firebirdmaximus · 1 hour
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firebirdmaximus · 2 hours
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firebirdmaximus · 3 hours
Sonic the Comic Liveblog: Issue 100
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Here we are at Issue 100! Let's hope it's a great one!
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Aww, they gave the mascot a party hat!
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So I was right in my guess! This can't be without problems though. For starters, what's gonna happen to Shortfuse?
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I think this panel is like… the epitome of Fleetway Super Sonic
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It's great that the Freedom Fighters are getting a massive victory like this. Of course, the fight against Robotnik will likely continue considering there's A LOT more issues to go
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??? since fucking when does he have laser eyes??
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Well, at least the explosion did something to him. He'd be OP as fuck otherwise
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I was wondering about that actually. Nice to know the answer.
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*sad trombone noises *
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Omni third-wheeling in the background
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Yeahhhhh he'll be caught for about two issues tops then he'll break free
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That expression on Sonic is so goofy. He looks like a cheap theme park mascot costume
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This is another one of those StC plot elements that I was super vaguely kinda aware of before hand; of Super powering down and becoming more chill. Guess this is my answer for how it happened.
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Yep, figured Grimer would be the key to escaping.
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Christ, I knew Robotnik's capture wouldn't last long but getting free in the same issue was faster than I thought it'd be.
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Having one long story in this issue illustrated by different artists every few pages is certainly a neat idea, but it also kinda creates a bigger dissonance in the artstyles if that makes sense? Like we saw these same guys in the same setting looking completely different like two pages ago, it feels a little jarring.
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I'm not a big fan of the way this artist draws the characters, but I'd be lying if I said that top panel with the explosion didn't look great.
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This kid painted this wall mural all by himself! That's impressive. It reminds me of how my dad did something similar to my bedroom walls when I was a young kid, albeit with Snow White and the seven dwarves rather than Sonic.
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firebirdmaximus · 3 hours
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Merle Goll
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
ok as part of my job I have to make a lot of follow-up calls (not cold calls) to elder millennials/young gen-xers and it has me wondering
*edit: if a business/unknown number is calling/not a friend or relative
feel free to leave your age in the tags too
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
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Agnès Tiollier (b.1958) - At the Edge of the Woods. 2023. Ink and pastel.
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
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cloudy day.
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
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colour studies from photos on unsplash— about 15 minutes per panel.
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
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Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswin Oswald — Doctor Who | The Snowmen
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
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kitty kisses [ID in alt text]
tattoo tickets
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
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Saw a rainbow yesterday :)
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
a friend of mine tried to sell his soul on ebay and the starter price was $10 and people were bidding on it but before anything happened ebay took it down and sent him an email explaining that if he was selling a soul that didn’t actually exist then it was against their policy and if he was selling a real soul then that is a human body part and it is also against their policy 
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
i will give tiktok one concession and that is that it has spawned a comment that contains a phrase that i think of often at relevant moments: pack it up boys we've made a social blunder
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
Months of planning ruined
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (UK) posted this to their Facebook page today:
We are very excited to announce our NEW RECOGNISED BREED - The Transylvanian! 🤩
'Indigenous to the woodlands and forests around the Carpathian Mountain areas of Romania and Hungary, the Transylvanian cat is the most recently discovered natural breed in the world.
They have fascinating features such as the reverse Karparti coat, born white, over the first 12 months the kitten grows a black, blue or sometimes a red coat whilst leaving the points of the ears, nose and paws white. Basically a reverse point! The Transylvanian is thermal too, being lighter in summer and darker in winter.
The foundation breeders led by Beverly Elian (WCF Judge) are based in Romania, Hungary, Switzerland and in the UK with Stuart & Amanda Brass.
Extensive testing has occurred on all four generations supported by Leslie Lyons and it appears the breed is robust with no genetic or hereditary issues appearing in any of the litters.'
Not seen and heard enough? You can see our newly recognised Transylvanian at the Feline Fair! Buy your tickets here - https://tinyurl.com/5dm7kp9a! 🎟️
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firebirdmaximus · 4 hours
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Brainiac is fun when he starts losing because his 12th level intellect is very good at remembering too late what Clark's abilities are actually capable of. Action Comics 491
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