, I might be able to determine the sex right now if you want?” 
The Omega looked at Grant, who shrugged. “It’s totally up to you.” The younger shook his head. 
“I think we will wait.” 
“Okay, I’ll just be a few minutes; I have to analyze the image. And I will also need another blood sample.” She stood to grab a needle and another wipe. 
The woman cleaned the area and then inserted the syringe, pulling out an ounce of blood. 
She then grabbed her clipboard and set to work, finding his due date, screening for disorders, and many other things. Grant and Leo talked idly as she worked, waiting for their results. “And. Done. Your due date is approximately August 22. There is only one fetus.” 
“Thank God.” Leo interrupted. 
“I can’t find any probability of disorders. Your baby is healthy, Leo.” Jemma patted his shoulder encouragingly. The Omega smiled, thanking her. He then made his way to get off the table, his boyfriend helping him. “I’ll give you the results later when I finalize them. Go rest and eat something healthy. Ward, make sure.” 
He nodded, guiding Leo to the door and upstairs. 
Grant was trying to get Leo to eat a ham and cheese sandwich when Skye approached them with a tan envelope. “Simmons told me to give this to you. What is it?” She asked, taking a seat next to them on the C-shaped sofa. 
Leo took the envelope, unclasped it, and pulled out a single sheet of paper. “My ultrasound results.” Ward looked over his shoulder as Leo read it, crunching on a carrot loudly. 
1st Ultrasound results for the unborn baby of: Leopold Fitz (Mother) and Grant Ward (Father) Fetus amount: One Due Date: Appr. Aug 22 Gestational Age: 12 Weeks Sex: Not Specified Fetus Heart Rate: 140 BPM Disorders Discovered: None Ectopic Pregnancy: Negative
“Mom Fitz. That sounds weird.” Skye turned up her lip. Leo put the folder on the table and caught a letter as it fell out. 
For when you’re ready <3
"Not so bad." Fitz smiled, appreciating his best friend even more as he realized the gender of his pup was in it. Ward side-hugged him, and Skye joined, squeezing lightly before sliding off the sofa and walking away. Grant pulled his partner’s face toward him, kissing him sweetly. The couple sat in content silence for a few moments, Leo chewing on his sandwich. He made a face like he remembered something and turned to Grant. “I’m still waiting on that present.” He said sassily, picking at a piece of cheese. 
The Alpha paused nuzzling his partner’s scent gland to roll his eyes. “What do you want?” 
“What is your middle name?” He asked. 
Grant laughed, surprised. “Seriously? Douglas. I thought you knew that.” 
Leo smiled. “Nope. Grant Douglas Ward. G.D.W. Hmm. I like it.” He said, tapping the brunette’s nose. 
Grant laughed, kissing his cheek, his five o’clock shadow tingling on Leo’s skin. “What’s yours?” 
“Leopold James Fitz. Hmm. I like mine better.” His Alpha grinned, resting his head on his hand.
Leo hit him on the thigh, giggling. “Rude.” 
“What about Leopold James Ward?” Grant looked at him like he was propositioning him: eyebrows raised, an easy smile, but a challenge in his eyes. 
“Are you... proposing?” Leo’s heart swelled. 
“Do you want me to?” Grant’s eyes bore into his, causing the Omega to look away. 
Leo thought about it for a moment. “Not
yet. One thing at a time, babe.” 
He stood up, patting his partner on the cheek and moving away to take care of his dish. Ward stayed there, smiling until he felt his phone vibrate, the caller I.D. saying, John Garrett. He picked it up, walked into his room, and, sighing, answered it. 
“John. What’s up?”
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masterlist & other such things
MCU masterlist
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fire-for-you · 1 year
this is where the rest of our life begins - PART TWO
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pairing - l. fitz x g. ward
rating - teen and up (for part two: mpreg, boys in love, alpha grant ward, omega leo fitz, a/b/o dynamics, aos season 1, established relationship, kind of implied sexual content?, more like off-screen making out, morning sickness)
word count - 1,771
summary - telling the rest of the team the news!
how far along is fitz - 4 weeks
“Fitz, you’re pregnant.” 
Leo faltered, his half-smile falling into a shocked face. “Wh-What?” 
Grant’s hold on the scientist tightened as he came up behind him to ensure the Omega didn’t collapse with surprise, although he might. Fitz slowly turned his body to analyze his partner’s reaction.
“Are you okay-” Leo started, voice wavering.
“You’re carrying my pup?” 
The blonde could sense his Alpha beginning to buzz with excitement, his pine and chocolate smell growing more robust. “I-I guess so?” He still wasn’t quite sure if Grant was okay with it or not. 
Grant blinked rapidly, pulling his partner into a bone-crushing hug. “You’re carrying my pup.” He repeated as if he couldn’t quite believe it. 
Leo started to drip tears onto Grant’s tee. “Yeah, baby, I am.” The taller turned his head to kiss his Omega, picking him up and spinning him around the lab. After Grant set him down and gave him a giddy smile, Leo asked, “So, apparently, you’re okay with this?” 
“More than okay. I love you, and I know I will love this baby.” The brunette reached out to splay his hands over his partner’s womb, releasing strong possessive pheromones as he did it. 
Leo paused in his tracks again. “You love me.” 
Grant’s eyes flicked up to Leo’s. “I do.” 
“I love you, too.” They stood there for a few moments, just looking at one another before Jemma cleared her throat. 
“Alright, love birds. Congrats. I’m very happy for you, but it’s past my bedtime.” The Alpha said, getting tired of breathing in the strong smell of happiness flowing from Leo and Grant. 
Ward glanced down at Jemma on her little stool. “Thank you, Simmons.” 
Fitz looked at her too. “Yes, thanks.” He yawned, falling more into Grant’s grasp as his body finally gave into fatigue. 
“Alright, come on, baby.” Ward ushered him out of the lab and up the stairs, a hand on the small of his back. Jemma smiled, closing up the lab before following them. 
“Do you want me to stay?” Ward asked, leaning against the doorframe of Leo’s cabin.
“Yeah, that would be nice. I don’t sleep as well without you.” Leo admitted.
Ward grinned, stepping in and shutting the door. He removed his t-shirt and climbed into bed behind his Omega, pulling up the covers before wrapping himself around the Scottish man. 
Fitz hummed. As he drifted off to sleep, he heard Ward whisper, “I’m never going to let anything happen to you.” Then a rough but warm pair of hands drifted under his shirt and hugged his womb tightly. Leo purred throughout his dreamless sleep, feeling content and happy.
Fitz woke up with a start, jerking out of Ward’s strong embrace and rushing out of the room. Almost colliding with the bathroom door, he flung it open and fell to his knees before the toilet. Dry heaving for a few moments, the Omega started to throw up his fast food from the night before. Panting between heaves, Leo heard Grant stumbling around in the kitchen behind them. His Alpha walked in after one last disgusting hurl, a washcloth, and a glass of water in his big hands. The smell of dew-covered pines and dark chocolate washed over him. 
Grant squatted, kissing Leo’s cheek before passing the wet washcloth across his lips. “Hey, darling. How are you feeling?” 
“Like hell.” Leo sighed. “I suppose this is what I get for trying to bring life into the world.” 
Ward handed him the water. “Here, drink.”
