One of my Four Artworks (Zeus) Final
For the police reports, I had to use some creative writing to describe what had happened. Of course, they are already stories however, I had to make up some details like dates and witnesses.
Luckily, I have a friend and her father is a lawyer. This allowed me the double check how accurate my files were and somethings I could add to make it even more realistic. Things to make it more realistic were to; make a transcript between Zeus and a Police officer, providing evidence {I ended up using a feather as evidence for the Leda assault}, and a Queensland court sentence
In the end, I ended up sticking the sexual assault of Leda and kidnapping of Europa. My final set up is going to be the reports and files printed and hung on the wall with the evidence in a plastic slip. 
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One of my For Artworks  (Zeus)
The process of making the Zeus artwork was to start with research. After looking through a lot of information I found there were 5 of the worst offences Zeus committed; Rape of Leda, Kidnapping of Europa, Murder and Rape of Metis, Incest of Hera and Demeter, and Torture of Prometheus. My original idea was to just focus on the sexual assault but ill see how I go.
The next thing I had to do was to track down police report templets and look at the Queensland Criminal Code and sentencing.  For most of the offences, Zeus committed it would be 7 years to a lifetime in jail. Therefore I sentenced Zeus for a lifetime in jail.
I was able to find some police report templets which I will use for my assignment.
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One of my Four Artworks (Faces) Final
A thing I made sure of while compiling the photos together was getting the models input on who would be on their face (especially the ‘Good’ side). This made sure I wasn't pushing a certain stereotype of what people they would like on their face. Instead, they were proud of the people doing showcased on their faces. 
For the photos, I glued the photos to my models' faces with eyelash glue. TO make the models and the photos stand out I placed them in front of a white backdrop. While taking the photos I directed the models to smile during the ‘Good’ side and frown or look angry during the ‘Bad’ side. 
The final photos were printed and placed in simple black frames so that the viewer would focus on the photo. The set up of the photos will be my two girlfriends on either side of my guy friend in a straight line. 
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One of my Four Artworks (Photo Transfer) Final
 I started the pocess of making the photo transfers (image 1) and glueing them to the glass. However, in the Week 6 lecture on Materiality and Photography I saw the artwork of Brook Andrew’s Ngajuu Ngaay Nginduugirr (I see you). It is a transparent pair of eyes on acrylic which is then mounted on top of a neon sign (image 2). I found this idea very interesting since I was already creating the same effect the eyes have with my photos. 
However, after a lot of weeks, I lost track of time and money and was not able to create a neon sign or some sort of light behind the frames but I think this element would enhance the artwork I created. 
My final artwork is the 9 white frames with the black and white photos of my family which have been painted with acrylic. My set up will be the frames hung on the wall in a “family gallery wall” arrangement style. I was originally going to have the frames lined up in a straight line however I believe having them in an asymmetric group will relate back the stereotypical photos of family people have in their houses.
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One of my Four Artworks (Rubbish) Final
Once I finished making the large sculpture I wanted to create a smaller one because I had a lot of rubbish to use and I thought it would be cool.  From the start I wanted to take photos of the sculpture because I think that is what people are most concerned about when it comes to pollution and rubbish; is how it affects our oceans and the animals.
Also, a thing about this artwork that I debated with for a while was whether the sculpture was the artwork or the photos of in on location was the artwork. I came to the conclusion that the rubbish was the sculpture and that the pictures were a documentation of the sculpture. 
My experience taking the photos at the beach was perfect, I was able to find a quiet place with not that many people. I also was able to capture seagulls coming up to the sculpture thinking it was food which I found very fitting for the artwork. 
My final setup is going to be the two sculptures on the ground and 12 photos of the sculptures on the beach hanging on the wall.
