fireballsoflife · 5 years
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Gif Set: Wicked or Evil.
Nameless and unknown. Nobody knew she excisted. No one knew of her wicked ways. 
But she did. Evil knew. Evil saw her coming in through the night. Sneaking through her window pane.
One Wicked, one Evil, one room, and one face. They were a mirror of the other. Looked just the same, but felt so different. 
Evil was catious, curious to a fault. Knowing there was someone out there wearing her face, using her name, almost made her laugh. Laugh in pitty. 
But oh, Wicked wasn’t laughing. Wicked was full of rage. And with a bat to the head, Wicked knocked Evil out.
She took over her life. Used her name, used her voice, wore her clothes. And soon, won over her friends. She became her. She was her.
But who was she? Will she slip up? Will she be found out? The other could come out. Spill everything. But no one will believe either of their words. Till some one asks..
Wicked or Evil?
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fireballsoflife · 5 years
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Gif Set: Wilson’s Wrath.
Sabrina Wilson, daughter to Cresswell’s Headmaster. Headstrong in more ways than one. People thought she had it all, thought she was untouchable at the Academy. But they didn’t know how alone she truely was.  With a birh mother who tried to kill her when she was born, and a father who never treated her like a daughter. More like a person he felt obligated to feed. She felt unloved.
With no real friends, and no one ever noticing her. She felt alone. Alone in a world she didn’t feel like she was living in. Only phasing through. And that brought the source of her personality. Anger. Wrath.
She was angry at the world. Angry at her birth mother. Her father. Everyone.
She was unloved by her father, her friends, everyone. She’d go days out of the school, and no one would notice. No one would miss her if she just got up and left. 
No, Sabrina Wilson was not sad. She didn’t do sad. She was furious. Furious all the time at the life that was given to her without her say. She didn’t ask for this. But she got it anyways. 
Sabrina Wilson was consumed. She felt nothing but the curse of Wilson’s Wrath.
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fireballsoflife · 5 years
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Gif Set: Coming out. 
“Lexi..” A soft voice whispered from behind her crying friend. She was at a lost, seeing the girl so upset. Not knowing what to do or say. 
Alexis spared the girl a glance before she looked away, sniffling as she breathed deeply. She whipped at her nose, keeping her head faced away. She didn’t want the girl to see her like that. But she couldn’t stop herself from crying. 
“I..” The girl contiued, looking away then back at her. “I’m sorry you had to find out about us that way. About me and your brother. But Lexi, I love him. I..”   “Please.. Kendall, stop.” Alexis murmured out through her sniffling, closing her eyes tightly. “You.. you chose him. I get it. They always do. I’m just the lame ugly little sister. Not even my parents chose me over him.” “Alexis!” Kendall gasped as she tried to catch her eyes, but so success. “That’s not true.. You’re my best friend.” “But you feel in love with him! Not me! All I ever wanted was someone who was just mine, and you ended up like everyone else I fell in love with. You went to him instead.” Alexis finally blurted out in quick breathes as she felt another sob getting ready to break through. 
“Lexi..” Kendall whispered, heartbroken as she listened to her. “I.. I don’t know what to say.” She was in shock of the news handed to her. Her best friend for years was in love with her. “Don’t say anything.” Alexis murmured, pulling her hair up to tie into a pony tail. She let out a deep breath. “I.. I need time.” She whispered.  “Time? For what? Alexis.” Kendal went to step forward, but stopped when the girl shook her head quickly.  “I need time away from you. Go. Be with.. Jayce. Just.. leave me alone. So I can get over you. Please.. let me get over you.” Alexis closed her eyes tightly as she spoke, trying to keep her cries in.  “Alexis..” Kendall started, only to stop when  Alexis let out a loud sob.  “Leave!” Finally she looked over and watched as Kendall opened her mouth to say more. But she didn’t. She only gave her a sad look before walking away.  And then Alexis fully broke down. She fell to the ground, bringing her knees up and cried into her hands. She never felt so unloved in her life till the moment she saw the girl she loved making out with her own brother.  Alexis Reid’s heart was completely shattered, with no one to pick up the pieces. She was alone. 
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
New Year Starters
"Will you kiss me at midnight?"
"Got any champagne?"
"I'm got doing the ball drop this year."
"I'd rather be home than freezing outside."
"I really don't get the big deal."
"Here's hoping the new year is better than the last."
"New year, new me."
"Let's go out to celebrate."
"Want to go to a party?"
"This is the perfect way to ring in the new year."
"To health, happiness and good days."
"I don't drink, but thank you anyway."
"I don't feel well..."
"Did you just kiss me?"
"I don't care if it IS tradition, I'm not eating that."
"It really is nice out tonight."