The Omega took a large gulp. “Why must you be so perfect? And beautiful. I’m just going to get ugly and fat.” Fitz sniffed and bowed his head, discouraged. 
“Hey.” Ward put a finger under his chin, forcing Leo to look at him. “Don’t talk about yourself like that. I will always think you are gorgeous. No matter what you think you look like. Let me love you.” Grant traced his hand back to his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss was gentle, the Alpha pouring all his love and attraction into it. 
Leo finished his water while Grant flushed the toilet. “Are you alright to stand?” 
“Yeah, I think so.” Grant holds out his hand, which Fitz gladly accepts. 
“What’s next? You wanna go back to bed or something?” 
“Yeah, what time is it?” Leo asks, following Grant back to his room, hand in hand. 
“Around three,” Grant responds, checking his watch. 
Grant helps the other into his bed, settling under the comforter. “Wake me up when the rest of the team is up, okay? I want them to know as soon as possible.” 
“Sure, wait, hold on a second.” The brunette makes his way to the kitchen, grabbing a banana and handing it to Leo when he returns. “Here, eat this. Need something in your stomach. Please?” 
The Omega smiled, loving this soft side of his partner. “Of course.” He begins peeling the fruit as Ward stands, kissing Leo on the forehead. 
“Get some more sleep. Love you.” He says as he leaves, sliding the door closed gingerly. 
“Love you, too,” Leo calls after him, closing his eyes, and is asleep almost immediately. 
A hand was tracing Leo’s jaw. His eyes fluttered open, and he saw Ward smiling softly down at him, affection seeping off him. “Hey, sleepyhead.” Grant grabbed one of his hands and kissed the back gently. He traces a vein down to the dirty blonde’s wrist, licking against Leo’s scent gland there, tasting sea salt and caramel. 
Leo hums before the Alpha pulls his lips away. He stretched and asked, “Rest of the team up?” The specialist nodded, looking at him like he wanted to devour the younger man. Leo bites his bottom lip. “Kiss?” 
Ward grinned wider, leaning forward. Their lips met, and Grant licked at his partner’s mouth. The scientist let him in, opening his jaw, as their tongues tangled around each other. Grant breathed in deeply, pushing Leo down onto the bed lightly. He crawled up on the bed, crowding Fitz into the mattress. The taller moved away from his mouth, peppering kisses all over his face and neck, trying to give him the most attention possible. “Just love the thought of my pup inside you, gorgeous.” Ward sat up, pawing at Leo’s shirt. 
“Hey, hey.” The Omega whispered, arousal beginning to pool in his belly. “Isn’t the team just outside?” 
“Who cares.” Grant breathes onto the skin just above his keen hipbones. “Then they will know you’re all mine.” He bites gently on the taught skin, looking up at his Omega through his lashes. Leo can’t say no to that logic, but he does anyway. 
Closing his eyes, he wills away his inner Omega, screaming for Leo to let his Alpha claim him. “Babe.” The agent doesn’t respond, kissing up his partner’s chest. “Grant. Grant, stop.” Ward pulls away his lips, refocusing on Leo’s face to silently ask what he did wrong. “I don’t want to risk anything with this pup. I know I’m young, and there’s little chance of anything going wrong. But, I just don’t want to risk anything. Especially with your-” Leo searched for the right word. “Carnal aggressiveness.” 
Grant huffed out a laugh, his eyebrows rising in surprise. “Carnal aggressiveness.” He scoffed, smoothly moving off Leo to sit on the edge of the bed.
The dirty blonde sat up. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t- well- I did mean that. You can be real rough, baby; that’s all I’m saying. You need any proof; just look at me.” Leo gestured to his invisible baby bump, still too early to show. Grant did look at him, a mildly hurt look in his eyes. 
“It’s my Alphaness.” Grant defended. 
“I know, Grant. And I love you for it. Just- no sex, okay?” His partner nodded, a smile returning to his face. “We can still make out- if you want?” The Alpha growled quietly, pouncing on Leo again.
A few minutes later, Grant pulled away and stood, looking proudly down at his disheveled Omega. Fitz rose, dazed, to look at his ruby-red lips in his bedside mirror, incredibly turned on by how much damage his partner could do in such little time. Leo combed a hand through his wild hair, trying to pat it down from the writhing he had been doing only seconds prior. 
They walked out into the kitchen, where the rest of the team was eating pancakes cooked by their resident Alpha chef, Jemma. Ward grabbed a few, piling them on his plate but only putting two on his partner’s, as Leo had a smaller appetite. He brought them over to the island where Leo was sitting. 
The scientist whispered a “thank you” to Grant as he sat beside him, the brunette rubbing Leo’s back gently. Fitz took a deep breath, clearing his throat. “Uh, hey, guys. Team.” He glanced down at his plate as all four turned to look at him. “I have some news.” 
“Good news?” May asked. The Alpha sounded amused. 
“Yes, ma’am. Very, very good news.” Fitz looked nervously to Ward, who was scarfing down at least three pancakes, being totally unhelpful. “Uh, yeah, well.” He started.
Coulson patiently sat his fork down. “Are you going to share, Agent Fitz? Or are you just going to keep us in-”
“I’m pregnant!” Fitz finally blurted. Skye screeched and ran to hug him.
“Who’s the dad?” 
Leo looked at her, perplexed. “Grant, obviously.” The man addressed grinned at the Beta, mouth full.
Coulson came over and lightly clapped his fellow Omega on the back. “Congrats, Fitz.”
Leo swelled with pride. “Thank you, sir.” 
He turned to Ward as May came by to congratulate them as well. “Agent Ward, if you do anything, anything at all to hurt that boy- or that pup,” He paused, thinking of a threat. “I will personally throw you off this plane - highest altitude. With no parachute.” His strong words made him sound more like an Alpha than an Omega, but Grant knew not to cross him either way.
“I know, sir. I wouldn’t dare hurt Leo.” Grant looked at his partner with bulging eyes. 
“Good.” Coulson held out a hand, his vast fierceness smell drifting off, satisfied with Ward’s answer. “Congratulations.” 
Ward took it, giving him a firm shake. ”Thank you.” Phil moved on, going back to his breakfast. 
Skye came up on his left side, looking expectant. “You’re going to be a dad.” 
“Yeah, I know.” Grant smiled in delight, picking up a piece of pancake on his fork. 
“Are you excited?” His best friend asked, her bubbliness surpassing his own. 
“Hell yeah.” 
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masterlist & other such things
MCU masterlist
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fire-for-you · 1 year
this is where the rest of our life begins - PART ONE
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pairing - l. fitz x g. ward
rating - teen and up (for part one: mpreg, boys in love, alpha grant ward, omega leo fitz, a/b/o dynamics, aos season 1, established relationship, fluff)
word count - 792
summary - fitz and ward find out something that will change their lives forever
a/n - really excited to share this one! one of my absolute favorite ships
how far along is fitz - 4 weeks
Grant picked up his phone off the coffee table and pressed the power button. Letting out a large sigh, he dropped it and leaned back—still nothing. Skye, FitzSimmons, and May were on an undercover mission in Viedma. They were tracking down an 0-8-4 but couldn’t go in guns blazing. 
