flight-highschool · 6 years
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Flight Highschool Chapter 59
And with this we are officially caught up on Flight Highschool!
Anyan hasn’t been updating much but whenever chapter 60 does come out I should be able to release it in a timely manner! Hopefully!
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Anyan’s comments: It’s been a while since my last Flight High School post// This episode is about the aircraft that saw combat during the Falklands war, MiG-23, 27 and the reconnaissance MiG-25. The MiG-23, 27 sisters make a first appearance starting with today’s episode 59. MiG-27’s armament is a trimmed down automatic cannon that was used in a CIWS; it is therefore powerful but the recoil tended to damage the aircraft quite a bit. Landing lights, landing gears, avionics equipment, and even the cockpit instrumentations… and bursts exceeding 30 rounds could also cause cookoff.
MiG-23’s sleepwalking story is about the 1989 Belgium MiG-23 crash. The Soviet pilot thought that the engine had shut down and bailed out of the aircraft; however, the engine was very much alive and the now unmanned aircraft flew over Poland, East Germany, and flew westward. The surprised USAF stationed in West Germany scrambled F-15s to intercept the aircraft, but found, to their surprise, an empty MiG with its pilot’s seat ejected… and it finally ends up crashing in Belgium.
The last 4 panels are about the MiG-25 who got obsessed with taking photos. When U-2 is caught taking creepshots, she seems to have a long standing habit of repeating her cover story that she was merely interested in the weather.
Translation of https://blog.naver.com/jk100687/220732685585
Translation: Hacchan
Typesetting: Me
Editor: KanaHanaKatana
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flight-highschool · 6 years
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Flight Highschool Chapter 58
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even more
Anyan’s comments:
#1 If you take a look at some video shots of the A-10 firing its GAU-8 cannon, it looks as if she is smoking :D. #2 SR-71’s airframe is constructed with titanium, and a significant portion of the MiG-31 is also fabricated using Titanium. Ironically, a lot of the titanium was covertly purchased from the Soviet Union at the time. #3,4 X-43 is a NASA experimental aircraft, which mounted a scramjet and could fly at airspeeds up to Mach 9.6.  The mission profile consists of being “launched” from BALL8 (B-52) with a Pegasus booster rocket motor. ADM-20 is a decoy drone that is also launched from the B-52, which could confuse enemy missiles.
Translation of https://blog.naver.com/jk100687/220738857775
Translation: Hacchan
Typesetting: Me
Editor: KanaHanaKatana
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flight-highschool · 6 years
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Flight Highschool Chapter 57
Still alive, buddy?
Hey it’s been a while and I have received many messages asking for updates. Sorry for not responding, but don’t worry my translator was able to send me stuff some weeks ago so here we are!
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Anyan’s comments: This is chapter 57 after a very long hiatus. Other than the appearance of X-47B, all aircraft are British in this chapter. Taranis and the V-bombers make their first appearance. Unlike the Vulcan which fulfilled a “fully featured” bomber role with its special operations in the Falklands war, Victor served in the war as an aerial refueler, and the shtick is the portrayal of her cute inferiority complex… How do you like it? And it does seem like Vulcan is the most well known out of the V-bombers. Just like the Valiant, after the end of their useful lifespan, bombers tend to be adapted into aerial refuelers.
Translation of https://blog.naver.com/jk100687/220732685585
Translation: Hacchan
Typesetting: Me
Editor: KanaHanaKatana
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flight-highschool · 7 years
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Flight Highschool Chapter 54
Anyans notes:
Anyan’s comments: These episodes have been reported in recent news or are just self explanatory.
Translation of http://blog.naver.com/jk100687/220444399707
Translation: Hacchan
Typesetting: Me
Some guy: Yorty
also I dont resize this stuff for tumblr as its just the same size as the manga reading sites and what not but if people care because its blurry on the dashboard Ill try some resizing things. maybe.
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flight-highschool · 8 years
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Flight Highschool Chapter 53
(it’s actually over now though.)
Anyans notes:
The A-10 can be transported with the C-5. It is stored inside with the wings detached.
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The simulated OPFOR for the F-14 and F/A-18 was sometimes done with the F-16N (the F-16C block 30 with the General Electric F110-GE-100 engine). During the mid 80s the nimble F-16 served effectively, though after the 90s the aircraft became quite decrepit and had to hand over the position back to the F-5.
