flashfest · 9 years
Hi guys ! Last year's Flashfest was really good, any plan on doing it again this year ?
Firstly, I’m so sorry I left answering this for so long :’’’’)And I’m really glad you enjoyed Flashfest last year! We did too!
In regards to this year well... Between you and me there may be something in the works. Stay tuned for more info ;)
In the meantime I’ve done a bit of cleaning up on the blog 
- miri
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flashfest · 10 years
First of all, this is a GREAT entry for the prompt!! Secondly! CONGRATS!!! Please make sure to have your ask box open as one of the mods will be contacting you soon!! If you haven't all ready, check out the prizes and rules and pick out which ones you'd like so you're ready when we ask!
Again, congrats!! and thank you for your participating in flashfest bingo!!
For everyone else, don't be disheartened! 2nd and 3rd place still get prizes and we'll be updating the prize list afterwards with the items notime4inspiration chose crossed out!
FlashFest Bingo Word #8 - Central City
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Central City, MO is the home of the Flash in the many of his incarnations, but most notably my personal favorite, Barry Allen! 
Central City, MO is located directly across the Missouri river from Keystone City, KA. Together, these two cities are often referred to as the Twin Cities or the Gem Cities (pre-crisis). Even though you really can’t talk about one without the other, we’ll try to focus on Central City for now. Let’s take a super-quick tour!
Here is the arced bridge (just one of the bridges) that connects the Twin Cities! 
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On an unexciting day, you will most likely see cars and such driving back and forth, but on an exciting day, you might see the Flash VIBRATING AN ENTIRE AIRPLANE RIGHT THROUGH IT!!
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Inside the city, there are a few notable features such as Central City University, S.T.A.R Labs, and most importantly, the Flash Museum!
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The Flash Museum has been destroyed, rebuilt, and relocated (back and forth between Central and Keystone) many times throughout history. The museum boasts interactive displays featuring the history of the many Flashes, the gallery of Rogues, and the wondrous Cosmic Treadmill!
But what’s the most important thing about the Twin Cities?
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The Flash would surely tell you that it’s the people! They are hardworking and decent folks known for their ingenuity and dedication to improving their own cities and the entire world, paving the way toward a better future. And why not? When you share a city with the “Fastest Man Alive,” the future tends to come pretty quickly!
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And let’s not forget that they’re never too shy to show their appreciation for their favorite hero!
Well, that’s a wrap! 
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And looks like that’s a bingo for me! YAAAAAY!!!!
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flashfest · 10 years
Flashfest bingo word 8: Central city!
The home of Barry Allen and many future speedster! Have fun with this one guys!
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flashfest · 10 years
FlashFest bingo word 7: Team Up!
No team is complete without a speedster, they're guaranteed to make any team up a success! The Flash was infamous for teaming up with Green Arrow or Green Lantern but throughout the years has teamed up with every major hero out there! Have fun with this one, there's definitely a lot to work with! 
I see that we're getting close to a few bingos, keep it coming! 
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flashfest · 10 years
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FlashFest Bingo Word #4: Metabolism
Everyone knows speedsters love to eat! Why? Because they burn through so many freaking calories just by being alive, let alone all that running! 
Hyper-metabolism - it’s a blessing and a curse. So here’s a collection of some of my favorite speedsters enjoying some of the perks (up top) of having a really fast metabolism and lamenting some of the problems (bottom) that come along with it. In Bart’s case, he almost aged himself to death before he was a toddler! Yikes! Jai and Irey had the same problem too before Wally figured out a solution.
Tldr: Having a hyper-metabolism is awesome because FOOOOOD! Having a hyper-metabolism is awful because you age crazy fast, anesthetic won’t work on you, and being hungry and tired is the worst feeling in the world.
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flashfest · 10 years
Flashfest Bingo word 6: CW Flash Cast
Come on every one, we’re so close to getting a few bingos here! Today’s prompt should be super easy since the show premiere just happened there’s tons of stuff to talk about regarding the cast!
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flashfest · 10 years
RIPT Apparel has 3 Flash shirts on sale today! Starting at $10 with pretty reasonable shipping (3 dollars to australia last time i purchased)
Thought you guys would like to know!
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flashfest · 10 years
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gberlanti #onemoreday #theflash
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flashfest · 10 years
Flashfest bingo word 5: Representation
sorry for day's the delay on the new bingo word! The next word is Representation!! You can focus on the representation the Flash legacy has in comics or in the new things being done in the show! Possible topics could be the canon representation of lgbtq characters (Hartley Rathaway, David Singh) of people of color (Linda Park, Wally West, Jai and Irey Park-West, Iris West, Iris West, David Singh, Danica Williams, Jenni Ognats, etc) or any other examples you can think of!