Fitz was supposed to text when they were on their way back, which May predicted to be two hours ago. Ward’s phone was as dry as how Skye likes her martinis, and he was distraught. He usually wouldn’t care nearly as much as he does now, but he had recently struck up a relationship with Leo. It had been one of the best decisions of his life. He hadn’t truly made that many big decisions in his life. 
Ward thought to Garrett, who he had only seen last week. Garrett had said to form no attachments, but Ward was weak, and the Omega was too irresistible. He had no idea what would happen to them once Hyrda took over. Grant hoped to wiggle out of Garrett’s firm Alpha grasp before then. 
Suddenly, his phone buzzed. He scrambled to grab it from the floor, where it had fallen. The display was lit up with the call accept or deny buttons. Ward clicked on the green phone and held it up to his ear. 
“Leo! What happened, baby? Are you alright?” 
“Hey, Ward, it’s Skye.” The Beta spoke cautiously, not wanting to upset her friend. 
“Where’s Leo?” 
“He’s unconscious.” 
Ward’s blood started to boil, his inner Alpha already planning murder scenarios. “What?!” Grant practically screeched. “What happened?” 
“Ward, calm down. We don’t know yet. He just passed out after the mission. We’re on our way back now. 20 minutes. Can you sit still until then?”
The brunette growled, “No!” 
Skye rolled her eyes at the Alpha’s temperamental behavior. “Well, try, okay? For Fitz?” 
He shook his head, standing up to pace. “Fine, fine. Thanks, Skye.” 
Ward looked up as the door to the general living areas opened. It was Skye. She coughed a few times. “Jesus, Ward. It stinks of possessiveness in here.” The brunette waved the air in front of her with her hand. “Just- go on down. Simmons is running some tests.” She stalked to her cabin, mumbling about ‘dumb knotheads.” Grant raced down the spiral staircase and into the lab. 
Fitz was in a medical nightgown, lying on the table. The dirty blonde turned his head towards his partner as Ward walked in. “Leo.” He breathed, pulling him into a tight hug, rubbing his tanned skin against Leo’s scent glands. The Omega’s body visibly relaxed as Grant scented him, tension leaving his shoulders. 
He smiled down at the Scottish man after he pulled away. “Hey. You feeling alright?”
Leo shrugged slightly. “Stomach ache. Don’t know what Simmons is making a big deal about.” He turned back to glare at the other Alpha. Jemma put on an innocent face and grabbed a small needle. 
“Your safety is one of my top priorities, so tests, tests, tests.” The woman sat down on a rolling stool, making her way to the central lab table. “You can’t just pass out on a mission and expect everyone not to do anything, Leo.” She rubbed an anti-bacterial wipe over his arm. Tossing it in the trash, she raised the needle.” Ready?” She counted down before slowly inserting the pointed tip into his arm and slowly drawing out a blood sample. 
“Ow.” He mumbled. Ward shot a dirty look at the Alpha for hurting his partner before grabbing Leo’s hand and lacing their fingers together. 
“Just give me a second...” Jemma said, typing something on her computer. 
Ward brought his attention back to Fitz. “So, how did the mission go? Did you get it?” 
“Yeah, we got it. May has it upstairs, I think. But it seems I also caught an illness.” Leo had long since sat up, so he turned to press his back against Ward’s chest. The taller man wrapped his arms around Fitz’s waist possessively and pulled him inches closer. Grant looked at Jemma, working on his partner’s blood. 
“I hope it’s nothing serious,” Leo spoke quietly as Grant returned to lapping at his partner’s neck. 
All of a sudden, Jemma gasped. Fitz reacted immediately, ripped from his Alpha’s lull as panic washed over him. He jumped off the table and ran to her side. 
“What? What is it, Jemma?” She looked up at him, an excited but worried look on her face. “Fitz, I need you to take a deep breath.” He did, although what calmed him more was Grant taking his hand and rubbing his thumb along the inside of the dirty blonde’s wrist.
They both looked at her, expectant. “Fitz, you’re pregnant.” 
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you can also read this story here
masterlist & other such things
MCU masterlist
| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
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fire-for-you · 1 year
MCU masterlist
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- this is where the rest of our life begins | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |đŸš«đŸ’Č
- i fear this place ✅đŸ’Č
0 notes
fire-for-you · 1 year
5 times gabby didn't realize kelly and matt were dating (and 1 time she did) - FINAL PART
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pairing - m. casey x k. severide
rating - teen and up (unrequited love, implied sexual content, hurt/comfort, minor violence, kidnapping, happy ending)
word count - 2,745
summary - for part six: andddd the final chapter. what could possibly be the next adventure for this duo? is Gabby still clueless or will she finally come around?
a/n: we do a little 'napping. time to pick on matt!
"Hey, sweetheart." Kelly purrs, flopping on the couch and throwing an arm around his boyfriend.
Matt slowly looks up from his paperwork; his eyebrows furrowed together in a blatant show of judgment. "Alright, what is happening. The last time you called me that, you had accidentally bought a car."
Kelly smiles a little wider. "Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?"
The Captain sets his files down beside him and shifts his body to face Kelly. "Yeah, could be fun. Should we go to Molly's or maybe that one trivia bar? I could call Brett-"
"No, let's go somewhere new, just us." The other starts to play with the hair at the base of Matt's neck. "Maybe a fancy, romantic dinner? Think about it, the last few months have been consumed by my injury. When's the last time we had fun?"
Matt pauses. "Well, two weeks ago, we had some wine, and I think you were pretty happy about it." He glances down casually and squeezes the hand suddenly on the brunette's thigh.
Kelly hums, remembering. "Mmm, yeah. I would still like to go out. What do you think?" He pulls Matt onto his lap, linking their fingers together.
"Sure, sounds fun. Where do you wanna go, exactly?"
"Oh, no, it's going to be a surprise. Gotta keep you guessing."
Matt smirks, pressing closer. "Okay. Then you better be ready for heart-racing, bed-breaking, ecstasy-type- fun." He delivered each hyphenated phrase with a sultry breath and an inch forward.
Kelly just looked at him. "Jesus, Matt. I don't know if we'll make it that far. You are really sexy when you wanna be, did you know that?"
The blonde laughed, pulling his partner in for a suave kiss.
Matt slipped off the taller's lap, grabbing his files to place them on the kitchen island.
"I'm gonna change quick. After that, I have to pick up something from a friend, and then I'll come back to pick you up. 'Kay? Dress nice." Kelly spoke, already walking towards their bedroom.
Matt nodded his acknowledgment before burying himself into the paperwork again.
A bell dinged as Kelly entered the jewelry store, glancing around for his favorite attendant. "Ah, Mr. Severide. I was wondering when you were going to come back. Have you finally decided?"
He sighed in relief. "Kenny. Yes, I have. The light silver band, did you hold it for me?"
"Against my better judgment, yes. I just like you, Mr. Severide."
Severide grinned. "Kenny, stop. I'm practically an engaged man."
Kenny smiled back. "Let me get that ring for you, sir."
Hours later, after a fancy, romantic dinner, with expensive champagne and delicious food, Kelly and Matt are walking down a well-lit path close to the loft. The blonde is cuddling his partner's arm, their hands locked at Kelly's side.
"Mmm, I missed this," Matt says, tightening his grip slightly.
"Missed what?"
