flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
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“C’mon, I’m fine! Got more than enough. I just wanted them to have a home.” Skylar grins. 
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"Are you sure you wouldn’t like anything in return?" He leaned in and smiled charmingly.
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
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“Being a good owner and giving my babies a loving home.” She gives him a sheepish grin. “There’s no charge. Like I said, if they don’t get an owner they’ll be left to their own devices.”
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"I would like two hellhounds, what would you like in exchange?" Bastien eyed her curiously.
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
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“Got two hound pups who haven’t been claimed for when they’re grown. Wanted to find them an owner, otherwise they’re just gonna turn them loose in Hell.” She shrugs. “Seem like a thing that would interest you?”
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"Ask away." He lit another cigeratte and glanced over at her.
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
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“Girls from down below.” She gives a shrug of her shoulders. “Wouldn’t call it help, but I did have a question for you.”
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"Girls like you? What do you mean? I help everyone." His smirk melted into a smile.
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
[[i’m going to make a valiant effort to go to bed at one instead of two
goodnight all sleep tight]]
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
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“ ‘s an awfully big smirk there.” But she can’t help but smile herself. “Dunno, what can you do? Didn’t think you did much for girls like me.”
flightlxssblackbirds started following you
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"What can I do for you love?" He smirked wickedly and nodded to her.
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
“I’m sorry if I got her all riled up! I probably reek of other hounds.” She holds a hand out to the dog to allow her to sniff and pick up whatever scents were on her, though doesn’t seem to be any kind of fearful about what damage a hellhound could do if she’d decided to bite her. “I’m sorry, this is so rude of me! I take care of the other babies like her... downstairs. Haven’t gotten a chance to shower since coming back up!” Skylar gives a sheepish grin.
[Lamia kneels down beside Missy, one hand on her back and the other at her chest and tries to calm her down.] Whatcha doin’, eh? Barkin’ at strangers, you’re too old for that nonsense now, ain’tcha, old girl? [Though the hound is almost as old as she is, she still can’t help but baby her oldest friend and she’s somewhat distracted even when she hears the other woman speak. Ruffling the hounds ears, she lifts her head and furrows her brows slightly until she realises what she’s talking about.]
Oh! Yeah, she’s a right baby, this one. [She keeps her hands on the hound, trying to keep her still while she fusses and occasionally tries to step towards the woman. Lamia pauses, holding Missy’s face in her hands and beams at her.] And a gorgeous girl, ain’tcha?
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
“I’ve only been at it for a little bit, but it varies. There’s different breeds of ‘em like there are different breeds of dogs on earth. But the hounds? God, the hounds are adorable.” If adorable can also include having large, sharp teeth and various other hellhound traits fresh out of the womb. “This little guy’s actually ‘bout the size of a house cat. He’s the runt though, the rest of this litter is way bigger. His breed grow up to be pretty big. But even when they’re full grown, they can be big babies.” Skylar grins. 
“Oh, sure, I understand. Hopefully this will work just fine for a push. Probably just being away from his littermates for a bit will help too, sometimes they can kind of push the runt out. I mean, so I’ve heard.” She gives Skylar a lopsided grin. “I’ve never raised them or anything, but my girlfriend has a hellhound and she’s told me a lot about them.” A private little smile plays on her lips for a second at the mention of Lamia, and she turns back to the gathered supplies, bringing a hand to her lips and brushing her fingers over them for a brief second before she drops her hand and starts opening the bottles and pouring ingredients into a small stone bowl. She glances back up at Skylar as she works and smiles again, unable to help her curiosity. “I’ve never seen a hellhound pup in person…how big are they? Have you raised a lot of them?”
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
“I’ll remember that.” She gives him a lopsided grin. “What’s a guy gotta do to land himself with a name like that, huh?” Her head tilts to one side as she waits for an answer. He’s either a force to be reckoned with or a little full of himself, in her eyes. 
"Oh shit. I didn’t mean to trip you I swear, I’m sorry."
