fkzprojectblog · 2 years
Wow! I love it! I am currently writing a superhero fic with plural protagonists and your ideas are so inspiring!
Ways To Let Superpowers and Plurality Interact in Fiction
There are a lot of stories out there about people who gain some magical or pseudo-scientific powers that also results in some type of plurality. Venom, Hulk, every case of spiritual possession, etc. I don't want to talk about that. What I'm more interested in is how actual psychological plurality could interact with superpowers in fiction. So let's go over some ideas!
1. Powers change based on who is fronting.
This is the classic example. Jane from Doom Patrol does this with all of her personalities, as does David Haller/Legion. Typhoid Mary's powers only work with certain alters fronting. Bruce Banner only powers up while Hulk is fronting. You get the idea. I'm not going to focus too much on this because it's been seen several times over in fiction. It's a good go-to, but ties the powers and the plurality together too much for my liking.
Of course, maybe for one variation, the powers aren't actually tied to the plurality, but the psyche of the user. Take a character with alternating abilities like Halo and base their powers on their moods. They can only access certain powers when they're happy, certain powers when they're angry, sad, scared, disgusted, etc. You need to be scared to run fast, happy to fly, angry to get super strength, etc. Maybe less cliche than those examples, though. Technically, any headmate could access any power, but different headmates have different tendencies towards different emotional states. If one is front stuck, (or just doesn't want to leave front,) they may struggle to access the full range of their powers.
2. Self-replication allowing for multiple headmates to interact in the physical world
The power to copy yourself. This is a pretty common power but not usually used with plural characters. The self-replication can or cannot be tied to the plurality. A plural variation of this would be to have the clones each be a different headmate or alter. This can be seen in Triplicate Girl of the Legion of Superheroes.
But what if instead, they just have normal replication powers, but can use this to have one headmate front in a clone body while another fronts in a different body? It's an intentional decision in this case. The powers aren't affected by the plurality. It just gives the system a way to let their headmates interact and to multitask.
And maybe the fronter can't always control when they replicate. If someone else wants to do something, they can create a copy with themselves fronting.
And what are the limitations? Can they just live their own independent lives free of each other? Does their power decrease with each copy? Is there a time limit where copies will degrade after so long? Are they still mentally connected like a hive mind, or is each copy separate?
3. You don't have to front to use psionic abilities
In the same way a plural system can possess individual limbs or create any images they want in the imagination, why would they need to front to use telekinesis or to read minds?
Could a plural Jedi's non-fronting headmate use the Force to lift objects while the fronter blocked incoming attacks? Or, you know, just telekinetically pull up a chair to give the fronter a rest later on? Not everything has to be about fighting, after all.
What about mind reading and control like Charles Xavier?
And this can apply to any powers that don't require physical movement. The Legend of Korra had psychic benders who could bend elements with their mind alone. A fun variation of this could have a headmate impose/project themselves where only the system could see, perform the bending movements in this imagined form, and then have these imagined bending moves affect the physical world.
4. Shapeshifting/Illusions to take on your inner world forms
In the Stormight Archive, Shallan has DID with three alters. When switching, she often (but not always) uses visual cues to show who is fronting, changing her physical appearance.
This can be an affective tool for any plural illusionist or shapeshifter to take on their inner world appearances, becoming completely different people. Maybe someone's shapeshifting abilities are tied to their self-perception, so each headmate automatically takes on its inner world form whether they want to or not? Or, at least, it takes a great deal of effort to look different from your inner world appearance.
This might especially make sense in a universe with ghosts. Maybe when a system dies, their plurality persists beyond the grave. One spirit with multiple forms that shift depending on who is fronting. Imagine a story about a ghost whisperer who communicates with several different spirits of various appearances, appearing at different times, only learning later that they were all headmates of the same system.
Another note is that headmates can get blendy. Plurality is complicated, multiple headmates can front simultaneously, and the fronter may not always know who they are. What does this blendiness look like in the physical world when someone's shapeshifting is tied to their self-perception?
5. Projecting forms for headmates through constructs
Green Lanterns are a group of characters who have the ability to create anything they can think of in the form of solid light constructs. So, why not allow a plural Green Lantern-esque character to manifest their headmates this way? This is similar to the duplication in a way, but would allow the headmates to appear in a version of their inner world form that could be seen and touched by outsiders.
This doesn't need to be hard light like Green Lanterns or Ms. Marvel either. It can be externalized illusions. Or a non-fronting headmate in a system with metal control could condense metal into their mindform and control it.
6. Every headmate could physically manifest with high level reality warping.
Wandavision starred Wanda Maximoff as she had a mental breakdown, and warped reality around her. In the process, she created multiple people including a copy of her husband, and two children.