"Just us. It's been crazy these past few months with your injury and work. It felt like any time we wanted to be alone, there was this third person in the room, making it awkward."
"Let me guess, the sprained ankle? I couldn't walk for days." Kelly smirked down at Matt.
"Ugh, whatever."
Kelly stopped in the middle of a clearing, a quiet road a few feet away. He put a knuckle under Matt's chin, tilting it a little. "No, I know what you mean. I felt the same way. But we got over it, right? We're here now-"
They heard screeching up the street, like tires leaving marks on the asphalt. Matt left Kelly's grasp and walked forward, more into the light of a street lamp. The noise continued to get closer. Suddenly, the vehicle came into sight, a white van.
Matt shrugged and turned away from the street. When it came to an aggressive halt, two men slammed open the side door to step down from it.
"Matt!" Kelly immediately started rushing forward, but the men in black hoodies and ski masks already had their hands on Matt, pulling him into the van.
The blonde started to fight against them, but the taller pulled out a cloth and put it over his face. His eyes started drooping as the door closed behind them.
"Go, go!" The vehicle took off, barrelling down the street as Kelly ran behind it.
"I'm sorry, what?" Boden asked.
"Matt got kidnapped! Right in front of me! I didn't even get to fight the dogs that took him." Severide started to break down. "He's gone, he's gone. My whole world is gone." Wet streaks began to run down his face.
Boden sat him down on a nearby bench in Voight's office. "Alright, Kelly. Deep breaths. Why don't you start over?"
Severide sniffed. "I wanted to propose tonight." He looked up with watery eyes. "We went out to this fancy restaurant and had a romantic dinner. It was perfect. And then we were walking in the park near our apartment-" A fresh wave of tears cut the man off as he sobbed quietly.
"Severide, we can't find Casey unless you give us all the details." Voight reminded him.
Jay offered him a tissue box before leaning against the desk.
Severide recovered somewhat and continued. "We heard this screeching up the street, and then this white van came into view." He paused, closing his eyes. "And they took him. Two guys, average build. Ski masks and everything. They even had chloroform. I, um, got a partial license plate." He pulled out a scrap of paper and handed it to Jay. It was four symbols long. 5B7I
"Thank you, Severide."
Voight spoke up. "Was there anything unusual about them - tattoos, did they speak, stuff like that?"
"I was a little busy watching my boyfriend get kidnapped." Severide snapped.
"Just trying to get it while it's fresh in your mind," Jay said gently before laying a hand on Voight's forearm, shooting him a disapproving look. The Seargent mouthed a 'What' back.
"No, I told you everything I noticed."
"Okay, thank you again, Severide. This should be good information to get started with. Chief Boden, why don't you take him for a cup of coffee?"
Boden sighed. "Yeah, come on, Kelly." He put a hand on his lieutenant's shoulder, ready to pick him up off the bench.
"Kelly?" Boden questioned.
"I'm not going anywhere while my Matt is still out there. You're gonna let me help you, or I'm gonna help myself." Severide stared Voight in the eye as he stood.
The Sergeant sighed. "Look. I don't want to step on your toes, but this isn't exactly your area of expertise."
"I know, but. Just- let me help. Because if I don't find Matt, if I don't get him back-" Severide started to choke up again. "My life will be over. I won't-"
Voight didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Fine."
The last thing Casey remembers was seeing Kelly's face as he ran towards the Captain. He shook awake with the moment still imprinted on the whites of his eyes and was greeted by a dim room. He was sitting on a metal chair facing a blacked-out window. Pulling on his wrists made ropes tighten against Casey's arms. He groaned in frustration when the same happened with his legs.
"Hello?" He called out. "You're not scaring me! I like being tied up!" Which was untrue, but they didn't need to know that.
A man with unkempt hair and a 5'clock shadow emerged from the semi-darkness. "So, you're Kelly's new boyfriend."
Casey's eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm sorry, who are you?"
"Eric Sutton. Kelly never mentioned me?" Eric's sinister smile drooped slightly.
"Was he supposed to?"
"We dated for almost two years. I imagine it would have come up." Casey analyzed the man, noticing the imprint of a switchblade in his left pocket. "My hair used to be lighter, if that helps."
"Nothing comes to mind."
Eric sighs, disappointed. "Well, it doesn't matter. You will have to remember me after this."
"What are you gonna- " Casey is cut off by a powerful punch to his jaw. He tastes copper as another fist is driven into his stomach. Tears spring to the blonde's eyes as the chair tips to the right and falls. Eric starts kicking him in the gut, barely missing his crotch.
"See how Kelly likes you now." The man says before Casey blacks out.
"Okay, first, who would kidnap Matt and why? Does he have any enemies who might want him dead?" Voight asked Severide.
"Well, it's Matt; he has a tendency to rub people the wrong way." Severide took a drink of coffee, accenting the shaking in his hands. "He thought he had a stalker, though. Said a couple of times earlier this week he would see an unmarked white van outside before it drove away."
Jay's ears perked up. "Yeah, Matt called me and asked me to look into that. I hadn't gotten anywhere."
Voight nodded solemnly. "Did we get a hit on the license plate yet?" He asked his partner.
A small ding answered the Seargent's question. "Registered to a Simon Towers. Two priors: attempted kidnapping and aggravated assault. Ooo, and he had a partner for both of them: James Towers." Jay looked at the man standing over him.
"Brothers." He scoffed.
"Address is in West Englewood."
"Let's go."
"Alright, Boden, Severide, stay in the car; we'll be right back." The brunette said, glancing in the rearview mirror as he and Voight exited the vehicle.
The officers pulled their guns and stood on opposite sides of the doorway.
"On my count, one, two, three."
Jay kicked open the front door, immediately scanning the first room with his gun raised. "Clear." He called. Voight entered then, moving forward into what looked like a kitchen. They cleared the entire first floor and were making their way up the stairs when they heard a thump. On the right side of the house, garbage cans were kicked over as whoever fell was trying to flee. Jay made it out a side door and gave chase.
"Hey!" He shouted. Severide, much closer to the running man, flung open his door, whacking one of the brothers flat on his ass. Jay just got over to the felon as Voight exited the house, leading a man in handcuffs.
Casey spits out more blood, watching Eric take his phone from his pocket. "What do you want? Money?"
Eric laughs. "No, honey, I just want to see Kelly suffer. Should we call him? What's your password?"
"I think you broke my arm." The Captain says.
"Oh, don't be such a baby." Eric faces the phone to Casey's face. It unlocks with a quiet click. "Wow, didn't expect that to work. Alright, Kelly, Kelly." He scrolls through the other's contact list, pressing the video call button when he finds Kelly.
Kelly blinks twice when he sees Casey's profile picture pop up on his phone.
"Who's that?" Boden asks.
"It's Casey; he's trying to video call me."
"I'm gonna get Voight."
The Chief comes back with Voight and Jay before Severide answers the phone. The Seargent instructs Severide to face away from the inside of the station and not to talk like anyone else is there.
"Matt, baby, are you okay?" Severide says, practically hysterical.
"Hi, Kelly." Eric appears on the screen, grinning wide.
"Eric? What the hell? Where is Matt?" Severide starts to ball one of his fists.
