fireloom · 1 year
i made my character a human fighter who’s a housewife/empty nester seeking adventure and wholesome fantasy violence after discovering that her husband is having an affair
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is this……
is this how you dungeons 
is this how you dragons
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fireloom · 1 year
There is no joy like the joy of a writer who has just figured out that a throwaway line they put into the first few paragraphs of a story is actually the key to a major plot point and possibly even the theme underlying the entire thing.
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fireloom · 1 year
Life hacks
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fireloom · 1 year
when people are like “the hunger games just stole the plot of battle royale” like listen everything steals from the plot of everything the lion king is just furry hamlet westworld is jurassic park but sexier lost is edgy gilligan’s island there are no original stories and the only good piece of media is jennifer’s body
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fireloom · 1 year
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just so everyone is aware - one of the best ways for bird flu to spread is by encouraging birds to congregate. while the bird flu epidemic from 2022 continues strong into 2023, you should almost always stop feeding birds. this illness can spread between types of birds - you encouraging birds to feed in your backyard could cause the death of the person down the road’s backyard chickens. the disease RARELY spreads to other animals and humans, but it is zoonotic and CAN infect both pets and people, so be cautious and discourage spread of the disease. if you find a deceased bird do not handle it without protective wear and do not let pets interact with dead wildlife. im not going to launch into an outdoor cat spiel but if you have a cat that catches birds regularly, consider stopping them from doing so while this is going on for their & your safety.
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fireloom · 1 year
quick hide the cringe we can't let people know we enjoy things unironically
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fireloom · 1 year
Quick fun fact I learned in ASL class:
Babies can begin signing as early as a few months old. You don’t have to wait until they’re 9-12 months to start communicating verbally; the parts of the brain that process and use language develop before a baby is able to speak intelligibly with their mouth. Teaching your kid sign language early means that they can communicate effectively months ahead of schedule, when compared to peers that only speak a spoken language.
Additional fun fact: this jumpstart in language is thought to be a possible way to avoid the “Terrible Twos”; that phase of a toddler’s life is thought to be largely due to a toddler being unable to effectively communicate their needs. If a two year old has already been speaking for a year and a half, they’re far more able to communicate to you what’s wrong. Heck, they might also start reading earlier; languages with a fingerspelling component, like ASL, mean that any speaker needs to be able to spell unfamiliar words and ask about them. This can jumpstart a toddler’s ability to recognize letters as components of a word, and teach them to spell, read, and eventually write these letters to communicate.
Which, of course, lends absolutely zero credence to the theory that ASL will inherently stunt someone’s spoken language skills. If anything, sign language fluency makes acquiring any language, spoken or not, easier rather than harder.
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fireloom · 1 year
not to discourse on main but I think we will not know peace until people can come to terms with the fact that every person alive has a complicated relationship with sex & it means different things to different people & that is okay. like for some people it’s not something they ever want to do, or even think about doing. for some people it’s completely neutral, or maybe they’re fine with doing it when it crosses their mind but it doesn’t cross their mind very often. for some people it’s something they like doing a lot for fun, or it could be a very important source of intimacy for them, or they feel really strongly about doing it but only in certain ways. & none of those people are wrong! those are all perfectly fine ways to feel about sex! your feelings on the subject might stay the same or they might change over your life too, & that is also fine!
just like. please understand that “sex is bad/problematic/icky” and “you have to have sex every week for your health” are equally batshit stupid things to say. everyone has the right to pursue as much sex as they want, by themself or with other consenting adults, including when that means no sex. (key word here is consenting. you have a right to want sex but you don’t have a right to anyone else’s body. which should go without saying but y’know. your right to want sex doesn’t overrule someone else’s right to not want it & no one else’s right to want sex overrules your right to not want it either)
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fireloom · 1 year
Hey hi I've run into some truly galling information on tiktok so like
Y'all. If your doctor prescribes you antibiotics FUCKING TAKE ALL OF THEM OH MY GOD
If you stop when you 'feel better' you are not only allowing the infection to grab ahold stronger and set deeper but congratulations! You just signed up to be the incubator for the world's next variation on antibiotic resistant strains of what the fuck ever! Good job.
I cannot begin to describe the sheer number of commenters I just saw on a tiktok where the person was explaining how they didn't feel well, where they were telling them to 'just take the extra antibiotics you have lying around your house' fucking NO
Different antibiotics are for different things, even IF you actually were infected with something antibiotics can treat you won't have the right one you won't have enough and you're already fucked regardless because there were never 'Extra's' to begin with! If there are pills left in the bottle you did it wrong.
Jesus h christ. If you're prescribed pills take them as instructed. Please.
