firefrenzywillow · 5 years
//If you paste it in notepad it will not put in the pictures. Instead, it puts in the file name of the pictures. What are the file names? Well...
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//If you try to paste all of Wilson’s quotes for all of Don’t Starve (including DLCS) it crashes Word
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
//Tumblr won’t allow you to post it because it’s too long [I’ve cut out the quotes that weren’t implimented, I’ve also cut out achievements and ps4 exclusive things.] So the only thing that will allow you to copy and paste all of the quotes is NotePad
//If you try to paste all of Wilson’s quotes for all of Don’t Starve (including DLCS) it crashes Word
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
//If you try to paste all of Wilson’s quotes for all of Don’t Starve (including DLCS) it crashes Word
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
Willow frowned a bit, huffing in an annoyed way that it didn’t work, but she was persistant. “Wh....Wilson I told ya, I don’t have your stinkin’ rat!” Her arms squirmed a bit as something behind her back struggled, she put up a nervous smile as the thing began to make carrat noises, Willow quickly covering its mouth. “And I don’t want one of them! I’ve already got my own! I just can’t show it to ya.... It’ll spoil the surprise!” Willow let out a little sigh, smiling innocently to Wilson. “You wanna race carrats, right? Well I’ve got a secret carrat! You can’t see...her...though.”
If Wilson were to look over his camp for his loveable carrat, Ejnar, he would notice that it would no longer be there, it was nowhere in his camp! Someone must have taken it, especially since there was some soot prints where Wilson keeps his pet carrat.
Wilson had searched for quite a long while when he saw the little chubby carrat was missing. He was having trouble since the rats smelled exactly like normal carrots. He knew he should have made it a little bell collar!
It was the third go-around that he noticed the soot on the ground around the wood fences. That was new. And traceable!
Haha! He internally laughed as he followed any lingering scent and sight of the soot. He’d be able to find whatever took his little rat in no time, and give ‘em what for!
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
Willow was caught, and she knew it. So she blinked and tried playing innocent and all cutesie, just to get out of trouble. “Gosh Mister Wilson!” She frowned and took a step closer, lookin at Wilson with innocent eyes. She gave him some puppy dog eyes, trying to make it look like she was really innocent. “I just wanted to see your carrat! I never meant no harm...But I didn’t take your carrat, I swear to it, mister!” She was...really putting up a show, huh? It almost reminded someone of how a kid acted when they took something. But for some reason Willow had Olliver Twist vibes right now, as if she were some street kid that just took something from someone and was now getting caught. She smiled innocently, fluttering her eyelashes a little. “Gosh Mister Wilson.... You really think I’d take your carrat? I only went to have a gander! I never went to take him...those tracks you saw were me checking ‘im out!”
If Wilson were to look over his camp for his loveable carrat, Ejnar, he would notice that it would no longer be there, it was nowhere in his camp! Someone must have taken it, especially since there was some soot prints where Wilson keeps his pet carrat.
Wilson had searched for quite a long while when he saw the little chubby carrat was missing. He was having trouble since the rats smelled exactly like normal carrots. He knew he should have made it a little bell collar!
It was the third go-around that he noticed the soot on the ground around the wood fences. That was new. And traceable!
Haha! He internally laughed as he followed any lingering scent and sight of the soot. He’d be able to find whatever took his little rat in no time, and give ‘em what for!
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
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William loves his Carrat!
[Art done by Charlie!]
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
Willow looked to Wilson, jumping a little from frightment. He gave her a little scare! She smiled nervously, hiding the carrat behind her back the best she could with a tiny giggle. “Oh goodness.... I... I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m just playing with my carrat... And no, I don’t steal people’s carrats!” She frowned a little, seeming a little insulted. “I think you have me mistaken for Maxwell! You should probably go bug him, he probably has your carrat.”
If Wilson were to look over his camp for his loveable carrat, Ejnar, he would notice that it would no longer be there, it was nowhere in his camp! Someone must have taken it, especially since there was some soot prints where Wilson keeps his pet carrat.
Wilson had searched for quite a long while when he saw the little chubby carrat was missing. He was having trouble since the rats smelled exactly like normal carrots. He knew he should have made it a little bell collar!
It was the third go-around that he noticed the soot on the ground around the wood fences. That was new. And traceable!
Haha! He internally laughed as he followed any lingering scent and sight of the soot. He’d be able to find whatever took his little rat in no time, and give ‘em what for!