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flashfest · 10 years
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₩ℴℂtober Fest : 〈 THE FLASH LEGACY 〉
Jenni Ognats | XS
Danica Williams | The Flash
Irey West | Impulse
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flashfest · 10 years
FlashFest Bingo word 4: Metabolism
The user has an accelerated metabolism, rendering them resistant to weight gain, illness, injury, and accelerating their healing speed.
May accompany Enhanced Speed.
May accompany Regenerative Healing Factor. May need to eat large amounts of food to maintain their energy May age more rapidly than usual due to the speed of the metabolism. Food can't keep up because the user's body digests faster than the food can settle, leading to starvation.
So we hve our 4th bingo word now! I know that some of you are getting pretty close to bingo so as soon as you post that final ask, send us an ask or submission telling us! If multiple people get a bingo at the same time we'll check post times to see who got it first!
Remember to have your ask box open if you're playing so we can contact you regarding prizes!!
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flashfest · 10 years
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FlashFest Bingo Word #3: Golden Age
Jay Garrick is absolutely my favorite Golden Age hero. He paved the way for Barry and the rest of the flash fam just by being a good person and setting the standards high for everyone else who picked up the Flash mantle. Without Jay, Barry and Wally and Bart (especially Bart) would never have turned out to be the kind, compassionate, and moral people that they are - as I believe all heroes should strive to be. So here are some panels of Jay being an amazing father figure to Bart (god save me from the cute and heart-felt inner monologues), a freaking badass crime-fighter (badass and a pimp apparently), and an adorable dork (that’s not a disguise, Jay! It’s just a coat! You’re not fooling anyone! WE CAN SEE YOUR LITTLE WINGED-BOOTIES!). 
I don’t have many Golden Age comics in my personal collection, but honestly, I prefer Jay when he appears as a mentor in other comics. Like these ones! For reference, all of these panels are from either “Flash: The Return of Barry Allen” or “The Fastest Man Alive.” 
Guys… Max Mercury was Jay’s hero… *dies from flash-fam feels*
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flashfest · 10 years
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Introducing our first villain, Mardon. Enjoy this comic from #TheFlashpremiere, THIS TUESDAY at 8/7c!
Look at this cool Comic page they posted on The Flash Facebook page
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flashfest · 10 years
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FlashFest Bingo Word #2: Future Flash
Here are some panels from one of my favorite arcs from my favorite Future Flash’s series when he was still little! Impulse! I adored this series like no other. It’s very special to me. 
In this series of issues (73-75) Bart (who is already from the future, mind you) meets Future Bart in the future! That’s a lot of future! Plus, he gets to see his mom and his grandparents! What more could you ask for?!
The answer is less heartbreak. I could always ask for less heartbreak from this series…
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flashfest · 10 years
Bingo - AU
as in i was thinking about about flashfest bingo au square and what to do cause i just really like happy things but like my “everything is happy always” au would not count cause not new thought.
then i was like you know what makes me sad?
thad. and his sad life and bad choices and horrible long not childhood.
but if like that could be better and not sad and boom 
thad gets permanently deaged au
which is set after mercury falling and instead of running off thad kinda gives himself to the speedforce and poof
young thad but like before thawne training happened  maybe(like i know thad aged super duper slow but idk how much you can train and mess with someone with the body of like a two year old or something)
the whole thing is just thad getting a happier life and bart getting a brother they can dote on
and also no manipulation, revenge, or death
the end 
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flashfest · 10 years
Flashfest bingo 3: Golden Age
The Golden Age of Comic Books was a period in the history of American comic books, generally thought as lasting from the late 1930s until the late 1940s or early 1950s. During this time, modern comic books were first published and enjoyed a surge of popularity; the archetype of the superhero was created and defined
As far as Flashfam goes, this is technically Jay Garrick's era but your bingo fill doesn't have to focus solely on him! Think about the main themes of the golden age, the cheesiness of the stories, the creation of what a super hero should be like, the making of the myth.
Possible fill ideas could be putting another character in that era, or having a character going through their own "golden age arc" or maybe even just reflecting on how the times have change, have fun with it!
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flashfest · 10 years
Bingo word 2: Future Flash
Second bingo phrase is Future Speedsters! Meaning anyone post Bart that will take up the Legacy canon or otherwise! Remember to tag your entries #FlashFest bingo so we can find them!!
edit: Sorry I had accidentally put the wrong phrase there! It’s fixed now but if you had already started making content to “Future Speedsters” we’ll still accept it since it was a mistake on my part!
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