firephoenix39 · 3 months
Hello, to those that I’ve stirred bad blood with in the past years, I want to apologize for my actions in what I did, believe me or don’t, but sincerely from all the times of asking for art, is unacceptable and looking back I still cringe at those moments…
Now that I’ve changed in life and head for a new way into it I want to try and make peace
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
Well today is the day I have arrived in this world for now I am 17
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
Hiya so I just saw your Wild Kratts art and I love it
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Aw why thank you anon ( I mean @firephoenix39 ) was super sweet message in my ask box 💕
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
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Departing Dallas to Chicago https://www.instagram.com/p/CRDMkafFvLg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
Hey there all y’all good people and followers sorry for being away for so long but I’ve been makin new stories , new friends and also catchin up with school so hope you understand
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
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I am a people person that I respect anyone in their own way and if you respect me back I will be nice and love you like if your my own family https://www.instagram.com/p/CNt6il4J0Th/?igshid=5gpteewgnkkc
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
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Look I’m sorry that I asked for too much but know this I personally thank the artist who did it and I even check in on them as if they are my own family because I care about them so please don’t be mad at me like I’m sorry
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
To all the folks who draw my OC Adrian I want to give you many thanks I really love the work and designs you do on him, for those who are still taking art requests I have one last request, if it’s possible can you do a piece of the clothes/attire that he wears I will give more descriptions
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
I still support this I’m Hispanic but we in this together
Reblog if you're black tumblr.
You don’t have to be black, it just means you support us, you stand by us and your for us.
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
@chaoticstarwberry thank you for the art and I love it
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A request from @firephoenix39 with his WK oc, Adrian , wearing the gray wolf CPS!
Keep reading
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
To me Texas at times let’s me down by having Karens, racists, representatives that don’t care about their citizens but only economy but I really appreciate it for it’s beautiful agriculture
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
Are you still into my creature power drawings? You haven't liked them in a while.
Of course I am sorry for not interacting to them but to answer your question yes I am into them keep goin
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
To all you people out there who still love Wild Kratts I like to ask yalll something, if there was an episode where a certain animal was only alive in the old west from 18-19th century would you believe that Zach’s great grandfather or relative could be an inventor or has some affiliation with the railroad or anything like that? Cause to me it makes sense that he would be a greedy businessman who cares nothing about the animals and natives but just wants to proceed westward expansion by using the railroad to make money
Please tell me your thoughts
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
Hey guys I just saw this trailer on YouTube for the bros channel and if you been a fan through thick and thin than I suggest watching and supporting them
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
As you wish great Madam Zeroni
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
Chapter 12
The AlaskianAdventure
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After a few days of being in the Texas sunny heat the Coronado brothers have been wanting for snow after a certain idea of thinking Adrian and Adam told the Wild Kratts crew about going to Alaska for exploring and after a few minutes of talking they agreed,August 1st, Adrian Adam, and Jingfei were getting their winter clothes and when done packing Adrian with the help of Aviva were making horseshoe cleats for the horses to walk on ice and snowy paths, later as soon as everyone was heading to the Tortuga Adrian with the help of
Martin,Chris, Adam, and Jingfei grabbed gold and the other horses and put them in the vehicle garage. Durning flight the wind was making noises that the horses didn't like the first who took notice was Adrian as he went down to the garage he helped calmed the horses and even stayed with them, after a few minutes of staying with the horses he got sleepy, he found a kayak that belonged to Chris and got in laying in it putting his feet outside the raft and placing his arm to cover his eyes from the light , as he drifted to sleep he had a a good dream turned bad that the whole crew except jimmy being cold sensitive were out riding until a Zachbot zoomed fast going left  In front of them. Then the vision cut there and shows that Zach,Donita, and Gourmand were there collecting any critter that had fur to protect them from the cold, Zach and Donita were planning on selling the fur and turn them into clothes and coats while gourmand was going to cook them, then the vison cuts again and shows that Adrian was in the middle of the icy lake and on the left side the villains were trying to escape the cracking pieces of the ice as well as the crew with Adam and Jingfei as Adrian was about to get up and run until he saw some animals on the ice about to give away, he quickly ran to them scooped them up and continued running but then there was trouble, as Adrian was near the lake bed Adam Jingfei and the crew saw Adrian and the animals heading to them while the ice cracking was inches away , Adrian knowing he won't make it threw the animals on his arms Aviva and koki managed to get them but the with the amount of time Adrian fell in the lake. As he tried to swim up he felt a sharp pain as when he fell ice cut his arm and leg badly that he can't move both, with only one arm and leg still movable he tried to swim up but he keeps ascending only inches but then he felt the water going from cold to warm, as he was still trying to ascend to the surface his arm went numb then his legs, and then he felt his eyes getting heavy as he was about to be unconscious, he made it to the surface but only his hand poked out then went unconscious . On the lake shore Martin,Chris , Aviva, Koki, Adam and Jingfei saw Adrian's hand rise up then sink down, Adam ran to save his little brother but as he was running Martin and Chris tried to warn Adam about slipping but Adam slipped determined to save his brother he crawled to the spot where Adrian fell in he made it and tried to grab his brothers hand, as Adam grabbed his baby brother's hand he pulled him up and saved him. Adrian woke up all of a sudden he saw the horses all sleeping and checked the time it read 8:50PM, he took a sigh of relief and went to the main room he saw  Martin,Chris, Aviva and Koki were asleep on hammocks , Adam and Jingfei were talking to each other, and jimmy was still piloting. Adrian then went to Adam and pulled him aside to talk to him, "What is it that you want to talk about bro?" Adam said, " I wanted to ask you something about tomorrow." Adrian replied, he then opened his satchel and showed him the creature power suit inside and asked, "Ready for a creature adventure to remember"? Adam smiled in amazement and hugged his little brother. Before Adam,Adrian and Jingfei went to sleep Adrian stayed up a bit to make some ice cleats for him and the rest of the team that can fit on any shoe or boot, when he was done making them he then settled down and waited for the next day to come.
