flashan-blog · 8 years
( me: oh look, people are still active on this blog. also me: nvm it’s just char.
Anyhow, it’s been over a year since I checked in on this account, if you want to find me I’m at @baeducatio, deuces.)
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flashan-blog · 9 years
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                                                    ❝I  believe  that  to  archive                                                     happiness,   you   need   to                                                     focus  on   the   things   that                                                     bring     your    mood     up!❞ 
                                                    literate   ○    idol-verse    ○   sfw
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flashan-blog · 9 years
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  ❝ 어둠이 깊을수록, 별은 더욱 빛난다.   The darker it gets, the brighter the stars shine.
                                     『 reblog   |   like   |   follow 』
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flashan-blog · 9 years
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flashan-blog · 9 years
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ —  ❝So.❞     Han glances between the man before him and the invisible watch he is currently not wearing around  his wrist.       ❝I know you have this whole dark, and broody fallen angel, ruler of hell thing going on,❞ he speaks, voice more rapid than usual,  ❝but I sort of have a date in about fifteen, so can we wrap this up quickly?❞     The speedster’s lips quirk pleasantly,  ❝because, you know. Quick is kind of my thing.❞
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ — Lucky is barely a year old but it feels as though he has been with Han for much longer. As a child he  had begged and pleaded his parents for a dog, but with the perpetual risk of moving countries looming over their heads, neither his mother of father had agreed to it.      Lucky had been a gift to the child inside of Han that he had long thought he’d lost, and that on its own is  probably the indirect cause of the small Maltese’s  lack of proper upbringing. As presented by the fact  that Han, at twenty-five years old, has been outsmarted by an nine month old pup.     ❝Lucky, get back here!❞     He stumbles as he rushes after the small dog, pointedly ignoring the blatant stares of other-- Less rowdy park-goers.       ❝Lucky, please, n--❞    Before he even manages to let out another plea (to his  thirty centimeter high dog) Lucky has jumped up the leg of one of previously mentioned unsuspecting park-goers.     ❝I am so sorry.❞
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ —  ❝Kiran?❞     Han’s voice tilts desperately, fingers clutching tightly around his cell phone as he speeds away from the  creature following him. He makes the mistake of looking over his shoulder and catching a glimpse of a purple being that’s chasing him down the streets of Seoul.       ❝I know you sorta checked out of this superhero businss-- Woah. Hold up.❞ He stumbles, and attempts avoiding falling flat on his face. He shoots into an alley and resumes his conversation.  ❝Okay. Yes. I’m back. I could really need your help here. You up for it?❞
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ — Busan is a far stretch away from Seoul and that is exactly why Han goes there to buy  his animal crackers and Pokémon color books.      Dressed in an appropriate you-don’t-know- who-I-am-and-I-would-like-to-keep-it-that-way outfit (sunglasses and an Ash Ketchum inspired snapback) he wanders into a convenience store,  pretending to be as non suspicious as he can.      He slaps his products on the counter, masked by a few regular groceries, as he hums an innocent tune that sounds an awfully a lot like the first  Pokémon theme song.
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ — Han has never given a lecture before, let alone one for a room of judgmental we-aren’t-teenagers-but- we-aren’t-exactly-adults-either, and he wonders if there is a God, and if yes, why he has been blessed with such youthful, and approachable looks.      Because those had apparently been the qualities his boss had decided were required for teaching  college kids about the wonders of forensic science.      It has been a few years since he last entered a  college campus, and he is lost within minutes. He jogs up to the first approachable looking young woman and taps her on the shoulder.      ❝Yes. Hello I am Han, and I don’t go here,❞ he  begins,  ❝I mean, I am here, but I am not a student. I’m here to give a lecture. And um. I am lost. Do you happen to know where the auditorium is?❞
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ — He knows there is something wrong the moment he arrives on the scene. There are several objects  floating around, and there is a general sense of doom looming over the room. He reaches for his earpiece but is met with a dead silence.       ❝I’m not here to fight,❞ he calls out, and it’s not even a completely lie. Han would much rather talk about feelings and get to the roots of her deeply embedded issues.      ❝But quite frankly, you’re giving me the creeps, and we most definitely need to talk about that, lady.❞
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ — Like most men, Han is particularly fond of  shopping. His closet is a bland collection of t-shirts and fitted jeans, and the fanciest pair of shoes he owns are the ones his foster family had given him upon  graduations.      That’s not to say that Han isn’t aware of the fact that his selection of clothing has been growing smaller ever since he and Newton moved in together.      Especially his collection of t-shirts has been mysteriously disappearing, and despite his distaste for shopping he finds himself strolling into a popular looking boutique in an attempt to regain some of his original wardrobe.     Or at least a replica of what he once had.
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ — He is short and handsome. Not as handsome as Han, of course, but he’s still pleasant on the eyes. That is nice and all, but it’s also distracting because  Han is in a rush and mister Short and Handsome is in the way, and his face distracts Han from saying  so.       ❝Um.❞ Is the first intelligible syllable that leaves his lips once he regains his voice, and he mentally pats himself on the shoulder.     Oh yes. In the way. Hurry.       ❝Hello, yes. Mister?❞ He begins, tapping him on the shoulder.  ❝I am appreciating the view here too--❞ Han wisely leaves out that the man is the view,  ❝but you’re sorta in the way.❞
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ — Han is an active reader of Nam Iseul’s from outer space. As a scientist he is not supposed to believe in extraterrestrial life, but as a superhero he has encountered plenty of unearthly creatures.     He has never heard anyone speak about the site,  and it’s by complete coincidence that he encounters a boy in the library who appears to be browsing the blog. He can’t contain his excitement and slides a chair next to the unfamiliar boy.      ❝You’re a fan of his, too?❞
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ — It has been a while since Han has had a craving but today he is walking the streets of Seoul in desperate need for a cupcake store. He has spent his free time on Netflex watching a particular show on baking cupcakes, and ever since he’s wanted to put his teeth in a delicate piece of pastry.      Han does not like to ask for directions, but he is lost  and today he wants cupcakes more than he would like  to preserve his pride. He steps towards a tall young  man that, if anything, reminds him of a noodle, and  unabashed taps him on the shoulder.      ❝Please tell me you know where to find cupcakes.❞
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ — As macabre as it sounds, new crime scenes excite Han as a young forensic. Every case is a learning moment, and he is eager to soak up the knowledge from every body.     As per usual he arrives late, and the usual detective he  assists appears not to be on the scene. He frowns and amid  the strangers he looks for a familiar face. Soon enough he is directed towards a man by the name of Lee Donghae. Clutching his forensic kit closer, he  makes his way towards the unfamiliar figure, flashing him his badge.     ❝Lu Han,❞ he introduces himself with an apologetic grin, ❝your forensic on the case.❞     
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flashan-blog · 9 years
    ϟ — Seoul National Library is probably one of Han’s favorite places the be in the whole wide world. It’s a breeding spot for knowledge, and given his ability to read and absorb information faster than a regular person he enjoys spending a majority of his free time there.     He is also always looking for new ways to exploit his own powers, and with the bare minimum of  knowledge on the speed force, he hopes that somewhere in this library there is a book that can help him a little further.      He tries to act casual as he walks up to one of the  employees, leaning suavely on the counter as he  inquires,  ❝so. The Speed-force, pretty cool, huh? Got any books on it?❞
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