"The stars are prettier than the fireworks."
"We don't have to go to a big party place. Maybe a restaurant?"
"Let's ring in the new year right."
"Are you drunk?"
"Can we go home?"
"Just you, me and a couple of silly hats. What do you say?"
"Hold my hand."
"I just want to go to bed early tonight. Does that make me old?"
"I think I drank too much."
"Let's get a cab."
"I'm not wearing those."
"You look silly."
"Does anyone know the words to Auld Lang Syne?"
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
“It’s not good.” Rachel said as she came down the stairs of the Big House’s attic, a worried look on her face. She looked back at the camper behind her before back at the others. “I couldn’t see anything that caused the illness. But it’s spreading. If she doesn’t get help fast.. there won’t be much of a future left for any of us. Because it won’t end with just her.”
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
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Gif Set: Remember Me. 
”Angel..” The boy who lived looked up at his best friend with a saddened look, a worried look. “Come on, it was funny the first time. It’s not funny anymore!” He was frustrated. Scared. What if it was real?  “Look, I’m sorry, but I have no idea who you are.” The redhead whispered as she risked a small glance around them. In the strange hallway, standing before stairs that were moving on their own. Whispers going around as others watched, everything looked worried. Just as freaked out as the girl was feeling. 
“But you have too! It’s me, Harry. Your best friend! The boy who lived! The boy who took you to your real first Christmas with the Weasleys’! Pranked Snape together, laughed together! We’ve been through so much together, heartbreak, happiness, everything! I was there when you discovered your name! How could you forget me?!” Harry started out calm before his panic set in. He couldn’t help but yell a little. He was scared and emotional, and he couldn’t help but take it out on her. 
He had to get away, clear his mind to figure out where everything went wrong. The last thing he wanted was to have Angel’s only memory of him be of anger. But he was so angry at the world. For taking everything from him. For taking Angel from him. 
“Remember me!” Harry pleaded one last time before walking away, not wanting his lost friend to see him cry. Not wanting anyone to see him cry. 
“I’m sorry..” The girl murmured softly, knowing only she could hear herself, as she watched the strange boy walk away. She didn’t know the boy, didn’t know herself. But she felt something. A wave of sadness. Guilt. Her eyes stung with tears threatening to fall, though she didn’t know why. 
She didn’t know that Angel Burke didn’t remember. 
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
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Gif Set: My sister. 
Nico and Aria Di Angelo. Children of Hades. Their relationship was rare for demigods. Not many demigods siblings were fullt related. But then again, not many demigods were reancarnations of their brother’s older sister. 
Aria was born with a split soul. Two souls in one body, both fighting to take over. One soul of the past, a life she had dreams about, and one soul of the present. She didn’t understand it then, but meeting Nico made it easier for her to live with. He helped her learn that both souls made up who she was. She was both Aria, and Bianca. 
Meeting Aria felt like a curse to Nico at first. He was sent to save her from Hades, and was almost shocked speechless by what he saw. There she was, a little girl, who looked so much like his big sister, Bianca. Who somehow knew who he was without even having to say a word. He felt like the Gods were laughing at his pain and misery. He didn’t understand at the time, that Aria was a gift. A way for them to apologize for what they put him through.
It took awhile for Nico to get used to it. He’d look at her and be surrounded by memories of her. It pained him, sometimes it was too much, he had to get away to breath. But he always came back. No matter how sad he felt, being reminded of who he lost, she was his new sister. Bianca would be ashamed of him if he left her to face the world alone, like she did to him. 
Nico didn’t exactly remember the moment it happened, maybe he always did accept her but he was too deep in denial. But after ignoring an irrangant demigod badmouthing him, calling him out for being a creep, he didn’t espect Aria to go after him in defense of her big brother. 
Nico acted on reflex, getting in between the two. Only to be greeted by a punch in the face. And Aria running around him to tackle the guy. Nobody hits her brother and gets away with it.
“You’re sister is crazy!” The guy yelled after Nico got back up to seperate the two once again. 
“Excuse me?!” Nico turned to glare at him, the area around them getting darker the more angry he got. “She is not crazy! She is my sister, my resonsibility. And if you ever touch her, you’ll have to deal with me! Now take your spoiled butt far away from us!”
The darkness around them didn’t leave till the demigod was out of sight. Nico’s anger slowly disappeared, and he was greeted by a tight hug with a head tucked underneath his chin. 
“Thank you, Neeks, for letting us in. For being a great big brother,” A voice was muffled in into his chest as Nico slowly hugged his sister back. He froze at the words before letting out a small smile. It was her voice, but it was Aria’s as well. It was both. He finally understood. He never lost Bianca, she was just reborn. Into Aria.
