fire1033 · 4 months
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Youtube doing this while fully fucking enabling the alt right pipeline with dozens if not hundreds of racist/anti semitic grifters on their platform for well over a decade at this point is an insane double standard.
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fire1033 · 4 months
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Biden’s State Department in a nutshell.
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fire1033 · 4 months
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blood diamonds from congolese slave mines, gold jewelries from sudans child labour, silks, and satins from Bangladeshi underpaid factory worker. end the madness, eat the rich.
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fire1033 · 4 months
Unfortunately, we were not able to travel😞
We were expected to travel today, but the occupation entered Rafah and destroyed and occupied the crossing, which is the only crossing through which we can travel. The fear now is that we will lose the money we paid for travel, and the greatest fear is that the crossing will not return to work.
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fire1033 · 5 months
Alvin & the chipmunks is just slowed down nightcore
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fire1033 · 1 year
“ADHD can’t make you procrastinate THAT hard, can it?”
You know when you get that URGENT desire to pee? Yeah, I can put that off for 8 hours. My bladder is strong enough to hold back the flood that made Noah set sail. You have no idea what my ADHD is capable of
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fire1033 · 1 year
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fire1033 · 2 years
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fire1033 · 2 years
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Pass it on.
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fire1033 · 2 years
#prooftheyhadadhd #onhis19thbowl
How the media depicts the Apollo 11 mission:
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Actual quotes from the Apollo 11 mission:
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fire1033 · 3 years
So, if you follow the tiktoker lighthouseraiders, you will get this. If not, go watch their stuff and come back.
"HEY, ALEXANDER!" "How many time do I... what happened to you?" "Well I was TRYING to set up our next heist, when I ran into one of your minions." "And?" "And they seem to take "Stop Morgan from hurting themselves at all costs." a bit too literally! Your minion literally dragged me out of the zoo before I was ready, and the monkeys ended up getting out and throwing poop everywhere! It got in my hair and everything!" ".....Morgan, what type of heist were you planning?" "That doesn't matter! It is a surprise! You are lucky I had basically finished up in time before your minion showed up." "Ooookkkk. So what is the issue?" "The issue is you need to have your minion talk to me before trying to drag me off in the middle of heist planning!" Minion then pops up "To be fair, I only dragged Morgan off after they jumped in the tiger pit" Minion leaves "Alex, I am going to shower and change, and then you are helping me with my heist, or I am going to make you miserable for a week. And don't tempt me, I know where you stores the power sucking ray you stole from that hero!" Morgan stomps off, leaving a confused Alex to ponder what in the world is planned for the heist.
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fire1033 · 3 years
So I have been reading my hero academia for a while now, and I honestly think quirks are real, but society doesn't accept them yet. They just see the downside, and refuse to assist people in exploring and expanding their abilities. For example, my quirk is I can see connections in information that allows me to predict things and figure out the most likely outcomes and figure out how I should respond, and i do this all subconsciously and faster than a normal person. The flip sides are 1. If someone asks me to explain myself, it takes me way longer because it is all subconscious, and 2. I have to remind myself the information can change at any time and I need to be able to adapt to that. My quirk is called ADHD, and just like in MHA, it is almost guaranteed to be passed from parent to child.
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fire1033 · 3 years
So I was taught a lesson in how to get rid of a migraine in 30 seconds and omfg listen my migraines don’t go away ever but I was shown what part of my body to touch and like???????????????
It’s witchcraft????????? Like I would be burned at the stake if I lived in ye olde days knowing that information?????
What the fuck??????
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fire1033 · 4 years
So I know I have written something like this before, but since I am going through the new Dungeons and Dragons books, it made remember this and now I have to write something new.
Now that the preface is over....
So imagine if aliens are real, and because humans are so adaptable, we are basically the group every alien wants to have sex with at least once. But because humans are so adaptable, we were able to absorb and survive the alien DNA, giving the offspring super human powers. This led to an embargo on visiting earth, not because we did anything wrong, but because the idea of terminators with super powers scares the eff out of the universe. And so over time, these powers have faded until they are only remnants of their past power, waiting to be reawakened. For example, people with schizophrenia can literally see and interact with alternate realities due to the blood of reality jumpers. ADHD people are born of psionic bloodlines, making them very intelligent, but also unable to stop their minds from bouncing around in their skulls because they are not meant to be contained. People with anxiety have a persistent level of fear because they have very minor future reading possibilities, but because humans are so adaptable, that future keeps changing, so it looks like they are worried for nothing, but they aren't. And so on and so forth. Because these bloodlines have faded, the original powers are still there, but limited to the point of only providing a tiny bit of their previous power.
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fire1033 · 4 years
I kept thinking about how my wife and I always get excited when we are able to do small simple things others would not think of as a big deal, but we find big stuff we do perfectly normal. All because of our ADHD. Like imagine being an alien (or for all intents and purposes a neurotypical person) and seeing that happen.
As J'orb was walking through the halls of the ship, she heard an excited exclamation from the nearby lab.
"Hahaha! I did it, I got it all done!"
As she ran into the lab to see what happened to make one of her human crewmates so excited, she saw Adam standing in front of a row of freshly cleaned test equipment.
"Hey Adam, what's up? I heard you yelling from down the hall."
"Sorry about that. I finally, FINALLY was able to get all my lab equipment cleaned and organized before I left for the day, rather than letting future Adam do it. Man, I love my meds sometimes. They make my life SO much easier"
".... Weren't you the one who reconfigured the engine last week to run on 15 percent less fuel by using waste products so we create less space debris and save money???"
"Yeah, but that interesting and easy. This, this is hard stuff. Look, it is clean and properly put away!"
".... Ok, Adam, I have so many questions. First, why are you so excited about this? Second, what does medication have to do with this? And third, aren't you supposed to do this everyday? Why is it a big deal?"
"I have so many answers for you, J'orb. Firstly, I know you just came onto the ship at our last pickup, so you might not have heard yet, but I have ADHD. It is a imbalance in certain brain chemicals that makes small, boring tasks impossible to do because my brain constantly needs external stimulation to produce the chemicals it is missing. This means my own brain fights the everyday things it needs to do because they are not stimulating enough. So I take meds that act like those chemicals to allow me to do those boring tasks."
"Ah, so you must have been on this medication your entire life then? Why does this still make you excited?"
"Oh no, I only started the meds a few years ago. Most people seemed to think I was "too smart" to have ADHD, and thus I have lived with it my entire life. So yeah, being able to do these small things is a new experience for me."
"............... How can anyone think it is normal to feel that way and not notice?!"
"They just assumed I was lazy and didn't want to do it because they can, so why can't I?"
"That is probably the most stupid thing I have ever heard."
"Dealing with stupid people saying stupid things about me? Story of my life. Now, how about we do something fun? I had this idea about how to rig the engine to jump through double the space at once."
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fire1033 · 4 years
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Goes for autism too.
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fire1033 · 4 years
So I came up with an idea, and if you want to join me you can. I want to make a show similar to Full house, where it is a family who all have ADHD, and they each have different presentations/ways they deal with it. And they have to navigate everyday life with the actual struggles ADHD people live with. Like, Dad refuses to take meds, but instead of belittling his kids he supports them in their desire to take the meds. That kind of wholesome show is what I need.
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