first-witch · 17 hours
I'm gonna probably be Internet silent for about 5 days, see y'all on Monday!
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first-witch · 1 day
Beautiful Person Award. Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out!🌸
ew a chain email
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first-witch · 1 day
The other day my transphobic grandma called me “soft and feminine” as an insult
Yes, she knows I’m trans.
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first-witch · 2 days
A pull at the heartstrings
Like a warm gentle hand
This longing that love brings
Time falling down like sand
A distance beyond measure
My heart just weighs too much
But it's lighter than a feather
When I feel your touch
Fathoms, leagues, and worlds divide
Between us now and here
But my joy it cannot hide
Whenever you are near.
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first-witch · 2 days
AITA for not telling my son we know he’s queer. I 40s(m) and my wife 40s(f) have a 17 (m) son lately he’s been sneaking around and keeps almost starting to come out and then backing out or getting interrupted. It’s exhausting and I think we should just tell him we know but I’m not sure that’s the best course of action? I worry it might come off wrong.the worst part is his grades have been slipping and if he’s sneaking around with a boyfriend that might be what was causing it? I don’t care if he has a boyfriend I just want him to succeed.
EDIT: nvm he’s Spider-Man
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first-witch · 2 days
"kinks can be nonsexual" is already one of the stupidest fucking things a disturbingly large portion of this site somehow seems to believe but i also wanna say that mindset facilitates incredibly predatory behavior
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first-witch · 2 days
white americans when you tell them that the idea of climate change as an impending disaster is a reductive first world perspective because it’s a tangible reality for many in the global south already:
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first-witch · 2 days
There is something extremely funny about how kids react to alt fashion in comparison to adults. Adults generally do not care and I am just Another Person In The Space, but kids lose their absolute mind. Examples include:
- The kid at Goodwill today who kept begging his dad to look at "the person with black lipstick" while his dad pointedly tried not to look at me but was obviously hoping I wouldn't notice.
- The kid at a DIFFERENT thrift store who gasped and kept waving at me while I was waiting for my fiance to finish trying on pants. I saw him tell his mom he saw a witch.
- The little girl who came up to me and my fiance and said, "No offense, but you look emo." My fiance was like, "Close enough!" and she very smugly went to go explain to her mom she was right.
- The three year old who saw me waiting for my fiance to pick me up from work, grinned, and loudly announced, "MOM LOOK A SLUT!"
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first-witch · 2 days
“If you want more representation” okay but what if they did a better job than all the other actors???
Like, with PJO Rick didn’t go “only black people can audition for Annabeth!! Grover has to be Indian! Zeus has to be black!”
No, the actors auditioned, did a good job, and got the gig.
Like instead of crying cause all these white actors didn’t get it, ask yourself if they even deserved the position.
Everything isn’t some “woke” propaganda or “more representation.” They just deserved the job.
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first-witch · 2 days
I wish I could find the original post but many years ago I was crashing at a high school friends house and he had me sleeping on some couch cushions that unfolded into a “bed,” except the cushions kept shifting and separating as you slept on them. So I had this elaborate dream that everyone on the planet had at some point been forced to sleep at my friends house, and the situation with the cushions separating was a single common experience that every living human had. And world peace was achieved through a movement called “push them together,” accompanied by a motion like pressing your open hands together as if to pray. Rock stars were doing it on stage, politicians were signing historic peace accords and doing the “push them together” motion, it saved the whole world
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first-witch · 2 days
i wanna learn everything in the world!!! but i have no time!!!!!!
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first-witch · 2 days
when you're sick you're either a prince moder or a dog moder. prince moding is when you demand many little treats, drinks etc. i personally prefer to drag myself off to a secluded corner to either die or recover, aka dog moding
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first-witch · 2 days
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Sinner’s finale ✨
*dusts off this account* I keep forgetting that I have a tumblr lmao
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first-witch · 2 days
we dont talk enough about how awesome folders on the computer are
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first-witch · 2 days
Congratulations! You performed the correct sequence of actions to escape the time loop!
if i was trapped in the time loop i would do the correct sequence of actions to break out of the time loop on my first try, thus resulting in me unaware of there being a time loop in the first place
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first-witch · 2 days
I got a laptop with Windows 11 for an IT course so I can get certified, and doing the first time device set-up for it made me want to commit unspeakable violence
Windows 11 should not exist, no one should use it for any reason, it puts ads in the file explorer and has made it so file searches are also web searches and this cannot be turned off except through registry editing. Whoever is responsible for those decisions should be killed, full stop.
Switch to linux, it's free and it's good.
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first-witch · 2 days
i think this is supposed to be homophobic but i haven’t stopped laughing at this for 30 minutes this is SO FUCKING FUNNY
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