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fireloom · 1 year
fanfic writers will consume a whole ass franchise and be like "that was fun, now i will proceed to do it better"
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fireloom · 1 year
i hate that every time i look for color studies and tips to improve my art and make it more dynamic and interesting all that comes up are rudimentary explanations of the color wheel that explain it to me like im in 1st grade and just now discovering my primary colors
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fireloom · 1 year
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Because my comics have gone around the internet, many people have asked if I’ve “gotten better yet”. The answer is a firm NO because that’s not how post-viral illness triggered by an infection that causes organ and brain damage works. Please consider your behavior and who you are leaving behind.
Check out the People’s CDC here where they provide weekly updates on the COVID situation in the U.S.
ID in alt text and below!
ID: a 10-image black-and-white cartoony comic.
The 1st image is titled Pandemic Year 3 and dated January 2023. The drawing shows a masked boy with fluffy hair, Joey, surrounded by unmasked people. The text reads: At some point, the people around me decided that the price of me staying alive — a few small inconveniences for them — was too high. In image 2, Joey sits at a table with his drawing tablet looking concerned. The text reads: The world, many loved ones included, is actively hostile to me continuing to live. How do I cope with that? I don’t have the answer. I’m just really alone.
Joey, stressed and frightened, clutches his laptop. The text reads: And I mean really alone. A figure on the laptop screen says: High-risk people will take care of themselves. Joey yells: How?
This image is split into two panels. The first one reads: How do I keep myself safe when the store, work, and school, is a death trap? For each word, a triangle displays that maskless environment. The second panel shows Joey’s sad face in a Zoom window. The text reads: I’m taking my final semester of undergrad online to the displeasure of many.
Joey lays face down in a pillow. The text reads: If you’ve been following me for any time, you know I got Covid in February 2020 at 19 years old and have become disabled by long Covid. Everything smells and tastes like rotting meat, I can’t keep anything I eat down, and I’ve started randomly fainting after years of dizziness.
Joey is shirtless and masked and hooked up to an EKG. The text reads: I’m one of millions of Covid survivors for whom re-infection is much more dangerous. Not to mention everyone who was already high-risk.
Joey lays on the couch and looks at social media posts where people are posting photos of themselves maskless in crowds. The text reads: The general public is very happy to isolate high-risk people from society if it means never having to think about us ever again and continuing with the actions that kill us. That’s eugenics, by the way.
This image is split into two panels. The first one shows Joey laying down, clutching his heart, and crying. The text reads: And it’s not just the people who don’t see us. The second panel shows Joey looking disheveled. The text reads: The cognitive dissonance is unlike anything I’ve seen. A speech bubble says: Are you sure you won’t do indoor dining?
Joey holds his hands lovingly under his face and raises his arms. Hearts are around his head. The text reads: If you’re here with me and isolated from the rest of society while being continually told that your life doesn’t matter and that you’re crazy, I see you. I love you. You’re not alone.
Joey is shirtless and looking down at the portable EKG attached to his chest. The text reads: To the rest of you, I’m here asking for my life. I’m 22 and deserve to not only live but live joyfully. How much death and suffering is acceptable to you? The week of writing this, January 11th through 16th, at least 3,907 Americans have died of COVID. Recorded deaths have been over 2,500 weekly for months. Data from the People’s CDC. Recorded deaths are an undercount as many places stopped collecting or reporting data. End ID.
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fireloom · 1 year
i literally think of that "polynesians first to discover antarctica, not news to maori" headline so much it's so fucking funny
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fireloom · 1 year
Hey, PSA:
On your phone, go to Settings> Security and Privacy> Privacy> Other Privacy Settings> Ads> Delete Advertising ID
Then go back to Other Privacy Settings> Google location history> Turn off Location History &/or Turn-on Auto-Delete (you can set a time period of how long to keep it)
Then, staying on Other Privacy Settings, go to ’+ See all activity controls’> Web & App activity> Turn off (you can also turn-on Auto-Delete for here too) Then Scroll down to Personalized ads> My Ad Center> Turn Off Personalized Ads.
Google has no business knowing/storing everything you do online, and knowing/storing where you go everyday. Turn it off.
These instructions are for an Android phone, IOS might be different. If you have IOS or another operating system feel free to add on with your own map to where they’ve buried these settings in your phone to help others.
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fireloom · 1 year
shoutout to anthropomorphic snakes in animated movies doing poses that would normally require arms by creatively using their coils as arms instead. gotta be one of my favorite genders
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fireloom · 1 year
shoutout to anthropomorphic snakes in animated movies doing poses that would normally require arms by creatively using their coils as arms instead. gotta be one of my favorite genders
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fireloom · 1 year
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