Skyburner woke up late in the night. It was maybe three in the morning when he had suddenly jolted awake. He was taking heavy intakes trying to calm himself down from that nightmare that never seemed to have ended. The fear was still lingering within him from all those years ago. If only he didn’t have to tell the story over and over again, then he wouldn’t have violent nightmares.
He knew every time he had it that it was just a dream, but with how vivid everything was, it just seemed too life like to be faked. All of those faces of everyone he’s ever hurt still etched in to his processor.
He just wished it would all end. He wished he had never done that. He wished that he could go back and fix it all. He just wished to be happy.
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Nonverbal RP Starters
I’m finding it difficult to find memes for nonverbal characters ( be they mute, or just not fond of talking ) so I thought I’d make a few!
☝️ Tap my muse on the shoulder
👉 Point to something for my muse to see
🤙 Bump into my muse
😊 Sit down next to my muse
🤨 Sit down across from my muse
📓 Push/Slide [an object] across a table to my muse
✍️ Pass my muse a note
🙄 Roll their eyes at my muse
🚪 Tap on a table/door/wall/chair to get my muse’s attention without speaking
🐺 Growl at my muse
😬 Snarl/show teeth at my muse
😠 Death Glare at my muse
🙌 Push/Shove my muse
👊 Punch my muse
👖 Kick my muse in the shin
👠 Stomp on my muse’s foot
😵 Knee my muse in the gut
💀 Knee my muse in the groin
🔪 Point a weapon at my muse
🖕 Flip my muse the bird/a similar gesture
👔 Roughly pull my muse down by the collar
💢 Bang on a door/wall/table to get my muse’s attention- angrily
👩‍⚕️ Put pressure on my muse’s wound
🌡 Push my muse down to give them medical attention
🥣 Bring my muse soup/medicine when they are sick
🤢 Hold my muse’s hair back/Rub my muse’s back while they are sick/throwing up
👐 Hold my muse when they are badly wounded/dying
👁 Wake my muse up during a nightmare
🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare
😭 Hold my muse when they are crying
😢Touch my muse’s shoulder while they are crying in secret
💧 Wipe away my muse’s tears
💥 Try to calm my muse during an overwhelming emotional moment
⛈ Find my muse after some kind of trauma
👕 Tug on my muse’s sleeve/shirt/skirt
🐈 Lean against my muse’s side
🤝 Hold my muse’s hand
🤗 Pull my muse into a hug
🐕 Rest their head on my muse’s shoulder/knee
🐶 Nuzzle my muse with their nose [specify a location]
✋ Touch the back of my muse’s hand
🤝 Reach for my muse’s hand to hold it
👗 Fix/Straighten my muse’s clothes
😴 Stand by the bed to see if my muse will let you under the covers with them
🛌 Crawl under the covers with my muse
🥪 Set a plate/tray/bowl of food down for my muse
😚 Kiss my muse on the cheek
🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair
✨ Playfully shove my muse’s shoulder
💃 Pull my muse onto a dance floor/up to dance
🤞 Come up beside them and tap the shoulder opposite where they’re standing
😈 Jump out of the shadows to scare/startle my muse
😛 Stick their tongue out at my muse
😱 Make a silly face at my muse
🤭 Tickle my muse
👃 Poke my muse’s nose
💪 Pick my muse up
💘 Pull my muse in for a rough kiss
💕 Pull my muse in for a tender kiss
💞 Pull my muse in for a messy/desperate kiss
💖 Lean in to give my muse a sweet/chaste kiss
❤️ Lean in to give my muse a tender kiss
🔥 Pull my muse down by the collar/by their clothes - in a sexy way
😉 Pull my muse in by the hips
😲 Smack my muse’s butt
💋 Kiss my muse’s neck
👌 Push my muse down and give them a massage
👙 Pull [an article of clothing] off my muse
👀 Push my muse down on the bed
👄 Pull my muse onto the bed
58K notes · View notes
Limelight picked him up and set him on top of himself. “Which do you prefer to go by then? Skyburner or Skyflight?”
Skyburner’s optics had widened a bit in surprise. He’d never really felt affection much before, but it felt nice. He found himself pushing back into Limelight, enjoying his arms being around his body. “I’d like to be called Skyflight in private places. If the police hear my actual name, then they’ll immediately interrogate me. I can’t handle the anxiety that come with it. The last time I was in one of those interrogation rooms, I nearly shut down from the sheer amount of stress.”
Limelight hugged tighter, “I’ll keep that in mind. Since you’ve told me your story, I’m willing to join the ‘Cons. I just need you to take me into a med-bay to get the mark.
Skyburner had stopped everything just to enjoy the hug he was getting. It was the nicest gesture he’d experienced in a while and he didn’t want it to end.