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One of my Four Artworks (Photo Transfer)
The start of this task was choosing which photos I wanted to use of my family and I ended up with choosing photos of my nan, my great grandparents (her parents), my grandpa (her husband), my great grandpa's brother, and my great-great grandmother ( my great grandpa’s mother). I found these photos the most interesting in terms of history and visual complexity. 
On the glass, I wanted to make certain parts stand out by painting on the glass after doing the transfer on the other side. I played around with making the photos funny like an Instagram artist, Fat Ankle (image 1) and (image 2). I also tried painting abstract shapes in the background (image 3) but I ended up painting the background for most of them and then painting specific items in the image. 
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Week 10
This week for class we had another photoshop workshop specifically focusing on gifs. The task was to select an image of an artwork that we have previously done and with photoshop produce an animated gif. I choose to make a gif using the artwork I made in Week 3 (image 1). I choose this work because I felt as though I could add movement to the thread hanging down off the fabric.
The process was to edit the photo slightly and then create a new layer of that edit and then this process was repeated 10 times. I then put these layers into Timeline and then I clicked on make frame animation, and this creates a gif. I then tweaked the timing of the layering so it didn't look off and I was done (image 2).
I had a lot of difficulty with this process since I made some mistakes with making the transitions smooth. But overall I'm happy with the outcome because it became what I had in mind when choosing this artwork. 
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One of my Four Artwork
A while ago I went through old photos of my family that lives in Perth, Melbourne and Scotland. When looking through the photos I was very inspired and moved by some of the images. This gave me an idea to go an artwork on my family.  Over the years I have heard of this thing for photo transfers which is a technique where a photo is covered in a medium, let dry and then the paper is rubbed off leaving a semi-transparent decal that can be glued to anything. I wanted to do this technique on a piece of glass so that it is see through. Sticking with the theme of photos I ended up wanting to use picture frames to emulate a ‘normal’ photo. 
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One of my Four Artwork (Rubbish)
FOr this sculpture, I started with netting fabric which I then stiffen using a mixture of cornstarch and water, heated which I then let cool to thicken. I then spread the mixture over the fabric and then let dry (image1). To further strengthen the base I hot glued pieces of newspaper and magazine to the fabric (image 2) 
The first step after making the base was to use large boxes to add height to the sculpture (image 3). After placing the boxes all over the base I went in and filled in gaps and bare spots with smaller pieces of plastic that I have collected from my household (image 4 and 5). 
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One of my Four Artworks (Faces)
To begin my process for this artwork before I even take the photos, I have to figure out who I’m using as my models, what photos are going to be put on there faces and what meaning those faces have. After a lot of thinking, I decided that for each model there would be two photos; one would be ‘good’ and one would be ‘bad’. A huge part of my life is trying to involve myself in activism, so I decided to have three models (just for this series I would love to expand) one would be my friend who is gay; he would model male gay activists as the ‘good’ photo and homophobic people as the ‘bad’ side. The second model would be my friend who is black; she would model strong black women for her ‘good’ side and people who have done blackface as her ‘bad’ side. Finally, the third model is my friend who is south-east Asian; she would model strong south-east Asian women and for her, ‘bad’ side would be people who have done yellowface.
After deciding these particular backgrounds I researched to find the photos that would be on their faces. These are the photos.
the ‘Good’ side 
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The ‘Bad’ side 
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One of my Four Artworks
Over the years I've been drawn to sculptural artwork and artwork that talks about cultural issues like pollution and sustainability. I combined these two ideas and thought of the concept of creating a sculpture using rubbish that my family produces and making it look just like a pile of rubbish. Here are some artists who did similar work. 
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by Kaj Aune and Wolfgang Ganter
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by Louise Winter 
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by Tim Noble and Sue Webster 
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One of my Four Artwork
Over the past year, I have been fascinated with Greek mythology because of a friend. After looking into some of the stories my friend told me about, I found myself getting very angry due to the disrespect, mostly Greek Gods showed towards Greek Goddesses or human women. After doing some research on what Greek Gods committed acts of sexual abuse I was drawn to Zeus. He has by far committed the most acts out of all the Gods and therefore I wanted to do an artwork on him. 