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” Nico whispered into the girl’s hair, sighing a bit. “I will not lose you this time, Aria. I promise.”
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
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“You’re really something else, Kid.” He sighs, shaking his head and moving away from him.
“I’m no kid.” Riley frowned at him for a moment, shaking his head before laughing. “You’re just a grump.. kid.” He teased at the end, smirking lightly. 
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The Beginning
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
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“Alright. I’ll wait by the counter.” Lily smiles, blushing a bit.
Logan smiled softly and nodded. "Just give me a moment, then," He hummed before turning to put away the cart. 
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
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Gif Set: Fated. 
Gryffindors and Slytherins weren’t meant to be friends. They were at odds, sworn enemies for as long as anyone could remember. 
But there were two Hogwarts students that went against the accepted. 
Faith Malfoy, Slytherin, was loud and all over, playing jokes on her fellow classmates.
And Angel Burke, Gryffindor, hardheaded with a cold cover, prefered to be alone to distance herself. 
One was open, while the other private. But together, they were a force that couldn’t be seperated.  
Angel calmed Faith, brought her back to earth. While Faith brought fun to Angel, gave her back her laugh she lost. They balanced eachother. Ying-Yang; they were meant to be.
Connected together since their childhood, by the same witch named Hope, their friendship was written before their time. Written in the stars. 
Destinies woven together, they were fated to achieve great things with one another.
They were soul sisters. 
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
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Gif Set: Yule Ball.
Jessica Davies and Theo Matthews, Hufflepuff and Slytherin, Bullied and the bully- all pairs that accosiated with the two students. No one really knew how it all started. It was sudden, Theo bullying the shy girl till her hair was permentally blue. Mocking her stutter, Tripping her in the halls, stealing her drawinngs to call them ugly, anything to put her in a bad mood. 
Something changed though, the course of the years. It happened after the secret that Slytherin Matthews wasn’t the pureblood that he claimed to be. But a Muggleborn. He lost all of his friends that day. But he gained one unexpectantly. No one went to comfort him, no one except timid Jessica.
From then on, Theo apologized for bullying her. Said something about pigtails, sweet Jessica didn’t get the reference. And Theo didn’t explain. Till now, the year of the Triwizard Tournament. He had an important question to ask her. 
The two unlikely friends were sitting by the trees that looked to the Black Lake. Snacks by their sides, parchment in their laps; They talked about nothing, and everything. It was the perfect moment. 
“So, Jess,” Jessica hummed a small noise, the tip of her feather brushing against her cheek as she drew lazily in her book. Theo coudln’t help but smile through his crazy nerves, “Has anyone asked you to the Yule Ball yet?”
Jessica paused at that as a light tint of pink appeared to the tips of her hair. “Ah, No. I don’t think I’m going, really.” She murmured, looking up slowly at the blonde boy. “Guys don’t even know I exist, so.” She finished reaching for a liquorice wand.
“I do.” Theo said in a soft whisper, watching the girl he’s had a crush on for years now. She was looking at him in surprise, and it was making his nerves go higher than ever before. “And what would you say if I.. asked you? As.. my date?”
“I..” Jessica was speechless, the pink in her hair turning brighter. But there was a flicker of yellow to her eyes. “I’d say.. yes.” She finished said after a while. After she took a moment to process what was happening, and figure out what he was saying between the lines. Her answer came easily then. “I’d love to be your date, Theo.”
“Yeah?” Theo breathed out in relief, smiling as the girl let out a giggle. “Great.” He smiled, looking at her with a fond look as the pink turned to yellow. Happiness. They were both happy.
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
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Gif Set: Surprise.
“Now just stay still, okay?” The voice behind the camera said happily. There was a light chuckle as there was a laugh coming from the man in focus. “And no peeking!”
“Zachary..” The boy in the screen whined lightly, looking down to the ground to hide his smile. “Just tell me what this is all about, will you?”
“Why tell ya, when I can just show ya?” Another voice chimed in from behind the scenes. A bubbly irish accent, with blue eyes and blonde hair to match when the camera turned to the new arrival. “Surprise, Mika!” He yelled out with a grin.
“Oh my god,” Mika gasped out, looking up quickly. “Riley!” He grinned before rushing to hug his long lost friend. HIs blue eyed twin. Childhood best friend. God, he missed him.
“Reunited at last.” Zachary teased lightly behind the camera, joining in as the two boys laughed happily. Then, the video ended. 
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
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Gif Set: Green.
“Oh my.. god,” Caleb huffed out as he turned his head sharply to the source of his annoyance. “Do they have to be so loud?” He asked in anger, watching the pair of teenagers laugh together by the sore of the island.
