fl0-333 · 2 hours
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When all of this is over, we'll be a proper family
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fl0-333 · 2 hours
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i actually have no clue what possessed me to draw this but whatever, some lovesick james potter for yall(who very obviously just got some kisses)
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fl0-333 · 18 hours
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fl0-333 · 1 day
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I need to do animagus versions of the boys more bc eepy rat peter was so fun to draw
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fl0-333 · 1 day
Ron: good morning, Mrs Granger. Slept well?
Mrs Granger: morning Ron. yeah you can say that.
Hermione: mum, get ready. I am gonna take you out on shopping.
Mrs Granger: that is definitely something new. You never liked shopping much. Guess you have changed quite a bit.
Hermione: what do you mean?
Mrs Granger: there are so many different things about you. Growing up you were never religious. but Ron turned you into a very religious person.
Hermione: what? What makes you think that?
Mrs Granger: our guest room is right above my bedroom. Last night your father and I heard you were screaming from there 'oh my god! Oh my god!'.
Ron: please dont kick me out. I am in love with her.
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fl0-333 · 1 day
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“𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 [𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐲] 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝.” - 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐲 𝐌𝐬𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐧𝟖𝟗
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fl0-333 · 1 day
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Ginny Weasley 
She’s tough and brave and she stands up for others and herself and I wish I had her strength uvu
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fl0-333 · 2 days
OH JILY PROMPTS pleaseeee can you do number 51 (we're so hot) or 56 (baking is a science) ♡♡
from these prompts
They’re on very official, very important Head duties.
If asked to specify exactly what those duties entail or what makes them so very official and important, there would be some hesitation and a fair bit of fumbling, but ultimately, they’d make something up, because it’s well after curfew and the rumours about the Head Boy and Head Girl dating aren’t entirely baseless, but it’s not as if they need to add fuel to the fire.
They are distinctly not taking advantage of the freedom afforded to them by their badges to find new places to fool around.
“It’s this way,” James says, using his grip on her hand to tug her down another hallway. “I think.”
Lily sighs, a mix of exasperation and fondness. “Why didn’t you just bring the map?”
“Because, Evans,” he drawls, “where’s the fun in that?”
“Of course,” she says, rolling her eyes and quickening her pace to match his long strides. “No fun to be had in actually having a destination in mind instead of mindlessly wandering around the castle at half eleven, trying Alohamora on random doors.”
“I’m hearing a lot of complaining from the girl who practically begged me to—” He jiggles another doorknob and curses under his breath before dragging her further down the hall.
“And what if I change my mind before we find an actual spot?”
James comes to an abrupt halt, dropping her hand to turn around. “Lily Evans, you wouldn’t.”
She laughs, the kind that bubbles up and spills out. “No, Potter. I wouldn’t.”
He watches her for another moment, his eyes searching her face for any hint of deceit, before reclaiming her hand, this time threading his fingers through hers, and continues to pull her along the corridor.
And that’s when they hear Mulciber and Avery.
It couldn’t be Dolohov or Snape or anyone with half a brain; no—it had to be fucking Mulciber and Avery. The Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum of Slytherin House.
The issue with it being them is that there’s no reasoning, no common sense, no ‘get back to your common room before we have to dock points.’
It doesn’t mean they don’t try.
“Do you have a pass from a professor, to be out at these hours?” Lily speaks up before James can, because a) it’s usually easier this way and b) one of the lovely things about James Potter is that he never minds being in the background, at least not if it’s her background.
Mulciber sneers at her and Lily immediately knows what’s coming next. She wishes she was still holding James’s hand so she could warn him too, with a small squeeze of ‘don’t freak out, I’m okay, I’m used to it, please don’t freak out, he’s not worth it.’
“Filthy Mudblood bitch.”
Lily has less than a split second to decide whether to try and stop James from raising his own wand or whether to draw her own. In the end, it is a good thing she chooses the latter because Avery fires off a nasty curse that Lily barely manages to deflect toward Mulciber. The howl of pain he releases as he drops to the ground isn’t enviable. The amplification of that howl as James hits him with another hex for good measure makes Lily wince.
They make short work of Avery after that and, barring a quick argument on whether or not to levitate the boys to the Slytherin common room with a signed note and a confetti bow, decide to leave the boys where they are in the halls, petrified for whichever professor happens to be up the earliest.