A similar plotline with a plural system could see the entire system manifest in the physical world akin to Wandavision's Westview. Maybe it's not even a superpower story, but a wish-gone-wrong story, exploring what would happen to the system if split apart. While some might rejoice at their freedom for a time, other headmates might struggle to cope with being conscious all the time and others still will miss the mental connections they used to have.
It might not even just be a manifestation of the headmates, but the entire inner world or worlds appearing in the meatspace, threatening cataclysmic repercussions if not stopped.
That's that! I hope some solid idea can be taken from this and that it can inspire some authors out there who are interested in writing plural characters in fantasy and sci-fi stories without the plurality being the superpower.
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fkzprojectblog · 2 years
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fkzprojectblog · 2 years
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fkzprojectblog · 2 years
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fkzprojectblog · 2 years
being a system is like. singlets don't know what systemhood is and even if you tell them they don't want to believe This Person I Know Is Actually Multiple People, so going covert even around people who know is literally so easy. our voice and speaking patterns have changed mid-conversation and no one noticed. we can switch right in front of them and they have no clue. we can blatantly not be jamie, not even trying to mask at all, and they don't notice because they don't want to. if they don't want to believe something, they'll make up their own excuses as to why that thing isn't true. and i mean, it's not like we'll tell them. it's legitimately scary to bring it up with anyone, especially singlets who have no clue what it is or have only heard of like, the movie Split (/neg). they immediately view it as Bad Evil Disorder so they stay in willful ignorance, because how could such a nice person have Bad Evil Disorder?(/sarc).
it's so scary and invalidating to exist where singlet is the default, and you know these people won't understand because they don't want to. because they don't know how to accept it. they don't see you and your friends and your siblings and your partners as "real people" just because they share the body of someone who left months ago. they want to believe this is the person they know, so that's all they'll believe. and you've heard of systems being accepted by the people around them, and systems with friends who respect their names and pronouns and identities, but you can't help but think that's impossible for you. that, in the outerworld, you'll have to mask forever. that more people will try to make you believe your mere existence is unhealthy. that you'll have to spend your whole life in hiding, pretending to be someone you're not.
after all, it's too hard for singlets to believe, right? too hard to understand. too hard to ask for names and pronouns and who's fronting when you meet up. too hard to understand that you don't know all of these people even though they share a body. too hard to accept that there are nonhumans in a human body, and people who remember their lives in a different world.
it's too hard for us to exist.
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fkzprojectblog · 2 years
tiktok is really the worst place to be a system right now
people are fakeclaiming over things that are known did/osdd symptoms and traits, and theres so much fucking misinformation spread around.
so here's a thing
-systems can be of any size
-headspaces can be of Any Size
-alters can not get along, and even disagree politcally
-alters can be Absolutely ANYTHING and have any job within the headspace
-it doesnt always take years and years to get a diagnosis. sometimes it's a super long process, and sometimes it's really Not. it really just depends on your doctor.
-alters can sound Different from each other when fronting
-alters can be co-conscious, and switch rapidly, without distress or headaches, especially if it's just Two Alters.
-DID makes gives you Amnesia for the purpose of you not remembering your trauma, so you think you have never been through trauma
-Dissociation is very hard to pinpoint if you have dissociated all your life. it just seems normal, and so some people may think thay they don't at all.
-your brain can also convince you that the traumatizing stuff you went though, Wasn't Traumatic
-alters can have Relationships with each other. healthily.
-the estimated number of people with DID/OSDD is 1%, and that is just people with diagnoses.
-it is well known that alters can exhibit Different Physical traits. such as having different symptoms of the same sickness or other mental disorder, some alters having all the symptoms of one disorder while others don't, some having light allergies while others don't. sometimes they can need Different Eyeglass Prescriptions, and sometimes some can be deaf or HoH while others aren't. and yes this includes neurological disorders. there are other ways they can differentiate, but these are the most notable ways. trauma does Physically Change your brain, and alters use different neural pathways within the brain.
TLDR: Get your information from actual medical professionals, papers, books, and studies, instead of the internet. And for the love of fuck, you Can Not diagnose or undiagnose someone based on what they tell you ON THE INTERNET. Not only are you not a doctor, you are only viewing a very small window of how that person actually is. All you're doing is enforcing your own identity through Bullying and Gatekeeping someone else.
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fkzprojectblog · 2 years
Como alguém que quer escrever personagens principais com DID, acho importante ver como outras mídias tem feito a mesma coisa. E pela opinião dessa moça, esse show fez um péssimo trabalho. Eu ainda quero assistir a série, principalmente para ver o que NÃO fazer.
// As someone who wants to write main characters with DID, I think it's important to see how other media have done the same thing. And from this lady's opinion, this show did a lousy job. I still want to watch the series, mostly to see what NOT to do. \\
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fkzprojectblog · 2 years
Gostei demais disso! // I really liked it!
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