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firephoenix39 · 3 years
Chapter 11
The New Adventure
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It's been nearly two weeks since Adrian's return from the dead, he's been laying in bed recovering from his injury, his family has been keeping an eye on him but Jingfei has been with him the most by sleeping next to him due to his near death.
July 19th 6:00 am Adrian wakes up and sees Jingfei next to him holding his arm and laying on his shoulder, he stroked her hair and glided his fingers on her cheek a few seconds later she woke up and gave him a smile. Jingfei: " Good morning my brave wolf warrior." Adrian: morning Jingfei how you doing today? As Adrian was about to go to the bathroom he paused and faces Jingfei, Adrian: wait can you repeat what you called me? Jingfei: I called you wolf warrior. She said in a friendly tone. Adrian: ok I'm not mad at you but how did you know that I'm the wolf warrior? Jingfei: Adam told me and also showed the mask. She said in a calming tone, Adrian was a bit relieved that Adam told her than an idea came into his head that he should get to know his girlfriend more. Adrian: since we're awake do you want to go explore the ranch there's acres that we haven't touched and I think it can be amazing.
Jingfei: yes I would like to do that I haven't done anything with you and I want to do it. They both leaned in and started to kiss, but little did they know that Martin, Chris, Jimmy, and Adam were listening in on the conversation and wanted to see the youngest member hook her in or swim away. When the four members were making thoughts they heard footsteps and they all ran into Martin and Chris's room. In Adrian's room the teen was headed to the bathroom to freshen up and shower. Adrian: I'll see you at the barn in a bit ok. Jingfei nodded and blew a kiss at Adrian as she left. When she left Adrian's room and went into her's Martin Chris jimmy and Adam were planing on how to follow them but then Aviva and koki confronted them and gave them a shame on them look. Aviva: we heard your plan and we disappointed. Koki: Shame on you boys. The four boys felt bad until the girls change their faces to a grin as they want to help the boys follow the young couple. Aviva: were ashamed of you because your were not thinking on using our help, koki and I we'll help you with your little mission. Koki: all the way. the boys were shocked and also glad that the girls are helping them and decided to head for the Tortuga as soon as the young couple leaves the house. In his room Adrian got out of the shower, In the shower he peeled his bandages off leaving marks on his body,eye and face as he got out and was getting clothes from his closet he saw an instrument case and wondered what it was as he pulled it out with his clothes he opens it and it was discovered to be a violin in the case there was a small paper that says "always play from the heart" as he closes the case he puts on his cowboy shirt, jeans, boots, hat, holsters with pistols he puts on his satchel still holding the shock gauntlet, his creature power suit, translator device, creature pod and some cash. As he heads out he sees a glare making him squint as he heads towards it he sees that it's a knife that sharp enough to cut anything, he grabs it put the sheath on and puts it in another pocket in the satchel, he then grabbed the violin and left his room to go to the barn. In the barn he heads to gold's stable as the horse see the boy he neighs in joy happy to see him but as the teen gets closer to him he puts his head down as a way of saying sorry about hurting his friend. Adrian: it's ok boy I forgive you. The teen hugs and pats the horse's head and body,as he was putting the violin on one side of the saddle with a rifle and a double barrel shotgun in the other  Jingfei enters the barn calling Adrian's attention as Adrian faces his lover he blushes as she was wearing a yellow T-shirt with a pair of jeans and cowgirl boots she even had her hair braided. He goes to her and hugs her like he hasn't seen her in years he then tears up as that he doesn't want to lose her. As the both mounted on there horses Adrian noticed that Jingfei has the all white pelt horse. Adrian: that's a beautiful horse what did you name him or her? Jingfei: her name is liberous but I call her Libby for short. Adrian: that's a beautiful name. The young couple blushes and they both left the barn going around to the back of the house adventuring to the unexplored parts of the ranch. While they left Adam signals the crew that the coast is clear and dashed to the Tortuga, while there Adam was amazed when he stepped inside as he remembers seeing it on tv with his little brother but he was stunned that he is inside seeing Aviva's inventions and was speechless. Chris: welcome to the Tortuga Adam!