It isn’t until after they round the corner down the hall that Lily lets herself think about it. Not what Mulciber said because she has spent plenty of time thinking about that—but about them, her and James, and how, well, nice it is to have him at her side in moments like this. Even if he tends to go overboard, like, all the time.
“Hm?” He doesn’t look up from his task—rebuttoning the cuff of his shirt now that the sleeves are pushed up to his elbows. His forearms flex with the motion, catching her eye. The button is stubborn, apparently, as James deftly twists his fingers around. He uses his shoulder to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose, his brow furrowed in concentration. A light sheen of sweat dots his forehead, but Lily loses sight of it as a wild curl flops down into his eyes.
She smiles appreciatively at the scene. “We’re so hot.”
His head pops up to look at her, amused and curious. “Er…what?”
Lily laughs and stops them in their tracks, gently taking over the task from his fumbling fingers. “Look at us. We’re…” She successfully manages to fasten the button and smiles up at him. “Don’t you ever feel that way? Like, one day, we’ll tell our kids about all the things we got up to and they’ll tell their friends and their friends will be like, shit, your parents were so cool.”
He grins down at her and tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Our kids, huh?”
She playfully shoves his chest, feeling her cheeks warm. “You know what I mean.”
“I do. I absolutely think our kids are gonna tell stories about their ridiculously fit, Quidditch Captain dad and the sexy, rebel Head Girl—”
“Why are our kids using terms like fit and sexy to describe their parents? That feels problematic.”
“It feels inevitable, actually. I mean,” he leans down, his tone light and teasing against her lips, “have you seen us?”
“Oh, piss off,” she snorts.
His grin widens against her mouth, even as he—finally—kisses her. “We are so hot, Evans,” he murmurs, his lips ghosting over the corner of her smile. “You," and back to her lips again, "are so hot.”
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fl0-333 · 2 days
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker* Regulus: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Everyone: James: ...I did. I broke it. Regulus: No. No you didn't. Sirius? Sirius: Don't look at me. Look at Barty. Barty: What?! I didn't break it. Sirius: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken? Barty: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken. Sirius: Suspicious. Barty: No, it's not! Remus: If it matters, probably not, but Marlene was the last one to use it. Marlene: Liar! I don't even drink that crap! Remus: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? Marlene: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Remus! James: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Regulus. Regulus: No! Who broke it!? Everyone: Remus: Regulus... Sirius's been awfully quiet. Sirius: rEALLY?! *Everyone starts arguing* Regulus, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. Regulus: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Regulus: Regulus: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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fl0-333 · 2 days
Hi! hope having a good day 🙃 from the prompt list:
Jealousy doesn’t look good on you 4 - "Really? It looks great on you, though." &
It doesn't matter 4 "But you do matter!"
Ginny and Dean were having a heated argument in the crowded hallway. Again.
It was kicked off, as it often was, after they witnessed another gaggle of girls harass Harry. The “Chosen One” that every girl seemed to want to date.
“He doesn’t like the attention! They don’t know him well enough to leave him alone.” Ginny huffed as she crossed her arms over her body and stormed away.
Dean rolled his eyes as he followed her. “Why do you care so much about Girls flirting with Harry? It’s not like you’re going to ask him out. Unless you forgot you’re supposed to be my girlfriend.”
"Jealousy doesn’t look good on you," Ginny snapped, her voice echoing off the stone walls.
Dean's face flushed with anger. "Really? It looks great on you, though," he shot back sarcastically.
Ginny’s eyes narrowed, and without another word, she stomped away, leaving Dean fuming. 
She made her way to the library, her frustration bubbling over. As she entered, she spotted Harry sitting at a table, engrossed in a book.
Harry looked up, noticing her stormy expression. "Ginny, what’s wrong?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.
Ginny shook her head, trying to brush it off. "It doesn't matter."
"You shouldn’t say that. I know you don’t like talking about stuff sometimes, I get it.  But you do matter so don’t keep it all inside because you think you don’t." Harry insisted, his eyes earnest.
Ginny's expression softened at his words. She smiled gratefully, reaching into her pocket and handing Harry a chocolate frog. "Thanks, Harry," she said quietly.
Harry took the chocolate frog, a smile spreading across his face. "If I get a Lockhart card, do you want it?"
Ginny whacked him with his book bag as Harry laughed. It was nice to hear him laugh again after Sirius.
