firestorm-heroes · 12 days
Bruises and Bruising
“Where did you get those?”
“Is that…. somebody’s hand?”
“Is that… a bootprint?”
“It’ll look worse before it looks better.”
“Come on. Let’s get it wrapped up.”
“Do you want some painkillers?”
“Let me guess, I should ‘see the other guy’?”
“How’d you get a black eye?”
“I know you don’t do it on purpose, but I wish you’d stop coming home bruised.”
“I like the new look. It suits you.”
“Ouch, that looks like it hurts.”
“Talk to me.”
“You shouldn’t end up with bruises because you disagree with them. You know that, right?”
“Will you tell me how it happened?”
“Come and sit with me.”
(send ‘+reverse’ to reverse the roles, or specify which muse is which!)
[sit] – sender comes and sits next to a bruised receiver. no words, just warmth.
[care] – sender provides physical care for receiver’s bruises (ice pack, wrapping them up, etc)
[shower] – sender takes one look at a bruised and bloody receiver, and goes to run them a shower. hot showers fix everything.
[offer] – sender has something they know receiver will want, and because receiver has had a bad enough day as it is, sender gives it to them. it’s the little things.
[stay] – sender offers receiver a place to stay, so that – wherever they got these bruises – they don’t have to go back.
[concussion] – sender checks receiver for a concussion, because it’s very possible receiver has one.
[home] – sender has no physical way of helping receiver out of this situation, but they offer out their hand anyway. just to hold onto (and to not let go).
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firestorm-heroes · 17 days
friendly reminder that even if i take ages to reply, i still want to roleplay with you
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firestorm-heroes · 21 days
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They say everyone’s born a hero. But if you let it, life will push you over the line until you’re the villain. Problem is, you don’t always know that you’ve crossed that line. Maybe it’s enough that the world thinks I’m a hero.
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firestorm-heroes · 29 days
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#everyday mood
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firestorm-heroes · 1 month
characters that go through hell yet still believe in the goodness of humanity, still hope for the best despite everything, refuse to let darkness consume them because someone somewhere is always going to be good are literally my favourite, because they give me that little hope too
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firestorm-heroes · 3 months
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Possessor (2020) dir. Brandon Cronenberg
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firestorm-heroes · 3 months
"okay, edgelord" she scoffed slightly. "with that sort of introduction I don't think there's anything to worry about"
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Hiero frowned as he glanced down at the girl who had appeared in front of him confused as this clearly was someone new and not the same earth brats he was used to.
"And who might you be, another earth brat here to try and stop me and my plans?"
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firestorm-heroes · 3 months
"Earth brat? Sure. Try and stop your plans? I dunno dude. I just got here. What are your plans?" The girl replied, looking around to try and get her bearings as she sort of just waved her arms to vibe.
"are they even worth stopping?"
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Hiero frowned as he glanced down at the girl who had appeared in front of him confused as this clearly was someone new and not the same earth brats he was used to.
"And who might you be, another earth brat here to try and stop me and my plans?"
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firestorm-heroes · 3 months
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firestorm-heroes · 3 months
"I could have took him" she mumbled, still trying to decide how she should react to this new stranger
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The man with orange hair who was about 7 feet tall glared down as he pointed the scythe in his hand at the other who had been picking on the small girl in front of him. "I suggest if you want to keep your head on your shoulders you leave." He hissed before offering the other his hand. "Are you alright?"
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firestorm-heroes · 3 months
a man down so bad for you he calls you ‘dumbass’ under his breath but plans out the next sixty years of his life with you in mind
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firestorm-heroes · 3 months
The young teen turned to slowly look over and up at him, eyes wide and mouth open slightly. Hard to tell what she was feeling but there was a flicker of fear, but also a wave of awe.
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The man with orange hair who was about 7 feet tall glared down as he pointed the scythe in his hand at the other who had been picking on the small girl in front of him. "I suggest if you want to keep your head on your shoulders you leave." He hissed before offering the other his hand. "Are you alright?"
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firestorm-heroes · 4 months
"okay so what help can I be here? I'm a 14 year old girl who... I feel this is a wild dream"
Teagan walked through the strange terrain, aware faintly, but also unaware that she was dreaming.
So she decided to explore, wandering around the unworldly land around her until she got bored. Not tired, but there wasn't much going on at the moment and everything was looking the same
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firestorm-heroes · 4 months
"help how? And isn't that the area between life and death? Am I dying?"
Teagan walked through the strange terrain, aware faintly, but also unaware that she was dreaming.
So she decided to explore, wandering around the unworldly land around her until she got bored. Not tired, but there wasn't much going on at the moment and everything was looking the same
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firestorm-heroes · 4 months
She took a moment then accepted his hand, giving it a shake.
"nice to meet you too. Where am I?"
Teagan walked through the strange terrain, aware faintly, but also unaware that she was dreaming.
So she decided to explore, wandering around the unworldly land around her until she got bored. Not tired, but there wasn't much going on at the moment and everything was looking the same
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firestorm-heroes · 4 months
"I... Don't remember" she replied, looking up at him. She was fairly sure she belonged here, but also knew this wasn't her home. How had she gotten here?
Teagan walked through the strange terrain, aware faintly, but also unaware that she was dreaming.
So she decided to explore, wandering around the unworldly land around her until she got bored. Not tired, but there wasn't much going on at the moment and everything was looking the same
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8 notes · View notes
firestorm-heroes · 4 months
Teagan walked through the strange terrain, aware faintly, but also unaware that she was dreaming.
So she decided to explore, wandering around the unworldly land around her until she got bored. Not tired, but there wasn't much going on at the moment and everything was looking the same
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