don't know how much you woul be able to touch on the topic. but could you do something on eating disorders?
Yes. We would be more then willing to do a video about eating disorders. Is there one in particular that you would like us to cover or eating disorders in general?
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Anti-Bullying: Help Take A Stand.
Fivefreakinfriends is going to have a an anti-bullying week in June. We would like to extend the invite to any and everyone who is against bullying. Although there are many kinds of bullying we are going to focus on name calling and cyber bullying.
We plan on making a 6 minute video filled with as many people as we can possibly fit. 
Here's what you do:
*Record yourself saying 3 things that people have said to you/about you. 
*At the end of your video say "I'm (your name here), and I'm taking a stand against bullying!" 
*Email fivefreakinfriends the video. Sometimes e-mails won't let you send a file this large so if you want to send it in parts that's fine, or you can use SendSpace and send it all at once.
Here is a sample video to help you.
 Thank you guys for all of the support! We appreciate it! 
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This is Collin. He won these AWESOME glasses because he made a video response telling us what was in his wallet! 
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Christy won these sunglasses for her contribution to our "Continuing Story Week"!
Looking good Christy! 
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My last post tonight. Please RE-BLOG this if you participate/support the Day Of Silence. Thank you!
YES. This is what tomorrow is about! Please help us spread the word by re-blogging and encouraging others to re-blog as well!
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Please watch and spread the word! 
Bullying is NOT okay!
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Day Of Silence
Tomorrow April 15th, 2011 is 12th annual Day Of Silence. I (Sarah) will be participating in this simple, yet amazing commitment. I would like to encourage all of you guys to participate as well. 
The Day of Silence was started 12 years ago to honor a 15 year old boy (Lawrence King) who was killed in school because of his sexual orientation and gender expression.
We have all been bullied at one time or another and I think important that people see that there are "kids" out there who care about what's going on in society today. Please take the time to read over the website and form your own reasons for doing this. 
Of course...we wouldn't be asking if we didn't think it was important. To get you guys motivated we are offering some prizes for people that participate... 
All you need to do is take a photo of yourself (or friends) demonstrating your "silence". Get creative because the best 3 will win some wayfarer sunglasses that look like this:
and your picture will be added to our blog. I hope that you guys will take this day seriously and you will let others know that bullying NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES is not OKAY. 
P.S. Your photo MUST be tweeted to us! @5freakinfriends
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Free Rice!
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FiveFreakinFriends helps the world!
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Charity Update!
Freerice- We have collected a total of 20,260 grains of rice! Thats enough to feed a person for a whole day with some extra. Because 5FF video makers can't win the monthly contest the person in the lead with the most rice is iamEmilyG with 640 grains.
Warmth Matters- Our goal is still to collect 100 pairs of gloves by October 1st. We are also collecting hats and scarfs. Email us at [email protected] for the address to mail them to!
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FiveFreakinFriends Help the World
FiveFreakinFriends is starting 2011 the right way, with charity to help the needy. This year 5FF will be leading many charitable activities for everyone to help out in! We will have an update every Saturday starting next week on what we are doing, and what you can do! Right now we are working on two projects that everyone can participate in!
Free Rice-
Free Rice is a charity website that allows us feed people for for free and learn! Every question you answer correctly will donate ten grains of rice to people who need it. Slowly these grains of rice add up. So far 5FF has already donated almost 10,000 grains! Starting in January we will hold a contest, every month the person who has donated the most rice will win a small prize, and bio on this tumblr, and an interview with soon2befound! Join our group on freerice so we can keep track of your progress and good luck! http://www.freerice.com/content-group/five-freakin-friends
Warmth Matters-
5FF will be holding a glove drive to help the homeless! Our goal is to collect 100 gloves by October 1st 2011. Gloves are cheap and can easily be found at Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreens, K-mart, CVS, Rite-Aid, and most grocery stores. Feel free to also donate hats and scarfs, new and used. Email us at [email protected] for more details!
Keep checking in every Saturday for more charity updates!
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(via lynbear)
Just a little food for thought.
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Changing the World
Fivefreakinfriends (FFF) started as a way to get to know people from around the world, from all walks of life, and to let youth know that there are other people out there who care. FFF is something good and fun. Its supposed to be about friends and letting young people know that they aren't the only ones with issues, or they aren't the only ones who's parents are getting a divorce or the only kid who was picked on for being fat, or gay, or any other form of oppression. It's a way for us to reach out and listen.
Every week we have a topic (some topics don't apply to the statements above) that is either suggested by a 'viewer' or we think of as a group. Each person is responsible to post a video which reflects their thoughts and feelings about the topic. We have gotten some great responses from viewers and have had some serious conversations about life and what it means to be a young person today. We currently have five members, ranging in age from 14-24. We all have different views, and lives, and we apply them to FFF topics.
Some people feed the homeless or start a charity, but this is something that means a lot to me, and I hope someday someone will say "I made it though the hard times because I had someone to listen to me."
As FFF grows I will be attending college in hopes of becoming a teacher so that I can help as many children as possible. My life's goal is to touch as many lives for the better as I can. Someone once told me that I can't help everyone, and my reply was "I can try" and that is what I will do.
-Sarah Michelle.
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