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fl0-333 · 2 days
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some self indulgent hinny
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fl0-333 · 2 days
A Matter of Standards
@jilymicrofics | Word count: 263
"Your problem, Lily, is that your standards are too high."
Lily sighed, feeling a familiar frustration bubbling up. She was in the common room with Marlene and Mary, both of whom were looking at her with a mix of amusement and exasperation. Earlier that morning, a fifth-year Hufflepuff had nervously asked her to Hogsmeade during breakfast, and she had kindly declined his offer. Her friends had watched the whole scene unfold, and now they were incredulous that she had turned down someone they considered one of the better-looking boys in their year.
"I don't have high standards; I just want the minimum," Lily protested, crossing her arms defensively. Both her friends raised their eyebrows at her, clearly unconvinced. "It's true! I just want someone who knows how to make me laugh, someone who's kind to those around them, someone who's smart and sweet, someone—"
She cut herself off abruptly when a loud noise of things falling to the ground caught her attention. All three of them turned their heads in unison to see James Potter stumbling through the portrait hole, his hands full with a precarious stack of board games, a fluffy pillow tucked under one arm, and a colorful assortment of mismatched socks spilling out of his pockets.
"Alright, Evans?" he called out, trying to play off the disaster he'd just caused with the game boxes, attempting to act as if he were carrying the normal stuff a student did every day.
Lily shook her head in disbelief, hiding her face in her hands. "I—" she sighed deeply. "I want that one."
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fl0-333 · 3 days
“Character A is in the Hospital Wing. Character B sneaks in in the middle of the night to keep them company.” i love this trope but if you don’t like it tell me because i have mountains of prompts
Thanks for the prompt! It ended up going in a slightly different direction… I hope that’s ok! Also, this is my first attempt at writing Jily, so I’m open to any and all characterization feedback!
It’s A Date
The first time she visits him, it’s because she has to.
Lily’s not sure why she agrees. Maybe because Professor Slughorn asks her directly after class, and it’s hard to say no to him. Or because her notes are more detailed than anyone else’s, and this time, it’s not really his fault he’s in the hospital wing.
It’s probably because deep down, Lily knows James needs her help. Compared to her, he’s rubbish at Potions.
Simple as that. Nothing more.
It has nothing to do with the smirk that crosses his face when she approaches his hospital bed. Or the casual, knowing way he says “fancy seeing you here, Evans” or his infuriatingly hazel eyes that cut through his fringe and assure her that he knows the real reason she’s here.
“I’m just bringing notes from Potions,” she says. “Reluctantly.”
She adds the last bit because he looks too damn pleased, and his ego can afford to be taken down a notch.
“Aww. You feel bad for me.”
“So you missed me.”
“Then you can’t have me failing out of Potions. Who would you flirt with in class?”
His statement is annoyingly presumptuous, yet the blush that settles on her cheeks suggests it’s not far from the truth. She ignores it. “You play dangerous sports, you get injured,” she tells him with a shrug. “This is me taking mercy on you.”
James is already flipping through her potions notes. “Spectacular penmanship,” he says.
“Thanks,” she says dryly, hoping to hide the amusement in her voice. Why do his strange compliments make her heart beat so fast? “Let me know if you need help with the essay,” she adds, before shrugging her book bag onto her shoulder.
“How will I do that?” James motions to his leg, lying limply on the bed while Skele-gro makes its slow progress.
Lily looks at him through narrowed eyes. “I’ll check on you later.”
She hates how much she has to resist smiling back when he grins and says, “it’s a date.”
“It’s not,” are her last words as she turns toward the doors.
The second time she visits him, it’s because she needs to. At least that’s what she tells herself.
James is in the hospital again, and this time it’s absolutely his fault. She doesn’t know what happened, but there is something suspicious about the way Sirius shushes Peter when he starts to tell her in class.
He needs Potions notes, and she needs information. The visit is purely transactional.
She plops a pile of parchment on his lap when she arrives, and stands in front of him like a stubborn bird blocking a roadway. He chuckles at her crossed arms.
“Am I in trouble?”
“Depends, what did you do?” she tries to ask sternly, but her face mirrors his smirk.
“I got hurt,” he answers vaguely, before he looks at her and widens his hazel eyes, like he’s mimicking a puppy.
