fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
I wish you knew but I'm glad you don't.
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
I've moved on.
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
you are so mentally blind. I’ve been here for you the whole time. Why do you keep chasing after her when she runs when there are other people that are chasing for you and that wants you when she doesn’t. I just don’t understand why you haven’t seen how in love I am with you.
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
I'm waiting until you love me instead of my bestfriend.
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
why can't you just love me, instead of my bestfriend?
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
when your crush likes your best friend...
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
Don't cry over boys they aren't worth it
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
so that guy and his girlfriend broke up which is a plus but there is no way he'd actually consider us to be a thing. We are good friends which is good and we talk but I don't think he would actually think of me as more than that and there are so many other girls interested in him. So many girls that he would rather be with.
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
maybe it's the way you say my name that makes me fall in love
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
I love you. I love you by the way you eat my crackers, laugh at my jokes, say my name, touch my skin, look in to my eyes, and every possible way I can love you I love you.
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
When you like a guy and your best friend is 'better' so he likes her instead..
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
he didn’t show up to the football game.. I’m still pretty upset.. my friends Crush didn’t show up either so more than a half of a time we were searching for them like crazy but then never came.. ugh boys..
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
today I got kicked in the face by a soccer ball in gym it hurts so bad.. my crush saw me in the hall and said hi to me and I really want to take a picture w him at the football game tonight bc he said he was going :))) but I think he likes my best friend bc last year he did but we talk all the time in art and ss but he prolly doesn't like me o'well that's life.
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
can't wait till big sweatshirts, leggings, fluffy boots and no shave season.
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
HAHA OMG THAT KID I WAS TALKING ABOUT EARLIER IN THE LAST POST OMG SUCH A JERK. he knew I liked him but he didn't care he has a girlfriend now BOOOOO! but one day afterwards I started dating this other guy that is like one of my really good friends but I mean I didn't feel it. I didn't feel the connection or the love I felt with my Ex I'm sorry to say that but it's true so we lasted like 3 days and I broke up w him like a couple hours ago and he's like super mad and stuff but what ever... So I started lacrosse :))) omg it's so fun!! most of my friends play it so I'm doing It with them ;) My best friend found out her crush likes someone else.. an that someone else.. is one of our really good friends so I felt really bad for her but she's trying to get over him aha not working... I don't really like anyone at the moment and stuff but yeah I got my grades today and I have all A's one A+, and 2 B's so yeah gtg ttyl
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
alrighty I think I've moved on I'm like 80% moved on and I like one of his best friends which is bad and he goes to a different school which is bad but I got a picture with him at a football game which is good but he likes someone else that's what people have been saying but I guess he's just too nice an I should have say it coming of course he's gonna like someone else but he's a lot smaller than me lol like my ex but he's like 5 inches taller than my ex but still... he knows I like him bc I'm pretty sure everyone has already told him but what ever I should probably try to like someone else because he's really sweet and one of my really good friends and I don't wanna ruin our friendship ya know? so yeah in bout an hour I'm gonna go to my church youth group hope it's gonna be fun so ttyl
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fl0w3rslayy-blog · 9 years
hey guys so I was hanging out w my best friends yesterday and I got a Text from My ex while I was hanging fun and right when I saw I was like crap and he said "I can't I'm sry I had the best time with u but I'm not interested in u sry" It was so random because the last time we talked was like 2 days ago I was so ticked off... I was Like wtf alright and he said "I'm sorry I just didn't know what to say tht night" I was like "oh okay so you lied wow" he said "we can still be friends I just don't wanna date" this is were I blew off " I can't be friends with you" he said: " I never said that I just don't wanna date" I said "yeah you didn't say that but I did. did you actually think we could be friends? nope no way I'm sorry but I can't be friends w someone who treats me like that" and that was it.. he didn't respond and I'm ok with that. at first I didn't think it was him because I have never ever seen him spell sorry like 'sry' but that just means that he's not sorry. Well that's fine w me IM GONNA GO FLIRT W SOME GUYS SEE YA BUTTHOLE.
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