Adam jumped up surprised, Adam: Chris!! what the heck don't scare me like that. Chris: oh sorry I didn't know. Adam: it's alright man just don't try to surprise people from behind alright. As Adam looked around the HQ he was stunned to see all of Aviva's inventions like the miniatureizer, creterra, and etc. as soon as Martin, Aviva,koki, and jimmy caught up koki managed to activate Adrian's creature pod camera and at first there wasn't much light and Adam and the crew were wondering why it was dark till Adam realized  that the device was in his satchel. With the young couple they stop at the sight of a pond, it gave the horses a chance to drink and rest. Adrian: huh I never knew there was a pond out here one day want to swim or fish?
Jingfei: that would be nice yes especially fishing to be honest I never fished in my life.
Adrian made a shocked face he couldn't believe that the girl he loves had never learned how to fish. Adrian: I'm gonna have to school you on fishing. Jingfei laughed at his remark and stared at him lovingly .
Adrian: hold on I'm gonna show you something.
Adrian walked to the horse's saddle and grabbed the violin case and showed to Jingfei.
Adrian: I found it when I was getting ready do you like it? Jingfei tears up as she stared at the violin she than ran away and got on her horse and took off. Adrian: wait where you going??
He got on his horse and followed after her, meanwhile Adam and the Wild Kratts crew heard everything and got concerned and worried koki quickly went to her computer and got their location but there was bad news. Koki: uh oh their riding to a dangerous path where there is dangerous animals that can kill them!!!!
Martin: don't worry we'll stop them . Chris, Martin, Aviva and koki ran out of the Tortuga wearing their vest and gloves, as Adam followed them out but was confused why they were wearing them. Adam: why are you wearing those vest and gloves? Chris: you'll see Adam. the four pulled out a falcon power disc and found a feather and all touched it when they touched the middle of the paw print on the vest then shouted "ACTIVATE FALCON POWERS" Adam was blinded by the glow of the colors but once his vision was back to normal he saw that Martin Chris Aviva and Koki were in a form of a falcon all the time he thought his little brother was messing with him but now that he saw that he wasn't messing with him he believed him. Martin Chris Aviva and Koki flew up into the sky and headed to Adrian and Jingfei's location while Adam and jimmy ran into the barn and got on their horses to follow. Now with Adrian and Jingfei not knowing the danger they're riding in we're going fast to the dangerous path until Jingfei's horse got tired, Adrian: what's wrong are you alright??? Jingfei: GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME !!!! She started to burst into tears and also was angry but not at him.
Adrian: Jingfei I want to help you just tell me what's wrong.
Jingfei wanted to tell her lover but she couldn't she just kept on weeping, than an idea came into Adrian's head and he went back to his saddle grabbed and opened the violin case and he rosin up the bow and started to play a calming tune.
The music was so loud that from the air Martin, Chris, Aviva, and koki heard it and followed the sound while Adam and jimmy riding on horse back started to hear it and followed.
When Adrian finished he saw that Jingfei dried her tears and came up to him, Adrian: shhh there there now please tell me what's troubling you.
Jingfei: when I was younger I always wanted a violin but my parents and grandma couldn't get one it was too expensive back in China, and one day before my parents and grandma died they scrambled enough money to get a violin but when I was playing it during school this group of mean girls who hated me for some reason grabbed both of my arms restraining me while another gave the violin to the main girl who ran the group, she got it out of the case and smashed it on the wall and stomped on it to little pieces than she got the bow and broke it in half with her leg they all laughed as she was doing it. What's worse is that her family is one of the elite rich people of fujian and if someone was bullied by her and they report it she would always get away with it just because her family is a elite and rich that the bullied person would always lose when it comes to her. Adrian: my god I'm so sorry Jingfei you should have told me something sweetie you don't have to keep things bottled up deep down look you can always tell me anything I will always understand. As Jingfei and Adrian were about to kiss a pack of wolves approached them with a evil stare in their eyes, Adrian closed his eyes and when he opened them up they turn into wolf eyes and tries to tame them but the pack didn't back down they wanted to attack, Adrian: ok that didn't work. The pack started getting closer to the couple and were starting to corner them, meanwhile Martin, Chris, Aviva, and Koki landed and deactivated from the falcon power suit and ran to where Adrian and Jingfei were at but they saw the pack of wolves cornering the young couple as Adam and jimmy rode up Adam saw his little brother and his girlfriend cornered. Adrian got the feeling that this was the end and grabbed Jingfei's hand but he then he looked at the pack's eyes again and saw that they were filled consumed with anger hate and rage so he got the idea to play the tune he used to calm Jingfei again to calm the wolves, as he started to play his chest started to glow with yellow and everyone was looking at Adrian as if he was some sort of angel or spirit he began to play.
As Adrian finished playing the wolves then calmed down and their eyes started to change to their normal pupils he walked up to the alpha and the alpha wolf did the same, Adrian kneels down and looks at the alpha straight in the eyes Adrian lets the alpha touch his forehead with his snout and they both felt a spiritual connection strengthen, the teen got up and said good bye to his friend and the pack of wolves left back into the forest. Everyone around him were mesmerized about what happened and had so many questions to ask
Adrian: I think it's time we all head home.
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