“I… fell down,” he hells her diplomatically, before turning his attention back to her notes. “Ooh, great penmanship Evans.”
“Oh shut it.” She takes a seat in the lone chair next to his bed.
“Why are you bringing me notes? I’m sure Remus would have been happy to.”
“Remus is busy.” His chuckle tells her she answered too quickly.
“I’m sure he is,” he says.
“Yep. Super busy.”
James laughs, and Lily’s stomach flutters like she swallowed a snitch, but they’re definitely unrelated. She watches him flip through her notes, she realizes that he’s wearing that smug little expression that usually irritates her— but somehow, right now, it doesn’t.
She hates that it doesn’t.
“How will you be sure I understand all this?” asks James in a mock innocence that makes Lily roll her eyes.  
“You’re smart, you can do it.”
He grins satisfactorily. “Say that again,” he pleads, as he puts his hands behind his head, elbows wide. He doesn’t look as cool as he thinks he does.
“No,” she hikes her bag up on her shoulder. “I’m going to dinner.”
“You’re welcome to come by later, and help me with Potions.” He says it almost like an accusation, and Lily can’t help but remember how little they talked about Potions last time she “came back later.”
She forces her face into a neutral expression before looking over her shoulder at him. “Oh, I know I am.”
James watches her walk away, and she takes immense gratification in leaving his invitation unanswered.
The third time James lands himself in the Hospital Wing, she knows she doesn’t have to visit him. She wants to.
She marches up to his bed with her notes tucked under her arm, and tosses them onto his lap. This time she wants his eyes to see right into her mind, because she’s angry at him.
At least… she thinks she is. She’s definitely not amused. Not at all.
“What?” he chirps at her.
She points at her notes, which he then picks up. He turns the page and unleashes a wide self-satisfied grin.
“What’s this?” he asks.
“You tell me,” she says. Lily debates whether putting her hands on her hips or crossing them at her chest would look more stern, and settles for the former. She knows she made the wrong choice when he sits straight up in his bed, rolls his shoulders back, and daintily rests his hands on his hips, mimicking her. He looks ridiculous— that’s the point— but she stubbornly freezes in her position. She’s committed.
“It looks like you have a crush, Evans. Or would you prefer I call you ‘Potter’?” He smirks, and his finger traces the heart he had drawn around the words “Lily Potter”.  “I’m flattered, but I must say it’s a bit forward.”
Lily rolls her eyes. “When did you write that?”
“How do you know it was me?”
“Horrible penmanship,” she says smoothly. James laughs, and she hates how she can feel his laughter in her chest like a strong bass. She really, really hates it.
“I’m not going to give you a ring yet, but I’ll take you out. Will that be enough for you?” He sounds like he’s taking her order at a restaurant, and she has the audacity to order off the menu.
Lily rolls her eyes, snatches her notes back from him, and shoulders her book bag before he can see her blush. “In your dreams, Potter.”
She turns away and hears him ask, “Aren’t you going to ask how I got hurt this time?”
“No,” she sings back toward him. “I’m not.”
“I’ll tell you later tonight then? When you come back?”
She answers simply with a casual shrug, and is already through the doors when she hears his last words.
“It’s a date.”
She really hates it when he gets the last word.
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fl0-333 · 3 days
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Sirius Black Collaboration between me and @upthehillart She drew the lines and I coloured!
Check how amazingly she coloured my Remus sketch
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fl0-333 · 3 days
"Can everyone stop having children!" Molly complained, trying to make all 13 grandchildren fit around one table. It was a struggle when all of them were present.
"It's not our fault you had seven kids, mum," Bill said.
"Well, there goes our holiday plans, Harry," Ginny muttered jokingly.
"You can't have any more, you're already at three! Most of us kept it at a decent two," Ron replied.
"She's joking," Harry replied. Then he lowered his voice so only Ginny could hear. "Right?"
"Sure," Ginny replied and then winked at him.
"And you have Teddy too," George said.
"I don't think that counts. The rule is that orphans get adopted into the Weasley family," she said, grinning at Harry.
"Can't argue with that, don't you think?" Harry replied.
"Now, who threw that?" Arthur said, standing at the end of the kids' table. Thirteen sheepish faces turned towards him. No reply came.
Molly stood up. "No dessert for all of you then, that's fine."
The grandchildren all broke out in objections. Being deprived of Grandma Molly's desserts was the gravest punishment.