"Oh, he's right here, sweetheart." Eric turns the phone, snuggling up against Casey so the firefighter can see them both. "Remember when you broke up with me, and I said if you ever find another boyfriend, I'll kill him?"
Casey's eyes widen as he struggles against the tape across his mouth. "I really don't."
"Well, guess what I'm going to do." He pulls out his switchblade and playfully drags it across the blonde's throat before the call ends.
"No!" Severide exclaims, putting his head in his hands.
Voight storms back to the interrogation room and slams his fists on the table. "Where is your boss?!" He yells. The brothers - with fear in their eyes - start to talk quickly.
He re-enters the large room and grabs hold of Severide's shoulder, dragging him to the car as the others follow. Jay calls for backup on the drive as the sirens blare out. Soon enough, they are pulling up to an abandoned building.
Voight instructs the other officers to go around the back as they surround the property. He looks to Severide, who is leaning against the car. "Stay back, okay?"
Positioning himself on the side of the doorway, the man holds up his radio. "On my count, one, two, three." The Sergeant enters the building with the others and raises his gun. Severide is a few steps behind him. Within minutes, after maneuvering many empty rooms, the pair stumbles upon a large room.
Eric stands over Casey with his knife raised. "Eric Sutton!" Jay calls. "Put the knife down!"
"Now, why would I do that?" He brings his arm down just as a shot rings out. Casey falls with Eric, landing in his pooling blood. Still strapped to the chair, he can't move away from the liquid soaking into the blonde's clothes. The wound on his neck from the other's knife starts to leak as Kelly runs up to Matt. Matt's eyes slip closed as he feels Kelly's fingers on his face.
"Well, Matt. We have to stop meeting like this." Doctor Halstead said, fixing Matt's IV drip as he slowly opened his eyes.
Matt blinked blurrily, looking around the room for Kelly. "Where's-"
"Severide? He went out for some ice. I'm sure he'll be back soon." Doctor Halstead smiled.
"How long have I been here?" Matt asked, sitting up on the bed.
"Few hours. Broken arm and a few cuts and bruises. Plus a black eye. Severide was really worried about you."
"Thank you, Doctor." He left, giving Matt a little wave.
Eventually, Kelly came back and almost dropped his ice cup as he saw the Captain's weak smile. "Matt! You're awake!"
"Hey, baby."
Kelly rushed forward and dragged him into a long kiss. He pulled back reluctantly, pressing their foreheads together. "I thought I lost you."
"I'm here."
"I thought I was never gonna see you again; I thought I was never going to kiss you again; I thought I lost you." Tears sprung from Kelly's eyes.
"I'm here, Kelly. I'm not going anywhere." Matt reassured him, eyes boring into his own, green on green. "Kiss me."
The brunette did as Matt pulled him onto the bed, and they laid together, sharing soft kisses.
Minutes later, the firehouse got there - minus Gabby and Sylvie, giving Matt hugs and clutching their hearts in relief.
As the crews got caught up in their talking, Severide cleared his throat. "Uh, Matt. I have something to ask, and I think this is the best time, in front of the house. In front of our family." Kelly glanced at Boden, and he nodded.
Matt tilted his head slightly.
Gabby and Sylvie finally snuck in as everyone's eyes were on Kelly and Matt.
The lieutenant took his partner's hand. "We've had a lot of scary experiences lately, and I just can't stand not having my forever on your finger anymore."
"Kelly. What are you doing?" Matt asked, his voice breaking.
Kelly laughed slightly, pulling out a box from his jacket pocket. Everyone gasped.
"What's happening?" Gabby whispered to her friend. Sylvie shushed her.
Severide popped the ring box open. "Matthew Casey, you are the air I breathe, the food I eat, the water I drink. Yours are the lips I kiss; yours is the body I worship." The house groaned at that. Kelly rolled his eyes before continuing. "Yours are the eyes I adore. Matt, you are everything to me. Will you-"
"Yes, yes, Kelly Severide, yes! I'll marry the hell out of you." Kelly grinned and roughly kissed his new fiance.
"When did this become a thing?" Gabby asked Sylvie, pulling her back from the group flocking the couple.
"Severide and Casey have been dating for months. How did you not know this? They told everyone at once."
"I must not have been there. I- are you serious?"
"Yes? They just got engaged, do you need any more proof?" Sylvie sassed, going up to congratulate her friends.
"I love you," Kelly sweetly whispered before kissing his partner again.
"I know," Matt whispered back.
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fire-for-you · 1 year
5 times gabby didn't realize kelly and matt were dating (and 1 time she did) - PART FIVE
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pairing - m. casey x k. severide
rating - teen and up (unrequited love, implied sexual content, hurt/comfort, minor violence, kidnapping, happy ending)
word count - 1,299
summary - for part five: matt's moving in! will gabby finally realize their intimacy?
a/n - very domestic sevasey with a small crotis scene included! what a chapter!!
Matt peeked an eye open as he felt the bed lurch up. He laid there for a moment, blurrily watching Kelly waddle to the bathroom.
Forgetting about the man's injuries, he studies the muscles on his boyfriend's back until he swears, bumping into the doorframe.
"Fuck, fuck. Ow, damn." Kelly clutches his side, practically doubling over in pain.
The Captain sits up quickly, bounding off the bed and over to his partner. "Dammit, Kel." He put an arm around his shoulder, supporting Kelly on his way.
"God, sorry, babe. Next time I'll try not to be passed out on a collapsing warehouse floor." He hissed as they moved forward. "Looking for you." He added.
Matt recognized the sarcasm in his voice and fought the urge to whack him upside his head, not wanting to make the concussion worse.
Once they made it to the toilet, Kelly lowered himself slowly so as to not jostle his skull or bend his ankle.
The blonde left him there - confident he was okay - to get him a glass of water and check the time. The alarm clock on the nightstand read 3:37.
When Matt returned, Kelly looked all around like a lost and wounded puppy. He leaned against the wall, mouth slack and hand on his side. His eyebrows were scrunched together in pain.
"Alright, Kel, c'mon. Got you a couple ice packs and water." Matt crouched down to hoist his partner up off the seat.
Back on the bed, the Lieutenant angled his foot on a pillow, resting a cold pack across the ligament. He had one on his side, too; Matt was holding it there as he drifted back to sleep, cuddled up to Kelly.
Later in the morning, when Matt kissed his partner goodbye and made sure Stella was okay watching him, the blonde drove to his apartment to start packing.
Eventually, the others arrived, stuffing boxes in the back of Matt's truck as Matt talked to his landlord.
Kelly woke up to soft hands carding through his hair.
"Hey." The other spoke, sitting on the side of the bed.
The injured man shifted, raising himself on bent elbows. He groaned as a wave of dizziness washed over him.
Looking around the room, he saw lots of boxes. "Guess it's gonna be a lot more crowded in here."
"Yeah, well, I would have sorted it back at my apartment, but I talked to Len, and it turned out he's wanted me gone for a while. Already had another renter set up and everything. I promise it's not as bad as you think."
Kelly smiled, taking Matt's hand in his own. "It's fine. Are you done already? Figured you'd have some help."
"Nah, the guys are just on a lunch break, my treat." The Captain grabbed Kelly's other hand, helping him off the bed.
