flight-rising-oct · 7 years
I thought long and hard about this, but I think it’s best to cancel this.
I apologize to everyone who was enjoying this, but I just don’t think this was the right sort of project to host on tumblr, nor was I the right person to host it.
I enjoyed reading everyone’s entries, and I loved seeing everyone’s characters, and I’m happy for how long this managed to last, and I just want to say thank you to everyone who participated, thank you to my other two judges @toonetta and @clan-stjerneklart, and thank you to whoever else have been paying attention to this.
I will still be giving out prizes to the last four participants and will PM them the details. 
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
“O”CT pt2
@scalymusings‘ Chalice vs Mike
Blackness crept up on Mike.
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
Vines and Viciousness
FR OCT Round 2
my Chalice VS @nezclaw‘s Mike
And in a blink, Chalice was somewhere else once again. Gentle, dim light filtered down, obscured greatly by a thick green canopy. The trees around Chalice were tall and thick, old as ages and covered in teeming life of all kind. Large, thick vines tangled together, forming jagged but clear walls.
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
Round 2 will be extended to November 10th
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
Round Two
The Sunbeam Ruins fade away. Trees sprout from where the ruins were and vines interlock together, creating walls of growth. The sunlight from before is blocked out by the giant branches above. Each dragon is completely alone and in the dark.
A voice rings through the eerie forest. The same voice from previously. The same voice of the thief.
“Well, well, well. Wasn’t that entertaining? What was once eight has downsized to four. And where were once Ruins is now a Labyrinth. Welcome to the Gladekeeper’s domain. I’ve spread each of you throughout the maze. It’s your job to find your opponent and make your way to the center of the maze. If you don’t make it, you will be lost to the Labyrinth forever. If you make it, I’ll let you see your precious item again, just for a moment,” The creature laughs “Now there are rules. First of all no flying. If you fly you become the maze’s prey. Also if you try to force your way through the walls, the vines will trap you there forever. Oh and by the way, watch out for my little ‘friends’“ 
For a moment Manus’s face could be seen and it fades away as he laughs.
“Let the game begin!”
Round Two Start
This round takes place in the Viridian Labyrinth. Your dragons are trapped in a maze made out of vines and trees.
Your dragons have two goals, to defeat their opponent AND make it to the center of the maze. Once in the center they’re allowed to see what’s been stolen, but they cannot touch it.
Your dragons cannot fly over the maze or try to force themselves through the walls or else the vines will attack them.
There are also Shadelings lurking in the maze. What their names are and what they look like is up to you. They’re also optional so don’t worry about including them.
Losers of the previous round are welcome to write spectator entries. Spectator entries can follow up how your dragon feels after their defeat and they may explore the Labyrinth too. But they can’t advance further into the rounds and cannot gain their stolen item back (At this time).
Also if your dragon befriended someone else’s dragon previously they may join in this round. So for Clan-Dark-Woods and aftershockfr, since your dragons joined up together they can help each other in this round, but they will both start off separated from one another.
Everyone has until October 2nd to complete their rounds, but you may send an ask or private message if more time is needed.
To submit your rounds tag this blog or use the submit box.
The match ups are:
@scalymusings‘ Chalice Vs @nezclaw‘s Mike
Nodus Tollens
@clan-dark-woods‘s Wanderer Vs @pyrouge-fr‘s Aspen
And thank you to @clanvinculum, @ashpinewidow, @aftershockfr, and @hyracia for joining!
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
Round Two
The Sunbeam Ruins fade away. Trees sprout from where the ruins were and vines interlock together, creating walls of growth. The sunlight from before is blocked out by the giant branches above. Each dragon is completely alone and in the dark.
A voice rings through the eerie forest. The same voice from previously. The same voice of the thief.
“Well, well, well. Wasn’t that entertaining? What was once eight has downsized to four. And where were once Ruins is now a Labyrinth. Welcome to the Gladekeeper’s domain. I’ve spread each of you throughout the maze. It’s your job to find your opponent and make your way to the center of the maze. If you don’t make it, you will be lost to the Labyrinth forever. If you make it, I’ll let you see your precious item again, just for a moment,” The creature laughs “Now there are rules. First of all no flying. If you fly you become the maze’s prey. Also if you try to force your way through the walls, the vines will trap you there forever. Oh and by the way, watch out for my little ‘friends’“ 
For a moment Manus’s face could be seen and it fades away as he laughs.
“Let the game begin!”
Round Two Start
This round takes place in the Viridian Labyrinth. Your dragons are trapped in a maze made out of vines and trees.
Your dragons have two goals, to defeat their opponent AND make it to the center of the maze. Once in the center they’re allowed to see what’s been stolen, but they cannot touch it.
Your dragons cannot fly over the maze or try to force themselves through the walls or else the vines will attack them.
There are also Shadelings lurking in the maze. What their names are and what they look like is up to you. They’re also optional so don’t worry about including them.
Losers of the previous round are welcome to write spectator entries. Spectator entries can follow up how your dragon feels after their defeat and they may explore the Labyrinth too. But they can’t advance further into the rounds and cannot gain their stolen item back (At this time).