"How much are you willing to bet it was one of ours?" Ginny whispered.
Harry smiled. "Pretty sure it was James, look at his face."
They shared a look of understanding. Harry stood up and joined Arthur. He stared down his oldest, whose facade was quickly crumbling under his father's stern look.
"James Sirius."
"Hugo started it!" he objected, pointing at his cousin.
"But you threw it," Harry replied.
James looked down at his plate. "I'm sorry."
"Thank you, that wasn't so hard now was it?" Harry asked, to which James promptly shook his head.
Arthur and Harry returned to the adult's table.
"He does live up to his name, doesn't he?" Arthur said.
"If only that was true for the youngest too, but she totally takes after James." Harry shook his head.
"She's a lot like Ginny at that age. You better start locking the brooms soon, or she'll be off at night," Arthur told Harry, who stalled, face filled with concern.
"She's five."
"Do you think that will stop her?" Arthur asked, speaking from experience.
Harry glanced at Lily, who was stealing Teddy's meatballs when Teddy pretended not to be looking. He smiled. "I guess you're right."
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fl0-333 · 3 days
I'll take it
@fluffbruary Day 11 Prompt: Anniversary
She sits at the table outside. Not because it’s that warm outside but because she wants to escape the house for a while. She does that a lot these days and she can only spend so much time of it flying. Everyone inside the house is silent, muted, just dragging through the day. If she sits outside by herself for a while, she can pretend that everything is okay. That Fred didn’t die a little over a week ago.
Harry walks up and sits beside her. He doesn’t speak. He is one of the few people whose silence she tolerates well. More so because his eyes tell her way more than his words could ever cover. He closes his eyes for a moment, his face turning towards the sun to let it warm his face. She looks at him without reservation.
“Do you know what today is?” she asks. It has been on her mind all day, but she was unwilling to address her own thoughts on the matter.
He opens his eyes as he turns to look at her. He takes a deep breath. His face is neutral but his eyes are piercing, overflowing with a mix of emotions. “Yes. If we hadn’t broken up...”
“It would have been our anniversary,” she completes.
“I hate that it isn’t,” he admits as he leans back in the chair.
She turns towards him, curious. He meets her eyes again.
“Didn’t think you were one to play by the rules, Harry,” she says.
His brow furrows ever so slightly. “What do you mean?”
“If we say it is our first anniversary, it is so.” She smiles softly. “Who would dispute it?”
His hand reaches out to hers and she links her pinkie with his between the chairs. “I’d like that... How many years are we aiming for?”
She almost lets out a snort. She stares off into the distance, faking pensiveness. “Oh, I am not bargaining. I want forever. Take it or leave it.” She locks eyes with him again.
He lets go of her pinkie and holds her hand properly, his fingers entwining with hers. One of the corners of his mouth twitches upward. “I’ll take it.”
“I am glad to hear it, I wasn’t going to take you back a second time,” she replies.
His brows furrow deliberately this time. “What do you mean? I thought we had established we were never broken up in the first place.”
“My mistake.”
She leans closer to him and he closes the space. He kisses her softly. Her eyes search his as he leans away again. His eyes are speaking volumes. Her heart mends just a little bit.
They both lean back in their chairs, closing their eyes to catch more sunlight as they keep hold of each other’s hand. It’s silent for a few minutes as they enjoy the warmth and quiet.
“I am sorry I didn’t get you an anniversary gift,” Harry breaks the silence.
She chuckles. “Yes, you did.”
“Did I?” A pause. He chuckles too. “Making the rules, right?”
She hums in confirmation. “Yes. And I really liked it. And you really liked yours too.”
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fl0-333 · 3 days
like you were my first love
striptease // carwash
❛ this feels like some bullshit teenage summer dream (oh, come on, baby) ❜
AO3 WC: 100
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“fuck, harry,” ginny moaned, one hand running roughly through his hair. harry grinned, eyes locked on the sight of the easy glide of his cock against the drenched fabric of ginny’s underwear as he ground down against her, continuously teasing her clit with the head of his cock through the fabric. on his next thrust he slipped his cock underneath her underwear and used one hand to hold the fabric taut against his cock, groaning softly at the warm, slippery skin on skin friction. “thought you said you could be quiet?” harry asked, loving the thrill of potentially getting caught.
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♡ + ⟳
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