"You got so much money now that you're not renting an unused apartment, huh?" The brunette limped with Matt to the kitchen, sitting on a stool gingerly.
Matt snorted as he grabbed leftover homemade mac-and-cheese from the fridge, reheating it in the microwave.
Kelly took a bite from the bowl as his boyfriend set it down.
"Yeah, I'm practically Jeff Bezos over here."
Swallowing made the Lieutenant's head throb worse, and he swayed in his seat.
Matt looked up and quickly made his way to the other side of the island. "Oh! Oh, alright, Kelly, let's get you on the couch." Maneuvering him, the man slid down onto the furniture. Then, he suddenly started wheezing and coughing harshly. "Kelly, Kelly, deep breaths, come on, with me, in," Matt breathed deeply in, and Kelly followed as best he could. "Out. Again."
A few minutes later, Kelly had calmed down, and his breathing was back to normal.
"Jesus, don't scare me like that. The doctor said coughs, but not that kind of coughs."
Voice straining, Kelly whispered, "My fucking side hurts so bad." A small wheeze. Matt moved to sit next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. The brunette tucked himself into his boyfriend's side, his eyes slipping closed.
The loft door crashed open, Cruz, Otis, Stella, Dawson, Herrmann, and Mouch jaunting through the door. They were laughing loudly, carrying foam boxes surely filled with leftovers.
Kelly put his hands up to his ears, somewhat deflecting their noise. Matt lifted his head to glare at the rowdy bunch, and they all promptly shut up.
"S-Sorry, Captain, we figured he was still asleep." Mouch started.
Casey opened his mouth to address them, "A-"
"It's fine, just please talk quieter," Severide interjected.
The group visited with each other as Kelly finished his lunch and a few glasses of water with his pills.
Otis had Cruz pushed up against the wall, a hand under his shirt, massaging his hip, as he berated the man's neck.
"Brian," he cried out quietly.
Severide cleared his throat, rubbing his lower back as a clear sign of discomfort.
"I- um. Just need-" He gestured to the bathroom door behind them. The pair moved to the side, Joe blushing profusely and Brian smirking slightly.
The tall brunette shuffled halfway into the room before he turned, wincing as his skin pulled on the bruising.
Cruz reached out two hands to steady him, asking, "Lieutenant, are you okay?"
"Peachy, how- uh, how long has this been goin' on?" Severide leaned against the doorway, wanting nothing more to sit down at that moment.
The couple glanced at each other, both telling their partner to speak first.
"Few days, I guess." Otis finally said. "After you got hurt, I just need to let Joe know how I felt in case something horrible happened."
"Congrats?" Severide squinted at them, his vision was swimming. "Can you get Matt, please? I can't see."
Cruz rushed off, a "right away" thrown over his shoulder.
-days later-
Matt poked Kelly in the hip, shocking him quickly back to the world of awake and alert. "Come on, babe. It's past your bedtime."
He groaned as he was helped off the couch, the TV before them shut off, the game presumably over.
"Did we win?" He asked.
"Yep, 3-2."
After Matt had managed to get Kelly in bed, he sat in the La-Z-Boy and read a book. A knock on the door made him look up from the novel and frown. He glanced at his watch before getting out of the chair.
"Gabby," he said after opening the door.
"Yeah, sorry, I didn't want to come because it's so late, but-" She shifted the box in her hands, squeezing past Matt into the open room. "I had this stuff in my car that I forgot to bring, and I'm going out of town, so
Dawson set the brown box down. Matt crossed his arms and leaned against the counter as she stood awkwardly.
"Severide asleep?"
Gabby stared at a hole in the floor for a few minutes before they heard footfalls coming from Kelly and Matt's room.
"Baby?" Severide called as he entered the living room. "There's no more water in
 oh, hey, Dawson. What's up?"
Her eyebrows furrowed together as she halfheartedly pointed to the box on the couch. "I was bringing some stuff I left in my car after Matt's move. But, I know it's late, so I guess I should go."
"Yeah, okay. Bye, Gabby, I'll see you on Monday."
"Mmm-hmm." The door clicks behind her as she leaves.
"She seemed weird." Kelly said, adjusting his grip on the wall. Matt laughs, grabbing a couple of water bottles from the fridge and slinging an arm around his partner.
"Come on, grumpy, lets get you into bed."
Kelly tweaked his head and pouted. "I'm not grumpy."
"Sure, darling." Matt responded sarcastically.
They got into bed; Matt curled protectively around his partner.
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fire-for-you · 1 year
5 times gabby didn't realize kelly and matt were dating (and 1 time she did) - PART FOUR
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pairing - m. casey x k. severide
rating - teen and up (unrequited love, implied sexual content, hurt/comfort, minor violence, kidnapping, happy ending)
word count - 1,417
summary - for part four: here comes that hurt/comfort! kelly gets injured!
a/n - little disclaimer: although I did research on topics mentioned in the story, i am not a doctor or firefighter, so take with grain of salt
The shift started quiet, with only two calls before lunchtime: a cat stuck in a tree and a young man going into cardiac arrest. 
Otis was cooking sloppy joe's when the bell rang, calling Ambulance 61, Truck 81, Squad 3, and Engine 51 for a warehouse fire. Everyone ran to their vehicle, even Chief Boden.
Severide was practically whooping in his seat. Finally, a big call. 
When they pulled up to the scene, they watched as a part of the roof collapsed, sending up a cloud of dust and smoke. Boden took charge, ordering Squad inside and Truck to assist. There were two victims still inside, one stuck in a railing, shelves on top of him. The other - his best friend - stayed to try and help him. A warehouse worker told them all of this, looking terrified, before running to the paramedics. 
The two crews suited up, heading for the back of the building. Engine started on the flames closest to the trucks, turning them from bright orange to a somber black, the charcoaled wood shifting around as it snapped. 
Inside, the rescue teams reached the victims, moving the relatively uninjured one first, promising him they would save his friend. Gabby and Sylvie intercepted him, the man coughing due to smoke inhalation. He tried to go back in constantly; the medics had to put restraints on him.
"Why do you want to go back in so bad?" Brett asked, applying burn gel to the scorched flesh on his arm. 
"He-I-" He paused, trying to find the words. "I love him. I didn't get to tell him." He put the oxygen mask back on, discouraged.
Dawson looked at her partner. "Yet," She spoke. "Casey and Severide will get him. We promise." 
And they did, eventually. Using the saw, the crew broke through the man's bonds, pulling him out slowly so as not to cut his neck on the sharp metal of the shelves. 
He gained consciousness just as they were about to head out, saying there was a third victim, a young intern, just a little ways away. Casey went after her, ordering the others to take the man outside. They moved quickly; Chief was shouting about the whole roof collapsing now. Severide called after his boyfriend, asking him to come back, and when Matt didn't respond, he ran after the blonde. The Lieutenant tripped over a piece of metal, falling to the ground, his ankle twisted and air coming in short breaths. 
Meanwhile, Casey was helping the woman up off the floor, kicking debris out of his way. He didn't see the other firefighter on his way outside; the man's wind knocked out of him. As Casey handed the victim over to Gabby and Brett, he looked around for his partner. He walked over to Chief, asking, "Where's Severide?" 
Boden, confused, responded, "I thought he was behind you." 