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
//The kids hair was, quite frankly, filthy; he had so much dirt in it that it quickly became apparent that his hair wasn’t actually brown, but actually blond! And overall, he seemed just covered in dirt from head to toe…Wally nodded to her advice, but was uncertain how to reply to her question. He could understand just fine, but speaking was difficult; he could only manage a few words, and rarely could manage without stuttering. He mumbled noise for a moment, uncertain, then nodded. He tapped his chest, managing out, “Wuh, Wall-ee.” That was his name… he then gestured to the stranger, tilting his head in question. ‘What’s your name?’
Willow noticed the proper colouring of his hair, seeming a little surprised. Oh my! Goodness she thought, what made this child so incredibly dirty? Perhaps he didn’t know how to clean himself, or perhaps he didn’t want to. Whatever the reason, Willow would make sure that the child’s hair would be clean once more. She didn’t want him getting sick. Willow carefully listened to what Wally had to stutter out, once she realised it was his name she smiled sweetly. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Wally...” She began to say, checking the area before standing up, neither of them hiding in the bush anymore. She had made sure the hounds were gone before doing this. She helped Wally up, holding his hand gently as she began to grin. She then got all perky, her voice raising to normal volume. “My name’s Willow! It’s nice to meet ya!” She stared at his hair for a while before getting a good look at the child. “Hmm..” She hummed for a moment before smiling kindly once more, wanting to make sure to not be so.... full of energy. She didn’t want to scare him! “Do you have a camp nearby...?”
Howling Good Times
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
Willow tried to brush most of the dirt out of the kid’s hair, smiling sweetly as she could. She just wanted to make sure the kiddo felt safe, but she also wanted to make sure the kiddo was clean too. Even knowing she couldn’t tell what the kiddo was staring at, she kept smiling at him, making sure to continue to whisper. “Glad you’re alright, kiddo... I wouldn’t suggest climbing trees when a hound wave is coming, they can easily jump up and get you or shake the tree until you can’t hold on anymore. It’s coming from experience.”
Willow heard the stutter and figured the kid may just be shy, or he may not entirely know how to talk. She didn’t understand what he was trying to ask, this was shown by her making a confused face, furrowing her brows and looking at the child questoinably. “Do you know how to speak..? It’s alright if you’re shy...I’m not forcing you to speak....”
Howling Good Times
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
// Wally yelped when he was snatched up, squirming, but at a voice, a real human voice, he quieted, stilled, glancing at Willow in shock and surprise. He tucked his left arm against his chest, covered it with his right, and bowed his head, curling into as small a ball as he could manage, trembling. // He hadn’t seen anyone except for Maxwell in a long time… to be snatched up like this, tucked against a stranger in an almost-hug was surreal. Furthermore, to proclaim that he was safe with this person… Wally struggled to bite back a whine, trembling harder. He may be safe from the hounds, but he was afraid of what may later come with this strange woman. // The hounds came barreling through the trees, one, two, three in total. They sniffed around and barked and howled to one another, poking around the area. One came dangerously close to the two survivors, but passed by without noticing them…
Willow was holding the surivor the entire time he went into a small ball, making sure that the kid was as safe as he possibly could be. The woman watched the hound come close, quickly curling into a ball around the child in case they were spotted, she would have sacrificed her own life for this kid. Ever so slowly she began rubbing the kid’s make just to make the kid feel safe, but it also helped her keep calm aswell. Once the hound went away, Willow felt safe once more.
She waited until the hounds were completely gone, probably to chase off some butterflies that fluttered by. Willow then uncurled around the child, trying to make sense of who this kid was, she was just trying to see if the other survivors had made a kid that she didn’t know about. She didn’t feel uneasy around him, in fact she always felt better when she was around children, they didn’t judge her like the others did. Especially not like Maxwell. Maxwell constantly judged her for trying to solve solutions her way, so she was much happier around kids. She wondered for a moment how long the child was in the constant for, all alone with no one. Or did they have someone? By the noises the child made, Willow was guessing they didn’t have many to talk to for quite some time. “They seem to be leaving now...” Willow hushed out with a sweet whisper, trying to run her hand through the kid’s hair. “Are you alright?” Willow curiously asked, wanting to make sure the kid felt as safe as possible.
Howling Good Times
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
As Wilson followed the trail it would take him quite the distance, nearly half the day was wasted following the trail of soot. Soon the soot went into the desert biome area, footprints now began showing up to help identity who the culprit may be, the footprints were heels, not high heels but someone with heels none the less. It gave quite a clear clue on who it may be, along with the soot it was probably clear who took the carrat. 