Paige Blake and Tyler Chance. Everyone knew them to be childhood best friends. Even with everything they were going through, being stranded on the island, the two worked well together. Laughed and joked together. Paige only ever laughed when she was with him. 
That set an unfriendly feeling in the pit of Caleb’s stomach to think about. He didn’t like that feeling. He didn’t understand it, either.
“Careful, Thorne, Green isn’t really your color.” One of his lacrosse team members joked, smirking at his team captain. Till he came to a stop at the glare sent his way.
“I am not jealous! Why would I be? They’re just..” Caleb practically shouted out, pausing as he looked at the dark haired girl, watching her truly smile for the first time since they landed on the island. “Friends.”
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
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Gif Set: Coronation.
Every year, on the Princess’s birthday, the royal family held a masqurade ball. In honor of the Princess, so she may keep her identidy a secret. Till she and her siblings were ready. 
This year, they were ready. This year, the ball was different. Not only was it a celbraton of the High Princess. But it was her Coronation. For after today, she would no longer be a princess. She’d be crown Queen Rosalinda. It was a huge event. The biggest ball yet. They would finally know who the royal family were. They were removing their masks to honor the new Queen of Spies. 
“Rose..” The former Queen started as she watched her daughter get ready, “Are you sure you’re ready for this? You’re young, still have time to be a kid.”
“Mother, I’ve never been a kid.” Rose answered as she stood up from her chair, turning to face her. “I’ve been training for this my whole life. My siblings are ready to take of their masks, as am I. I’m ready to take the next step.” “You are going to make a wonderful Queen.” Her mother mused softly. “I’m sorry your father and I wont be there to see it.” 
“You will,” Rose spoke with force, “Once we finally put them down, and you two are safe, then you can come out of hiding. Then you’ll be able to see us again. It will happen, mother. I swear it.” 
Her mother watched Rose for a moment, just taking her daughter in. With scars all around, but head still held up high. She truely was meant for it, meant to be the next ruler. She was so proud of her, and scared for her. The target was now on her back.
Rose gave her a look that said it all. She knew what the other was thinking. There was a huge debate with her parents about the dangers of being Queen. But Rose’s mind was set, nothing could change it. To protect her parents, and their world, she would do anything. It was the right thing to do.
“Alright. I believe you.” Rose’s mother murmured softly, picking up a mask to hand to her. “You really are ready for this. And anyone who says otherwise will just have to go through me. Now, ready to become Queen?”
Rosalinda slipped on the mask and turned to face the morning, sighing as a tiara was slid onto her head slowly. She closed her eyes for a moment before nodding. 
“I’m ready.”
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
“Cool. I know of a pretty good coffee shop down the road.” Lily leans down to grab her bag and puts it on her shoulder. 
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“Well, let me put this cart away,” Logan nodded to his now empty cart, “Then you can lead the way. My treat, too.” He smiled at her lightly, nodding a bit. 
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
Dameon shakes his head but makes no move to look back at him. “Whatever your beliefs, Sullivan. Keep them to yourself.” He says gruffly.
“You know, just because you said that- I’m not going to do it!” Riley laughed lightly, shaking his head a bit. “I’ll get you to believe one day, I just know it!” 
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The Beginning
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fireballsoflife · 6 years
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Gif Set: Make it official.
“What is.. Is this what I think it is?” Angel murmured out in a shaky voice. She was speechless as she stared at the papers in her hands. She didn’t know what to say, let alone what to think. It had to be some sort of prank.
“What do you think it is?” Magnolia asked, a small smile taking over her lips. Then her smile grew into a giddy grin as she shared a look with her twin brother. “It’s no joke, Ang. You don’t have to take the name Rosier, but..” She trailed off, letting her brother finish after her. 
“But we think of you as a sister. Love you as a sister. And far as we are conserned, you are.” Cooper finished with a grin, turning to the red haired girl. “You are no longer an orphan, Angel. You don’t have to take our name, save it for when you find your real name if you wish. But in the world of law, and our hearts, you’re family. So, we want to adopt you..” He finished his little speech, smiling as he knew the siblings words touched the once very alone girl. 
Angel looked at the two siblings. The very first people she met once she transferred to Hogwarts. She tried to push them away, but to no avail. The slytherins were stubborn. She couldn’t avoid them, but as years went by, she found that she didn’t want to avoid them. She wanted them near. Wanted to be part of their family. And that scared her. Yet she could feel her walls breaking down inside, right infront of them. She didn’t want to be scared anymore. Angel knew they knew her answer the moment they started to laugh happily. And the orphan, sorry, new Rosier member, couldn’t help but join them.
“So let’s make it official, then.” Angel finally said as she looked up from the adoption papers with a happy smile.
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