Also if your dragon befriended someone else’s dragon previously they may join in this round. So for Clan-Dark-Woods and aftershockfr, since your dragons joined up together they can help each other in this round, but they will both start off separated from one another.
Everyone has until October 2nd to complete their rounds, but you may send an ask or private message if more time is needed.
To submit your rounds tag this blog or use the submit box.
The match ups are:
@scalymusings‘ Chalice Vs @nezclaw‘s Mike
Nodus Tollens
@clan-dark-woods‘s Wanderer Vs @pyrouge-fr‘s Aspen
And thank you to @clanvinculum, @ashpinewidow, @aftershockfr, and @hyracia for joining!
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
Battle 1: Missing Pieces
@flight-rising-oct (I apologize in advance for how long this took. Some life issues with my grandparent’s came up that were beyond my control, and the original version of this was lost so I had to start over. By the way- Morgan’s reference sheet has been marked as NSFW by Tumblr.)
My Aspen versus @Clanvinculum‘s Morgan
Aspen had been tracking his stolen pearl for weeks now, and he was not happy about where that trail led him. Not happy at all.
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
Maybe this wouldn’t be terrible.
The Sunbeam Ruins, for all their horrors and strange beings, were beautiful in the daylight. It was broken and dusty, but it was serene. 
Alt moved slowly across the torn up ground. The directions had said to come here to find the staff, and it should’ve been easily visible in the pale yellow soil. Perhaps they had buried it, or otherwise hidden it under the rubble, she thought, gently lifting a slab. 
The shadowed creature had mentioned something about fighting, though Alt wasn’t too sure what exactly she was meant to attack in the empty area. A couple of bugs skittered out from under a stone she removed with a sigh, but they were surely not the opponents she needed to face.
And then she was on the ground, twisting in the dust. The mass that had catapulted into her side was a smaller creature, a much smaller creature. Alt lunged upward again; she had fought monsters like this before, the slender and quick type, and she attempted to pin it under her claws. 
Him, she corrected in her mind.
This was definitely a dragon. 
The green imperial had backed away from her warily as she stood, changing his posture from the overtly aggressive stiffness to something softer. A tactic, she knew, to get to guard down -
“I’m sorry, really sorry,” he interrupted, explain that, no, really, he was just here to find some sort of bag. 
She scoffed at first, his weak words and clearly weak body. 
But she had no desire to fight, either.
Wanderer, as she learned he was called, would offer her access to land, and to meet a powerful individual. Alt tried to rationalize it in her mind, Fitz would love the chance to see much unknown territory, and to be introduced to a new potential ally? 
She was doing this for Fitz, she told herself. 
The end result was good, Alt decided as the hours passed in their conversation. She would have her lost item back, eventually, and there would be no new blood on the ruins. This strange little dragon would have a chance to get his precious bag, and perhaps they would both get what they desired.
Alt announced her yield to whatever was listening, and sat down next to the imperial to wait. 
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
That’s fine! Thanks for letting us know!
@flight-rising-oct Went to check my first round submission and … I think Tumblr ate it? I put it up about a week ago, but I guess that’s mobile for you haha. Anyway, I should be able to get it up in 2-3 days, is that alright?
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
‘O’CT Round 1
Mike lunged at the shadowy creature, determined to grab it and make it tell him what it had done with Micky, only as he did so he found a creeping fog obscuring his senses. The last thing he heard was the being’s maniacal cackling before he blacked out.
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
That's fine! Thanks for letting us know
@flight-rising-oct. I’ll have my part soon. My week has been exhausting and I sort of forgot about it, I’m sorry.
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
Illuminated Landscape, Uncertain Paths
FR OCT Round 1
my‘ Chalice VS @hyracia‘s Sparrow
And suddenly, Chalice was in a well-lit area. Brushes of grass dotted the stony landscape, marked now and then with pieces of ruined buildings. The light from the sun seemed especially bright. As if adapting to the area, the Skydancer’s wings took the slight form of feathers, and his cracks glowed a brighter white-yellow.
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
@flight-rising-oct here it is!
ENDING CONDITION SPARROW: bruises on ankles, small puncture wounds in right arm
ENDING CONDITION CHALICE: maybe some small bruises
Sparrow grits her teeth as the voice of the accursed Shade-creature responsible for kidnapping her daughter rings out through the sunny area. She bears no ill-will towards any of the dragons standing around her, but she’s not about to lose. Her child… for a moment her thoughts turn toward the tiny hatchling, no doubt terrified. Her shoulders tighten. She turns to look at the person nearest to her- black and gold, taller than her and lean as a whip. Their eyes meet, and she jerks her head in the direction of a smaller clearing just visible off to one side of the circle.
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
What do I get?
                The Sunbeam Ruins.
                Of course. 
                In all of his wandering he had yet to go to the Sunbeam Ruins, but that strange creature had directed him there to find his pack.  His clan had been less than impressed and Rogue’s chastising words still flittered through Wanderer’s mind: This is stupid!  We can get you a new bag!
