lafranglophone · 1 year
apparently, I joined this tumblr place at 01/23/2011 3:11:32 PM.
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lafranglophone · 1 year
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kisses smooches muah muahs
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lafranglophone · 4 years
HWS America: Does Matthew think in English or French?
HWS England: I think he thinks in English
HWS France: I thought he thinks in Canadian?
HWS Canada: Bold of you guys to assume I think
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lafranglophone · 4 years
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lafranglophone · 4 years
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Francis has a bad day and Arthur makes it better! What a good boyfriend he is.
As a side note; tumblr’s image limit angers me
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lafranglophone · 4 years
Dance with me?
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lafranglophone · 4 years
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I have recently been made aware of SwissNor by @snorikefjell and regardless if it’s platonic or romanitc, I think their dynamic/friendship would be fun to explore!
These two have several things in common! They are both very invested in winter sports, especially cross-country and down-hill. They both have a passion for cheese as they have a long tradition of animal husbandry with cows and goats. The mountainous landscape is something they are both very familiar with as well, and they are both one of the richest countries in Europe and stand on the outside of the EU.
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lafranglophone · 4 years
confession: in the Russian alphabet, the letter х is pronounced like a hard h so whenever I see a phrase like “Sorry for your loss xoxo”, instead of hugs and kisses my brain always briefly interprets it as  "Sorry for your loss HOHOHO" like some jolly Santa Schadenfreude laughter there
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lafranglophone · 4 years
• England and Frances first date was extremely awkward. • How couldn't it be? They had hated eachother for centuries and now this? • They went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, and held pleasant conversation, getting to know eachother. • England would never admit it, but he was extremely nervous about the date. He had spent an ungodly amount of time getting ready, and was shaking with nerves. • France was the same. He hadn't been on a date with someone he truly cared about for centuries, so he was more than a little out of practice. • Eventually though, they became more comfortable in eachothers presence. It was still unnerving to the both of them how little they fought. • After the meal, they went on a walk, hands brushing against eachother. France eventually took England's hand, much to the blushing of the island nation. • They both couldn't believe that this was actually happening. They fought that at any moment they would wake up and discover it was just a dream. • But they didn't wake up. • They wouldn't have their first kiss until a few dates later, but they both didn't mind that much. • They talked about anything and everything, making eachother laugh along the way. • They spent way too long looking into eachothers eyes, cliche as that may be. • They explored whatever town they were in until nightfall, when they had to say their goodbyes. But they promised to go on a date with eachother again.
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lafranglophone · 4 years
The Most Subtle Joke in Hetalia
I’ve been meaning to make this post for a while now to show you this joke and why it is my favorite. This is the joke:
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This joke may not make sense at first but I’m going to explain why it’s funny. The “William I” Japan mentions is Kaiser Wilhelm I, who was the king of Prussia and the first emperor of Unified Germany starting in 1861.
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This guy, he was described as the most histrionic emperor in Europe, he was known for often breaking into tears. Every time he cried and acted dramatic he didn’t get his way. When Japan references Wilhelm, he’s saying exactly the same thing Italy said in the scene, he’s going to give in and not get his way. But he says it in a way that makes it hard to tell what he actually meant, and if Germany kept pressing Japan on what he meant, he would be disrespecting his former emperor, so Japan avoids confrontation, and that is incredibly Japanese. To understand the joke, you had to understand the obscure historical reference and Japanese negotiation tactics, it’s a brilliantly written, multi-layered, subtle joke. Jokes like these are part of what makes Hetalia so great, why I love the series, and why I believe that Himaruya is a genius.
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lafranglophone · 4 years
As a native french speaker, this ask can’t affect me. GOD POWER
would you prefer to learn French or Italian before you die?
the threatening aura of this message reads like it was sent by the duolingo owl
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lafranglophone · 4 years
By the way. I’m not dead and still very into hetalia. I mostly use my other account @maryeve-the-bitch. Might come back use this one later too lool
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lafranglophone · 4 years
tbh… since the manga will be resuming again…. I would love to see…. Switzerland interacting with Belgium….
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lafranglophone · 4 years
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Just an old married couple in the autumn 🍂
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lafranglophone · 4 years
*holds baby france* t’es trop cute 🥺
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POV: You gave Francis a kiss
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lafranglophone · 4 years
Francis and Arthur are babies for 8 asks!!!
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But Anon! Who’s gonna look after them? :((
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lafranglophone · 4 years
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WW1 British propaganda but hetalia.
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