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Skyburner laid, sitting up slightly, on the berth. He’d been quiet for days without even making a slight noise. Not one noise had come from him. He had been messing with a cylinder of yarn and sewing using it.
Limelight stood leaning against the doorway, still attempting to talk to him. Every word he said seemed to fall on deaf ears.
“You know, you’ve wanted a chance to prove your father wrong, right? Now’s your chance. What’s your story anyway?” Limelight shifted himself to face Skyburner.
Skyburner didn’t respond. Instead his optics moved to look over at him quickly before focusing back on sewing. The only noise left in the room was the vents blowing cool air in and the occasional clank of the needles against Skyburner’s digits.
“Look, I’m tryin’ my best here. Give me a chance. I get that we’re of the opposite faction, but I might be willin’ to join you if you talk to me. I’ve never had the chance to get around a ‘Con’s head and you’re my only chance at that. I promise you we ain’t spilling anything about what you’ve done, just talk to me.”
A small huff of air left Skyburner’s vents. “And how do I know you’re not lying? All you Autobots have ever done is ruin lives and you claim that you’re not going to ruin my life further. How can I believe you?”
“If I wanted to ruin your life, then I would’ve done it by now. I have so much information against you and I can give it to the authorities whenever I want, but I haven’t. That’s how you know.” Limelight pushed himself off of the door-frame, going over to Skyburner and sitting in a chair nearby. “All I want to know is what happened to you.”
Skyburner looked up at him, sighing once more, “Do you want the long version or the short version?”
“Either one you want to tell.”
His optics shifted to the wall. He wasn’t looking at anything in particular, rather he was trying to focus on what words he’d use. “I started off living a rather good life. My carrier was a very nice femme and my caretaker was a hard-working mech. I loved both of them equally. Problems began arising once my caretaker was caught cheating. They got into a really violent back and forth argument.
“The kind of argument that went like ‘well if you hadn’t done this then I wouldn’t have done that’ or ‘well if you had done this I wouldn’t have had to do this.’ My carrier had locked me in my room as protecting and left me with a key in case she had to walk out of the house to get away. It went on for hours and all I could do was hide in the closet crying.
“The last thing I heard from her was her screaming in pain after my caretaker hit her over the head with something and then the front door slamming shut. My caretaker decided to come back to my room to vent some of his anger onto me. He couldn’t get in. I didn’t leave that room until I was on the verge of dying from starvation. He fed me and faked his love for me. He started calling me ‘Skyburner’ rather than ‘Skyflight.’ He gained my trust only to beat me down.
“He began mentally destroying me. It lasted up until I was 13. After that he began to physically abusing me and raping me. I was slowly breaking. Million years of this abuse caused me to plot out his murder.
“I--- I killed him. I stabbed him repeatedly in the abdomen. His energon splattered everywhere with every stab and soon enough I was covered in his blood. I was lucky since the war had just started and bots would show up in the wash-racks covered in other bots energon. My caretaker was found days later and everyone suspected it to be my carrier, but no one knew who or where she was.
“They assumed I was kidnapped by her and no one managed to find me since I changed my frame and began going by ‘Skyburner.’ I was undocumented in the system at that point and to show my caretaker that he was wrong about every word he told me, I went into the black market to make enough money to support a family. I was told by many bots that hobbies would get me nowhere and that sometimes a bot has to do something they don’t like to get somewhere in life. If I had known that I could just do what I was good at and be happy, I would’ve done it after escaping.
“I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you and all the pain I caused others. If I could go back and change anything, I would go back and change all of that...”
(To be continued)
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Hello (@slaughterhouse-of-dragonfly)
If we kissed:
[x] This wouldn’t happen.
[x] Oh disgusting.
[] Again, again.
[] Kiss you back.
[] Let’s take this to the bedroom.
[x] Slap/Push you away.
[] Be confused
If you asked me out I’d say:
[x] Um no.
[] I’m taken-
[] Sure.
Can we cuddle?:
[x] No.
[] Ew.
[] Sure.
[] YES.
[] Let’s do it.
[] No. You can’t handle my d.
[x] No.
Should you reblog this?:
[] Yes. I want to send you one.
[x] Yes.
[] No.
If we kissed:
[] This wouldn’t happen.
[] Oh disgusting.
[] Again, again.
[] Kiss you back.
[] Let’s take this to the bedroom.
[] Slap/Push you away.
[x] Be confused
If you asked me out I’d say:
[x] Um no.
[] I’m taken-
[] Sure.
Can we cuddle?:
[] No.
[] Ew.
[x] Sure.
[] YES.
[] Let’s do it.
[] No. You can’t handle my d.
[x] No.
Should you reblog this?:
[] Yes. I want to send you one.
[x] Yes.
[] No.
If we kissed:
[] This wouldn’t happen.
[] Oh disgusting.