                 The imperial puffed out a sigh as he stepped over the broken remains of a wall, picking his way through the ruins carefully.  The ruins were fascinating in a way, littered about and covered by many centuries of dirt and dust, but he hardly spared them a glance.  He only cared about them in knowing where to step; cutting his paw open on a jagged rock was the last thing he had to do when he was supposed to find his opponent.
                Yet this was a strange land, untainted and light filled, and Wanderer found himself starting to move aimlessly.  He searched the ruins that were so very different than his own home, searching for the dragon he was supposed to find, but his feet took him around of their own free will and they carried him over the land until the light grew dim and shadows lengthened.
                This felt better.
                More like home.
                Wanderer shook out the fur down his spine and he settled down among the darkened structures, lowering his head as he rested for that evening.  He was more comfortable here and there was some hope that he would find the other dragon here.
                Rock skittered across the ruin strewn earth, pricking his ears and opening his eyes into the night that had fallen about.  The sound of claws was quick to follow and a smile flickered over Wanderer’s face as he put his paws beneath him to push forward should the other dragon come closer.  It took all of his effort and remembered trainings to stay still before the large form appeared before him and he pushed himself forward to drive himself into the heavier guardian.
                A grunt escaped the imperial as he met the massive mass, but he twisted himself about in what would have been a graceful move had it not ended with him sliding out across the rubble.  He wasn’t a warrior, never had been.
                The guardian growled and whirled about, easily shoving over the imperial who was quickly realizing his mistake at even thinking about taking on such a beast.  She was heavier than him and far more formidable.  Her eyes were tired, so very tired, but held that searching look.
                Both of them were looking for something they had lost.
                “Wait, wait,” Wanderer panted out as he stepped backwards quickly, tail swishing as he stared down at her.   She was exhausted, just as he was though he held less of a bone-crushing exhaustion in his limbs, and he had no desire to fight a dragon that was exhausted though he would rather not fight at all though this move he had made seemed to show otherwise.  Always make a show.  That was what One said. 
                But it didn’t work here.
                “I’m sorry…really sorry…I don’t know what I was thinking.  I don’t want a fight,” the imperial was quick to apologize, lowering his head to make himself less threatening.
                “Then what do you want?” 
                “My bag.”  It was the only thing he wanted.  If he could have it back if he won.  He could take it home and show Rogue he wasn’t a fool for this mission over a bag.  
                The guardian scoffed. “What do I get in return?”
                Wanderer’s tail flicked before he smiled. “Anything you want.”
                The conversation drug on until the sun peaked over the horizon, but an agreement had been made.  He would be considered a victor of this fight to retrieve his stolen bag, but Altschmerz would have access to his clan’s lands and she would be given the chance to meet with his clan’s leader in the hopes of finding what she had lost as well.  Manus was a cruel beast to take her charge and it tugged at Wanderer’s heart, but there was more hope in finding a charge than in a side pack that could be mistaken for anything else.
                “Your charge, what do you think would be best to find them?”  Wanderer asked as he rose up and shook off the dirt that clung to his body. “I can send word ahead to Rogue and we can retrieve your charge once my pack is mind again.”  He was more excited than he could imagine at the prospect of having it slung around him once more.  Being indebted to Alt was a small price to pay for this victory.
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
We’ve finalized the prizes!
The winner of the tournament will have the choice between choosing a prismatic token and a full body dragon drawn by myself (seekingdragons). The second place winner will get whatever prize the winner didn’t choose and the third and forth place winners will both get nocturne eggs.
It’s possible more prizes will be added later
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
Noted! Thank you for telling us
Round One
Eight dragons.
Eight items stolen.
Items that share something in common.
To the owners, these items are what’s most precious to them.
And they will remain stolen, until they are earned back.
The eight dragons find themselves within a clearing. Surrounding them are marble ruins, pine trees, and a sun that bathes them in warmth. All the telltale signs of the Sunbeam Ruins.
A voice rings out to each one.
“I’m so glad everyone could make it! This’ll be so much fun! Your items certainly are interesting too… I’m almost tempted to keep them all! But, as a Shadeling of my word I WILL return your item, if you win my little game. I just have one rule: Don’t be boring. You’re my entertainment! Now, have fun!”
Round One Start
This round takes place in the Sunbeam Ruins. Where in the Sunbeam Ruins is for you to choose. Each round will take place in a different flight.
Everyone has until July 20th to complete their first round. Although send an ask of IM if more time is needed.
To submit your rounds tag this blog or use the submit box.
The match ups are:
Battle of the Giants
 @clan-dark-woods‘ Wanderer VS @aftershockfr‘s Altschmerz
Missing Pieces
 @clanvinculum‘s Morgan VS @pyrouge-fr‘s Aspen
Void and Vines
 @scalymusings‘ Chalice VS @hyracia‘s Sparrow
@nezclaw‘s Mike VS @ashpinewidow‘s Ofiara
Good luck to everyone!
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flight-rising-oct · 7 years
@hyracia I’m so excited to get things started! Quick question: can we ask the owner of the dragon we're facing off against specific questions about their character's personality/how they'd respond to certain things?
Of course!
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