"O-Oh, my god. He must still be in there. I've got to go get him." The roof started trembling, pieces of it falling, the eaten-through wood crumbling. Chief grabbed the Captain's jacket, preventing him from going into the collapsing building. 
Minutes later, the dust settled, a PASS-alarm ringing loudly in the alleyway. 
"Truck, Squad, in there immediately for a Search and Rescue; Severide is trapped." 
The walls were still intact, with a small crawlspace around the whole building. Every firefighter was in the warehouse, calling out for the Lieutenant. 
Eventually, Casey found him in the office, a giant piece of concrete on his chest. Severide came to for a little while, speaking to Casey in a punched-out voice. 
"Matt." He coughed, wincing. "I can't breathe." 
"I know, baby, I know. Try not to talk. Okay?" Matt called out for Capp and Cruz to help him with the rock. 
They got it off, almost breaking the injured man's hand in the process. By the time they returned to the ambulance, Severide had lost consciousness again. 
Casey felt like everything was moving in slow motion as a pair of medics rushed to the man's side, pushing the blonde out of the way. Ripping open his coat and cutting the shirt underneath, he caught of glimpse of Sev's chest, which had caved in a full inch. 
After that, he couldn't see what they were doing, pulled away by Chief Boden in a tight hug. 
The tears were falling now, wetting the older's bunker coat, as Casey let his emotions run free. 
As Ambo 61 pulled out of the scene, the others following it, the Captain prayed to any higher power that Kelly would be okay.
Casey's arm rested above Severide's head as he woke up. 
He turned his head, seeing his dozing boyfriend in a chair and practically draped on Kelly's side. He blew air in the Captain's face, gently bringing him back to the land of the living. 
Matt made a disgruntled sound when he opened his eyes, but seeing Kelly's face helped him relax. "Oh, hey, how are you doing?"
"I'm great." Kelly smiled. 
"No, he's not; he has a bruised lung and rib, a concussion, and a sprained ankle." A nurse piped up from the side of the room. She held an empty food tray and a clipboard in her hands. 
Casey shook his head, leaning forward to kiss Severide as the woman left. 
"Well, what about you, babe?" Kelly asked. "Is this a bandage on your head, or are you just happy to see me?" 
Chuckling, he touched the white cloth. "Just a scratch, promise." 
They heard a knock on the glass, both turning to see Chief Boden. "Hey, the nurse said you woke up. Good to see you, Kelly." 
"Thanks, Chief. Where's everyone else?" Severide asked, not seeing any other members of house 51. 
"At home. You were out for three days. Casey was here the whole time, right?" 
Casey nodded, blushing when his boyfriend looked at him. "You didn't tell me that." 
"Yeah, I um-" 
"Took off shift and going on the water with me to stay with you, in case you woke up." Boden wore a tiny smile, knowing he was helping Casey earn brownie points with Severide. 
Kelly gripped Matt's face, pulling him for a chaste kiss. "I love you."
"I-I love you too, Kelly." They both smiled softly, Matt ghosting his lips over the other's cheek. 
Soon enough, everyone else got to the hospital, bringing flowers, balloons, "get well soon" cards, and chocolate. They all hugged him, or at least tried to, his ribs making him wince every time, though he appreciated the support. 
Dawson was talking to the doctor as Kelly and Matt spoke absent-mindedly to the others, hands clasped tightly together next to Kelly's head. She missed when Casey got up to go to the bathroom, kissing Severide on the forehead before leaving. 
She missed when Hermann asked, "When are you two gonna get married? Christ, how long have you been dating now?" 
Severide thought about it. "I'm not sure when we really started dating. Could have been a couple of years ago or nine months ago when we told you guys. We always sorta had a thing, if you know what I mean."  
Everyone nodded collectively, going back to their conversations.
When Casey returned, the doctor told him Kelly would need at least a month to recover and a prescription for pain meds. He also insisted he stay under observation for two or three more days in case he went into a coma again or his ribs collapsed.
After three extended days at the hospital, they discharged him, telling Casey the other man needed two weeks of bed rest, with someone watching the brunette constantly. 
"Finally," Kelly exclaimed as he, Matt, and Stella entered the loft.
"Home, sweet home," the woman said, heading to her room. 
Kelly grabbed Matt's hand and walked to his own room, pulling his partner along. They fell on the bed together, Matt snuggling up to the larger man. He closed his eyes, appreciating the feeling of having the other back in his arms. 
Laying in comfortable silence, Kelly carded his fingers through Matt's hair; their hands joined on his hip. 
"I want you to move in with me." He said eventually, looking down at the Captain. 
"I kinda have to now, if I'm going to watch you." 
"Oh, really. And who said that job falls to you?"
"I'm the dutiful boyfriend. It's in the job description." 
Kelly hummed, feeling his eyes slip closed as Matt shifted closer. 
They fell asleep, anchored by each other's touch.
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fire-for-you · 1 year
5 times gabby didn't realize kelly and matt were dating (and 1 time she did) - PART THREE
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pairing - m. casey x k. severide
rating - teen and up (unrequited love, implied sexual content, hurt/comfort, minor violence, kidnapping, happy ending)
word count - 490
summary - for part three: Almost getting caught in the firehouse
a/n - short and bad
Casey slammed the truck door shut, shaking with arousal.
Most of the shift had just gotten back from a pretty medium call, no one severely injured, but Severide had to make a miraculous save.
A woman's car crashed into the railing of a bridge, almost breaking it in half. She was holding onto her young son while dangling off the edge of the bridge.
Just as Severide was gearing up to repel down to save them, she slipped, tumbling down towards the river below.
He quickly jumped after them, the boy screaming the whole way until they hit the water; a giant splash followed.
The Lieutenant dove under the water's surface, finding the mother first and then the son, quickly pulling them up to where they could breathe.
Truck ran down to the river's edge as Severide pulled the woman and boy to the shore, both coughing.
The paramedics huddled the victims in blankets, Casey throwing his bunker coat over his boyfriend.
"Kelly, are you okay?"
"Yeah, babe, I'm fine. How are the other two?" He asked, looking back at the bridge and the big car accident, referring to the truck driver and doctor also involved.
"Gabby said they'll be alright - minor scratches except the driver might lose a finger."
The crew spent the next half hour cleaning up the scene and then headed back to the firehouse.
Casey watched as Severide stripped off his wet shirt and headed toward the showers. He followed him, intending to show his partner just how impressive that save was.
The Captain caught his shoulder as he entered the shower room, roughly shoving him into a stall.
"What the f-" Kelly started before being cut off by Matt's lips on his.
"Shit, Kel, that save was so sexy. The way you jumped in after them." Matt whispered, out of breath. He bit at the other's lips, making them red and swollen.
Soon enough, he was shoving his tongue down the brunette's throat, trying his best to make him hoarse.
They didn't hear the footsteps in the bathroom, too far away in their own little world.
They pulled apart just as someone ripped the shower curtain open.
Gabby looked at them, Severide with his kissed red and bitten lips, and Casey, with his polo half undone.
"Alright, I don't know what's happening here, but Casey, Chief needs you in his office."
"Thanks, Dawson," he said, retreating behind her and giving Severide a wink.
After he left, Gabby asked, "Why was Casey in the shower with you?"
Severide backed up a little, trying to get away from the question. "Uh. He was helping me. With my pants?"