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One of my Four Artworks
Recently I have found interest in photography, especially portrait and I thought I should do photography as one of my four artworks. Though a lot of research and trying to find inspiration photos to use as a reference for my photos I discovered this photo (image 1). Sadly, even with extensive research I still can't find the original artist who created this photo, however, I found some similar work by the artist John Yuyi who creates art mostly by using the human body and temporary tattoo transfers (image 2) and for this specific photo she collaborated with Bee Ke. Both of the artworks use images of people on the face which sparked inspiration for me. 
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Week 6 Homework
Continuing on with this week's photoshop workshop, for homework we had to take an existing artwork we created for studio and edit it.  For this task, I decided to use an image of my homework task from the first week (image 1). I choose this work because it was already a ‘simple’ base which allows me to expand on making the form interesting by using repetition and texture. 
I started off with removing the background and the ‘tendrils’ off the form to simplify the shape. I then in adjustments used curves to over saturate the image, and I then used the noise tab with the effect ‘Dust and scratches’ with the radius 8 threshold 86. I went back and turned the saturation up even more (image 2). With the base, I created a pattern using the image multiple times over (image 3). Once I finished the pattern I used the liquify tool to push the images (image 4).
Once I finished this pattern I used levels to change the texture of the colours (image 5).
I then went back and started with the same colouring as before and used the pixels tool and turned it all the way up, making a geometric/mosaic pattern (image 6) and then turned it down so you were still able to see the shapes but it was pixelated (image 7).
I decided to get rid of the pixelation filter and use the hue/saturation tool to change the colour of the image (image 8 & 9) which I then cut the shape out (image 10). I then tried to reverse the colours to make them look like the original colours (image 11), which was the final work to my experiments with photoshop.
The reason I did so my variants for this task is so I was able to play around with the different effects I could achieve in photoshop and how changing a piece can affect original meaning of the artwork and how the viewer perceives it.
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Four Artworks
For our final, we have to create four entierly self-directed artworks without a prompt. These artworks have no constraints, however, they should take into consideration, 1) attention to exploring material properties; and 2) application of reflection/revision in the development of the work.
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Week 6
This week we had a photoshop workshop. The task was to source an image that we would use to play around with the different effects and techniques in Photoshop. The first image I grabbed off the internet was a photo of a doughnut (image 1).  I then used effects like saturation, adjustments and liquify; and through these effects, I ended up with this (image 2). I then moved on to a different image (image 3) but playing around with similar effects (image 4). And I repeated this process with another image again (image 5 and 6). Lastly, I decided to layer my new edited images over top one another (image 7). 
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Week 3 / Week 3 Homework
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For this week we had to create a half-dozen works using only three materials. This activity is begun in-class but completed independently. We were meant to create different compositions with the same materials, however, I didn't read this so I created a series of work using the materials in the same way. The materials I ended up choices were calico, chalk pastels and my sewing machine with black thread.
I started with cutting the calico into 28cm long size rectangles. I then drew using different colours of the chalk pastel (blue, red, green, purple and yellow) plus black on each piece of calico making abstract lines an shapes. I then with my sewing machine sewed squiggly lines all over the fabric but condensing it to were the chalk pastel was, encouraging the machine to create knots with the thread. I also left the thread hanging down off the calico, letting the string clump together which was inspired by Ana Teresa Barboza. I then hung them on the studio wall in a horizontal way, which I think made the string hanging off look better and less cramped. 
I enjoyed this task and I really like how my final series came out. The black thread looks like that black chalk pastel is crawling away from the calico. I also loved working with the sewing machine because it is usually used as a clean and precise way of sewing garments and things, and then turning it into a tool to create chaos. 
Materials: Calico, coloured and black chalk pastel and a sewing machine with black thread. 
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