#3 It’s not as much as back in the Cold War, and maybe it’s thanks to being the sister of the Mirage, the Rafale seems to be making a lot of revenue from the “old” third world country, hahaha
These Sea Harrier is famous for demonstrating its capabilities during the Falklands War against the Argentine Mirage III. The iconic Avro Vulcan bomber also was demonstrated, being continuously refueled from the British Isles to the Falklands to bomb Argentine runways.
#4 This time around Kawasaki Heavy Industries’ anti-submarine warfare aircraft P-1 was in the British airshow RIAT (unusual for a Japanese military aircraft, it is being made with foreign sales in mind. The ShinMaywa US-2 was also being discussed for foreign sales… though that was marketed more heavily on civilian tasks like life rescue and forest firefighting, so the direction seems a little different).
It also went to Djibouti for tropical climate testing, according to news.
I am curious about the pricing.
Translation of http://blog.naver.com/jk100687/220434426241
Translation: Hacchan
Typesetting: Me
Certified Life Coach: Yorty
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flight-highschool · 8 years
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Flight Highschool Chapter 52
I am still alive guys I swear.
Anyans notes:
The original meaning of ‘Foo Fighter’ isn’t the name of a rock band but rather a name given to unidentified flying objects in the Pacific and the Atlantic by USAF fighters during WWII. There were quite a bit of reports of unidentified flying objects by allied pilots, and some of them were reported as some secret weapon of the Axis or some sort of floating fireball in the sky, or even that the objects chased aircraft around. (even today, there are conspiracy theories claiming that they are Haunebu IIs that the Nazis made… probably in half-jest) According to the pilot’s recollections, these UFOs would fly very fast, and emit light like Christmas tree lights. The fear of Foo Fighters were at one point so great that some pilots refused to take off.
The Battle of Los Angeles was an infamous UFO incident, in which unidentified aircraft allegedly appeared, to which the armed forces activated air raid alerts and caused a huge ruckus (it’s labelled as a “battle”, but there was no actual battle, though deaths were present). This incident caught the attention of ufologists as an urban legend, and was even made into a movie starring the present day LA as its setting where the Marines destroy some aliens, though I forget the name. In the newspaper article for the Battle of Los Angeles shows a picture of some objects in the sky seemingly emitting bright light, so you might think “maybe this really is aliens!?” but it’s actually the Los Angeles Times’ photo manipulation to make it more dramatic.
The F-117 and the B-2 doesn’t seem like aircraft at all to the mere everyman, so are sometimes mistaken for a spaceship or even an UFO quite often. The infamous Area 51 was also the test site for the F-117 and since it often took off at night in secrecy, it’s not surprising that people mistook them for UFOs.
Translation of http://blog.naver.com/jk100687/220427066612
Translation: Hacchan
Typesetting: Me
Emotional Support: Yorty
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flight-highschool · 8 years
New chapters are being translated
Can be found here: https://kirbyeggs.tumblr.com/
Archive here: https://kirbyeggs.tumblr.com/tagged/flight-highschool
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flight-highschool · 10 years
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by anyan
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flight-highschool · 10 years
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by anyan
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flight-highschool · 10 years
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by anyan
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flight-highschool · 10 years
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by anyan
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flight-highschool · 10 years
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On December 27 and 28, anyan will be selling a Flight Highschool book at Comic World in Seoul.
Inside are all the Flight Highschool strips up to now, 26 all new comic strips exclusive to the book, 10+ pages of production notes, and a special card unique to Comic World 2014.
All the chapters before the series adopted the 4koma format have also been redrawn. This includes the original run of 4komas from before FHS became a web series, and the special full page comics after that.
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Currently, the only way to buy the book is to buy it in person at Comic World. If you're attending and are interesting in buying, anyan has a survey on his blog to help him get an estimate on how many people are interested.
Although there are no plans for international sale right now, once Comic World is over he's told me he will look into the possibility of online sales.
If you have any questions you can ask the artist directly through Twitter. I'll also be temporarily opening the ask box on this blog and will be answering any questions to the best of my ability.
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flight-highschool · 10 years
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by anyan
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flight-highschool · 10 years
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My Little Sister Can’t Be This Pro-Western
by anyan
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flight-highschool · 10 years
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Artist: anyan
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flight-highschool · 10 years
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Artist: anyan
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flight-highschool · 10 years
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by anyan
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