Gabby had her mouth open, ready to ask another question the Lieutenant didn't have an answer to when Sylvie called her name.
She walked away, still suspicious.
Breathing out a sigh of relief, Severide finally stripped, turning on the water and letting it run down his tan back.
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fire-for-you · 1 year
5 times gabby didn't realize kelly and matt were dating (and 1 time she did) - PART TWO
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pairing - m. casey x k. severide
rating - teen and up (unrequited love, implied sexual content, hurt/comfort, minor violence, kidnapping, happy ending)
word count - 800
summary - for part two: severide leaves some love marks on his boyfriend. will gabby connect the dots?
Matt sat up, stretching wide, not caring if his hand smacked Kelly in the face. He looked over to see if he had and saw an empty bed. Shrugging, he got out of the sheets and headed into the shower. It was his apartment; it's not like Kelly would have run away. After turning the water off, he wrapped a towel around his waist and headed out to greet his boyfriend for the day. Walking out of Kelly's room, he tightened the towel slightly as he saw who was in the loft.
"Stella. I thought you were staying at Sylvie's."
"Yeah, I did; I just came back for the coffee maker. I want to show her- Damn, Casey, did you fall in the shower or something? Look like you're turning into the rainbow over there, all the colors." Stella gestured to his half-naked form.
Casey looked down at his body, confused. "What? No, I didn't fall. What are you talking about?"
"Why don't you go look in the mirror, pride parade."
So he did, heading back into Severide's bathroom and examining his body in the few minutes before he heard laughing in the kitchen. As he reentered the living space, Stella said, "Alright, well, I'm gonna go; I promised Sylvie and the gang they could try this, so I'll see you guys later on shift. Bye!"
She had walked away and out the door by the time he moved to smack Severide upside the head.
"What have I told you about marks above the collar?"
Kelly shrugged, rubbing the spot where his boyfriend had hit him. "Not to do that?"
"Yeah, so why do you keep doing it?"
The Lieutenant smirked, "'cuz it riles you up. You're cute when you're mad. Unless you're like pissed mad, that's not cute."
He looked away, grabbing a piece of buttered toast from a pile he had made. "Plus," he said around a bite, "Shows everyone that you're mine."
Matt still stood with his arms crossed and dripping onto the hardwood floors, not looking at all menacing. He had splotchy bruises all over his body, the light red ones from Kelly's fingers on his hips standing out against the olive backdrop of his skin. Even the currently invisible handprint on his right buttcheek was a bright cherry red. Matt knows; he checked. Whether or not that turned him on a little was privy to him. The dark purple and pink spots on his neck practically gave him a necklace, the bite marks like giant stones.
"God, if we didn't have a shift, I would take you back to bed and make sure you couldn't walk for the rest of the day. So, sexy right now, my marks all over your skin. Shit, baby." Kelly had turned to fully enjoy Matt at this point, admiring his hard work, strong hands gripping Matt's hips roughly.
"Fuck, stop talking. We'll never make it to work if you don't stop." Matt leaned forward onto his partner. He only let out a low moan as Kelly turned his head and breathed in the other's musk, savoring the smell of his coconut shampoo.
Dawson walked into the main room as everyone sat down with their food. After grabbing a plate for herself, she sat beside Casey, with his collar pulled up high, almost touching his ears.
"Casey, what's up with your collar? You got something to hide?" She saw him flush red, his hands reaching up to plaster it across his neck.
Everyone looked up at their Captain and started bombarding him, demanding he shows them what was under the collar. Eventually, he felt pressured enough that he lowered his only shield. Nearly all of the shift gasped, laughing and elbowing each other.
"Yeah, I had maybe too much fun last night." He said, looking across the table at Severide, who was wearing a smug smile and twirling a fork in his hands.
Gabby figured that Severide knew whoever put hickeys all over Casey's neck and was happy about the result. Before she could ask who it was, the bell rang, calling the ambulance for a person in distress.
Once Dawson and Brett had left, Chief clapped Severide on the shoulder and said, "Maybe a bit much, Kelly."
The rest of the day, Matt wore the bruises with pride, grinning a bit deliriously after he had stripped off his shirt in the locker room, and Otis said under his breath, "Jesus, there's more? I wish I was getting that kinda action." When Hermann turned to look at him with a judgmental face, Cruz leaned into his locker, praying to any God to make that happen. Capp patted him sympathetically before going to his truck, second shift over. Everyone went home that day feeling pretty sheepish about their own sex lives.
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masterlist & other such things
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fire-for-you · 1 year
5 times gabby didn't realize kelly and matt were dating (and 1 time she did) - PART ONE
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pairing - m. casey x k. severide
rating - teen and up (unrequited love, implied sexual content, hurt/comfort, minor violence, kidnapping, happy ending)
word count - 427
summary - (i'd say it's pretty self-explanatory) for part one: drunk gabby
Matt took a swig of his beer, looking at his boyfriend across the bar. He watched as Kelly laughed along with Capp at something Tony said. He was about to get up to sit by them when someone crashed into him.
Gabby almost banged her head on the bar before Casey caught her.
"Geez, Gabby, how drunk are you?" He asked, laughing slightly.
"Drunk? Who's she? I've never met her." She mumbled. The brunette raised her hand, signaling Stella over.
"Whoa-ho-ho. You don't need anymore. I better take you home." Casey looked to the bartender before him, "Kidd, can you watch her for a little bit, get her some water?" She nodded, grabbing a glass.
Matt headed over to Kelly's table, clapping him on the shoulder.
"Hey, I'm gonna take Gabby home; she's kinda drunk. I'll see you later?"
Kelly said, "Okay," before pulling him in for a chaste kiss.
Matt hummed a little, falling away from him and walking back to the bar.
Dawson was swaying along to the music, sloshing her water in every direction. Once she saw the blonde, she called him, "Casey! Come dance with me!"
"No, Gabby, come on. Let's get you home." He stuck out his arm, waiting for her to grab on. She did, after setting her glass down and saying goodbyes.
They walked toward the door, looking suspiciously like a couple.
Dawson leaned almost entirely on her friend. The walk to Casey's truck was quiet, the woman on his side drifting from closed eyes to open ones.
Soon enough, the door was open, and he was helping her inside, even buckling the seatbelt, before getting in himself.
Halfway to the paramedic's apartment, she spoke up. "Casey? How come you've never asked me out? I mean, I feel like it's inevitable. We're both hot; we gotta be bound to end up in the sheets eventually."
"Ah, well, I've never thought of you that way. And getting in a relationship with one of my subordinates is risky-" the sound of snoring cut Matt off, and Gabby slumped over in her seat. "Plus, I love Kelly." He finished quietly.
The rest of the drive was peaceful, the Captain turning on the radio and singing along. When they reached the complex, Matt gently shook Dawson awake, and she made her way to the door, assuring the other she was okay to get to her apartment. They said goodbye, and Casey drove off, making his way to Severide's loft.
After Kelly opened the door, he ensured that part of the night wasn't so quiet.
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masterlist & other such things
Chicago Fire masterlist
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fire-for-you · 1 year
Chicago Fire masterlist
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- 5 times gabby didn't realize kelly and matt were dating (and 1 time she did) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ✅đŸ’Č
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