[x] Again, again. (But more of like a family kinda way…)
[] Kiss you back.
[] Let’s take this to the bedroom.
[] Slap/Push you away.
[x] Be confused
If you asked me out I’d say:
[x] Um no.
[] I’m taken-
[] Sure.
Can we cuddle?:
[] No.
[] Ew.
[x] Sure.
[x] YES.
[] Let’s do it.
[] No. You can’t handle my d.
[x] No.
Should you reblog this?:
[] Yes. I want to send you one.
[x] Yes.
[] No.
1 note · View note
Limelight: “Maybe I should contact someone. Skyburner hasn’t said a thing since he’s woken up. I think he’s might’ve been getting drunk...”
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Send me a HELLO and i'll answer...
If we kissed:
[] This wouldn’t happen.
[] Oh disgusting.
[] Again, again.
[] Kiss you back.
[] Let’s take this to the bedroom.
[] Slap/Push you away.
[] Be confused
If you asked me out I’d say:
[] Um no.
[] I’m taken-
[] Sure.
Can we cuddle?:
[] No.
[] Ew.
[] Sure.
[] YES.
[] Let’s do it.
[] No. You can’t handle my d.
[] No.
Should you reblog this?:
[] Yes. I want to send you one.
[] Yes.
[] No.
94K notes · View notes
Drop my muse down a peg. Bring up their deepest insecurities and most regretful past decisions. Do whatever you can to make them hate themselves.
7K notes · View notes
His optics were still moving, but slightly less. He could barely make out the figure in front of him. He was burning hot and the more he moved, the less time he had. He tried moving his hand towards him, but could barely lift a digit.
At this point, Fractal was in the vent, opening it back up to the main cooling system. Cooler air slowly moved into the room, canceling out the heat. Once he was out of the vent, he went over to Skyburner. He almost wanted to say something, but stopped himself before doing so.
:::Hey, it's Fractal. I've gotten all the footage I could get. I've got all the datapads too. Skyburner's downstairs on the main floor. I'll meet you at your room, but he's at his weakest right now, so attacking him is completely possible. I wouldn't suggest doing it, just threatening him with the information is currently fine. Also, you can now make any demands you wish for.:::
:::Don’t you think that it’d be better if we got off the ship first? Perhaps we should go to the police…. I mean, that way we could get some real leverage.:::
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Skyburner seemed to be trying to find the source of Dragonfly’s voice but couldn’t. Everything was impossible to understand and he was completely unable to decipher any of the washed up noise he was hearing. Even if the vents to the room were opened, he wouldn’t be able to gain any strength back for a couple hours.
Seeing as he couldn’t distinguish the voice, he merely muttered: “Help me.”
:::Hey, it's Fractal. I've gotten all the footage I could get. I've got all the datapads too. Skyburner's downstairs on the main floor. I'll meet you at your room, but he's at his weakest right now, so attacking him is completely possible. I wouldn't suggest doing it, just threatening him with the information is currently fine. Also, you can now make any demands you wish for.:::
:::Don’t you think that it’d be better if we got off the ship first? Perhaps we should go to the police…. I mean, that way we could get some real leverage.:::
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Limelight nodded. He truly did feel sorry for Skyburner. Living your entire life based off of an abusive relationship was horrible and of course they only thing you would know was abuse.
Fractal led them down into the main room where Skyburner was. He seemed dazed and completely out of focus. His optics shifted around, seemingly looking for something and they only seemed to dim when he stopped shifting them. He almost seemed like a lost cause. Touching him was out of the question as his frame was hotter than the air in the room.
:::Hey, it's Fractal. I've gotten all the footage I could get. I've got all the datapads too. Skyburner's downstairs on the main floor. I'll meet you at your room, but he's at his weakest right now, so attacking him is completely possible. I wouldn't suggest doing it, just threatening him with the information is currently fine. Also, you can now make any demands you wish for.:::
:::Don’t you think that it’d be better if we got off the ship first? Perhaps we should go to the police…. I mean, that way we could get some real leverage.:::
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Limelight finally decided to butt in: “I’ll take care of him. I know he’s done horrible things to me, but just leaving him on his own to find someone else just doesn’t seem right to me. Anyway, are we going to get out of here or what?”
:::Hey, it's Fractal. I've gotten all the footage I could get. I've got all the datapads too. Skyburner's downstairs on the main floor. I'll meet you at your room, but he's at his weakest right now, so attacking him is completely possible. I wouldn't suggest doing it, just threatening him with the information is currently fine. Also, you can now make any demands you wish for.:::
:::Don’t you think that it’d be better if we got off the ship first? Perhaps we should go to the police…. I mean, that way we could get some real leverage.:::
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“Ah--- I... okay. I have to tell you now. He’s not going to die until tomorrow. His frame can withstand heat for that long without functioning fans, but he acts this way because of his father. His mother had completely abandoned the family and his father was angry and took it out on him. He was locked in a room since the day he was born. He was starved of all energy and, at some point, he nearly died from overheating. Once he reached his teen years, his father started abusing him in every way possible. He was verbally, mentally, physically, and sexually abused. His father told him that he was worthless and useless and that was was just another Starscream.
