spinebuster · 8 days
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now this might shock you…
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crystalkleure · 1 month
one nice message to go against any mean ones:
you got this noel! i love your art, i like reading your opinions and overall you’re just a great friend.
- 💙🙂
Awh, appreciated and right back at you as well. You're a great artist, and a smart person who routinely has valuable input to offer. Valued Friend! 💙
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moriihana · 4 months
Question. What asks are they? You really don't deserve the cruelty regardless :(
Hugs all around
just someone sending some unkind asks that hit a little too close to home. right now i'm wondering if i do deserve the cruelty, but i appreciate the hugs and kind words ❤️
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mewnyoongi · 2 years
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sisiyeonie · 4 months
I saw your tags,,, a fellow Woogi enthusiast? 👀
I LOVE WOOGI 😭😭❤️ from what i've seen they're so sweet and comfortable with each other. adore those boys
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makabekazuki · 1 year
If either Soushi or Kazuki were female, do you think Soukazu still happened?
short answer: yes
longer answer: while i personally do have sexuality and gender and whatnot headcanons for either of them that ends with them always being some kind of queer, i also think that their relationship with each other trumps any kind of gender issues? so i think they would always be very close to each other + in some kind of romantic relationship (or whatever the show wants us to believe. if they weren't supposed to be romo, they messed up a few times lol) no matter what. so the long answer is still yes, actually lmao. i have no idea why you decided to ask me specifically this question but thanks for letting me talk about soukazu for a moment???
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ofneedlemoving · 1 year
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yunhogizerrr · 1 year
Bora: hehe Hi puppy~! I’m doing good! I finally have jobs, a propose again, and I’m getting married. Again.
Wow, have I ever missed a lot ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What jobs? And congratulations! I'm super happy for you.
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emjaydoubleyou · 2 months
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this post is fearmongering. the results of this study are concerning and should definitely be a matter of public discussion, but this is certainly not the conclusion the researchers came to.
the point of the study was to assess the risks of exposure to toxic metals- something one of the co-authors notes are “ubiquitous” fwiw- via menstrual products. Their research confirmed that these metals are indeed present in tampons, but no further conclusions are drawn. it is possible the metal entered into the cotton from the soil, which is a well-known phenomenon; cotton is so good at lifting heavy metals that it has actually been suggested as a part of the solution for revitalizing polluted ground.
the authors conclude with an acknowledgement that the study should be repeated- their sample size was 60 tampons- and a suggestion that further testing ought to be done to indicate whether or not these metals can even leech out of the tampon in the first place, let alone whether or not such leeching could occur at levels deleterious to human health.
there is, in fact, a body of research- too small, for sure, but much larger than this single study- indicating that long-term proper tampon use has no observable negative impact on health. i am grateful and thrilled that more research is being done and i hope that this study is the first of many on this line of questioning, but i am really frustrated at this post and the response it got.
obviously, if this study alters your approach to menstrual health, more power to you. consumers should be informed-risk-takers, and menstrual health is double-obviously a very personal choice. but it definitely wasn't the researchers concluding that you ought to “avoid using tampons at all cost," only this tumblr user did. the lead author of the paper, in fact, specifically says that she hopes people do NOT panic about the results.
(the notes of the post were disappointing. people affirming that they knew they were right to be suspicious of tampons all along, or even recommending alternatives that actually have very little to no research regarding the safety of long-term use, etc. it’s a different conversation, but categorical distrust of tampons is old-school misogyny. you certainly shouldn't wear them if you don’t want to, but there is nothing inherently scary or wrong about them, and people who prefer them are not being reckless or crass.)
((if you're really worried about exposure to heavy metals, you may want to turn a critical eye to fast fashion, as an aside))
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envelopandkissme · 1 year
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this fucks
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spinebuster · 1 year
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idk how do you feel about mark davis, @tonistorm?
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crystalkleure · 1 month
Shu Kurenai would love yall. In case there was any shadow of a doubt
Right back at you!! [And I have a strong suspicion about who this is, so let it be known that Xhakuenji Kaiza would absolutely love you ✌]
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moriihana · 11 months
Raspberry and Lilac :p
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varga we both know u cud kill god w/o me but lesgo :3
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bob-artist · 2 months
Since the Canada griffin was proudly mentioned recently I figure it can’t hurt to ask if you do happen to have plans to design Canada griffin goslings at some point in the future? (muse permitting)
I present to you
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marisatomay · 1 year
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twitter is hell but i really hope it doesn’t actually die because this is in contention for the funniest thing i’ve ever read in my life
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yunhogizerrr · 1 year
I think I understood this? 😂😂
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