flatnames-blog · 12 years
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flatnames-blog · 12 years
On Wednesday 24 October I'll be part of a panel presenting and discussing this topic. My talk will be looking at the community of named student flats in Dunedin.
If you'd like a taster, here's a selection of images I'll be showing as part of the presentation which is entitled: a unique community in the north end of Dunedin: 80 years in 10 minutes.
If you're interested in attending - please check out the link above and register.
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flatnames-blog · 12 years
Map of named students flats in Dunedin
This is by no means complete - I need to do a comprehensive update of all my records, but it does link addresses with photos of named flats. Some are still in situ, many have long gone.
View Dunedin Student Flat Names in a larger map
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flatnames-blog · 13 years
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flatnames-blog · 13 years
A house with the leftover carcass of a rotisseried animal lying in its backyard and the hides of bush pigs hanging over a fence is vying for a prize in the Next Top Flat Competition in Dunedin. Source : Radio NZ 28 September 2011  
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flatnames-blog · 13 years
Dir. Brendan Donovan, based on the novel The Lazy Boys by Carl Shuker, feat. "Randolph's Going Home" by Shayne Carter & Peter Jefferies. More at 
http://www.carlshuker.com/lazy_boys.html, http://twitter.com/#!/CarlShuker.
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flatnames-blog · 13 years
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flatnames-blog · 13 years
Great to see a good few named flats in the vid guys!
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flatnames-blog · 13 years
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flatnames-blog · 13 years
“You can be a student anywhere but you can only be a Scarfie in Dunedin” Mark Wilson looks at the prospect of extinction facing this New Zealand cultural icon. 
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flatnames-blog · 13 years
Wahaha and Beehive
Had a great walk around a few of Nth Dunedin, lots of new flat names - especially on Hyde Street, and had the pleasure of chatting with the boys from Wahaha and Beehive - cheers guys, happy Easter.
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flatnames-blog · 14 years
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flatnames-blog · 14 years
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flatnames-blog · 14 years
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flatnames-blog · 14 years
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flatnames-blog · 14 years
Emergency kit #eqnz
On the day of the September 2010 earthquake I spent the day anxiously making up an emergency kit. It lived in the dining room, by the kitchen door, for a month. On 22nd February I grabbed it as we ran from our house through water, silt and sewage. We used a lot of the items over the subsequent days. I thought I'd list the contents, both to refer back to, and as a help to others if needed.
In the house I had a basket in which we kept the following (I'd got into the habit of throwing my camera and wallet in there at the end of each day):
important family documents (including 2 copies of a get thru help sheet and EQC and insurance details and a spare eftpos card)
pad and paper
ziplock bag of chargers (headphones, adapters, phone, camera etc)
wind up torch-radio-charger
first aid kit
In the garage were three other kits.
Plastic Box (20L):
gas stove and cylinders
butane stove and cylinders
radio with batteries and electric cord
analogue ph
power board
ziplock bag of toiletries (deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap)
ziplock bag with sponges and rubber gloves
ziplock bag with candles and matches
fishing line
squirter bottle (to fill with detol solution)
detol/antiseptic (to make up in a bottle to use instead of soap for washing hands)
bleach (to sanitise drinking water)
washing powder for clothes
packets of wipes
laundry soap
large black polythene bags
cups, plates etc
ziplock bag with a sharp knife, scissors, potato peeler, swiss army knife, screwdriver
pack of cards
ziplock bag with pens and pad of paper
soda water and other bottled water
Food Bag:
500ml olive oil
cans of tuna
cans of lentils
cans of tomatoes
cans of peaches
cans of apricots
cans of chickpeas
cans of baked beans 
cans of soup
packets of soup mix
tube of coffee and condensed milk
fruit in a tube
rice crackers/cream crackers
nut bars/muesli bars
sleeping bags
towels and tea towels
fleece tops
bivvy bag
plastic sheeting
Other things I should have had ready and will include when we top up:
change of clothes and shoes
solar shower
a couple of games and books
insulation tape
dehydrated meals
collapsable bucket and an old colander (use for a loo)
face masks
brush and shovel
spare keys for the house
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flatnames-blog · 14 years
A fabulous site, and project by Paul Wernham in Dunedin.
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