“Once he escaped his father, he wanted to prove himself more useful and this is how he did it. He realizes that it’s wrong, but doesn’t know what else to do.
“When we go down there, he’s going to beg us to kill him and I don’t believe that’s right. The reason I didn’t want to turn him in is because I want to give him a second chance. Deep down, he knows he can be a good person, he... he just doesn’t know how to.”
:::Hey, it's Fractal. I've gotten all the footage I could get. I've got all the datapads too. Skyburner's downstairs on the main floor. I'll meet you at your room, but he's at his weakest right now, so attacking him is completely possible. I wouldn't suggest doing it, just threatening him with the information is currently fine. Also, you can now make any demands you wish for.:::
:::Don’t you think that it’d be better if we got off the ship first? Perhaps we should go to the police…. I mean, that way we could get some real leverage.:::
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“I can do that... I think,” Limelight smiled. For once, a ‘Con didn’t want to shoot his head off... or was this all just a ploy to gain his trust, use him, and then kill him? He stuck with the first option.
“I uh... no melee weapons, but I had a look at the main floor, I’m not sure we really need to use weapons or act intimidating... ‘cause Skyburner’s on the ground going in and out of consciousness.”
:::Hey, it's Fractal. I've gotten all the footage I could get. I've got all the datapads too. Skyburner's downstairs on the main floor. I'll meet you at your room, but he's at his weakest right now, so attacking him is completely possible. I wouldn't suggest doing it, just threatening him with the information is currently fine. Also, you can now make any demands you wish for.:::
:::Don’t you think that it’d be better if we got off the ship first? Perhaps we should go to the police…. I mean, that way we could get some real leverage.:::
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Limelight was a bit more awake now, his optics brightened and his door-wings attempted to shuffle upwards: “I’m definitely feeling better.” His vocalizer was still a bit glitchy, but otherwise, he sounded perfectly fine. “My body still feels like there’s an electrical current that’s not supposed to be there, but it doesn’t hurt to move as much as it did.”
Fractal was nearly gone ten minutes and was back with Limelight’s weapons, unpacking a few from his subspace to give to him.
:::Hey, it's Fractal. I've gotten all the footage I could get. I've got all the datapads too. Skyburner's downstairs on the main floor. I'll meet you at your room, but he's at his weakest right now, so attacking him is completely possible. I wouldn't suggest doing it, just threatening him with the information is currently fine. Also, you can now make any demands you wish for.:::
:::Don’t you think that it’d be better if we got off the ship first? Perhaps we should go to the police…. I mean, that way we could get some real leverage.:::
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“Considering what I know about him, I’m pretty sure he’s been through traumatic things... but... no. I don’t have anywhere. I was... bought....” Fractal looked down at the floor. Being a minicon was tough enough, but being bought and having nowhere to go after all of this was over, wasn’t something he had time to think about. Now he wished that he ever had to think about it....
Soon enough, Syrinity pulled away from Limelight, he was as fixed as he could get with the limited supplies she had. “That’s the best that I can do. If you two need any further help, I’ll be upstairs.” And with that, she headed out of the room.
Fractal looked back up at Dragonfly. “I... I should probably go get his weapons...”
:::Hey, it's Fractal. I've gotten all the footage I could get. I've got all the datapads too. Skyburner's downstairs on the main floor. I'll meet you at your room, but he's at his weakest right now, so attacking him is completely possible. I wouldn't suggest doing it, just threatening him with the information is currently fine. Also, you can now make any demands you wish for.:::
:::Don’t you think that it’d be better if we got off the ship first? Perhaps we should go to the police…. I mean, that way we could get some real leverage.:::
43 notes · View notes
“Didn’t mean to worry you... but uhm, all the sparklings are grown now. I was one of those sparklings back then and... surprisingly, he’s really good with sparklings. In fact, he loves kids. He seems to hate teenagers and adults and I’ve never really been able to wrap my helm around that one...”
:::Hey, it's Fractal. I've gotten all the footage I could get. I've got all the datapads too. Skyburner's downstairs on the main floor. I'll meet you at your room, but he's at his weakest right now, so attacking him is completely possible. I wouldn't suggest doing it, just threatening him with the information is currently fine. Also, you can now make any demands you wish for.:::
:::Don’t you think that it’d be better if we got off the ship first? Perhaps we should go to the police…. I mean, that way we could get some real leverage.:::
43 notes · View notes