After a little more travel Wilson went into the birchnut area, where Wilson could see a camp in the distance. There was a lovely gate that made it so people could come and go through a walled off base. The only thing that wasn’t walled off was a fenced off area, the fence was alovely ash colour with flowers decorating the ground around it. There were farm plots around it with a lovely road that led to the entrance of the walled base to the fenced area, along with a dirt path that lead to the farm plots. The culprit could be seen in the fenced off area, struggling to hold something.
Willow was in the fenced area, holding Wilson’s beloved Ejnar, trying to feed the carrat some seeds to change its colour. 
If Wilson were to look over his camp for his loveable carrat, Ejnar, he would notice that it would no longer be there, it was nowhere in his camp! Someone must have taken it, especially since there was some soot prints where Wilson keeps his pet carrat.
Wilson had searched for quite a long while when he saw the little chubby carrat was missing. He was having trouble since the rats smelled exactly like normal carrots. He knew he should have made it a little bell collar!
It was the third go-around that he noticed the soot on the ground around the wood fences. That was new. And traceable!
Haha! He internally laughed as he followed any lingering scent and sight of the soot. He’d be able to find whatever took his little rat in no time, and give ‘em what for!
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
Willow had seen it was just a child, causing something to yank at her heart. She always had a soft spot or children, probably because she was an orphan. She noticed the child’s panicked noises and sounds, quickly getting up and running over to him. Suddenly the child could feel hands around his sides, pulling him backwards into the many bushes.
Willow hid in her bush hat right next to the other bushes as she held the new survivor close, making hushing noises. She knew the child wouldn’t survive if he had climbed the tree, the hounds were far too big and could simply jump and snap at the child. She hushed the child if he protested, keeping him close. “Stay quiet.” She softly said, looking around as she continued to stay hidden. “You’re safe with me...just please, stay quiet and they won’t find you...” 
Howling Good Times
The day was bright and sunny, the wind brushing through the distant trees. Butterfly’s flit from flower to flower, and the bees trailed after them as well. 
Howls filled the air and Wally sat up straight, a flower uprooted in his hands. He was alarmed, and quickly grabbed his pack, restlessly adjusting his dark-tinted goggles and digging through the pockets of his overalls, running dirt-caked gloves through his hair, mumbling anxious sound to himself.
He didn’t have anything more than a sharp trowel to defend himself with… deciding to make a break for it, he bolted for the treeline, figuring that he could either climb a tree, or maybe try to lead the hounds by a spiders nest…
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
Could we get a follow up of Wilson apologizing to Maxwell? Also I heccing love your maxwil art dude
I did actually draw this
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William’s tune will change once he learns Wilson left for a family funeral tho
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
Willow was walking through the land, head up high as she let the breeze flow through her thick hair. She let out a sigh, even knowing she usually wore ponytails she had taken hers out, just so she could brush her hair. She had brushed it, and was now just... enjoying her hair not being up. 
When Willow heard the howls her body turned to where they came from, Willow beginning to quickly do up her ponytails. Once they were up she grabbed her backpack and began to make her way towards the pigs, she knew that the hounds would be distracted by them. She rushed, jogging slightly into the treeline area, not knowing she would spot another survivor. And spot a survivor she did. She curiously looked towards them, having not seen them in the constant before. Willow took out her bush hat from her backpack, putting it on with a little wince, knowing her recently combed hair would get messy. She then quickly hid in the bush hat, keeping an eye on the survivor. She made sure that she hid in his line of sight, making sure not to spook the person if she had been found out.
Howling Good Times
The day was bright and sunny, the wind brushing through the distant trees. Butterfly’s flit from flower to flower, and the bees trailed after them as well. 
Howls filled the air and Wally sat up straight, a flower uprooted in his hands. He was alarmed, and quickly grabbed his pack, restlessly adjusting his dark-tinted goggles and digging through the pockets of his overalls, running dirt-caked gloves through his hair, mumbling anxious sound to himself.
He didn’t have anything more than a sharp trowel to defend himself with… deciding to make a break for it, he bolted for the treeline, figuring that he could either climb a tree, or maybe try to lead the hounds by a spiders nest…
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
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I’m just trying to design an oc that I actually like :E
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
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firefrenzywillow · 5 years
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