He catches himself. In this crowd … “Not your fault.” The response is automatic. It doesn’t mean he’s any less annoyed. “Would it have been too difficult to look where you were going?”
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
The demon perks up as he smiles and shakes her hand. At least he wasn’t swearing, or anything.“Name’s Skylar, by the way. Figure it’s only fair to introduce myself, since i already tripped you.” 
"Oh shit. I didn’t mean to trip you I swear, I’m sorry."
He catches himself. In this crowd … “Not your fault.” The response is automatic. It doesn’t mean he’s any less annoyed. “Would it have been too difficult to look where you were going?”
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
“Skylar. Hey, no worries. I’ve been worried sick about the little guy for days now. The rest of his litter are starting to get too big, so I took him home so he wouldn’t get hurt.” She gives a small grin. It was her hope that just regular feedings would help the little guy get up to speed and he can be taken back to the rest of his kind, but should he falter in the slightest it likely wouldn’t end well for him against the rest of his litter. So here she is, turning to magic and other witchery to work things out. It’s all a little new to her, but she’s just the slightest bit desperate. 
“I wanna see how the food works out before trying any kind of spell. He’s growing, albeit slowly, I think he just needs a little bit of a push, y’know?”
Alice nods as she talks, her eyes going soft at the girl’s explanation. She’s always had a weakness when it comes to animals, and even the creatures of Hell are no exception. She glances carefully across the shop at the woman who’d come in a few minutes ago, making sure she’s not paying attention to them, and lowers her voice too even though the customer appears to be completely absorbed in looking through the crystals. “Oh, poor little thing. Yeah, I can definitely help with that.” Her eyebrows furrow in thought for a moment and she turns to her wall of herbs and potions in consideration. “Hmm…I think a decoction of gentian with comfrey and milk thistle, that way you can mix it into his food or water. It should stimulate his appetite and perk him up a little.” She starts plucking stoppered bottles off the shelves. “There’s also…” her voice trails off as she turns around, keeping an eye out for the other customer, but she’s already heading for the door.
"Bye, ma’am! Have a good day!" Alice calls with a wave that turns into a small twist of her fingers when the door swings shut again, flipping the lock with magic so they won’t be bothered. She turns back to the girl and raises her eyebrows with a small grin. "Okay, there we go. Anyway, I can also work up a little vitality spell for him too. Oh, and I’m Alice." She shakes her head a little, laughing at herself. "Sorry, I hear ‘hellhound pup in need’ and lose all my manners, apparently."
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
Skylar stops in her tracks upon seeing the hound, a big silly grin on her face. No doubt she smelled strongly of other hounds, and of Hell in general. Upon noticing the owner’s confusion at her hound’s reaction, Skylar steps towards her and offers a wave. “Hi! What a beautiful baby you have here.”
It didn’t matter if they were fully grown or not, all hounds are babies to her. 
[She’s walking down the street alongside Missy when the hellhound suddenly perks up more so than usual, making a small, almost bark at the woman and practically bouncing closer to her, not quite approaching her but obviously delighted and playful, though it throws Lamia for the loop considering she never has her companion leashed and relies solely on Missy loyally walking beside her.]
Oi, oi, oi! Settle, petal, leave it.
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
“No harm done. ‘s all good.” Her smile remains, an attempt to be reassuring. Skylar holds out a hand to him. “Should we call a truce? Shake on it? Promise I’m not gonna trip you anymore.”
"Oh shit. I didn’t mean to trip you I swear, I’m sorry."
He catches himself. In this crowd … “Not your fault.” The response is automatic. It doesn’t mean he’s any less annoyed. “Would it have been too difficult to look where you were going?”
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flightlxssblackbirds · 10 years
“Here’s hoping, then.” She smirks. “I take that as you’ve already got one of the big fancy houses? Lucky lucky.”
“Maybe we’ll be neighbours,” he laughed, “if you swing that.”
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